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Grump Thread


the forking negbour kids. THEY TAKE A SHORCUT OVER MY LAND, well now fook off form there, its mine and i dont like your granddad so now the fenze is up, so MY dog can run and play on youre shortcut. fucking inbread ibecilkids, fuckingoff.
among the kids here this year its hip to wear 1970 style running shorts. thouse incanly short ones. it looks like shait on unfinished puberty boddys.
and i have stoped digesting lactose, that makes for happy days to.

atleast my parents have left for theyr own house. so to day its intense relaxing, i even took a pic of my foot resting in the sun, but coudnt workout why it wouldnt upload, fucking computer vertual piece of crap.
now i will take a hit and relaxe a bit more

Green lung

Active member
kids who wear there hats to the side, guys who wear white sunglasses, young white kids in lifted trucks with confederate flags on the tailgate bumping rap music.... assholes who race down the river in their speed boats when everyone's sitting on the banks relaxing and fishing.


Normally a thin fellow, wearing a wife beater and a peach fuz goatee

Am I correct?


Well-known member
I wonder what ever happened to Pops

Good to see you around my brother, free, and still on the right side of the dirt!

I was hoping you had some news in matters regarding Pop's?

It's been nearly 2 years since I last heard from him. During our last contact, Pops told me he would be out of pocket for an extended period of time, however, I never dreamed it would be this long:(



Active member
Posts like #21 bug me. I can't wade through all those spelling/syntax/grammatical errors and make sense of it. It is like deciphering code.


Active member
Man I cant get this right trying to delete my inbox so I can leave PMs.Oppssss what thread am I in lol?Damn I love paradise seeds


Floridian, you need to make more posts before you get PM privileges.


To Have More ... Desire Less
i hate sneezing, electrical-cords, excessive packaging and heart burn....
my old man grip of the day


The older we get the less we tolerate that which escaped us before.

My today bitch is about jury duty. I was excused today due to my rant about being summoned 6 times in 20 years!! Called a "jury coordinator" to continue my rant and got venue changed and extension on next summons. Told coordinator that I will ignore further summons and refuse to pay the fine thereby requiring incarceration and then demand a jury trial!

Bad behavior has it's own rewards. But always....CYA.

Emily Post: Tolerating the bad manners of others IS the true test of good manners.


I have only been able to get 1.5 cups of coffee this morning, not my usual 2. I am fucking PISSED.
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To Have More ... Desire Less
well i'm just as pissed... can't have any coffee this AM... gotA get blood work done this AM...phucking quacks & vampires...working for the DAM insurance C0...feeding the monSter......


Well-known member
Pull up your pants. I don't want to see your drawers.

Get out of the goddamned fast lane!

I don't know what you are listening to, but it ain't MUSIC.

You bitched because there aren't any bicycle lanes. Now there are bicycle lanes. Stop riding two abreast and blocking the road and get in the goddamned bicycle lane!

Yeah, it's 8:00 am and I'm buying beer. I just worked a 12 hour shift.

Why do I have to wait until 11:00 to buy beer on Sunday?

Stop flirting with the damned cashier and move so I can buy beer!

I prefer the non-gummed OCB papers I used to get in the grocery store for .50 cents



weed fiend
Pull up your pants. I don't want to see your drawers.

How's this?



Damn kids and there drawers don't get whats wrong with this new generation. Wearing your pants around your ass isn't a style its pure stupidity.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
I'm not a grump, but I am way beyond my years as far as my routine.

I go to bed around 8pm and get up before 5am every morning, most of the time I am up at 4am.

I drink coffee all day. As well as with hamburgers and pizza and such.

My shoulder hurts. My knee hurts. Goddamn hemorrhoids.

I am constantly wanting what I don't need. Fast food and alcohol.



Active member

Hello all,

Phuque no I won't get out of the fast lane.

You want me to slow down and get in the slow lane so you can go faster then me when I am already exceeding the speed limit.

Never, if you want to go faster then me then you need to pass me and quit whinning cause I am not going as fast as you.

Just like I do when someone is in front of me.

This goes for everybdy not just the poster.
