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day 24 of 12/12 from clone, no vegative.






beer batter

FFOF is very hot to start with... and is hard as hell to flush out

in pure contrast I've mixed 3 cups of dr earth starter fertilizer with 1 bag of ffof for 2 gallon pots, transplanting clones from smaller cups of black gold. not GC but i started them in small cups with a small bag of soil with a bit of alfalfa meal added, then experimenting with just how much of this dr earth starter plants can take i used a cup per .5 cubic feet. -i cant explain now but i calculated it and have used this stuff consistently with kelp meal since starting with some of the soil recipes from the organic soil section 'organics for beginners' (the spring a couple seasons back when president bush Jr gave us all $300) the soil recipes they start from scratch i start with ffof often mixed with happy frog, or black gold mostly happy frog or the other foxfarm soils.

my point is your mislabeling ffof as "hot" when it prolly another aspect that needs addressed!

my resent soil mix was 1 bag happy frog, 2 bags ffof, a 1cf bag of vermicrop amendment, a 1cf bag of local nursery compost, a 1/2cf bag or less of perlite, 6 cups of down to earth kelp meal 1-0-2 and finally 9 cups dr earth starter fertilizer i think i ended up putting the whole box 4lb into this mix -not looking at notebook right now. this was all mixed with a flat shovel on a large concrete slab when it was dry out, the single max of ffof was mixed my hand -up to my elbows in a big ass rubbermade tub put the plants right into it not thinking till the next day when i had taken the lid from the rubbermade tub that the soil may be hot, i wet it down with 1tbs per gallon biogrow after mixing. theirs condensation on the lid i keep the soil in, turning it over and watering -keeping it from dry out every other week, turning it with a shovel. this tells me theirs mucho bio-activity and I've put a thermometer in their it was in the 90's i think but not very 'hot' considering the pots get irrigation every other day to every day depending on their root mass and appetites.

in contrast to those who say not to feed young plants seeds or clones I’ve started seeds and feed them from the start 10ml per gallon, i use biogrow and ageold grow/bloom plus earth juice micro blast -quality and affordable micronutrient.

i may decide to take up an offer for these clones, i was gifting gdp clones and had been offered GC. now im looking into it.. only problem i have with such an organic medium if gnats but i find the liquid gnatrole is effective the granular form is NOT, i still have gnats after using the whole tiny $20 can of granular at weekly intervals.. Would of cost the same for the liquid, just gotta be sure and replace it annually -when ever they say to, it’s got an expiration date within a year just not on its label

I tell some people who ask to start with a cup per bag then 2, but it would depend on what liquid fertilizers you are using and how they relate in ratio “:” to the dr earth starter fertilizer, originally I was using biobizz line and adding some blood meal of N- guano to the mix w/the starter fertilizer. Now I use ageold primary nutes with high N (12-6-6) and P (5-10-5) then biogrow with high K and a bit of N (2-.1-6.6) I use ageold outdoors with strong doses and id do it even with soil but if got dif techniques for separate concepts.


No Longer a Human Watering Can
Respectfully i disagree ...in your example you mixed the FFOF with many other additives changing its overall composition.. when i referred to FFOF as "hot" which is a loosely valued term ....i meant in comparison to less expensive aggregate mixes like Sunshine mix's, Bcuzz HP mix's, or even just some regular potting soil it is very high in nutrient values ... also when using it by its self ..which is what we were talking about privately with BTERzZ ..i never said dont fertilize ...just recommending to watch out for over fertz it is easy to do in that "rich" of soil... there is that a better term for your liking "rich" ... in my experiences with FFOF it is also requires a lot of flushing to really wash out the roots ..... i never have gotten my run off below 900 PPM b4 the plants are really done using FFOF ..they allways wanted to keep on growing ...so ya i still have to say that FFOF is very nutrient Rich , and or "hot" .....especially when using it indoors on very small plants like the ones me and BETERZZ where growing .......your outdoor bushes that you grow ,,for the obvious reasons require a much " richer" soil ..no disrespect meant i think you just misinterpreted what we said ...that conversation started in pm's and profile posts

i still stick by that statement FFOF is a very nutrient rich soil, "hot"....in comparison to most other store bought brands

as for your Gnats problem try a heavy layer of perilite on top of each pot like 2 inches deep they don't like that it.. prevents them from eating and the larvae have a tuffer time surviving it isnt going to stop them by itself but in combo with some sprays it will put a dent in there breeding population .....side note fungus gnats must be in the more rich mixes allraedy ...my battle with them didnt end untill i switched mediums ...from time to time i still see a few buzzing around


Sup Jack! Just filled my cab with 24 GI's!!!(Green Ice) Cant wait to switch to 12/12...I'm vegging under 800 watts right now!! Gonna get some thick bitches!!!



ive burned many seedlings/ small clones from FFOF... It is most definitely a 'hot' soil... Especially if you dont mix it well with perlite, if you let it get mucked up it really gets 'hot' and will fry your plants.
I have switched to Happy Frog and like it much more.

My Green crack mom went CRAZY when i topped it. Radical. That word perfectly describes the veg traits of green crack


yea I have to chime in and say it's been a while since I've used FFOF but it worked great for me, even with seedlings....Maybe the newer stuff is hotter?

beer batter

nice stuff, my experiences are with gdp and a few others but the gdp doesn’t matter much if its flushes greatly or not. I've been using earthjuice bloom and biobizz grow for a while indoors, searching for the ideal organics nutrients for indoors. i have feed heavy with my amended soils and stepped up from 5 gallon to 6-7 gallon pots perpetually indoors, but now im cloning a lot from seeds sprouts and plan on a sea of green/soil bed with the 600hps/400mh side by side. I’ve been feeding the big plants 20 ml per gallon of this solution plus 10ml ancient amber and every other week or so with soluble root enhancer by down to earth both from horticulturesource.

i agree the added bacteria (probiotic) and mycorrhizae' plus humic acids (soluble root enhancer is 40%humic acid so i don’t use ancient amber when i use this, mixing/shaking in a small container before adding to the solution) outdoors i do give more nutrients then 100:1 but i use organic ageold and that has a lot to do with it i believe, I’ve switched to age old and biogrow indoors now and it hasn’t burned with 20ml per gallon of my solution. i haven’t had a gnarly leaf in the mix spoke of before, it took a bit but they plants packed my hydro hut mini no yellow now gnarly leafs.

my reason to have large plants indoors is i take clones and veg in a hydro hut mini then flower in the same room under a larger lamp. i veg while the main crop finishes and tie down maby veg some more into the larger space before taking some clones. now im keeping 1 of each for mothers and veging in maby 16oz plastic cups to put into the soil bed/s for production.

i mix soil and keep it in 45 gallon rubbermaid on wheals and another 24 gallon for run off, last time i filled 4 6-7 gallon pots and 90% of the 45 gallon container. i will probly mix more soil when i fill the beds, i like the happy frog ffof mix plus added perlite and vermicrop/extra local nursery compost so ill do the same mix i think.

my theory is if the nutrient exchange in the soil is increased via biology (germs and fungi) or chemistry (organic humic, fulvic acid) then there is only the fertilizer factor, which ones are more prone to burning or forgiving. some nutrients say to alternate from water and the solution like fox farm or roots organics then others talk about safe for every day use like biobizz earth juice -i believe in age old and like the even #'s just add biobizz for K and because its 100% dutch molasses so i don’t by tiny bottle from the store any more.

is it common for GC to purple or is that a seasonal thing? :pumpkin:

I've bubbled soil in water before for a compost type tea, bubbling first for 12-24hr before adding soil.


im going to start a thread, indoorhydro section... a new batch of GC, starting from 1 week into flower. just took pix


greencrack, bluedream and a few purple gods gift.

greencrack, bluedream and a few purple gods gift.



So this is a clone only strain? If I happened to be in the Athens area at some point in the future, how hard would it be to find a cut? I am not talking about some kid's bagseed beauty growing in his dorm closet but the real thing... Anyone know?
HAHAHAHA!!!! I think that the cush has left athens and isn't going to be seen there anytime soon. The gutter crew are dicks and there's been a lot of busts in athens recently. You can go by the GA bar or any event that the remenants of the GATH are doing nowadays and probably find ice princess and some yayo a whole lot easier than you will find the GC in athens. Try any one of the multitude of dispensaries here in cali and you are likely to find cuts of it. I saw it every third person at festival 8.