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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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Slavery in the United States was bad and we abolished after it tore the country apart and cost a lost of innocent lives.

After slavery it wasn't perfect.
We had Jim Crow and segregation and a lot of other imperfect bad stuff until the Civil Rights Act in the 1960's.

Racial equality is still not achieved or perfectly Utopian but it all started with that first step that abolished slavery by Abe Lincoln.

Prop 19 is the first step in freeing the slaves of Marijuana Prohibition in the US....

This is not a question of 5x5 grow areas etc.

It is about politics.

Prohibition is a failed public policy period.

If you grow weed and sell it and are scared of change:too f**king bad.

So were the makers of buggywhips that didn't see the writing on the wall when the automobile was invented. They are all gone now. Adapt to the future.
Embrace it because if you don't the alternative is worse.

Victory for the REAL opponents of Marijuana will ride a Prop 19 loss to try to repeal Prop 215 and SB420.
Victory means EVERYTHING to them but it's just a first step for us.

If you think voting for the status quo is a NO vote you are wrong.
A NO vote is a step backwards.

Remember the full on raids of Hydro stores and their databases transactions in the old days?
You want that s**t again?

This is about civil rights and there are only heroes and cowards in this fight.
We know who is who because of threads like this.

Vote YES.
The future is now and the power is in our hands to send Washington DC and the world a loud message that we are not going to be their second class citizens anymore.

Peace to all,
Mother Chucker

you need to read the entire thread before jumping to conclusions of what i believe. i am NOT the one against this proposition, the guy i quoted and was responding to is the one against prop 19. your post makes no sense in the context of quoting me unless you are agreeing and then saying what you think, but its not clear by the post.


Yep, LEO only stands to lose income and resources if the bill passes. It's part of their livelihood whether they like it or not.

Not to mention crooked cops who make money on this in other ways...

If Sarah Palin gets elected President, I'm moving to Mars.

If I get elected, I'm moving Sara Palin to Mars! :wave:



Well folks,

It looks like ReelBusy1 just gave all you California voters a shopping list of who to vote against...if they are elected public servants, you get the chance to just say No...to their job.

"Go ahead, make my day", and fire them down to the unemployment line:laughing:



Haha good one but I doubt that, the police want it passed. Why? So they can keep their jobs! If 19 is passed, the tax dollars from marijuana sales are going to pay their salaries. Yup, the same cop arresting you for "carrying over an ounce" is paying his mortgage with the tax dollars you paid to purchase that bag.

Do you realise how fucking retarded that sounds?!?!?! Id rather the cops making money of my legal weed tax dollars and not hassling me, rather than getting paid from my normal tax dollars to put me the fuck in jail. You are so short sighted man.

A vote against the bill is a vote for greed. We are seeing why dealers are disliked by a lot of the canna community. They are exactly the same as any republican voting, silver spoon chewing cock sucker. All about how much cash they can make at the regular guys expence. In effect they are saying that we should go to jail for carrying grams in public so that they can get us to pay what they want for usually shit weed.

If this prop passes greedy people can still grow illegally and make cash. Not everyone can be fucked growing weed. You dont see lettuce farms going out of business because every fucker on the planet is starting vegetable patches just coz its legal. Realistically, you will be no worse off than you are now. However... the home grower and bottom end smoker will be INFINITELY better off. Then again, you wont be making money off sending the likes of them to prison and paying you exhorbitant prices for the honour.

Fucking GREED.


New member
I haven’t read all the pages of this discussion but I’d like to say a few things. I hope I’m not talking over points already made.

IMHO, I don’t think that Proposition 19 was designed for smokers or growers. In fact, I believe it was designed to be as palatable as possible for the people who would not support a bill that we would like to see. I think some smart people designed it very carefully. I’d bet that there were lawyers and politicians in the room and in the review committees.

I’d also bet that many different groups will be lobbying for changes as soon as Proposition 19 passes. For instance, some will want to tune up the proposition to bring in the maximum amount of tax dollars, some will want improve growing conditions while others will want to develop the market.

When the prohibition of alcohol ended, the price went down because alcohol became widely available. And the average quality went up. Think about Miller, Budweiser and Coors, good beer but if you want something better or special you buy from a micro brewer. It is the same with wine.

I think the same will be true with marijuana. I’d be surprised if R J Reynolds and Phillip Morris aren’t ready to sign contracts and begin production of marijuana cigarettes. I expect them to add chemicals that will make the smoke taste better, keep the joint lit, make it burn slower, … just like they do with their tobacco cigarettes. I expect that they will produce a good product if that is what you want.

If I’m not mistaken, the counties, cities and towns in the Emerald Triangle ( and all over California ) have it in their best interest to create an environment that will encourage growing quality products and the development of new and better products. I will not be surprised to see the Emerald Triangle become the Napa Valley of marijuana.

It is my hope that you folks in California will pass Proposition 19. You need to understand how you can influence other states and possibly other countries. Just look at what is happening with Medical Marijuana. Christ, there are efforts underway in Alabama to legalize Medical Marijuana.

I almost didn’t include the next paragraph. It is not my intension to start a political discussion. However, I do think there is a point to be made.

IMHO, I think there is something we folk outside of California need to do. And that is to vote into office candidates all over America who will be friendly ( or at least not antagonistic ) to the legalization of marijuana; especially in the next two elections ( 2010 & 2012 ). We will need all the friends we can find. While Obama is not in favor of legalization at least he is not some law and order freak. While I know some Republicans and Libertarians would support legalization I have some trouble believing that the Republican national leadership would support legalization. Just look at the lineup that of candidates that could oppose Obama in 2012. Somehow I just can’t see Palin, Romney, Huckabee, Petraeus, Giuliani, Gingrich, Jindal or Bush being sympathetic to the cause.


I haven’t read all the pages of this discussion but I’d like to say a few things. I hope I’m not talking over points already made.

IMHO, I don’t think that Proposition 19 was designed for smokers or growers. In fact, I believe it was designed to be as palatable as possible for the people who would not support a bill that we would like to see. I think some smart people designed it very carefully. I’d bet that there were lawyers and politicians in the room and in the review committees.

I’d also bet that many different groups will be lobbying for changes as soon as Proposition 19 passes
exactly, we don't know. Wikileaks is to busy destorying our military instead of exposing the secrets of all of our politicians or finding out whats in the health and financial reform bills so like Nancy Botx Pelosi says we have to pass the bill first to know what is in it.
They the ones who actually wrote this bill know exactly what kind of power grab this would cause. They put a ball in motion that they cannot totally control. So if prop 19 passes they have a whole business plan setup just waiting to go. They cannot just flat out control things but they can easily guide things along to go 80 to 90% their way. This stuff is almost movie like. All the crime bosses big ( politicans ) and small (richard lee etc..) are coming together to approve a big move or shift in power or territory, the rest of us are truly just along for the ride.

Oh yeah I'm still voting no PROP 19. My reason is FIX MEDICAL laws first.

mr noodles

how can someone vote the same as the cops who vote no with foam at the mouth ?
soon a no win , what do you think is going to happens ? i will answer ...they will go at the medical program just like we have here in canada...no more compassion club here...busted and you cant get a med card even if you die .

if you vote no...cali wil turn to be the laughing stock of the world and if you get pallin elected ....lol

seriously , get this thing first and get a new ground to fight
It is my understanding that Mrs. Palin has smoked weed, inhaled, and liked it. She has recently said that marijuana law enforcement should not be a priority. I'd wager that more Republicans and Libertarians would favor some sort of legaization than would Democrats. Reason? Democrats depend on union voters to win elections. Just check out the percentage of unionized government workers. Cops, firefighters, prison guards, the vast majority are union employees. Their livelihoods depend on what you smoke being a crime. These folks are not gonna vote for legalization. You won't get the religious right to vote for it either. But the rest of the right leaning voters might. We don't like the gov mandating reduced salt in our food, or alcohol in our gasoline. We don't like being made into criminals. Before 1913, the average persons only interaction with the Federal Gov was if they joined the military or went to the post office. It should still be that way.


Freedom Fighter
Democrats depend on union voters to win elections. Just check out the percentage of unionized government workers. Cops, firefighters, prison guards, the vast majority are union employees. Their livelihoods depend on what you smoke being a crime. These folks are not gonna vote for legalization.

You do realize that 90% of cops, firefighters, and prison guards are hard-line Republicans....right??
I've never seen statistics to support that most cops, ect... are republicans. If so it would be unusual, as most are union workers. And most unions support democrats, look it up, it's a fact. And most union members in the US are government workers as well.
Nearly every repub I know, including my 75 yo father, are for some sort of legaization. We don't like paying 50,000 or better per year, per inmate for something harmless. An example: a local newspaper recently had an article where the city cops had staked out a home for a 3 month period. Results? About 3 ounces of pot, a couple of anxiety pills, and 3 felony possession charges. Those cops were hard working public servants, huh?


Freedom Fighter
Caught me...I pulled that number outta my ass-- lol
But I bet it is very very high-- Most Union Workers may be Democrats...but the ones you listed...are the exceptions-- Well...maybe not Firefighters--
But LEO of all kinds are more apt to be Republican--

Now...since it is obvious that I have an idea of what I am saying...but no actual knowledge...I intend to go (after dinner) and educate myself on the subject-- I'll get back to you--:)
Go ahead and vote "Yes". Bunch of sheeple.
They are trying to sell you guys a bucket of shit they painted gold and you guys are too high or too damn lazy to smell the bucket. I don't even live in Cali and I read it. How many of you growers/patients voting yes have? Not many I'd bet.Most of you are taking advise from someone else who hasn't read it either. If you did and you're voting yes, you either didn't understand what you read or you're an idiot.
There's a saying that you guys in Cali are about to find out about big time.......
"When you settle for less than you deserve, you deserve whatever you settle for!"
This bill is gonna tear up Prop215 .....and the way it's worded, it will be permanent.


Freedom Fighter
Go ahead and vote "Yes". Bunch of sheeple.
They are trying to sell you guys a bucket of shit they painted gold and you guys are too high or too damn lazy to smell the bucket. I don't even live in Cali and I read it. How many of you growers/patients voting yes have? Not many I'd bet.Most of you are taking advise from someone else who hasn't read it either. If you did and you're voting yes, you either didn't understand what you read or you're an idiot.
There's a saying that you guys in Cali are about to find out about big time.......
"When you settle for less than you deserve, you deserve whatever you settle for!"
This bill is gonna tear up Prop215 .....and the way it's worded, it will be permanent.

Don't just keep blathering on...give us some specific facts on any of this you say--

rick shaw

Happy haole Hey braddah you aznuts.I come stay go from da' kine.Boddah you being called a f..haole.Being kapu.Tink you no like,no do.Pao,i'm going crackem.


I've never seen statistics to support that most cops, ect... are republicans. If so it would be unusual, as most are union workers. And most unions support democrats, look it up, it's a fact. And most union members in the US are government workers as well.
Nearly every repub I know, including my 75 yo father, are for some sort of legaization. We don't like paying 50,000 or better per year, per inmate for something harmless. An example: a local newspaper recently had an article where the city cops had staked out a home for a 3 month period. Results? About 3 ounces of pot, a couple of anxiety pills, and 3 felony possession charges. Those cops were hard working public servants, huh?

Bullshit. In Australia, the majority of the working class voted against labour (the traditional working persons representative) and for the liberal party whose predominant target is removing those same peoples workplace rights to make the bosses richer.

Why would they do this? To "send back the boats". The majority Blue collar Australia voted for a party that by policy robs them because of good ol fashioned racism.

In your case the fact that a cop is part of a union doesnt make him a left leaning democrat. Just look at votong demographics and polls man. Just coz a guy is in a union doesnt mean he isnt a massive christianazi, narc.
I'm cool with my med card. I don't like the language in the bill. Maybe next time around it will be written better.

Its called getting your foot in the door so you can amend the bill later you fucktard....

And I don't think anyone should be surprised, just b/c you grow herb doesn't make you a good person....
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