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Grump Thread



stop listening to the god damn god damn it, and think for yourself for chrissake.

you sound like a fookin idiot.

lost in a sea

kids today are fucked up,, a small percentage may end up some of the best people around in the future, but most of them are just fucked,,

it pisses me off to think that our stupidity as a society and individuals, right now, decides the future and yet most of our population in the west dont take more than 5 minutes to learn something or pick up a book,, in weeks/months/years for some,, maybe they do think their learning but its all made up tv gibberish done by a gang of interrelated snakes,,

and then they sit back and let tv raise their kids and fill their heads with sexualised yet androgenous idolising branded nonsense and it totally numbs then kills the soul,,, apathises people,,

atrophying their brains and their ability/desire to use them..

the planets got its script and the population are actors,,, or cattle,,, the dividing pens and tactics to subtly send us down paths we dont want are all there plain as day,, im just guessing all this physical and mental poison done to the masses means they cant see the hidden hands,, but how i just dont know, apart from they make no effort to question what they've been spoon fed daily..

this thread belongs in the old grumpy stoners crashpad really :)

:smoke out:
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weed fiend
Disco, I think you could have tucked your shirt in there a little bit more



Almost everything below the waist hurts like hell , except my dick & it doesn't seem like the wife of thirty years is really that interested in that anymore!


Active member
yup, saw a teenie-bopper at Six Flags in PAJAMAS down around his ass. why dont we just start pantsing them again? :moon:


May your race always be in your favor
What a bunch of grumpy old men. me too. My wife is always calling m Grandpa, especially when I say something that starts with. I remember when........

getting old sucks and for you guys in your 30s and 40s, boy the next 25 years goes by way, WAY to fast.


I can grump whit the best of them. but are anyone here keeping in mind that most of us was the kids we whime about. i was a pale skinny longhaired "satanist warrior" ( as i called myselfe backthen). and if i may say so myself i turned out grand. so maybe there is hope for htte little fucktards of to day to.
just saying like.
Word,I aknowledge that most of my gall comes from the fact that I see the cocky little PoS I used to be... I still reserve the right to grumble though!


Well-known member
Hello all,

Phuque no I won't get out of the fast lane.

You want me to slow down and get in the slow lane so you can go faster then me when I am already exceeding the speed limit.

Never, if you want to go faster then me then you need to pass me and quit whinning cause I am not going as fast as you.

Just like I do when someone is in front of me.

This goes for everybdy not just the poster.


The FAST lane is the god damned PASSING lane. You want me to pass you illegally in the right lane because you don't have the courtesy to move over and let faster traffic pass?

You need to read the damned drivers handbook. And get out of the fast lane.



Disco-- The second pic had me gasping for breath. Your too much!

How about when you get trapped in one of those retail establishment horrors, where you have to see the new progeny with their new, even less restricted generation of children.

"Yes your fucking entitled 6 year old kid pushing the shopping cart is in the way, but not as much as you, the oblivious mother."

Talk about 4 letter words. I used to get slapped for doing shit like that.

-though i should correct. I forgot to say true old man at heart. My apologies to all the sages in here, I think we have more in common than one would guess. Believe me, I hate the 80's and 90's kids just as much as the next guy. I think teen mom aint helping. False sense of entitlement. That's all I think of with this new world being born.


A friend I know calls me up tonight, saying she had two lightbulbs go out simultaneously. And she didn't know what to do, being that this could be a possible 'ghost'... thus hopping in her car and heading in my direction and calling me was her first thought. Ghosts. I told her, "you have to be afraid of something better than that", that's all that was said. I actually looked at the situation as ... girl coming over < cleaning my kitchen and going to bed before 1.

Hey to all the other grumps out there.