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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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Active member
The better question is: IF I can not grow enough for the adults in the house in 25sq' should this community pay to imprison me for having a garden lager than 25sq'? I understand I could go to the weed dispensary and buy someone else's, but I will have a garden greater than 25sq'. Do you believe I should be imprisoned because of it? Prop 19 specifically says I should be sentenced to prison over the plants I have in my home.

I get that the current regimen wants to imprison me for a garden, but I didn't think the ICmag community would welcome NEW LAWS to imprison me for my garden.


You could use this hut PLUS have a small veg cab and be legal

Now...you could grow enough in there to keep you and a couple roommates stoned all day every day.

If not...if you smoke more than Bob Marley...then you have a medical condition and should see a doc quick...cause then you wont have to worry about limits. But I am sure you are already medical and are just against this law, period. Who knows, maybe your current lifestyle is supported by selling pot and if 19 passes you feel that you will not be able to compete the the R. Lee's out there. Don't miss the big picture..the Big Green Rush of 2010. Hydro...you grow some good pot, right? Why not try to set yourself up to market your wares? I know there will be a market for great pot. Just as there will be a market for commercial pot...oh wait there already is, mexican schwag{no offense Pablos}. The people that buy brick weed will be buying the commercial stuff. Keep selling yours to med clubs and the soon to be cannabis boutiques that will be popping up everywhere.

btw...any current recreational grower is as risk of jail. This WILL keep far more out of jail. If your all caught up on the limits and think that we can get some sort of 'Free For All" law passed..then go for it! Do it! I will help get signatures for ya! But the reality is that there is NO other law in the works. Nothing tangible to look forward to. That is why we must pass this law...to get some rights for the 'NON-medical' users and stop 80,000 people a year from getting caught up in the system.


I'm living in washington state currently, but if i was living in cali, i would vote no. This bill will allow companies to step in and dominate the market. I am all for the small to medium growers, because this encourages more competition, allows for more variety, and allows more people to be involved in growing industry.

I can just see a weed growing company with one president who makes most of the money, then a master gardener who gets paid six figures, and then every one else makes minimum wage! I think the corporate structure is bullshit and dont want to see it applied to marijuana.


I'm living in washington state currently, but if i was living in cali, i would vote no. This bill will allow companies to step in and dominate the market. I am all for the small to medium growers, because this encourages more competition, allows for more variety, and allows more people to be involved in growing industry.

I can just see a weed growing company with one president who makes most of the money, then a master gardener who gets paid six figures, and then every one else makes minimum wage! I think the corporate structure is bullshit and dont want to see it applied to marijuana.

No problem,
Just keep the laws the way they are now with over 800,000 arrests in the USA every year. That certainly allows more people to be involved in the industry, that is the lawyer, police and prison industries...



^^^ , considering as less than 8% of those 800,000 were in cali, and 77% of those 8% were simple possession charges that resulted in tickets, and the other cases will still be illegal if this bill passes, I dont see a big dent in that 800,000 figure everyone likes to throw around.


So the city of sacramento is hell bent on making sure Felons can't be involved with mmj businesses with its new ordinance. Since prop 19 prohibits discrimination please vote yes on it!

Say no to discrimination! Vote yes on 19!

jump /injack


Yes... let these people tax and regulate. With prop19 as there weapon just watch. With prop 19 it leaves all cities and counties to do as they see fit.

Sorry I am not just going to vote for anything. Taxation again is not legalization but a way for them to increase there population in jails and make walmart look like a mom and pop shop...LOL.

Proposition 215 was written by the People, not by the State Legislature of California which opposed it. It passed and the People were protected from the politicians, the police and courts. It was a very simple law and was very hard not to understand even though the police, the district attorneys and the courts tried. The politicians and trial attorneys were furious and from the onset tried to get it over turned but they couldn't do it because it was what the People wanted. The trial attorneys would love to get rid of it, it was a real hit on their pocket book, they took it to the State Supreme Court and the Peoples law, 215 was sustained and finally after 40 years of trying the People were safe. Now the politicians, attorneys and a few of vested interests want to create a law that just might [some think for sure] get rid of 215 for the benefit of higher taxes, politicians and attorneys and a few others who most likely will be the only ones able to grow legally. You are willing to trust Sacramento politicians? You are willing to trust trial attorneys? You are willing to trust the one person who is sure to make a killing in the new business because he wrote the law? That new law has so many loop holes in it that it could be construed any way possible. Your not attorneys, I'm not either but a close reading shows me that 215 will be kaput and that laws will be in place that will put you in the cross bar hotel. Just look at who your trusting to do the right thing for god's sake, attorneys, politicians, the criminal justice system, have you lost your minds? You have 'something' now, you will have a lot less if this scam and dazzle gets in. There is only one reason that they made this so convoluted and difficult to read and that was to confuse you the voter, remember that.

Smoke Buddy

You who say that small growers are greedy because they want to be able to continue making a living in OUR industry are WRONG.. I know quite a few growers that are voting NO and not a single one is greedy. Without exception they are unemployed and looking for work. This state is a disaster for employement. There are over 2.5 million Californians looking for work. The greed is on the part of the state, the cities and those who will become millionaires many times over because they are financing this and so they will recieve the "permits". All at the same time putting an entire cottage industry in shambles and the associated small businesses out of business in favor of big business and big brother. Talk about fukin twisted. If we were at 5% unemployement we could all find jobs but at 15-20% there are NO JOBS. The same reason the state wants this now is the reason we shouldnt do it now. They (the state and their chosen proxies) will effectively take over the cost side so they get the profit and the tax.. get it? You are all throwing many cool heads out on the street where there is no hope of work while this governement makes the hope and change thing take us to new lows. Im talking reality... many many suppliers are SMALL> not big, not greedy. They, for the most part, are poor folks barely making ends meet by supplying a little herb by maximizing their legal grows, selling at very reduced prices from what they used to get. Growers who have put much love into this movement in order to get where we are now... only to be demonized by a bunch of un-informed, err.. ill-informed foriegners with nirvana on their mind. Vote NO!!!

peace :rasta:


Jaysus Jump/inJack.

That is beautiful. Short, sweet, and right on.

Thank you and please disregard my sig on this one.

I'm NO on 19. They'll pound us into the dirt!

I live in So Cal. I'm retired. I've been growing for me and mine for 41 years. Greedy? nope. I have enough to live on and not ask anyone for a nickel. I get pissed going into dispensaries and seeing what they offer and how they operate. Most BudTenders couldn't tell the difference between a sativa or indica unless it's marked on the jar.

I don't know why everyone is in such a rush when 215 is already up. How about some time to get 215 running right? Until all the states have a medical program Legalization ain't gonna happen. It will be controlled by the few. I'm not comfortable with California out in the front on this one until we get 215 wired.

Most of the country thinks we're all granola crunching lefties buried hip deep in porn, ilegals and some of the best damn herb in the world!

Well, 1 out of 4 ain't the best ratio, but I'll smoke it.
It's like Pelosi said,,,,,,

You'll just have to wait til we pass this, then you can see what's in it.

Hey, City of Bell has some we can put in charge.

What a furball,,,,,,



Proposition 215 was written by the People, not by the State Legislature of California which opposed it. It passed and the People were protected from the politicians, the police and courts. It was a very simple law and was very hard not to understand even though the police, the district attorneys and the courts tried. The politicians and trial attorneys were furious and from the onset tried to get it over turned but they couldn't do it because it was what the People wanted. The trial attorneys would love to get rid of it, it was a real hit on their pocket book, they took it to the State Supreme Court and the Peoples law, 215 was sustained and finally after 40 years of trying the People were safe. Now the politicians, attorneys and a few of vested interests want to create a law that just might [some think for sure] get rid of 215 for the benefit of higher taxes, politicians and attorneys and a few others who most likely will be the only ones able to grow legally. You are willing to trust Sacramento politicians? You are willing to trust trial attorneys? You are willing to trust the one person who is sure to make a killing in the new business because he wrote the law? That new law has so many loop holes in it that it could be construed any way possible. Your not attorneys, I'm not either but a close reading shows me that 215 will be kaput and that laws will be in place that will put you in the cross bar hotel. Just look at who your trusting to do the right thing for god's sake, attorneys, politicians, the criminal justice system, have you lost your minds? You have 'something' now, you will have a lot less if this scam and dazzle gets in. There is only one reason that they made this so convoluted and difficult to read and that was to confuse you the voter, remember that.

That was almost funny if the guy did not believe himself. But he does...



You who say that small growers are greedy because they want to be able to continue making a living in OUR industry are WRONG.. I know quite a few growers that are voting NO and not a single one is greedy. Without exception they are unemployed and looking for work. This state is a disaster for employement. There are over 2.5 million Californians looking for work. The greed is on the part of the state, the cities and those who will become millionaires many times over because they are financing this and so they will recieve the "permits". All at the same time putting an entire cottage industry in shambles and the associated small businesses out of business in favor of big business and big brother. Talk about fukin twisted. If we were at 5% unemployement we could all find jobs but at 15-20% there are NO JOBS. The same reason the state wants this now is the reason we shouldnt do it now. They (the state and their chosen proxies) will effectively take over the cost side so they get the profit and the tax.. get it? You are all throwing many cool heads out on the street where there is no hope of work while this governement makes the hope and change thing take us to new lows. Im talking reality... many many suppliers are SMALL> not big, not greedy. They, for the most part, are poor folks barely making ends meet by supplying a little herb by maximizing their legal grows, selling at very reduced prices from what they used to get. Growers who have put much love into this movement in order to get where we are now... only to be demonized by a bunch of un-informed, err.. ill-informed foriegners with nirvana on their mind. Vote NO!!!

peace :rasta:

Except to the greedy this is not about jobs or money, it is about the first step in ending the over 800,000 Cannabis arrests in the USA each and every year. I am a California voter and have been for 40 years. I also have fought to legalize Cannabis for over 40 years and to see growers fighting legalization hand and hand with LEO, Prohibitionists, and the rest of the NO on 19 truly makes me want to puke. Talk about un-informed....
Tax and Regulate now!!!



Proposition 215 was written by the People, not by the State Legislature of California which opposed it. It passed and the People were protected from the politicians, the police and courts. It was a very simple law and was very hard not to understand even though the police, the district attorneys and the courts tried. The politicians and trial attorneys were furious and from the onset tried to get it over turned but they couldn't do it because it was what the People wanted. The trial attorneys would love to get rid of it, it was a real hit on their pocket book, they took it to the State Supreme Court and the Peoples law, 215 was sustained and finally after 40 years of trying the People were safe. Now the politicians, attorneys and a few of vested interests want to create a law that just might [some think for sure] get rid of 215 for the benefit of higher taxes, politicians and attorneys and a few others who most likely will be the only ones able to grow legally. You are willing to trust Sacramento politicians? You are willing to trust trial attorneys? You are willing to trust the one person who is sure to make a killing in the new business because he wrote the law? That new law has so many loop holes in it that it could be construed any way possible. Your not attorneys, I'm not either but a close reading shows me that 215 will be kaput and that laws will be in place that will put you in the cross bar hotel. Just look at who your trusting to do the right thing for god's sake, attorneys, politicians, the criminal justice system, have you lost your minds? You have 'something' now, you will have a lot less if this scam and dazzle gets in. There is only one reason that they made this so convoluted and difficult to read and that was to confuse you the voter, remember that.

Do you understand that "they" are all opposed to Prop 19, just like "they" were to 215? Re-read Prop 19 it does not remove rights from medical users, wise up and stop spreading fear.


jump /injack

Do you understand that "they" are all opposed to Prop 19, just like "they" were to 215? Re-read Prop 19 it does not remove rights from medical users, wise up and stop spreading fear.


Sam, I know your hearts in the right place but you are dealing with major criminals when your dealing with politicians and they are very slick. This would be my idea of a law that I would vote for:

"Marijuana has been used medicinally and religiously for thousands of years, henceforth Marijuana will not be considered a illicit drug in California nor will it be illegal to possess California grown Marijuana or grown by California citizens over 21 years of age. This being the will of the People, the State Legislature and all law enforcement agencies will do their utmost to comply with their wishes. Law enforcement officers shall be read the law by their superior officers at their first convenience but not later than one month after enactment. Disregard of the People’s wishes shall be cause for recall of any elected official."

Sam, 19 has to much wiggle room, they could sell your mother to the Liberian Slave Trade with that thing. It is written by those that want you to pay taxes on something that alleviates pain and brings laughter, why would you want politicians into something like that. Think of who you are 'trusting' to do the right thing.

J dubb

New member

I wouldn't worry about the people with millions to invest in this legalization thing anyway because the feds are just gonna sit back collect taxes for a while then go bust them, repo all their shit and throw em in jail. done.


The prop as it stands should be read properly and then visit a laywer and see what he has to say about things when you start flashing the REDDIES,,, I bet nobody that does this gets busted!!!!!!!
Sam, I know your hearts in the right place but you are dealing with major criminals when your dealing with politicians and they are very slick. This would be my idea of a law that I would vote for:

"Marijuana has been used medicinally and religiously for thousands of years, henceforth Marijuana will not be considered a illicit drug in California nor will it be illegal to possess California grown Marijuana or grown by California citizens over 21 years of age. This being the will of the People, the State Legislature and all law enforcement agencies will do their utmost to comply with their wishes. Law enforcement officers shall be read the law by their superior officers at their first convenience but not later than one month after enactment. Disregard of the People’s wishes shall be cause for recall of any elected official."

Sam, 19 has to much wiggle room, they could sell your mother to the Liberian Slave Trade with that thing. It is written by those that want you to pay taxes on something that alleviates pain and brings laughter, why would you want politicians into something like that. Think of who you are 'trusting' to do the right thing.
Wiggle room? Like too much wiggle room for hundreds of thousands of adults who will be able to use MJ recreationally while the MMJ scene goes untouched?

You put forth the mindset of anarchists who think they can remodel the world/appease every unrealistic desire through a bill. You have to realize the framework you have but no choice in working through, and also the long term, overall effects of this bill. Until then it's just gonna be "waaaa, we want more! it's not good enough!" from you guys no matter what.

Smoke Buddy

Except to the greedy this is not about jobs or money, it is about the first step in ending the over 800,000 Cannabis arrests in the USA each and every year. I am a California voter and have been for 40 years. I also have fought to legalize Cannabis for over 40 years and to see growers fighting legalization hand and hand with LEO, Prohibitionists, and the rest of the NO on 19 truly makes me want to puke. Talk about un-informed....
Tax and Regulate now!!!


Well the 800,000 is not in California and you know it... Why not just use the world numbers? It would be just as disengenuous. Here there are 70,000 tickets written at 100 bucks each, which we are trying to change to an infraction so that people wont get a misdemeanor for weed. That would be the Leno bill. I dont see you talking much about that... It is what we need, not tax and regulate. The other thing we dont need is the drama and the name calling. If you feel sick, you know how I feel about destroying a cottage industry in favor of big business which is what you want. You don't own outrage and disgust. And contrary to your claims you do not occupy the high ground on this. I know quite a few people in their 50s and 60s that dsagree with prop 19. Some smoke some grow some dont... We all want it legal, but not by setting a takeover scenario. You seem willing to accept whatever the govt wants. NOT ME. We have had quite enough shoved down our throats lately and I for one am protesting loudly as is the custom here. I think the Leno bill in concert with out 215 gets us everything we need.

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