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No Longer a Human Watering Can
Honestly ... for me that looks ready to go i dont like them getting to tall... GC has a tendency to be floppy under the weight of buds ...that looks like at finish it will be about 22-30 inches tall ...just like mine ....looking good


Active member
22-30?! lol. Maybe the picture is decieving. I dont think they're any taller then 10 inches right now...will they really grow that much??!


No Longer a Human Watering Can
no that pic isnt deceiving i see what you are working with .......and if your roots are strong and you treat them right , yea for sure .....EDIT :: ok maybe i was a bit overzealous more like 18 -25 inches ... but still that looks prime to be nice little plants


Active member
Hehe, regardless how big they get, I want beautiful nuggets like yours!! Thats all I REALLY care about!


If i were to happen to be out in the Cali direction...where would one be able to acquire a cut of this GC? Or is it one of "those" cuts?? Just wondering...



No Longer a Human Watering Can
yea man those are looking great .........looking A++:joint:

hey on that second picture , first plant in the row !!! looks like a little P.M. on the lower leaves ....look close at them all for signs.... G.C. loves to acquire P.M. (powdery mildew) ......i could be wrong it is a picture so things can be deceiving ....HA HA ... but just a thought look close.... at all the leaves for little blotches of white looks kinda like little fuzzy hairy patches


Active member
Hey man ya I did receive some PM early but I think trimming them up and turning the fan on high helped.

I have been slowly removing anything that has PM, and will further keep my eye out.

Good lookin out!


Hey man ya I did receive some PM early but I think trimming them up and turning the fan on high helped.

I have been slowly removing anything that has PM, and will further keep my eye out.

Good lookin out!

I'm curious what your RH is at? Love the GC... only got a bag of it once and it was only an 8th, but the taste was mouthwatering.


dude bterzz, if you got PM then you gotta do something about it NOW... Otherwise youre gonna wish you did when you are later on in flowering. IMO the only real way to combat PM is to use a sulphur burner, this isnt always a option for some people, but if you are able to get yourself a sulphur vaporizer, i would reccomend you doing so.. You will be glad you did.

JBlaze - Never heard anything about martian mean green and green crack... I believe it was the online user CecilC who bred green crack... Skunk #1 x unknown local indica. Im pretty sure it was done in Ohio, but others say Georgia.
I think all this info might have already been said earlier in the thread.

Brastaman - You should post up some of youre GC shots, i remember you had some of tha dankest looking flower pics of her

Hash Man

The green crack is by far one of the most pleasing smokes out there... She was not the hugest yield for me indoors, but i also could have vegged her longer... Her are some outdoor pics, of hich she is a monster and would recommend her to any outdoor grower... she finishes fast and looks like indoor when she is done...



Active member
I'm curious what your RH is at? Love the GC... only got a bag of it once and it was only an 8th, but the taste was mouthwatering.

My RH is at about 45. I have a dehumidifier in the A/C unit I can start running, just gotta get a hose to drain it into the bucket.

Jeff, thanks for the input, as i've never had to deal with PM before.

I'll pull all the plants out now and get rid of any i see, and keep a close eye on it.


Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
Yea, just what spicoli said. Get that burner asap, or you'll think it's gone, then BAM there it is at day 30-35 poppin up everywhere...Other than that your plants look greeattt...Got some GC veggin right now. The smell of it reminds me of 1992 highschool herb...Very classic smell


Hash Man

bterzz- have you heard of a product called kaligreen for pm.... you can spray your nugs well into flower with no burn when you use it correctly... works better than serenade for pm, but not for budmold ime... and its just organic potassium bicarbonate. no smell... and its cheap. 5lbs for $60, the equiv of any hydro store product would cost much more.

Also only use sulfer if you have not used neem oil for a few weeks, they recommend 1 month. good luck


Active member
Hey Hashman, never heard of any pest/mildew products because this is my first time encountering any!

I'll look for it, thank you very very much!


bterzz... Simply removing affected leaves, and increasing airflow isnt gonna get rid of it.. This is good to prevent it, but once you got it.. Its there.. Even when you cant see it, PM is lurking ready to show herself later on.
Youre gonna have to do some kind of treatment... Wether you use the product kaligreen that hash man suggested, or you run a sulphur burner... Youre gonna have to do something.
PM is the herpes of marijuana


Active member
Hmm, maybe I'll find someone with a sulphur burner if im lucky, and spray them with Kaligreen as well, just to MAKE sure!

as well as run the dehumidifier from now on.

how do these sulphur burners work?


i would do one or the other, not both.. Sulphur burners are powerful and effective IME
You would want to put the sulphur burner in an inclosed space with the plants.. a grow tent, or sealed room.. Spray/mist the plants with water so the sulphur vapor sticks... Then run the Sulphur Burner for a couple hours.. (2-3 is how long i usually).. Ill do this once, then maybe again a week later to be safe... This has been the most effective treatment for PM for myself.

However, if you run the burner for too long, or on too young/not established plants.. Ive noticed it can fuckup the growth some... But id rather have fuckedup growth for a little bit, rather than PM