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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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Uhhh...so it won't affect my medical garden, huh? Permit's for my garden...starting to sound a little like I'm gonna be under Prop 19's rule and have to pay for all the licensing that I CANT FUCKING AFFORD and neither can most small to mid time growers.

Thanks for the Q and A I've already read, but I don't give a shit what the q and a says. It's not the initiative or what's going to be put into law. What is actually written in the initiative is what I care about. Thanks. :wave:

I've read all the sites about Prop 19 and the prop 19 website itself. I have read all the media about it. I know how this thing is gonna work.

in theory, prop 19 will reduce the costs of prop 215 medicine to patients. i think this is why he brought up the commercial licensing.
how about a different point of view, commerical growing of hemp for paper,clothes, and ethanol for gas(or is that possible) just seems growing a few thousands of acres of that and not have to worry about male/female. also, i might be over stateing the demand, but we could plant the whole state of nevada with marijuana and that would be enough to supply the state of calif for a month or so. so i cant understand why somebody would not want a whole new group of consumers for their product?


This was Dicks plan from the beginning. LOL. This is the guy you are supportin by voting yes!. LOL

Oakland approves massive grows; 275k per permit ... Rich Lee Wins One
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #935f05; COLOR: #935f05" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->The Oakland City Council isn't waiting for November to begin jumbling the legal rules. The Council's Public Safety Committee approved licensing wholesale pot growing Tuesday, 3-to-1.

KALW News reporter Ali Winston reports from that meeting that sponsors say the main reason for the proposal isn't revenue, it's safety (as their name implies): residential electrical fires more than doubled in the city in the past three years, and officials think there's a good connection between that increase and unregulated pot "grow houses."

That said, the committee proposes that applicants pay fees of over $275,000 per operation.

Approved by the committee and full City Council, four large growers would be permitted in the first year.

One grower said he embraced regulation but argued that the plan would force medium- and small-scale cultivators to close down, move, or "go back underground into the dark ages."

The ordinance doesn't yet set a limit on the size of the large cultivators

The plan also would permit Oakland's four licensed dispensaries to sell to retailers across California.



Last month rich lee purchased a 20 acre plot to build his new growing facilities ...
Very good news to see.
Maybe all those dispensaries making a livin off blackmarket weed prices can save up and do the same, if they're smart business people.

The unorganized, unregulated shitshow of a mess that is the California MJ scene cannot go much longer without causing more harm than good.
It's time to get serious about this.


This was Dicks plan from the beginning. LOL. This is the guy you are supportin by voting yes!. LOL

Oakland approves massive grows; 275k per permit ... Rich Lee Wins One
<hr style="background-color: rgb(147, 95, 5); color: rgb(147, 95, 5);" size="1"><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->The Oakland City Council isn't waiting for November to begin jumbling the legal rules. The Council's Public Safety Committee approved licensing wholesale pot growing Tuesday, 3-to-1.

KALW News reporter Ali Winston reports from that meeting that sponsors say the main reason for the proposal isn't revenue, it's safety (as their name implies): residential electrical fires more than doubled in the city in the past three years, and officials think there's a good connection between that increase and unregulated pot "grow houses."

That said, the committee proposes that applicants pay fees of over $275,000 per operation.

Approved by the committee and full City Council, four large growers would be permitted in the first year.

One grower said he embraced regulation but argued that the plan would force medium- and small-scale cultivators to close down, move, or "go back underground into the dark ages."

The ordinance doesn't yet set a limit on the size of the large cultivators

The plan also would permit Oakland's four licensed dispensaries to sell to retailers across California.



Last month rich lee purchased a 20 acre plot to build his new growing facilities ...

HAHAHAHA....WHO FUCKING KNEW...ME!!!! Aint that some shit.

Very good news to see.
Maybe all those dispensaries making a livin off blackmarket weed prices can save up and do the same, if they're smart business people.

The unorganized, unregulated shitshow of a mess that is the California MJ scene cannot go much longer without causing more harm than good.
It's time to get serious about this.

Yea, totally, cause every single dispensary is making bank....sure. You obviously don't know shit about the MMJ scene. Yes, there are a lot that are making ridiculous money, but there are a lot that aren't and are trying to do good. You seem to forget about the overhead of owning a business. Yes, MMJ is not supposed to be a business but they tax them the same as any business and they have to pay the same bills as any business. It's not cheap to own a dispensary. Not every dispensary owner or grower is filthy rich. Most are just making it. I'm not even making it really, I'm just scraping by as a grower. Growing isn't cheap.

I know you hear legalization and think, Hey thats a good thing, and I think the same way too. Legalization is a good thing. A very very good thing, but not the way the want to "legalize" which is really limited decriminalization. The power will come out of the people's hands even farther. Things are not as they always appear. This is one of those times.


The sad thing is that Richard Lee had a better initiative in his hands that he could have put on the ballot. Instead of real weed freedom he chose corporate greed,

You can read what he denied to put on the ballot here. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=140083 I'm pretty sure that Dennis would have been actively supporting it if it were on the ballot. Read prop 19 and read that hrmmm,... just saying there is a reason a ton of old school peeps are against prop 19, its cause they know Rich and his intentions and what we SHOULD have.


Active member
Things are not as they always appear. This is one of those times.

In the case of voter initiatives, they are as they appear...in black and white. The only changes that can be made from all the implied minimums are only changes that increase. Nothing can be taking away. Also, if a business is making money, they should pay taxes...don't like it, move away or go underground and take your chances but everything is taxed.


Active member
just saying there is a reason a ton of old school peeps are against prop 19, its cause

that's great an they can vote as they wish. Fortunately for us, the millions of other people that smoke cannabis want this to pass. You know so they won't go to jail or get a marijuana conviction on their record. Because that could make the difference if you wanted to get a school grant, fed loan and tons of other stuff. But hey, lets keep on putting 80,000 Californians into the system every year so some grower doesn't have to pay taxes or might lose money because he doesn't know how to run a legit business. If they are smart they would be putting together a business plan to cash in on legalization....oh wait, the smart ones already are.


VTS I suggest you brake down those stats. Because when you do I want to know how many of those arrests were for people 21 and older for possesion of less than an ounce. Because the numbers show its a lot less than you are being led to believe. Fact is that the majority (60%) of cannabis "arrests" are people under 21. The people who will see increased punishment, the very ones you want to throw under the bus. Do you realize prop 19 makes public smoking of cannabis illegal? There actually is no law against SMOKING WEED in california, possesion, sales, cultivation, transportation yes.


We should have a poll what age did you start smoking weed. I bet 90% say under 21 with prop 70% of those between 14-17. Seriously we are going to tell our youth that they can join the California National Guard to go die in afghanistan at 17 but we won't let them have a joint. Something is fucked up about it. Don't screw our youth they are our future.
We should have a poll what age did you start smoking weed. I bet 90% say under 21 with prop 70% of those between 14-17. Seriously we are going to tell our youth that they can join the California National Guard to go die in afghanistan at 17 but we won't let them have a joint. Something is fucked up about it. Don't screw our youth they are our future.

You guys don't get it, this isn't about you getting everything you want, this is about a strategical and calculated move to advance the MJ movement. It's not about pandering to kids who want to get high, this is more serious than granting your every unrealistic wish. This has to work in the eyes of the majority, and legally giving drugs to kids will never work, let alone trying to do the under 21 thing.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If anyone has gone down to sactown and bought a dime I got rushed by 10 kids all ran out to my car none of them can be over 16. It was bad. I'm thinking that if they had hash penalties for these kids maybe they wont do that anymore. These are kids that would kill you if you looked at them wrong. I see it all the time in Sactown. I think we forget it's a jungle out there and for those of us that don't like to be intimidated we get nervous and that's when people get shoot and killed. So if you vote yes this would be another problem that would go away very fast if legalized.


Hammerhead you aren't smoking weed,... I don't have that problem here. I fear no man, woman, or child.

Its pretty fucked up that you will let a 17 year old die in the desert for your freedom but you will deny him/her a fucking joint? What's the problem with kids smoking weed anyways. Last study I read showed that cannabis make people smarter.


ICMag Donor
funny, funny guys right here!

i am offering an opportunity for people who don't have the balls or experience that i do, i can make them millions in a few months......

i am not asking for product or cash. im asking to be paid for my services.
i have plenty of money and am siting on a good amount of high quality indoor, why would i ask for any of that?
thx to icmag, yesterday a lease was signed and next week my first 30 lighter is being constructed......

appreciate you guys trying to talk shit......

back on subject...............:tiphat:

God why do I bother, lol?

i have extra time during the day and was thinking about offering my services for running a warehouse for someone or a collective.......

as many people on here know, i have 16+ years of indoor experience. i ran 2 of my own 50 light warehouse, managed 4 other 50 lighters, and a 100 lighter, most of these at the same time. the 50 lighters yielded a constant 75+ lb's per grow and a high of 90 lb's, i have since learned alot more and get much bigger yields. i have a building crew if need be and a trimming crew, that can out trim 90% of the trimmers out there......

this is for salary or final yield percentage, pm me if interested.....

You say you arent looking for money, and have so much weed that you don't want anymore, yet in your add you say "this is for salary or final yield percentage". Well what the fuck does asking for salary or final yield percentage mean to you?

Normally when someone lies it means they are scamming somewhere. Why not explain to all of us what salary or yield percentage means to you?


Active member
VTS I suggest you brake down those stats. Because when you do I want to know how many of those arrests were for people 21 and older for possesion of less than an ounce. Because the numbers show its a lot less than you are being led to believe. Fact is that the majority (60%) of cannabis "arrests" are people under 21. The people who will see increased punishment, the very ones you want to throw under the bus. Do you realize prop 19 makes public smoking of cannabis illegal? There actually is no law against SMOKING WEED in california, possesion, sales, cultivation, transportation yes.

I didn't say anything regarding the ratio of young vs. older people getting busted. The equation I presented was growers voting no compared to all the rec smokers voting yes.

Funny thing is that most people over 21 don't need federal student aid anyways...

since you used the word most, your statement is correct. However there are still hundreds of thousands of adults over 21 receiving school aid...don't count them out! What about home loans, business loans, ability to get certain bonding's, etc...

your grasping for straws.

Listen....the whole 'kid' thing does suck...I don't think too many here disagree with you on that. Happy now? The only problem for you is that one, really bad part of the law, doesn't compare to the freedoms more people with get if this passes.

There actually is no law against SMOKING WEED in california

Don't be an idiot. Your really not that dumb are you? If you are smoking cannabis you are in possession.


Your not in possesion if you swallow the joint or smash the glass pipe :) its something we used to do as kids so we wouldn't be able to get popped for possesion.

Strange VTA I bring up statistics and facts to prove that prop 19 is a scam. The statisrtics combined with the taxes and language of the initiative don't grant jackshit, compared to what they take away. Everyone says vote for 19 to keep peeps out of jail, yet the stats and language show that the peeps who do get arrested face more time.
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