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GROW CONTEST WINNER: 30 Sour Bubble Trees, 20 Gallon Smartpots, 10K Sealed!


plant pimp
Will be very nice to see what you do with katsu..u have SB dialed the fuck in. I am sure you will smash your biggest yields with the katsu..good luck


Active member
Turbo14- Hell yeah NICE! That is alot of light good job, and everything looks healthy as can be. I just bamboo and twisty tie everything into place, labor intensive but then I know it is done right. Are you running a simliar organic mix in there? Good shit, are you running a thread? If so got a link? Oh and your welcome I wish you good luck.


Right on, I use around 6 Bamboo's on each plant as well. I am not running an organic mix, but love the idea of it. Possibly next run. I am running the Alien Genetics feeding program. Pure Blend Pro as a base, Guanos, Liquid Bone Meal, and Kelps.

Are all of your soil plants in the mix? So you feed zero bottle nutrients, but when you do it is General Organics? I am all about some teas as well. Have you tried capulator bennies in your teas? Shit is unreal.

You seem to pull great numbers with the soil mix / plant layout.

I have a thread but its on the farm. I'll PM you with the info.

What do you usually pull per plant? 4 weeks in 5 gallons and 4 weeks in 20's is what your doing right?

Right on, Right on!

turbo:thank you:


The revolution will not be televised.....
Caught up finally on the thread and you are killin it man. Great inspiration here for any growers looking to step their game up.


hempluvr- Yes sir, it is all about yearly production goals around here, no short sightededness. I remeber when I first became a full time grower 6 years ago learning about speed. I harvested a crop and bathed in the glory of it for to long and then you are living check to check, or in this case grow to grow. Now I love having a fresh harvest just going out the door and I am already a week or two into the next one. It is simple really, pull out a calendar and time everything correctly and the train never stops rolling. It can be alot of work and stress but the payoff is worth it. Thanks

Cody2white- Me neither, I am just excited to grow something else. I think you are right about the 1000's, 1000's are all I have ever purchased. I better get on the backup AC ordering and install. I am going to go with a 3ton Mr. Slim P series, it will allow me to run a few more lights in the big flower room but most of all if one ac goes down I can adjust fire (unplug some lights) and use whatever ac is available.

I am prepping for harvest the next couple days, have to get the trim room ready and humdity dialed in in the dry room.

before u drop some more money on the ogs did u see the thread where the og reflector kills the ocho at 24x24 but the ocho offers the same lux all the way to 40x40 footprint food for thought,,,let me try to find the thread and link it to ya,,,,,peace


ghost in training
before u drop some more money on the ogs did u see the thread where the og reflector kills the ocho at 24x24 but the ocho offers the same lux all the way to 40x40 footprint food for thought,,,let me try to find the thread and link it to ya,,,,,peace

I know your talking about the ochos and shit but i just cant get over on how the gavita hoods/lamps throw out light. I dont have one of my own but at the shop they were ridiculous. Right now in the room is a blockbuster and its pretty good. The gaskets are crap though. If your not cleaning the air from the hoods you should. Just hook up a fan right to it and you'll feel the mass amount of air that blows through the gaskets. :joint:

I cant wait for the next update:lurk:


Active member
yea go with 1000 dimmables and just dim them down if its too hot.....love the quick turnaround in your rooms. let us know how those hoods work out im in the market to replace my super suns soon...i gotta get a nice AC as well..

RaNgEr RiCk

I know your talking about the ochos and shit but i just cant get over on how the gavita hoods/lamps throw out light. I dont have one of my own but at the shop they were ridiculous. Right now in the room is a blockbuster and its pretty good. The gaskets are crap though. If your not cleaning the air from the hoods you should. Just hook up a fan right to it and you'll feel the mass amount of air that blows through the gaskets. :joint:

I cant wait for the next update:lurk:

I originally thought it was the gaskets in the blockbusters, as well as the magnum xxxls. In my case I found that it was user error, and the gaskets worked just fine. You have to have 2 people in order to get the gasket to seal properly and you cant tighten the glass too much or it will cause gaps in the gaskets.


Active member
Dam bro lol how could i have missed this thread scribed your dong one hell of a good job


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Blaze- Thanks man I thought you would enjoy that. I already know what I was capable with in the old mix and worse environmental conditions so I am sure with the new mix and perfect environment they will do very well. A 7-8 week veg in a 20 gallon pot with my training hand should make for some huge very wide bushes. I am going to top and tie those beast sideways for a while and let them explode into flower. I am more confident then ever about filling every square inch of the room with a cola. I am pumped haha, sucks that the finish is still 4+ months away but hey thats the name of the game. I will try and not let you down bro I know she is your girl.

Dawn Patrol- Thanks, I try and keep things interesting around here.

storminmormon- Hey thanks alot I have been getting that alot lately, not to brag but it seems I have been inspiring many. I know exactly how you feel many here before me inpsired me as well, and the amount of knowledge they have shared with me is unbelieveable. It is great to here back that I have helped someone some way, just like many here have helped me in the past. Blazeoneup deserves alot of credit whether he ever accepts it from me or not, I have read so much here on IC but by far his threads are what have helped me the most.

Not be cheesy but I love this community, it has consumed my late nights for years and we all have to giveback to keep it going. I think when you say think better as a grower you might be saying "apply things in a more professional manner?" This is my fulltime job so I treat it as such and I work hard to make it as successful as possible. That is the good thing about working for yourself and your success being dependent upon you, especially in an industry where the sky is the size of your nuts.

Management in any successful venture is key, a sports team could have a roster of superstars but without proper managment most likely they will not succeed. Just like the sports tream you could have the time, space, capital, genetics, and proper equipment, and motivation, but not have the management skills to keep the train rolling on time flawlessly producing your maxium output for the year. Of course no ones perfect but you can only strive to be better. Probably a longer reply then you expected but I am flowing on this keyboard right now, smoked some good herb haha.

RangerRick- You know I have no love for them hoes bro :)

BrownThumb- That is exactly what it is, still sometimes unbelieveable and I am rolling up on my year mark in Febauary.

Hempluvr- I am hoping so man, I need to get past this yield barrier I am currently in. 1.65 per light is respectable but I can do better. I agree the SB is dialed in, there was no making my last round better, nothing I could have done for a better outcome. I think Katsu is going to perform very well, but only time will tell. I will be sure to share that round with you all.

Bobby Stainless- Thanks man, hopefully lots more to come.

Turbo14- All soil plants are in this, and even my house plants. Everything loves it. I just add water, and sometimes yes I use general organics pretty lightly around the time they are feeding the heaviest to ensure I am pushing them to their limit. I have no tryed capulator bennies but I have heard quite the buzz about them and some friends have recommended them. The soil mix is doing great, the plant layout could be better. I would love to be able to run 6 or so per light rather then 2.4 but plant limits, well limit you. With sour bubble I am averaging right around 8-6.5 ounces. I would say some plants are as low as the 7oz mark while I have definately had some 10-12 ouncers go through my hands. Right now I would like to hit the 1gpw mark and get it up around 14-15 per.

With sour bubble across the board in all pot sizes I normally get 40% of the pot, so 8 ounces off a 20 gallon, 2+ ounces off a 5 gallon, and so on. Of course many variables exist and it isn't always true but form my experience it is close to being true. My last katsu run I got 95% of the pot in in yiled, 9.5oz off a 10 gallon pot so I am hoping she can half ass replicate that in 20 gallons. Pot sizes have been varying, normally 3 weeks in 5 gallon and 5 in 20 gallon. My next round going in is was 12-14 days in 3/4gallon and now in 20 gallon for 6 weeks.

Rainman- I know this shit is getting long so quite the accomplishment to have to go through it. Sometimes I wonder how many words I have typed in this thing. Thank you for your kind words.

Ido- Yeah I seen the same thing man, a better light spread on a larger pattern. I seen it before purchasing them. I am just going to add 4 more lights down the center and up the wattage and light spread. One way to deal with it right! lol Good looking out bro.

cody2white- I keep seeing people talking about the gavita lamps, honestly I am not very well read on the subject. I can be stubborn when it comes to change, once they are more prevelant in the community and I see the results I may take the dive if it something that will obviously do better. The next real update will be the deathbubbles, shits is getting interesting, read more below.

YesProp215- That is very good advice and a good idea, but I am pretty damn pro magnetic ballast. I know you have said that before man about the quick turnarounds, all I can say is I stick to a calendar and am usually on schedule +/- a few days. the quick flowering Bog strains also help out. I will report back on how I like the OG's for sure. This Excel AC is pretty damn nice and their customer service is seriously good. They always take my call, explain things, stay on the phone, walk me through, and have sent out parts twice now honoring my warrantly free of charge. For me it is an Excel unit, or a Mr.Slim P series is the way to go. AC changed my life, it will change yours.

DrFever- I don't know man where have you been! lol Thanks alot, back at you.

Mr.CleanCut- You are welcome, thanks for the kind comments.

Alright quick update:

The trim session went great, the bonsai hero trimmers crapped out on me from the get go, it is a long story and a touchy subject, lets just say I will be talking to the supplier about my warranty. It could be user error but something isn't right. I had a small trim crew help me out and the crop came down in record time, 3 days. I took down 24 sour bubbles, 1 7gallon ecsd, and 1 7gallon bogglegum. Everything looks good, hopefully the scales treat me right.

The flower room has had half it's hoods upgraded to OG's as of today, the other half is going to be put in sometime soon. The room has also had old soil removed, everything sterlized, vaccumed, mopped, wiped down, batteries changed, and filters changed. Tomorrow the room will be loaded up with 24 sour bubbles ready to rock and roll, right back on track. The veg room and work area will then be sterlized wiped and all the same. Katsu cuts will be in the cloner, and things will be 100% ready for me to be a little lazy during the holidays. I have worked 8 straight 12-14 hour days but soon it will all be worth it when I can sit back and watch the plants grow.

The most exciting things recently are in the flip/flop rooms. First the Sour Bisel has blown the hell up, I have been measuring the rate of growth most days and it is astounding. Here is to hoping they call it quits anytime now. They are now on day 15. I am still familarizing with this girl and learning new things about her, she is pretty impressive.

The deathbubbles as recently as today are suprising the hell out of me. They are finally taking shape and showing me what is to come. Some very fine specimens in there, as little as last week I wasn't so sure if I was going to be happy with the results based on appearence and smells but today when I pulled them all out and inspected them indiviudally that all changed.

One pheno has little small nuggys that are so delcious looking. Not to be dumb but it has simliar structure to that of a lanky OG or even the GSC. No hype no bull calling it like I see it I will be sure to share soon. Hard to describe the smells at this point, besides, GOOD. Another pheno looks simliar to that one but has larger nugs and more filled out, the trichrome production is amazing.

My sour bubble Dom pheno is frostier then hell, but the smell is kind of off putting like cabagge. I am sure it will change. Another sour b leaning girl has awesome nug structure, not like my sour B mom but a good blend. It goes on and on, soon I will get a good photo session with them and describe them individually the best I can. There will be some fire in there for sure, I am really excited now to see how they turn out.

I need to go get some cuts from a friend any day now to start my next seed run and flip veg room. My current seed run is getting harvested sometime by the weekend and early samples show I should expect ALOT of seeds.

Sorry I didn't share much of the sour B crop I just pulled, it just gets repetitive and right now my focus is mostly on my pollen chucking and testing. More good things to come here, thanks everyone for being here and keeping me motivated. 1800 words later I am going to bed...


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
great job man,

I doubt anyone gets tired of pics with your huge indoor Sour bubble bushes, no matter how repetitive!


very nice reading her e thank you!

I sorry to ask but i can't find post with information. What is your soil mix for these? I want to start indoor soil for first time and hope to get good soil type to start. or if already post, what page can i find?


my strength is a number, and my soul lies in every
ICMag Donor
her ya go gano...

Yes but I have heavily modified it under the advice of Burnone the organic moderator and everything is working out great.

1 x Bag of Ocean Forest
1 x Bag of Canna Coco
1 X Bag of Happy Frog
1/2 Bag Chunky Perlite
30# Earthwormcastings
6 cup pulverized dolomite lime 1-2 Cal/mag ratio
6 cups Bone Meal
3 cups Blood Meal
3 Cups Azomite
3 cups Greensand
3 cups Kelp Meal


ghost in training
Man this next run is going to be badass! You thinking about adding the extra 4k this round? Also do you trim wet then hang? Props Pk!


Active member
Are you using Down to Earth brand for your organics you are adding into the soil? If not, what brands you using?



Not sure what he's using, but Down to Earth is very hard to find in MI.


"I need to go get some cuts from a friend any day now to start my next seed run and flip veg room"
hint hint Ido,,,lol,,u can coem over when ever u want bro,,,my door and mother room is open u need to leave ur house anyway so slide over whenever bro,,,peace


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Infinitesimal- thanks, well maybe it is just me then lol

cody2white- the 4k will come a little later, just need to get on the ball, probably after the holiday season is over. I do trime wet then hang, however I enjoy the flavor and smoke from a slow dried branch.

turbo14- epsoma everything except ewc, lime, azomite. so bone meal, blood meal, kelp , meal, greensand are all epsoma.

IDO- I will be enroute for sure next week sometime after the weekend I am taking a day or two off and sittin on my ass. Thanks alot I am stoked to try some new proven ladies!

Everything is done, the place couldn't be any cleaner. I had myself and a worker in there for 3 days handling business, long ass days but everything is done right. I got half the rooms hoods upgraded and got the plants moved in, today is day one. 24 sour bubbles, one plant is actually a new pheno from the same generation that I found in my f2 run. I think shes pretty but won't stand up to my keeper in flavor but thought it would be fun. So I now have it down in the last 3 grows from 17 days downtime, to 7 days downtime, to 6 days downtime.

I think 6 days will be the quickest I will ever be able to get it done. Nugs aren't even bagged up from the last grow and the room is back to producing. I have a ton of katsu bubba kush clones in the cloner so it won't be to long until that kicks off.

I also have a deathbubble update. When the time comes and they are finished I will give a full one on one report. Lots of variation in there so lots to talk about I am sure.

Here is the setup, all nice and clean :)




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