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Guarding clone only strains

OG bub

ICMag Donor
stashsecrets, Im not riding you OR disagreeing.. just wondering how yer point of "F1's only" have anything to do with "elite" clone lines..

thanks, bub.


If you truly want to contribute to the pool, then you should actually go to the respective countries where cannabis originates and collect some fresh stock yourself and proceed to inbreed those strains for qualities, vigor and potency.

What's said above is easier said than done. It is simple to work off of someone else's line, such as Sensi, WHICH MANY SEED COMPANIES DO AND HAVE BEEN DOING SO FOR A WHILE. And it is proven that Sensi itself works off of the work of certain individuals, and those individuals worked off of the hard work of hippies who went to places like India and Pakistan.

I originate from the Indian Sub-continent myself and let me tell you that the original landrace varaties I've smoked there were decent and left me mellow. It wasn't anything like indoor grown strains that we encounter in the western world. The thing is that those plants certain have potential and can be developed, we just need people with knowledge to get a hold of those genes so they can be worked and developed into the pot of tommorow.

It is really simple as that, but complicated.

Hope this puts stuff into perspective! 'Elites' are just lucky phenos that some grower got and basically overhyped the crap out of.

For example the original sour diesel goes for $500 a zip in NYC, no joke. It is fucking good herb, and to tell you the truth the original ECSD looks a little different from Rez's version, although Rez's version hold its own. But let me tell you something! I've smoked Nirvana that was almost as good as the $80 for an 1/8 ECSD I bought from Washington Heights. Ain't that a bitch?
OG bub said:
stashsecrets, Im not riding you OR disagreeing.. just wondering how yer point of "F1's only" have anything to do with "elite" clone lines..

thanks, bub.

Good question bro, I'll blame it on Mary! :yoinks:




i get confused over all the terms

is there somewhere (perhaps a forum post in the archives) that these terms are spelled out:





etc etc?

i have a copy of marijuana botany somewhere, but i just need a short version to remind me




bILLy WoNkA said:
i get confused over all the terms

is there somewhere (perhaps a forum post in the archives) that these terms are spelled out:





etc etc?

i have a copy of marijuana botany somewhere, but i just need a short version to remind me



It is simple.

F1 is the first generation of some respective crossed, let's use white russian as an example. White Russian is an F1 hybrid of AK-47 and an White Widow male. It is the first generation of that cross. To simply recross a male and female of this same pool and their off spring would be called F-2, for second generation and the same on etc.

S1 is basically seeds from a hermie. Pretty much similar to a second generation except it is from a hermie plant that has both pollen sacs and pistils, so it ends up pollinating itself and thrus mixing its own pool with its respective dominant and ressive genes.

I recommend looking up Gregor Mendel in wikipedia and his work on punnet squares and dominant and recessive genes. It will help you to not only understand the above terms better, but basic breeding for all living organisms.


thanks man!

but how about 'ibl'?

also... i read all this stuff, just too much to remember, gets confusing sometimes... im def not a breeder, justa grower... i have crossed plants before, but not with purpose or knowledge
I apologize for my part in being sort of off topic. lol At least we are in the breeding forum lol.

The evolution of the “clone only’s” right?

By reading the def of F1 hybrid you now understand why it is so important to the evolution of cannabis that ibls be used to create new unique genes and new “clone only’s”. They can only become elite by sharing them and giving cuts away.

F1 hybrids hold every flavor of the spectrum. The fun part is the hunt. The hunt is always the fun part, trying to find "the one".

There is always a new “one” being born. It happens all the time, and is a beautiful thing that should be shared. If we share then it sets vibrations loose that the gods respond to. The fact that people do bad things with gifts is irrelevant because it is their free will to respect our wishes or not. :ying: We always get what we give. The proportions are always equal.

Damn I'm baked. Smoking some NL and I'm enjoying it as always. NL's is one of the all time best strains.

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Fat Albert

Active member
Here's what I'm wondering about all of this clone trading.

It seems like certain crosses held by growers are nowhere near their actual mother. We're talking 5th or 6th generation clones, if that. Are we seeing (or supposed to see) massive generational loss of potency and vigor? Some people view re-vegging with a jaundiced eye, claiming that it reduces potency....shouldn't an 8th-generation clone exhibit the same decrease?

Fat A :wave:
Yeah I want to know too ive seen lots of growers chose sides on this issue, some claim genetic drift is bs and doesnt exist, others swear its real, so i dunno personally ive never kept a clone around long enough to know, but i do think putting a clone in bonsai form causes significant changes to the vigor of the clone


I agree with all the points everyone has made but what about clone only strains? Take the Rene that I have, everyone wants it, I've had dozens of PM's about it and I only started a thread about it 2 days ago. It's not like I keep it guarded because of the money, I'm not a commercial grower. Rene will always be a 'guarded' strain because there are no seeds for it. If you are able to produce seeds then they should be shared with the world simply for the sake of ensuring the strain is never lost. I have shared Rene with the growers I know to make sure that it isn't lost to myself at least but beyond that, it will never be available to the masses, plain and simple. So does this classify as a guarded strain or is simply unattainable?


Basement Garden Gnome
SmokeRings said:
Well for starters lets wonder why the mods dont allow seed trading/sharing here.. because it has to do with the same issues... and what is the answer? M-O-N-E-Y. Even those who are running cannabis forums like this are trying to stop us from sharing, what makes you think dealers who are turning a pretty penny or the cops are going to be any more complacent? I agree in a perfect world if everyone knew how to share there would be no problems whatsoever. But the real world doesnt work that way, and cleansing the human race of things like greed isnt going to happen any time soon

Here's the reason.
We did have a whole thread dedicated to trading clones here at ICmag.
People listed what they had and what they wanted. It turned into the biggest cluster fuck I've ever seen. It didn't work with 2500 members, what would happen with 15,000?
So it's not money.. members where asking for it to be shut down and stoped.. not Gypsy.


all messed up

Overgrow refugee
SmokeRings said:
Yeah I want to know too ive seen lots of growers chose sides on this issue, some claim genetic drift is bs and doesnt exist, others swear its real,

Some seedless grapes from Iran are 5,000 years old, some seedless citrus from China are nearly as old. You can't grow seedless stuff from seeds, you need a cutting of a sterile branch from an otherwise healthy, normal grapevine or citrus. These plants have been done this long with no problemss. The only genetic problems come from virus' spread by insects.

I have a plant I've cloned for ten years and it still blows doors on anything in the garden.


Sleeping Dragon
ya i say allot of breeders are greedy.. >
I dont care for many breeders for that reason.
they need to learn to share..


scrappy420 said:
I have a plant I've cloned for ten years and it still blows doors on anything in the garden.

i agree completely, weve been running the same clone of a clone for 3+ years with no degrade, my buddy had it 2 yrs before i started with it.. no degrade we ever found.


Active member
well since we are on the subject....do you think your better off keeping a mother and keep taking clones off her or keep taking clones of clones....or either way it doesn't matter because it's the same plant and nothing is lost?

all messed up

Overgrow refugee
Clones from clones keeps the risk of bugs down. I don't mother plants for more than 4-5 months at the very most. When mothers become woody, the clones become subsequently smaller. Nothing makes me happier than freeing a large, wide mother to flower her heart out. The plant actually seems happy to finally flower.


Active member
yeah it's a good way to reduce the risk of pests and disease, not to mention the nice yield you get from a bushed out mom....thats what i do for my outdoor crops....clone off the moms for a couple months then put them out when i'm done...they always yield big.

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