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Greyskull's Coco Grow

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caligreen said:
Lookin good greyskull! Those pictures are coming along really nicely, and so are those buds! Filling out well, what light you using again a 1k??? Looks like it, I love those big girls you got in the coco man they look really happy. That last pic is awesome for size comparison, PEACE BRO

EDIT-Yo grey, could also be the light not getting to those lower leaves, is that plant in the middle of the forest dude?? lol, well that could do it, anyways are you dripping or hand watering?? I probably asked but you know I forget. So if you are doing it by hand why don't you up the noots on that bitch she might want more. Come to think of it, do you flush at all? I flush every week once at least with pure water, if you havent yet you could be receiving nutrient lockout and then you plant is just getting water anyway and your nutrients are doing a damn thing!

So check your ph on the runoff on that girl, also if you want to later on I usually just pull off some fans that die off on certain strains. Some of my girls leaves turn yellow more often than others, depending on strain at my place cuz like I said I flush once weekly clearing all salts and built up shit out and PH is a must you of course are doing that right? PEACE MAN

#10 is kinda off to the side... but 9, 11, and 12 are striaght chillin though. Weird. I am only flooding the table at this point... and no I haven't flushed at all. MAYBE THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

I pulled off some of the big yellow fan leaves, and will flush her with some ph'd
h20 later tonight. Hppefully she'll pull out because she has the most tops of any this crop.


Greyskull said:
and no I haven't flushed at all. MAYBE THAT IS THE PROBLEM.

I pulled off some of the big yellow fan leaves, and will flush her with some ph'd
h20 later tonight. Hppefully she'll pull out because she has the most tops of any this crop.

there ya go. flush her good and get her back on the normal nute schedule. How far along are they? Looks a little early for her to be yellowing up, but I've never grown MTF and don't know what she's like. ( p.s. a teaspoon of h2o2 in the water ain't gonna hurt a thing, and could help a lot ).

damned odd the rest of em all look so good tho....puzzling really. I got the opposite going on. Ones too dark green and showing me the ram's horn lol...only one out of about 20 plants...go figure.


hey grey lookin good over there bro! man i get the same look on a few of my girls, that slight yellowing. its wierd cuz its only 4 or 5 girls and the others look great?? :bashhead: i haven't flushed but twice on this run and maybe thats my problem too. or a cal mag thing? i'll snap a pic tonight and try to post. to fix mine i flush them with straight phd water, then hit em with half-stregnth dose of miracle gro(thanx2mynamestitch)once or twice and they usually look better in 5 days or so. take it greasy brother!


Wazzappening oldpeculiar? I'm thinking its a little early, too. Hopefully the flush will take care of it.

AdmiralRed - thanks for checking in. You got here at the right time :joint:

gdawg I agree it is the strangest thing. I flushed and I want to let her chillax and get back into the groove... but I am sooooo tempted to give her a foliar N bath....

so instead of the spray I decided to use my energy to tie the "arms" to the stakes. I used some twist ties (about 6 per plant). Hope they hold up... hell, I hope they don't - I want the buds swell so much the ties cannot hold on!


I got a lot going on! And I am totally stoned. Some really nice blueberry kush is getting roasted as this post is being typed... so it may ramble!

Decided to change the veg rez (40g) out today and do the (2) flower rezes (also 40g each!) tomorrow... so I'll only have to hump out 160g of water instead of 240g.... I use a LOT of H2O.

I am using the complete Canna nute & additive line, plus Botanicare Cal/Mag & Sweet (berry) for the crop planted 3/16 and I think I like the Canna additives more so than the H&G... but we're only almost into veg week 2. Still a long way to go. I am trying to maintain a ph range of 5.6-5.8 this crop.

But I do think these bitches like the way I treat 'em. :YaRight:

Heres how the nute schedule looks for those babies. I ended up FIMing them yesterday... should change the schedule to read "whenever the plants can be/need to be topped"... Any comments/suggestions/questions about my schedule please fire away! I am pretty proud of how I put that together... :rasta:

Heres a shot of the crop 2 group from today

The canopy is pretty even now. I am going to let this crop get to 18"-20" tall this time before changing the photoperiod (as opposed to 16" crop 1). Extra veg girth = extra yeild??? I do like girth...

The flowering crop of MTF is looking pretty good if you ask me. I am most stoked about how I am just going to get better and better at taking care of her... because this is just my first run! :gaga:

This is what the MTF table looks like when you walk in with the lights on

I wear size XXXL gloves if that means anything...

You can see how I hooked up the arms to the stake with twist ties

The vegging SourDiesel x SourBubbleBx3 is rocking it and getting nice.

I hope her sister in bloom week 2 (almost 3!) turns out like the gentics indicate, because the genetics are top shelf for sure.

The Purple Ice started showing their buds a few days ago...

The Papaya seems a little thin. I am kinda bummed because I thought Papaya was one of Nirvana's better strains. Just doesn't seem to be very girthy, you know? I like girthy stalks.

The Grape Romulans are getting very big.... that is a girthy stalk!

A look at the top of the GR

I cannot wait until I am firing out a table every 30 days... I hope I have planned properly and am executing correctly. We'll see soon enough. Tomorrow is a busy day humping H2O.... :wallbash:


nice work as usual grey. what kinda light ya using on the veg babys? keep it greasy!


Mahalo gdawg. I have (2) 400w hortiluxes (mh) over the 3x6, but am only using 1 for now.

Just drained, cleaned, refilled, and mixed up both of the 40g reserviors in the flower room. Dang. So much H2O to hump. Its good work though... keeps me in touch with the ladies. I try to let my H2O sit for at least an hour (I like 3hrs) before mixing in the nutes to let it settle. 160g is a lot of water!

I rotated all of the plants 45 degrees... wish that was all I had to do. :nono:

On the bright side of things...

The MTF table is all dialed in right now... Week 6 Day 1
200ml Cal/Mag
160ml A&B
160ml Multizyme
200ml Boost
1000ml Sweet
ppm 1275, added 125ml ph-... 5.6

*I have quickly realized that using Canna's Boost isn't the softest on my wallet as the 250ml bottles are $35 each... using my current schedule I will be going thru 680ml Boost per cycle. Luckily the Boost seems to be the only item of my formula that is really expensive... after harvest time I will be stocking up, thats for sure!

The mixed triflex table is plugging away, too... Week 3 Day 1
150ml Base
300ml Bloom
200ml Liquid Karma
200ml Hydroguard
120ml B'Cuzz PK13/14
500ml Sweet
ppm 1100, added 150ml ph-... 5.7

Will try to have some pics up tomorrow.
I am tired.... :violin:


New member
Looking SWEET Greyskull - How many times did you top that Aloha berry mother? She looks like she could go on the porch of some upscale model home. Beautiful!


Awesome job greyskull, I can't say anything it all looks perfect! Hats off to ya bra, PEACE


Aloha & welcome hyDROJEDI! Have we met? :muahaha:
She's been in my hand since 11/2007. Been getting her ready for some multiplicity action... which will probably be within the next week or 2.

caligreen :respect: mahalo for the kind words. I'm only changing reserviors and sh!t... but doing it with aloha, of course.

Sorry for lack of pics...


Howzit cuz......things r lookn good n there...can;t wait to visit again and be in the presence of some really elite cuts. U hav a nice menu of elites there my friend.......can u flower some aloha berry?...man that is some smooth smoke...I miss it!

yur doing great.....the lov that u giv to yur plants will definately show in the end. keep doing what yur doing..finishline is right around the corner!!

I may c u 2 nite.....My leash has gotten shorter since im gna take the job up north.

just got r K-1's...its a frikin tax nightmare ...gna hav to cut a check of about 40K.....OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! taxes suk


what up grey, been busy over here with life and tryin to get the place straightend back up before saturday. looks like i had a couple frats parties in the livin room. hows it goin with the yellowing issue? mine was straight up cal mag def. i was only adding maybe a third of what i should of been. :bashhead: tryin to be cautious...ya i been havin trouble uploadin pics on my end so no updates on the thread, but everything is SWELL, just sittin here :drum:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Hey Grey, is there any great Hawaiian strains out there that are good? I'm kind of interested to know any info of how Hawaii got strains.

Dunno if your from there originally or not.


nah the gallery's upload is down...

"Uploading temporarily disabled."


Thoughts on the next MTF crop

Thoughts on the next MTF crop

Due to info I recently learned after looking at a few of the H&G nutrient schedules, (like this: http://www.house-garden.us/roots excel report.pdf) and they specifically warn against using an oxygen pump.

I like when my reserviors look like this

"This may have serious consequences for the stability of the nutrients (pH and EC values)". Thats some fancy talk for "you might :fsu: "

I believe in keeping your nutes oxygenated (especially if recirculating, like me). So this time I am using Canna's Rhizo & Cannazym additives inplace of House & Garden's Root Accellerator & MultiZyme. I have noticed that the ph levels are way more stable (still some drift, but thats to be expected), but more importantly, MY PLANTS SEEM TO BE GROWING BETTER. The fan leaves this time are WAY bigger, and they are growing much quicker it seems this time. :rasta:

If I can just get a table open for the next batch....
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