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GS Cookie Grow Along○○


God damn this site is super faulty lately. But LOL those are actually green LEDS wired to a switch for nighttime work, spraying etc. They're ran all around the room and light the room up pretty well at night, alot better than just sticking a couple lightbulbs in the socket.

irobot sd

Dam I was just reading through the old 10k 10gal coco thread last night. This GS grow is looking fresh with all those stretchers filling up the trays. Will be nice to see how this grow comes along as well. Good luck with steaking, or trellis, or whatever route spreads & supports.

avant gardener

Cant use a trellis in this situation, i have trays on either side of these trays, full of plants....

just a thought...



Active member
Hey Krunch, just do as I do outdoors. Take string and tie it to the tops of your plants. Then pull that string tight at an angle away from the lights and tie it up. That will cause your plants to bend away from the light, letting more light penetrate. Supper cropping is cool and all, but you never have to break any stems causing stress in flower.

I can keep my plants outdoors that would easily be over 8ft tall under 6 foot with this method. I pull the strings off tomato cages, but I am sure you could tie to your trays or something.


I love my life
BiOhazard, I have experimented with this a few times with different strains and I have noticed that plants with hollow stems didn't seem to like super cropping. The plants with more solid stems seem to work much better - have you noticed this also? It could be just the strains I tried.


SO FUCKING TRUE! Bending top branches of my LVPK is a SHITTY idea. The top cola seems to only fatten to 50% or less if there is a 90* bend.

That is sometimes better than cutting them off or letting them grow into the hood glass, but raising the light is my preferred method (lowering the tray).



looks like GSC would definitely kill it in a vert setup

good luck taming those bitches Krunch


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Have a GSC tray that is a couple weeks ahead of this grow, day 60 would be at the end of this month...

Noticed that some tops were developing a very nice purple color! Including the really close fan leaves that curl up with THC, that curl is turning all purple....

Have NO AC, just ride out what the weather dishes me, and the weather has NOT been cool enough to really purple out plants...

Pics when they get SUPER purple, if they do....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Stripped a good 15 handful's of fan leaves, light needed to penetrate more...:biggrin:

slim dog

New member
my gd still purp up in 90f whether, specially the one by the fan,to get the color shut light off for couple days,with intake blowing guaranteed to color!my g$c is still vegging!


Just Say Grow
dont know how i missed this one bro, i'm very interested to see how h&g treats the cooks, I'm debating the switch back from pbp but you know i love my easy/lazy ass mix with no ph-ing neccesary . lets get a shot of that other tray man.
very cool. heard a lot of hype about the G$C but havent gotten hands on a sample. buddy up in the hills got his hands on a couple seeds that supposedly came out of a pack of it though. he said he had a line on the cuts, but at $2000 for a tray of 50 of em. cheaper than a couple of folks in here have been told but still a bit rich for my blood!

hopefully i'll stumble across some, but until then this thread should be an interesting one!


Apparently my boy got some GSC from some cats that live in the mountains near Laytonville ,CA ..he handed me 20 of them..Im pretty sure they are the real deal as these guys are very old school ..we shall see..He going back to swap there cherry pie for our 1998 Sensi Jack herrer...