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Green Crack also known as Cush


No Longer a Human Watering Can

I love G.C.!!!!


Where am I?
Sooo F'n weird. I'm actually smoking some of this stuff right now. Smells and taste delicious. It's got that Cindy smell n taste to it.

Then literally see this. . Very nice. Thought Id shAre that with you. Lol. Very nice all!


Got lucky and found a clone of GC at a dispensary, before they closed them all down. It was tiny, like an inch and a half tall, and had powdery mildew... but I gave her some love, TLC and cleaned her up and now she is one of my all time faves. I like to let her go 55-60 days. Love it when the calyxes explode at the end and they get nice and chunky. :)

flower day 50


Registered Non-Conformist
Old Thread, New Plants...!

GC is a Beautiful, almost ubiquitous Cut in NorCal.

Looks very similar to Blue Dream..

I have a cut called "Blue Queen.." Ran it for the first time in the Light Dep greenie. Harvested a couple weeks ago..

Research into the name "Blue Queen" yielded the info that it is "Dream Queen," otherwise known as "Green Crack," Otherwise known as "Cush" (with a C).

But, when I sampled it for the first time, it tasted exactly like hazey Blue Dream, and set my heart to increased beats just like BD...

Perhaps I have BD, these plants went into Light Dep a little confused, going into flower prematurely, with the Early May Shortened days.


roll it large

the Cush looks bomb

al guess it was called Cush 04-05 then somebody changed the name to green crack in 08-09

I prefer the Cush name instead of green crack

wish this was available in the uk

noooooooooo way. I was getting green crack flowers since 2000 when iwas a lil shitstain. and surprisingly enough it ended up being the same cut that emerged years later on overgrow.its most certainly an oldie. reminds me of old school sssc skunk1 with sweetness. breeds well IMO.

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