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Growing Inside A Speaker 101!! earluwonder skunk & Big Bud.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I'll be waiting and watching to see how it comes out. I know you'll do good.


Looks good,the case is a monster. LOL. If you were to go HPS for that case,what were you thinking of running in there? 70w? 150w?
thanks ghost, appreciate your support :)

PG, the case IS a monster! im hoping to get as small an HPS as possible, because im pretty sure it will get very hot in there with anything over 100 watts, even thought i plan to have a very impressive fan in there.

any suggestion on how i should get my hps or whatever light i choose? if u have a nice package deal on a site somewhere, anyone, ide like to have a look! thanks.

well, here are some pics of my plant, the one unknown sex (it looks like a female so far, no balls)


im not sure whats wrong with her newer fan leaves, they are very droopy, maybe its just over watering.


these are the lower fan leaves, they have had this fringe for awhile, and im not quite sure whats wrong with them, but it hasent effected the growth.

you can clearly see how droopy her new fan leaves are :\ ive untied her new shoots, and im hoping that it will bounce back, and i will see it reaching for the light (since i tied it down, its barely made a move for the light! :()

well, thats it for now, sorry again for the bad photos, still cant find the dam charger!



I think one of the easiest ways would be to go to Ace Hardware or Canadian Tire and get a security light and disassemble it. Ballast,bulb all in one for a pretty alright price. Don't forget to disconnect the motion sensor though. There's always the option of making your own ballast etc which might prove cheaper in the long run.

If heat is an issue,go PL-Ls and place them vertical and horizontal along the sides and top. You seem to have enough height in that case and PL-Ls will give off less heat. You also get the option of mixing more spectrums if you like.

The plants are looking good cristoph. I wouldn't worry too much about the droopy leaves,they'll perk up soon enough. :)

I just started the babies on 12/12 today! Lights went out at 8am,hope they're adjusting okay.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I've had that before off and on, and it never seemed to hurt them. But wasn't sure what it was, I suspected nutrient burn or heat stress, but I just not sure.
so ive done a little MORE research, as im sure we all do, and it seems as thought, because i live in canada, one 24 watt setup for a pl-l, i.e one bulb, one balast, one reflector, one socket, will cost me 80$ after all of the shipping! is this a good enough deal? :S or should i try to find something better, because so far, this is the only package that i have found that will fit my case.

advice is apreciated!



Hmmm. I don't live in Canada but 80 bucks to run ONE PL-L doesn't seem worth it. Get like a rough budget and just shoot for the HPS if heat isn't going to be an issue. Shouldn't be too expensive. If you can't find a HPS deal then maybe just stick to the CFLs for now?
thanks for the input PG, the only problem ive ever had with myself, is the inability to decide! XD its rather difficult for me when there are so many options, and all have great reputation.

ill be going to my local hardware store and looking at the security lights soon, then maybe i will stop annoying everyone with all my questions about what lights to get :p


There's no such thing as asking too many questions when it comes to making a decision like this. You really do need to be 100% sure of what you want for your grow. When you're in the security lights aisle look around at the different companies that make these lights and read the boxes for the bulb specs etc. I'm sure once you're actually in the store it'll be a whole lot easir to make your mind up. :D
thanks for the reassurance PG, your a big help :) thats how i always feel, i gotta be 100% sure its something i want!

ive spent atleast 2 hours at my local head shop tryna pic a new bong :p


No worries bro. We're all here to help each other out! We all want to be able to provide the best possible environment we can for our babies, so it's only natural most growers are a picky bunch anyway. haha.

2 hours to pick your bong? Man,how blitzed where you when you went bong shopping? :p


Hey Christo ! You didn´t find any PL-L´s at the Salvation Army place ?
I´d say, if it is that expensive (How´s CAN$ > US$ > AUS$...?), go for the <100W HPS, go cooltube. at some stores they have these Hurricane lamps, I´m pretty sure they have spare glass tubes for them as well. If you put like a Skyte and a carbonscrubber behind the cool tube, that should work out....
Have you ever seen this...The NanoMachine !


NICE. I bet it was a nightmare having to choose between so many pretty pieces. Probably got that 'I WANT IT ALL' feeling at some point eh. :p

Should get a shot of her up on here,I'm sure we'd love to see. :)
will do PG! ill attach a photo for you, as ive already taken one and had to show many people :p

as soon as i walk into the head shop, i get that feeling, unfortunately my budget was 110$ so i bought the biggest, nicest one they had, for the price, and trust me, there are some bongs up too 500$ in there! that isent even including the hookas and vaporizers! always makes my mouth water :p

heres your pic!!


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for sticking light bars on there, you should use something that isn't permanent...i suggest velcro. they sell it in strips at hardware stores and wal mart. really useful!