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Grump Thread


Active member
57 next month. Used to think 75 or 80 was old, but apparently I am. I been schooled. So whats next? 40's old? Whatevs. Man, fear of the unknown sure is rampant, everywhere. Causes a lot of weird shit.


We're Appalachian Americans, not hillbillys!
ICMag Donor
Get off my fuckin lawn you rascals! Keep off the grass.


You boys in a heap o'trouble..



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Heck, I call the cops when people take the parking spot in front of my house.
"Yes, this is Mr. X at XXXXX Fake St. I'm calling because a strange vehicle has been parked in front of my house for a few days now and I am concerned it may be abandoned. Could you please send the tow truck? Thank you."
I don't even think it's age dependent. I'm not even thirty and I've already caught myself grumping out....

-Asking people at parties to shut off the fucking skrillex/rihanna/david guetta already and put on some Sabbath.
-Yelling at the tv....do this a LOT.
-Muttering four letter words under my breath when I see what the fuck kids are wearing these days.
-Getting pissed when I see dog shit on the street. I always take two bags when I walk my mutt....how hard can it be?
-Get twitter? Hells no...joined facebook two years after it went public. Now you want me to expose myself to more brainfarting for the sake of market research?
-A growing dislike of the whole club scene. Can't even have a fucking conversation
while you drink your overpriced beer over the ketamin-zombie burps and squelches/euro-cheese synth wankery that passes for music these days.
-Going off on rants about the state of the world...have actually had to agree on a signal my girl can give me so I don't scare people.

Fuck...I need to smoke more,turns out I'm a pretty tense dude.


Active member
-Muttering four letter words under my breath when I see what the fuck kids are wearing these days.

(Not all kids are dumb fucks, but there are a shit load of them)

What is the deal with kids wearing pajamas in public?

I am all for improving self esteem but not to the point where it makes you lose touch with reality. Put some fucking clothes on when you go out in public.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
57 next month. Used to think 75 or 80 was old, but apparently I am. I been schooled. So whats next? 40's old? Whatevs. Man, fear of the unknown sure is rampant, everywhere. Causes a lot of weird shit.

right on bro, I'm almost certain we went to different high schools together.......
(Not all kids are dumb fucks, but there are a shit load of them)

What is the deal with kids wearing pajamas in public?

I am all for improving self esteem but not to the point where it makes you lose touch with reality. Put some fucking clothes on when you go out in public.

Right? Don't even get me started on the dudes in red/purple/green skinny jeans and neon hoodies....

Oh,got another one:
Kids who get their hands/necks/faces tattooed before getting anything else done....goddamn posers.


Active member
right on bro, I'm almost certain we went to different high schools together.......

Yeah man. I was the guy with the red eyes who smelled like weed and laughed at everything said to me and said man all the time. Still do...man. I also remember I had a typing class first period fall my senior year. I just hated that clackity-clackity racket from them old typewriters first thing in the morning. I still can't type for shit.

Back at the ranch, I was bitching once to my Dad about stepping in dog shit on the kitchen floor, barefoot, dark and early one morning and sliding and falling on my ass. He said, "You just haven't lived till you're an old man and sit on the toilet and your balls dip in the water." After I wiped the tears off from laughing so hard I thought, "Geez, I hope he was joking." :biggrin:


I'm an old woman already smack dab in the middle of middle age. Do NOT fuck with me. All my shit hurts and makes me cranky.

At least the heat flashes have stopped.


I'm an old woman already smack dab in the middle of middle age. Do NOT fuck with me. All my shit hurts and makes me cranky.

At least the heat flashes have stopped.

Warm lube should help loosen the old parts babe


kids who wear there hats to the side, guys who wear white sunglasses, young white kids in lifted trucks with confederate flags on the tailgate bumping rap music.... assholes who race down the river in their speed boats when everyone's sitting on the banks relaxing and fishing.

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