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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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Here is a quote from Sarah Palin on the subject of cannabis legalization:

“I'm not for the legalization of pot, because I think that that would just encourage, especially our young people, to think that it's OK to go ahead and use it and I'm not an advocate for that. However, I think we need to prioritize our law enforcement efforts. And if somebody's going to smoke a joint in their house and not do anybody else any harm, then perhaps there are other things our cops should be looking at to engage in and try to clean up some of the other problems that we have in society that are appropriate for law enforcement to do and not concentrate on such a, relatively speaking, minimal problem that we have in the country.”

While I agree with most of what prefersativas said, I don't think she actually liked it.:dunno:
If Sarah against legalization I'm for it. I just wish she'd go away we don't need her brain dead comments on any subject. She make "W" look like a wise man! Just leave her looking at Russia.


New member
it may be an unpopuar view butt cash croppers make me sick this is a sacred wounder-full plant THAT SAVES LIVES this is so much bigger then your pocketbook GET A REL JOB if you want money this should be grown and given away not sold to the highest bids i will be happy when everybody s got a patch in their yard or closet no prop 9 is not perfect butt its a good step forward and your still gona fight the feds as this is an state law not fed.it sad ens me that their are people that deal in this plant with no more respect for it then speed or crack killing robing stealing it has no place in business it is and always will be a sacrament


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I had hope that I would see this before I died. From what I have been reading 19 does not looo=k like it will pass. I hope I see someing in 2012.


Active member
I have gotten disgusted with the greedy and selfish young growers who think only of themselves. Some of you guys just don't get it. Some of us have been fighting this battle for 40 years. If it wasn't for us, you wouldn't have it so easy. Some of us have gone to prison for our beliefs. We have put up with a lot of hardships. We never had "medical" cannabis, or clubs where we could pick from a hundred different strains. Here's an opportunity where we could actually accomplish something, but you guys only think of yourselves. The whole world is watching, and if this fails, we may never get another chance. Look what's happening in Amsterdam. But you guys are just greedy. No better than the big companies you say you are afraid of. Call it what you will. I call it unmitigated greed, plain and simple. I really thought we were a community fighting for the same thing. Guess I was wrong.
How many of you people have been contacted for a poll?

I bet not very many. NEWS FLASH people, polls don't reach young and or urban voters. These polls are being fed to you so you think the situation is hopeless and won't go out and vote. It is propaganda at best and terrorism at worst. Don't fall victim. Talk to your friends. Arrange car pools. In the words of JackTheGrower, get a vote buddy and create a voter chain.

Vote early and vote often. ;)


New member
the real intention of this bill is to consolidate/monopolize the emerging cannabis industry, and to put small time growers out of business... now personally, i believe in complete abundance, so while i am not worried that prop 19 will cut into my profits, i am more than concerned about Monsanto's involvement in this and their terminator seed technology... here is a link for those of you that just think this is about "legalizing" marijuana.


this is an extremely long read, but worth every word. i sincerely hope that alt least a few eyes are opened by this article and that we do the right thing for humankind and shoot prop 19 down... be patient people, another few years wont hurt. if you absolutley have to grow (and i fall into that category), get your medical card, sit back and enjoy. we are afforded far more rights with our medical cards than prop 19 would allow anyway, so why not wait for proper legislation that isnt supported by the antichrist (monsanto)?

ps- those of you that have never heard of Monsanto, do some research of your own... it will scare you shitless!

Neo 420

Active member
the real intention of this bill is to consolidate/monopolize the emerging cannabis industry, and to put small time growers out of business... now personally, i believe in complete abundance, so while i am not worried that prop 19 will cut into my profits, i am more than concerned about Monsanto's involvement in this and their terminator seed technology... here is a link for those of you that just think this is about "legalizing" marijuana.


this is an extremely long read, but worth every word. i sincerely hope that alt least a few eyes are opened by this article and that we do the right thing for humankind and shoot prop 19 down... be patient people, another few years wont hurt. if you absolutley have to grow (and i fall into that category), get your medical card, sit back and enjoy. we are afforded far more rights with our medical cards than prop 19 would allow anyway, so why not wait for proper legislation that isnt supported by the antichrist (monsanto)?

ps- those of you that have never heard of Monsanto, do some research of your own... it will scare you shitless!

This is why you are voting no???? What about the people that can't get a med card? Fuck em huh? You my friend are a selfish spider mite.


If the republicans get what they look to get in congress and the senate.... and 19 fails. Ever heard a politician with the thought that they have a "mandate"? They go even crazier than normal.
Good luck with that card thingy.

Maybe a dose of what the majority of America is going through might wake some up. I doubt it though.

It can go backwards, don't kid yourself.


If the republicans get what they look to get in congress and the senate.... and 19 fails. Ever heard a politician with the thought that they have a "mandate"? They go even crazier than normal.
Good luck with that card thingy.

Maybe a dose of what the majority of America is going through might wake some up. I doubt it though.

It can go backwards, don't kid yourself.
I'm not sure if you have noticed....for every dispensary they close...40 more open up. This issue cant go backwards. It cant be put back in the bottle.


BBB I sure hope you are right. I guess I just tend to lean toward paranoia. I just see this situation where linkage is made with Mexican Border War, Voters in Cali saying no to 19 and any semblance of Liberalism as seen as being voted out across the nation being used to go forward with the "tough on crime, protect our borders, lock up a Hippie"going down.As it is now out where I am editorials already try to laugh at mmj, and Joe average citizen eats it up (weed=devil and criminals). Failure of any pro cannabis legislation seems it hurts us here and stops and or slows the medical movement progress thats being made.
Look at the latest med state rules.... I mean if you are not a certifiable dying patient... no soup for you.(but it's ok I can get a script for Xanex for anxiety, Adderal for my ADHD. Kush seems to work better)
No home grows... etc.

It just sux. Hoping for better days.


ICMag Donor
I'm not sure if you have noticed....for every dispensary they close...40 more open up. This issue cant go backwards. It cant be put back in the bottle.

It's my opinion that if this initiative fails the Govt will realize the amount of money being made. And I honestly think they will get involved in this one way or another..... How much longer are they going to allow Billions of dollars to be spent without getting any of it?

And then we can look at what will happen if the initiative passes. If the Feds do what they say they will, and they probably will, there will be commercial growers arrested and this will end up in State and Federal Courts for a few years. I'm sure people are already gearing up for this. For there to be "true" legalization, this has to happen. It's never going to happen though unless this initiative passes...

Neo 420

Active member
It's my opinion that if this initiative fails the Govt will realize the amount of money being made. And I honestly think they will get involved in this one way or another..... How much longer are they going to allow Billions of dollars to be spent without getting any of it?

And then we can look at what will happen if the initiative passes. If the Feds do what they say they will, and they probably will, there will be commercial growers arrested and this will end up in State and Federal Courts for a few years. I'm sure people are already gearing up for this. For there to be "true" legalization, this has to happen. It's never going to happen though unless this initiative passes...

The people who got mmj passed in Cali 16 years ago are for Prop 19. They have said there will be no perfect proposition, and this is the best we can do. I belive them, and you in Cali need to strike now while the iron is hot. Politicians play it safe. So, if they see California fail to pass legal mj; then they will keep fighting for mj prohibition. If you pass it; then they will learn that it's not safe to keep the old line. :pimp3:


Active member
It's my opinion that if this initiative fails the Govt will realize the amount of money being made. And I honestly think they will get involved in this one way or another..... How much longer are they going to allow Billions of dollars to be spent without getting any of it?

And then we can look at what will happen if the initiative passes. If the Feds do what they say they will, and they probably will, there will be commercial growers arrested and this will end up in State and Federal Courts for a few years. I'm sure people are already gearing up for this. For there to be "true" legalization, this has to happen. It's never going to happen though unless this initiative passes...

When you say the Govt will realize the amount of money being made, which government are you talking about?

And you can't really say true legalization wont happen if this prop doesn't pass, because if this one doesn't pass, the next one probably will.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
When you say the Govt will realize the amount of money being made, which government are you talking about?

And you can't really say true legalization wont happen if this prop doesn't pass, because if this one doesn't pass, the next one probably will.

Dont bet the bank on probably. Lets pass 19 and work for a more liberal legalization bill/proposition in 2012.
It's my opinion that if this initiative fails the Govt will realize the amount of money being made. And I honestly think they will get involved in this one way or another..... How much longer are they going to allow Billions of dollars to be spent without getting any of it?

And then we can look at what will happen if the initiative passes. If the Feds do what they say they will, and they probably will, there will be commercial growers arrested and this will end up in State and Federal Courts for a few years. I'm sure people are already gearing up for this. For there to be "true" legalization, this has to happen. It's never going to happen though unless this initiative passes...

I agree. I'm guessing that with passage, enforcement will also go through the roof in border states. Copy Cats across the border, and more importantly any thing being transported. Methinks this will be their immediate theater of conflict while the courts are fighting.


in the 70's it was 73% no

today it is 53% (or so) no

Whats it going to be next time?

be patient ... change takes time


Last Sunday I got to talk to Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, Doris Matsui, and Dave Jones. The people that just won statewide offices (Matsui congresswoman actually) with my pockets full of pot. The night before the election I met a dude who works for the board of equalization as their lawyer. The night of the election after the results I met the dude who wrote AB390 for Ammiano. Turns out he lives a block away from me ;)

anyways Imagine if what I wrote here would have been on the ballot instead.

Cannabis Freedom Act said:

SECTION 1. Section 11357.1 is added to the Health and Safety Code, to read:

11357.1 (a) This section shall be known and may be cited as the Cannabis Freedom Act of 2012.

(b)(1) The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of the Cannabis Freedom Act of 2012 are as follows:

(A) To ensure that Californians have the right to obtain and use marijuana for their own purposes.

(B) To ensure that Californians who obtain and use marijuana are not subject to criminal prosecution or sanction.

(C)(1)To authorize the state legislature to tax cannabis products at the same general retail sales tax rate per tobacco products.

(2)Authority to regulate and promote the commercial cultivation of 100 cannabis plants or more shall be given to the California Department of Agriculture. (1) The cultivation of 100 plants or less (less than 600 square feet total cultivation area ) shall be considered out of the scope of government regulation and control. (a) Plants & their remnants cultivated under this provision shall not be sold for retail consumption.

(3)(a) Authority to regulate wholesale and retail transactions shall be given to the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control. (b) Entities which can show good cause they provided non-profit cannabis prior to the adoption of the Cannabis Freedom Act shall be granted automatic licensure with a 5 year waiver on fee's. (c) Licensing shall be granted unless the applicant has a history of crimes involving minors. (e) After a four year period a cap on the number of licenses shall be established. (f) Persons convicted of crimes against or involving minors shall be prohibited from employment by license holders.

(1) The cap shall be the sum of current number of licenses plus fifty percent. The cap shall be adjusted upward annually at a rate not to exceed 20%.

(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to supersede legislation prohibiting persons from engaging in conduct that endangers others.

(a)(1) Persons driving under the influence of Cannabis shall be subject to the provisions and penalties in California Vehicle Code Section 23152. (2) Testing for behind the wheel impairment shall be done by using "Frustrated total internal reflection (FTIR)" devices.

(b) Employers shall retain the right to screen employees for cannabis use so much that it does not discriminate against those with a legitimate medical use.

(D) Regulations on transactions and cultivation of less than 100 plants shall not apply to collectives and cooperatives as authorized in SB420.

(1) SB420 entities shall be prohibited from public advertisement and direct over the counter retail sales.

(D)(1) Section 11054(d)(13) Classification of marijuana as a California controlled substance, Section 11357, relating to the possession of marijuana, Section 11358, relating to the cultivation of marijuana, Section 11359, relating to the sales of marijuana, Section 11360, relating to the transportation and distribution of marijuana, Section 11362, relating to classification of marijuana as a crime shall be repealed from the California Health and Safety Code and the legislature and local governments are hereby prohibited from imposing any criminal penalties relating to cannabis.

(2) All persons previously arrested and/or convicted of the offenses listed in (c)(1) shall have the record of their arrest and/or conviction vacated. All persons incarcerated for offenses listed in (c)(1) shall be immediately released from custody.

(d)The words marijuana and cannabis and all its surnames shall be removed from the penal and health and safety code.

(1) Section 11362.5 The Compassionate Use Act, Section 11357.1, Section 11361, Section 11361.5 and Section 11361.7 of the Health and Safety Code shall retain the words marijuana, and cannabis.

SECTION 2. Section 420.9 is added to the Government Code, to read: Marijuana (Cannabis Indica) is the official state herb. April 20 of every year shall be known as California Cannabis day.

SECTION. 3. If any provision of this measure or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the measure that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.
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