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Competition GROW CONTEST WINNER: Noreason gardens


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Today I transplanted the new offsprings in 6,5 liters pot with used coco, and moved in the flowering tend under 2x400W. In total there are 31 plants, but males still have to be removed, so I plan to finish with 20 females.

A lot of work, but all my crosses are very nice looking and I'm quite happy!


Root porn!






Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
And some exodus cheese ''winter edition''. Its black color is due to the low night temperatures that make it more fascinating!







ICMag Donor
fucking tops! beautiful color contrast between the pistils and leaves .. beautiful plant in both versions ... :tiphat:
That looks absolutely awesome, i have a stupid question for coco for you if you dont mind answering?

Im going to use Autopots in one of my grow chambers with coco 70%///30%perlite with a layer of clay pebbles on bottom and top.

Then i have some "normal pots" which i also want to use coco with, should i go 50/50 here or 100% coco maybe? Ive never used coco so i have no idea how the material reacts or what you have to think about when watering. The strains are all hybrids with medium height and 8w ish flowering

Looking very well, looking forward to seeing them progress :)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Hey SG, I don't mind at all, feel free to ask bro :)

I know coco works great, with or without perlite. it is different from soil and has a lot more water uptake and at the same time it can be more airy then soil.
However try to consider two factors:


Nutrients uptake

If one of this two decrease the other will increase. A good grower should consider this and make the perfect medium for his plants.

I' ll try to explain better.

If you use 50% coco and 50% perlite you have a very airy medium, where the roots can always absorb a lot ox oxygen from the air. This oxygen increase metabolism and thus make the plant uses more nutrients.

The nutrients are taken from the roots thanks to water (if there is no water, no nutrient can be absorbed). But if a medium is too airy nutrient uptake is reduced and there is a need to increase nutrient's strength.
If the medium is too airy it could be a great idea to increase watering, maybe reducing the total water for each watering.

Vice versa, if the medium is not too airy (100% coco) nutrient uptake will be higher, but Oxygen will be less. This mean less watering and less nutrients.

The point is that combining coco and perlite in different proportion you can create a different medium, with different properties. This means that you have to adjust the watering for each kind of medium.

Several coco & perlite combinations works great. You can have the same yield from 50/50 or 80/20, the only thing you have to adjust is plants watering and feeding.
Plants need both Oxygen and nutrients, be sure to give the plants these two and you are going to create the perfect base for a great grow ;)

The only thing I would avoid is a layer of clay pebbles on the bottom, for me it's pretty useless, but I never worked with autopots, so maybe you need it and I don't know...
That explanation was very good, thank you alot :) I think ive got it under some kind of control now atleast, ill be doing two pots with 70/30 and then the others will be one 100% coco and one 50/50 so i can se how autopots react with different ammounts ^^!

If i remember correctly clay pepples were used att the bottom so the roots wouldnt get through the mat so easily, but i will double check that again as i cant remember correctly.

Two seeds germinated last night, with 70/30% mix, the only thing i was kind of confused about was whether or not im supposed to "push" the soil mix down a little bit every now and then when im adding soil? So it gets more solid?
That explanation was very good, thank you alot :) I think ive got it under some kind of control now atleast, ill be doing two pots with 70/30 and then the others will be one 100% coco and one 50/50 so i can se how autopots react with different ammounts ^^!

If i remember correctly clay pepples were used att the bottom so the roots wouldnt get through the mat so easily, but i will double check that again as i cant remember.

Two seeds germinated last night, with 70/30% mix, the only thing i was kind of confused about was whether or not im supposed to "push" the soil mix down a little bit every now and then when im adding soil? So it gets more solid?


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
That explanation was very good, thank you alot :) I think ive got it under some kind of control now atleast, ill be doing two pots with 70/30 and then the others will be one 100% coco and one 50/50 so i can se how autopots react with different ammounts ^^!

If you have time and possibility to experiment different mediums with the same clones, in a couple of runs you should be find the one that work best for you. Experimenting is the best way to learn, maybe some plants can't reach the maximum yield and quality overall, but your knowledge will increase day after day.

Two seeds germinated last night, with 70/30% mix, the only thing i was kind of confused about was whether or not im supposed to "push" the soil mix down a little bit every now and then when im adding soil? So it gets more solid?

I prefer to germinate in pure coco, more difficult to make mistakes without perlite. If a seed is in pure coco you're sure it is surrounded by wet coco fiber. If that seeds has some perlite around it's easy to obtain an ''air bag'' wich give a lot of oxygen but less water.
Well, seeds germinate however, even without medium but if you're paying a seed 10€ then I would suggest to give the max. chance to sprout and pure coco for me it's the best, actually.
It has great water\air ratio but it can hold a lot of water. When the first layer become dry it change in color, making easier to know when spray water to keep things wet, I just love it :biggrin:

About pushing the medium down in the pot....I suggest to fill the pot and press the coco down, especially on the sides. Then insert the plant, water and then add more coco to fill the pot. if you fill the pot a couple times in the first waterings, then you have no more need to do it again till the end.
The important thing is to avoid empty spaces inside the pot. We want a pot full of medium, from the top till the bottom, because the medium is the link between water+nutrients and plants. No medium=no absorption of water and nutrients.

Hope it helps :wave:

Dark Helmet

Active member
SwedenGrow id use a inch of perlite instead of rocks, rocks can cause ph swings u want something thats inert. Mine have inch of perlite at the bottom just plain coco on top
If you have time and possibility to experiment different mediums with the same clones, in a couple of runs you should be find the one that work best for you. Experimenting is the best way to learn, maybe some plants can't reach the maximum yield and quality overall, but your knowledge will increase day after day.

I prefer to germinate in pure coco, more difficult to make mistakes without perlite. If a seed is in pure coco you're sure it is surrounded by wet coco fiber. If that seeds has some perlite around it's easy to obtain an ''air bag'' wich give a lot of oxygen but less water.
Well, seeds germinate however, even without medium but if you're paying a seed 10€ then I would suggest to give the max. chance to sprout and pure coco for me it's the best, actually.
It has great water\air ratio but it can hold a lot of water. When the first layer become dry it change in color, making easier to know when spray water to keep things wet, I just love it :biggrin:

About pushing the medium down in the pot....I suggest to fill the pot and press the coco down, especially on the sides. Then insert the plant, water and then add more coco to fill the pot. if you fill the pot a couple times in the first waterings, then you have no more need to do it again till the end.
The important thing is to avoid empty spaces inside the pot. We want a pot full of medium, from the top till the bottom, because the medium is the link between water+nutrients and plants. No medium=no absorption of water and nutrients.

Hope it helps :wave:

I have all the time and possibilities, im planning on doing what you just said so i can see how just that strain reacts to it :) Ive always been trying to do as much as possible since i started growing so i could learn as much as possible, i hate not knowing everything i can about something i am interested in so i tend to read ALOT and do alot of planning in my head (how to build cab etc)

I germinated two seeds in 70/30 coco/perl just last night, they are both up from the soil and looking happy now so it did work. dont think i wanna do pure coco because i dont know how to mix the perlite in later.

And yeah, it was VERY easy to see that they wanted to be sprayed this morning as the soil has nother colour.

Its kind of fun as i havent had time to build them a veg cab yet they are both under my PC table with a 20w hanging over them haha, fixing temoporary cab after work today. and building 2nd flowercab this week, ive just been so damn busy with my "big flowercab" and just finished building that two days ago. (Its like a damn part-time job tending to plants and fixing everything, i love it!)

Oh so theres actually people who put in more soil after it has sunken together??? Ive never done that because i didnt wanna add more soil after i filled it for the first time. Then ill remember that for this run and just keep filling them until it is full, will look better aswell and i like that.

Growlog and "buildlog/cablog" might come up in a few days when plants get a bit larger and i have organised everything, thank you for the tips, i really appreciate it :)

Peace :ying:


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Time to post some updates of my works...

I have 4 EXcheese clones running in rdwc at 44days of flowering, using 1X400W and 1x600W.
They're a little in delay than the previous run but flowers are fatten up really nice.

I switched to a new brand of fertilizers: Growth Technology IONIC line.
I use in total 4 products: grow - bloom - PK - Green humic

Very practical to use. I add green humic only when I change nutrient solution and then add only grow if in vegetative, only bloom in flowering, and PK as an add-on when the budding became serious.

Things are faster then the previous 3 parts line, they have a low P profile, both grow and bloom. The green humic is really working. It keeps pH around 6.1/6.3, no fluctuation it is rock stable. I think this product could be a must have, but I need to try it on other mediums.

Here the overview of the tent, a cultibox 1,4 m2 with the 4 clones.




As you can see in the first picture, I use 2x clip fans. These kind of fans can be very helpful when growing in a tent but they are just crap. Or at least mine are crap. I already throw 2 of them in the trash after really few weeks of use. After this, the airflow produced is inconsistent and reach a limited area.
Than I love the cornwall fan, the blak hanging from the ceiling as it has 3 regulation, it can be placed on the floor, hanged, on the wall, and the fan can rotate 90°, just great and I'm using one for months and it still work just fine.

And a couple of close up to finish, if you want you can find more pictures in the gallery



Green vibz


Active member
looks wonderful bro

i have had this cheese cut as a mom for 2 years and still havent had the time to test her though i smoked her grown by someone else so i know it must be really stinky in there :)

enjoy your formaggio :)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
looks wonderful bro

i have had this cheese cut as a mom for 2 years and still havent had the time to test her though i smoked her grown by someone else so i know it must be really stinky in there :)

enjoy your formaggio :)

Grazie fratello! I think you had the real ex.cheese clone. Mine is a clone I kept from a GHS female seed sprouted by me, but I still love it ;)


Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
This one is a reversed female clone of the exodus cheese I'm using to make some S1. It's flowering from months and actually I keep it outdoor and take fresh pollen only when needed.



When I need pollen I remove the dried bananas and let the new growth open and make new bananas.




Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
In the exodus cheese tent the 4 clones are at 53 days after the switch to 12\12.
Big colas, partially ripen but still sprouting new calix and foxtails. The main issue now is mold in the fattest flowers.

Yesterday and tonight I did a check, open some buds and I found 3 or 4 spot, near the stems, where the mold already started to grow.

At now there very very few mold and no damage to flowers, but I need to check every night to give some more days to the flowers to ripen. Plants are already in flush with plain water, but it's a pity as I can't let the flowers ripen as I would.

Next run I'll try to use a silicate based product in the reservoir and an O3 generator, hope these can do something against mold.







Natural born Grower
ICMag Donor
Breeding projects are in progress and waiting to smoke the new offspring that is flowering, I keep clones and make them ready for the flowering tent.

This one is a chocotonic F1 pheno #4(DieselTonic X chocolope) and it's really vigorous, with a bushy structure and with a special flavor. It's a keeper for sure!


Nice and fast rooting from this pheno!


Some mixed plants


And a couple of plants I don't know the English name. I sprouted the seeds a couple of years ago and from a couple of months I keep'em in the vegetative tent. They're really appreciating the white soft light from the T5 lamps.
So these two plants will share the same room with the clones, at least for a while.



Green vibz folks!