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growing with khaleel :D


wow. remember how i said the colors would probably start coming out? here we are.

ok, here are the G-13 x DC on april 5th (two days ago):




here they are today, april 7 (one was tucked in the back so only took out two..):








smoking g... what was it i said about the g-13 not being that special lmao good call man. we'll see, i may just hang on to her yet :yes:

here's the viper, also putting out a new hue or two within just a couple days at cooler temps.. cherries are also turning a bit, but tucked back in. don't worry, there will be a ton of pics from here out. i can't resist when they look like a fall sunset and all that shit :gaga: lol








yo k. glad to see you got the image count thing worked out. im always amazed at how fast your thread moves - i know your fans would be disappointed without pics. i dont have a thread up right now, but i guess i should put one my current one up. i keep waiting for that perfect one to share with ppl, but i have been fucking some stuff up. lol. anywho, nice plants, nice pics, blah blah. seems like i say the same stuff alot. i will say this though, looks like we will both be out of the financial woods so to speak very soon. i, for one, am quite relieved. props bro.


Active member
Hey bud just dropped by i haven't checked on ur thread for a bit and wow i was suprised. Looks like you got a big harvest coming. If you don't mind i was gonna ask u a few questions just trying to dial in my grow. Are u still mixing the happyfrog with coco or just the ffsoil now or u mixing it with promix now and is it the bx? What made u decide to go with the 3 gallon bags? are u still just topdressing with the jamacian bat guano or budswell every couple weeks and how much are u using? ur still using the bushmaster snow storm and gravity i assume. Do u ever ph your water and what do you ph it to? Sorry for so many questions i just wanna learn to grow plants like yours :) i got 14 or so clones comming up i wanna make em big and healthy like yours :) thanks in advance, ill be around. Later...



doc: hey cool shit i'll go check it out, gotta make a couple big updates :D but then fo sho, thanks for stopping in hope you create a new indica/sativa frankenstein or some shit lol :peek:

nameless: oh i hear that--here is to just a few weeks from being on solid financial ground (big fucking knock on wood). and no worries on saying the same shit.. think about what people really talk about with their good friends, for example. it is usually the same shit. what they did today, what they might do next week, blah blah. sure it is fun to talk about new stuff, but even if you just talk about the same thing over and over hey it is still fun to talk. :D which brings me to my second no-so-direct point... why wait for the perfect grow to post a thread? if i would have done that, i would never had done one lol posting the thread and learning my mistakes as i made them or had others point them out to me, or had others steer me from the path i should have stayed on... all that stuff, the "experience" of running a real-time thread, all conglom-o-rated (word? ha) into my current level or skill set or whatever. it all adds up. i would recommend throwing your thread up at whatever point you are currently on.. of course, some folks don't like to run real-time grows/threads for security reasons, which is smart if that is your wish. (nothing like letting the entire internet know when the right time to come steal your shit is --"hey i'm harvesting tomorrow, just going out of town for the weekend then all is coming down" lol that kind of facebook advertising can get people in trouble so some avoid the risk completely by not posting real-time.. that makes sense to me. guess i just live on the edge :blowbubbles:) anyway, thanks for the kind words my friend and always a pleasure to have you stop by -- "my fans" hehe that makes me laugh. i hope chicks out there have "i heart khaleel's garden" t-shirts or bumper stickers or some shit :yes:

hovz: hiya bro, good to see you hope things are going well for ya. i'll give you a detailed rundown, but all the answers to all your questions can be found in the last few pages of my thread (don't even have to go all way back to the beginning lol), which i would highly recommend you going over even with my quick summary. the more details the better, :smoke:

the soil mix:

Happy Frog or Fox Farm Ocean Forest (FFOF), it doesn't really matter either one will work great. HF is cheaper, but FFOF comes in a bag that is the exact same size as the Pro Mix (should be pictures of the bag in my thread, it is made by OMRI, lmk if can't find a pic i'll post a link). mix equal parts soil and Pro Mix. make sure you don't buy the home depot shit pro-mix. find the pic in my thread or ask cuz you need to make sure it is the right stuff. add chunky perlite until it makes up about 30% of what is there. that's it. lol here's the nute regimen:

veg -- take your clones and either go to 16 oz cups or bags no bigger than 1 gal. the more roots present, the bigger container you can go with confidence. if you do cups, just use soil mix and no wormcastings or anything. if you go to 1/2 or 1 gal bags, put a couple handfuls of wormcastings in there (doesn't have to be scientific, you can do half wc's and half soil and they won't burn that is why i love them for nutes you can't fuck it up and the girls LOVE them).

ok. here is something i may not have hit on much, but i will pass it on. get this stuff called "Oregonism" microcorrihaze. (you know how to spell it.) it is a light blue label. expensive, but you only need a teaspoon per gallon of soil (you mix it in the soil, not the water). just put it in the dirt, after you put a few handfuls on the bottom and before putting the plant in the new container, mix it in with the wormcastings, when you transplant to the bag. the stuff smells funky, and is a super fine powder that from what i understand is little tiny bugs and shit that break down the nutrients better in your soil and keep it a good environment. this stuff makes a difference, so i use it. if i can't explain i just don't care. lol

watering in veg -- add nothing to the water except a teaspoon or so of blackstrap, unsuphered molasses. this is to help the little microbes have something to eat and get to colonizing and shit in the soil. i use a tsp or there abouts of molasses ALL THE WAY THROUGH. the only time i don't use it is when i do a complete plain water rise around six weeks in bloom, just before starting the flush. (you saw a pic of this from last week, where they are all lined up in the laundry room, i think..) *** do not water more than once a week in veg, unless you have some serious air flow going and they dry out fast as hell. i am not kidding. while in veg, these girls need to be working their roots' ass off trying to find water. that is their number one job. not vegetative growth, which is the cart, not the horse. only water when they start to look limp, when the leaves are actually starting to droop and the bag is as light as if nothing is in there. then give them a good soak til you see a bit of water coming out bottom. (if they are super super dry, the water will run off more so do it in two smaller soaks instead of one big one.)

ok, once they get to around 3-4 weeks in veg (or less, whatever size you want or whatev works with your system), you will be watering up to 3 times a week. this is when you transplant. i also take the opportunity to clone whatever i want, cuz once i transplant to bigger bags i clean up the bottom 1/4 of vegetative matter. the little growth tips and fan leaves at the bottom, i don't want them in my bloom room so they get cut the fuck off lol. helps with making feeding and water time easier with plants really close together when you are going for a full canopy, it makes the nutrients head towards the top half of the plant where the real light and action is, it creates a much better airflow underneath your canopy to keep the buds healthy, and also makes harvest a much easier task cuz you aren't trying to trim a bunch of little wispy bullshit bottom-dweller nugs. as for overall weight, i actually believe the plants like the trimming and respond with more overall weight. just the way they work, at least for me.

ok transplanting to bloom. from your 1 or 1/2 gal container, go to 3 gallon containers. with my soil mix and feeding schedule idk why it just works best. 5 gal bags never dried out fast enough, and i didn't get any additional root growth into the 5 gal area after tranplanting from the 3, so it was a waste. tried staying in 1 gallon or 2 gal bags and the girls loved it, but was just too much watering for me. 3 gal is the perfect medium, i found.

so you have your 3 gal bags, and you have your above soil mix (FFOF or HF, Pro Mix, and CHunky Perlite). do the same thing as you do for 1st transplant into veg, including the wormcastings and Oregonism microhaze stuff. you want enough nitrogen to get through the first week or two of bloom/stretch.

i noticed a lot of good growers fill the bags up to the very top, with soil. i tried this after years of not doing it. it was not for me. there may be a reason, but the way i top-feed with wormcastings and guano (bloom), i like an inch or two of room to work with on top. also makes watering easier cuz the stuff doesn't run off when you are giving them a good soak. for what it is worth.

ok, the first watering in bloom i don't add anything still except molasses. after about a week in bloom, they will be ready for the next watering. this is when i do the first round of Budswell guano. i'm using the good stuff now. the jamacian or whatever is probably good too but i'm with Budswell at the moment. lol two handfuls of the stuff on top layer of soil, and mix it in.

additives for water in bloom:

bushmaster: this stuff is a lot stronger than i thought, and i always thought it was strong. this harvest only got 2 doses of the bushmaster, in weeks 2 and 3 of bloom. i wouldn't recommend any more than that, and in fact i may only do one dose with the next one. idk if you want to be safe, just don't use it on your first run. i am back and forth on this stuff.

snowstorm ultra: cannot go wrong with this. use it from first guano feeding until start final flush. follow directions on bottle.

kool bloom: also like this. use in concert with the snowstorm ultra, same timeframe. also go light end of directions on bottle.

gravity: last two feedings of bloom, during the flush after you already rinsed out the nutes. yes, i still like this stuff and use it.

important steps. week six, or whenever you are about to stop using nutrients to begin your flush, you need to put each plant near a drain and put water through (i just use plain tap water for this part--all other water is ran through a brita filter, which PH's my tap water perfectly, then into a resovoir where it gets bubbled and serves as cloner).. anyway, put water through until all the shit comes out. i'm talking at least four times you soak the top of the container until standing water is there.

letting the plant go the full run. i have a very hard time with this part lol i want to smoke that shit as soon as week 7 is here. but i'm starting to see how to tell from the leaves when the plant is ready. avoid fucking with microscopes and shit. the leaves will start to get "cripsy"... point up, with the serrated edges reaching high, and the whole fingers get firm and crispy.. idk that is the best i can do other than to say watch trichs for amber, like you can learn anywhere blah blah

drying that shit. don't put it in a jar until the stems snap. not snap and still have some strings holding on. SNAP. a couple extra days hanging will do no harm to your buds before going in a jar for final cure, but a couple too few days and your whole harvest is fucked. you cannot get chronic, the best quality f'ing cannabis, by jarring it up before it was able to dry over about a week. speed it up any way and it just won't be as good. slow it down more, and it will be fucked.

holy shit, hovz, you gotta buy me a beer lol i just wrote forever. gotta go mow the lawn, then put some wormcastings down (shit works great on your lawn too, and is a non-toxic fert so won't kill your pets or stain your sidewalk). .. then come back in to post some sweet pics and an early harvest for the upcoming 4/20 :D

to be continued...


hovz, that guano feeding with the budswell only happens every 10-15 days during weeks 2 until flush (6-7)... i always thought it was easily burning stuff, but the bag says not to worry about overfeeding. your call. two handfuls for a 3 gal bag will be fine (1-2 cups). if you could figure out a good schedule for the liquid, i bet it would be a ton cheaper...


first of all, "buck rogers in the 25th century" is fucking awesome tv. :yes: netflix is way better than cable, guys. i know football is coming up but seriously..

ok, here we are. took the G-13 x Deep Chunk (1) down for some good 420 smoke. i am all out, out of coin, and still a long way to go before i get paid. but taking one down means i can let the others go. here is the gal that came down, at day 47:















gonna be heady but better than nothing and the other stuff around (hovz, do what i say not what i do lol harvest before 50 days is a last mofo'ing resort and not recommended if avoidable)

here's some shots of the girls still going. letting them get to DONE.

viper x trainwreck, day 47










ok, i was trying to figure out something to do with my trim.. still have some from the last cherry and viper, as well as the dc crosses... lotta good crystally stuff. i usually do butter, but cookies get me too ridiculously baked lol so wanted to go the hash route. not enough coin to pick up bags right now, so was researching other ways... found this thread:

noreason makes ice water hash

gave it a shot. still have to wait for it to dry, but here are some pics. he does a better job explaining the method so i'll leave ya to read his thread, but it was pretty f'ing simple.













here's a piece of trim closeup... you can see all the heads missing on the trichs (can see em floating in the closeup of the pyrex.. i'll post some macros of what i can maybe)


peace til next time. jesus this guy buck rogers is a pimp lmao


here we go. wish it was a cleaner pipe and a better bowl (some of the early cherry, not really dry yet but all i got)... oh well it should get me high :D here goes...



dear lord!!!!!! [coughs until he damn near throws up] wow, ok i should probably let all this stuff dry out so not so harsh, holy shit i seriously just puked a little. and now things are going very fuzzy... sort of like the pics i tried to get of the hash bubblin while smoking--pretty tough to get a focus right lmao i was holding off that massive cough long enough to snap them hahah this was the best one i got.. can't really see it bubblin cuz it was the last one and the only one that turned out, she's all gone by then (looks pretty sweet in real life though, when it just boils and melts :yes:)


ok yup that's good stuff. tasted horrible but like i said it was with a wet/early bowl, a dirty pipe, and fucking bic lighter. we'll try it again for proper flavor in a couple days, ima get a glass screen and rod to heat up, etc. i could see in the water i didn't get all the little crap out, but hey this is my first time ever and i just will be glad to have something to get me high :joint:


time to do an update on the Trainrweck IBL crosses gifted by djplatinumxx.. all of em are right about week 4 in bloom

Trainrweck IBL (these two gals were really stretched out, didn't have chance to bush at all before flipping so take that in consideration)



GrandDaddy Purps x TW ibl





Killer Chem x TW ibl (really keeping an eye on two of these sisters.. i bet you can tell which two lol)






the smell on the KC with the buds all along the main stem is really potent for this early.. same with the big bushy one :canabis:

let's see, here's an update on the veg room too. first, the Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk 1 (the purple monster) reveg project. looks like she officially re'd the veg :yes:






i might just let this one be the mama, and clone her in a couple weeks. good little plant to come back from that far in flower. amazing, really. was a shot in the dark...

ok, rest of veg. lookin right on track. the girls along the wall are mostly cherries with a couple vipers and a g-13. in cups, mostly cherries, couple vipers (had a hard time cloning her last round :nono:), couple bubba DC 2's, some KC and GP clones..




clone tray, roots comin up..





its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
leel bringin the updates on the regular...:respect:
i can tell you have dove head first into the craft this time around brotha,this is the most active thread i remember u having and i think i been following all ur threads for like the last 5 yrs or so...good to see you so motivated and busy.
....btw,i got a new joint goin too in the grow diaries section(the dedication link in my sig)....just started it a couple days ago,still a lil slow....it should pick up as people see it,idk i havnt made me a thread in a lil while....might have to earn my stripes again :muahaha:


group shot of near-harvest. all girls at day 49 in bloom,


cherry haze x trainrweck









Bubba Kush x Deep Chunk 2 on left, G-13 x DC on right



bubba x dc





viper x trainwreck




in the bloom room..

cherries at around week 2-3.. lots of em


rest of the room





that's it for now, peace


leel bringin the updates on the regular...:respect:
i can tell you have dove head first into the craft this time around brotha,this is the most active thread i remember u having and i think i been following all ur threads for like the last 5 yrs or so...good to see you so motivated and busy.
....btw,i got a new joint goin too in the grow diaries section(the dedication link in my sig)....just started it a couple days ago,still a lil slow....it should pick up as people see it,idk i havnt made me a thread in a lil while....might have to earn my stripes again :muahaha:

hey bro, thanks for the kudos you know you hit it all right on the spot. this is my passion, so why not. looks like it has been treating my craft well too :smoke: i will def stop by and check it out mang, on the way right now... isn't life strange like that? a constant series of earning your stripes, then once you got them having to earn some different kind lol oh well keeps us from getting soft :yes:

thanks for the post bro, btw that hash turned out pretty bomb so here's one to ya :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hope ur doin ur finger push ups,ur gonna need'm when u bust the scissors out.