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Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

Growers are just saying NO to pot legalization

  • id vote no also, it would decrease price.

    Votes: 154 28.3%
  • id vote yes, the increased market will still keep prices up.

    Votes: 391 71.7%

  • Total voters
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i dont remember calling you any names....

anyway, what did these studies find? that stoned drivers are dangerous? moreso than drunks??

i dislike it when people mention sources, but fail to paraphrase them.

if you want, please elaborate on why marijuana should be restricted from drivers the way alcohol is.... sounds like typical cop talk to me.

i take personal offense to this Sam...

so please, kindly, shove it up your ass. and maybe next time blame the bad driver (cop BTW), not the ganja.

This is what I mean by name calling, I mean what does shoving anything up anyones ass have to do with any of this??

As for your dislikes that is your problem really not mine, you can do the research on how many studies have studied Cannabis and driving if you really care, I was just pointing out how ridiculous it was to say there were no studies.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Ok...I don't believe it will put more...but I do know that ppl will still be going to jail-- If you are over an oz...if your garden is a little too big...or if you are charged with sales (and we all know how easy it is for them to trump THAT one up!!)-- I also don't like the part that you may not smoke in a house with a minor in it, as it means I basically can't smoke at home--

  • Over an oz is only on your person. Where are you going to go today that you're going to need more than an ounce for personal?
  • Garden a little too big - right now, if you have a garden, it's too big. Keeping a smaller garden than you might like (or taking a similar risk to what you'd have to take now) seems like a better alternative than out-and-out illegal.
  • Smoking around the minor is kinda a pain in the ass, I'll admit. But it's there for those people who are going to fight this thing "for the children".
5 X 5 grow area-- I grow outdoors only, and that simply is not big enough to Flower, Veg the next crop, keep Mothers, and clones--

I don't grow outdoors, but I manage to keep moms, clones and PERP flower all in four square feet. This law would allow me to legally quintuple my growing area! If your techniques aren't allowing you to keep yourself sufficient, perhaps changing your techniques are in order?

Why couldn't you keep a very small (for instance, mine is 17"x17") mom/clone room and use the other twenty three square feet for your outdoor plants?

I am a Med Patient, so actually that means nothing...but even indoors, the average user will have a hard time staying legal while having a perpetual grow--

The average user will just buy shit at the store. But I know of one total newb grower who pulled 3 ounces from his very first harvest in a two square foot cabinet. (Me.) Imagine what I could've done with twenty five square feet!

Sam, not all the "No" ppl are this way-- I dislike the Prop, but will be voting Yes...simply to help with the first step--

Sounds like you're not a "no" person, if you're going to vote yes. :)

I do not care if prices go down, I will always be able to make $$ with Cannabis...because I am flexible...meaning I will find new ways to utilize the Cannabis Industry as the times change--

I agree.

I only speak out on this because this Prop is very far from "Legalization"...and I just want ppl to see that, before they make their mind up about it--

How many things in our "free" society are actually as free as you would like cannabis to be? Even drinking water is heavily regulated.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
hmmmmmm depriving people of freedom??? go regulate your cock into your own asshole, see how it feels.. cause if this shit passes, it will be similar.

government is slavery. i dont care for it. maybe i'm out of touch with reality, but i think i am more in touch with reality..

I think you've got your head where you suggest cocks should be placed.

You're definitely out of touch with reality if you think that something being flat out ILLEGAL is a better situation than something that is regulated.
Dude what planet our you living on. Of course cannabis impairs your abilities to safely operate any dangerous piece of equipment. I can not believe some the shit coming out of your mouth. Pleas tell us what area you live in so I can tell my kids to stay away from there. I find it disturbing to here we have people that feel it's OK to drive while under the influence of anything. Here my words one day after a long puffing session you will kill or harm someone because of your foolish ideals.

It makes me a safer driver. The only thing that I don't like about it is if I'm using a makeshift pipe I have to ditch it right after smoking. But taint nothing wrong with driving down the interstate and smoking a huge bowl, then ditching the evidence.

Just kidding about that safer driver thing. I've been fu-hucked-UP a couple times. :)


Freedom Fighter
Anti-- Bro, you are confused as to what I was saying-- I know about the 1 ounce in public, that is what I was talking about-- Like taking from your grow to your house...
I said I was a Med Patient...my Garden has no restrictions-- That is why I do not like voting for the restriction...I see no reason to-- We already have better than that--
Sorry bro, but I smoke a lot of weed...3 oz's every 2 months would leave me out of weed for at least half of it--
I see what you are saying...that is why I am a "Yes" voter...but openly oppose the Prop...A little is better than nothing...but I just don't like how ppl call this "Legalization"...because it isn't--


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
You do smoke allot of pot man. You need a bunch of stash houses so if you run out you can just dodge in a pick up your oz


New member
I think if weeds are legalized, all related industries will become more competitive, but it might turn out to be a better situation in the end. For example, competition may lead to a margin profit reduction, however a fast growing demand makes sales go up, thus ends in a grow in the total profit.


Anti the thing is that it is NOT flatout illegal. The stats show that the majority of weed arrests in California for possesion of less than ounce are 18-21 year olds,.. hrmm good job stopping millions and millions of arrests.


I will offer freshly made free seeds to the grower with the most honest reasons why he will vote NO on Prop 19.
I am the judge and honesty is is the criteria that I will judge on.
I will give 100 seeds each of say 20 different varieties if you have the best reason, according to me.
I won't post the seeds into the USA, but will deliver them to anywhere they are legal.
Or hand them off to anyone the winner says to in Amsterdam.

Lets hear the real reasons not a bunch of maybe this or maybe that...
I have seeds made from my Original 20 year old Hindu Kush clone, I will include some.

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Intresting but no thanks sam. I have a bunch of great seeds in my collection already and may never get a chance to grow what I got already being a senior. What is the point anyway? I think a lot of reasons have already come up in just this thread.There are other threads and even more at other sites, all the arguments on both sides seem well gone over to me.


Intresting but no thanks sam. I have a bunch of great seeds in my collection already and may never get a chance to grow what I got already being a senior. What is the point anyway? I think a lot of reasons have already come up in just this thread.There are other threads and even more at other sites, all the arguments on both sides seem well gone over to me.

No problem, but I think other growers that want to vote NO may be interested in getting 2,000 fresh seeds from me. Lets hear from them....

Hell, I will even throw in some Purple Haze seeds.
I guess I am different in I have never had too many seeds, and I have tons, and I do mean "tons"....
Most I made, a few hundred kilos I collected myself overseas.
But I am always looking for more....



I desire the RKS seeds...
and all the old stuff like the sssc stuff,,

mainly people should vote the way their heart and not the way the head tells them to this vote this is much to big an oppertunity for a whole nation to get nations to follow suit,, the decriminaliseation of the pot plant will never get a chance like this again for a long long time and I don't wan't to have to explain to the new growers of 20 years time that I/WE never got sam's magic pips trying to free the weed as he tried for 40 + years and its partly (mainly our fault) ,, I no of nothing that compares to my cheese clone and its crosses,, And for the whole world to miss out is a dam shame that people will grow hermi bagseed and sell it as mediocure medicene in the quest to get rich,, when you can get the best of the best from Sam S and you don't think you need or want it you have problems,, I agree with Sam on everything he states except the fact that I KNOW HOW TO MEDICATE MYSELF MORE THAN ANYONE.. And this new peice of legislation can be Interpritated as the doctor's and others will decide on what of what is medicinel and what is not,, I like tinc's & oil's and bubble & drysift,, I'm not a fan of butane and I only REALY like SK#1 from the magic man..and don't like to be told how to do things,,,

I think that Sativex is a great product, I have bad knees and back and I smoke for the relief as I am a chef so the appatite helps my customers get good food as It keeps me inspired and on the ball,, I can smoke during service out the back when no tickets are on and THIS IS MY LIFE.. I will live it how I WANT!!!!

And I don't want Thc & cbd, cbn mixed suspended in a bottle I want bushes of sticky nuggs to trim after I finish work,, so I can smoke and Be happy,, I also like to stock up to get a good cure on MY UNTAXABLE BUDS! Herb,, It is a plant ...

Each to there own with different strokes for different folkes..


I will offer freshly made free seeds to the grower with the most honest reasons why he will vote NO on Prop 19.
I am the judge and honesty is is the criteria that I will judge on.
I will give 100 seeds each of say 20 different varieties if you have the best reason, according to me.
I won't post the seeds into the USA, but will deliver them to anywhere they are legal.
Or hand them off to anyone the winner says to in Amsterdam.

Lets hear the real reasons not a bunch of maybe this or maybe that...
I have seeds made from my Original 20 year old Hindu Kush clone, I will include some.


No offers for giving the best reasons to vote yes!? I can't bring myself to fabricate reasons to vote 'no'...

I would love to be able to grow your cup winning Hindu Kush. I'm looking for something nice to preserve my Purple Kush cut in seed form , bet you have some skunks that would cross nicely to the exodus cheese cut aswell:tiphat:


Why can't anyone tell me what the best herb in the world is? According to 215forLife???
He won't answer my question, why I don't know.


Personally the best herb in the world is CANNABIS.. Mine!!!! Yours??I don't care for any other,,, so I wouldn't know,, I don't buy or sell,,
my point is if you grow your own you won't care about others,,,,(If you can supply yourself enough!) You can mail order cuts seeds, but what you have is what you know, so if you have only ran 1 strain who know's I'd say you were happy enough not to change.., The best is free weed, grown yourself,,, it does'nt get any better, If you do a good job.. Most commercial isn't good so the buyers get ripped off this prop will sort the mess out!!! most people will grow their own. The rest will get it from relyable sources!!!!

Stop all the pissy antics,,, good growers need to be growing the commercial, not the money hungry CATS, people with degrees getting a wage for the work done and the waste goes to the enviroment and tax and regulation and medi users,, the, homegrower stays untouched un bothered and un stressed atease with his grow,,

Leave me the fuck alone and sort your souls out it doesn't effect you unless your a tosser in my eyes,, all you commercial cats can get spidermites and tobacco viruses I hope and get wiped out that way GOOD RIDENCE,,:moon:
If i was allowed to grow as much in a 5x5 space i would be over the moon, thats alot of bud, especially if you maximise it and cram it full of plants. sog springs to mind. it talks about a 5x5 area but what about height? if you really wanted to, you could knock out the ceiling doubling the space to what maybe 16ft? 5x5x16ft doesnt sound bad to me, as thats alot of bud. 1600k+ grow if you achieve 1gpw then were singing
So if one individual can grow one plant in Cali.(Hypothetically) and only harvested an ounce at a time.Would individual trading of quarters and halves completely fuxorz the system in state with so many millions of smokers.Grow and share and destroy their tax and monopoly scheme.Seriously, share your harvest..trade...it'll be like buying cigs on the internet...the folks in charge will flip.Vote yes and open the door.See how fast that house of cards falls..Im on the East coast..gimme a 25 square foot plot.....lucky fuckers.
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