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Great mexican weed - post your mexican "middies" experiences


Great post! I know what you mean in some places, but I don't think my distortions have ever gone as far as you. Things will feel like I'm disconnected, like being in a movie or story, and I might lose control of my internal monlogue, but I never get elaborate delusions like that. Wish I could've smoked "back in the day" pure sativa shwag :(


Old School Cottonmouth
my friends had some good brick the other day. Not trippy but pretty stony. sensimilla too. odd I never see sensi mexi brick.

wasn't anything special stone wise though. seemed very hybrid.

but anyway yeah the good bags of schwag are truly rare. its not like go to your dealer and get one.

I have alot of friends that smoke alot of schwag. they might bring me a good bag to sample once every two or three months.
To me there are two kinds of weed. Mexi and fruit. Mexi is mexi and fruit is fruit. Being from down by the border that is what is what. Now there is dirt mecci and really green frosty orange hair mexi that comes in fluffly pillows instead of bricks, broken up and fluffed looks just like fruit. Insane brick too, lime green sweet and skunky. Better than most fruit too. Still cheap though. That is referred to as pretendica, bit it is still mexi.
The most trippy, stoney, baked out weed besides the old thai days is the brown brick. If it doesnt smell like mold and its basically brown and full of trichomes. Hang on to your seat. but remember fruit is fruit and mexi is mexi.
Great thread.


Old School Cottonmouth
I don't know man I've grown out hundreds of mexi brick since I was a kid and almost every bag was different.


Man this stuff is cool if you smoke enough. Definitely trippy, objects look like paintings and such, mild open-eyed hallucinations. This is the same shwag, I just smoked a *lot* of it with my dad, two fat joints each and neither of us have very high tolerances. Really that's what helps me identify "good" shwag, is because I have a pretty low tolerance and this is all I smoke.

Anyway, a cop drove by when we were hitting the roaches of the first joint. It slowed, stopped, sat for a while, then drove really slowly. We both ran through the house with lit roaches (I can roll a meannn joint) to the back porch and we just smoked the second ones out there. No cops yet, it's been 20 minutes since that first one.


Old School Cottonmouth
considering some of the interest I added this to the R.U.S.grow thread.


this is a tough one and some people have a hard time doing it. You don't judge this by how high the weed got you. You judge how high the weed got you vs how bad the weed looks. If you have two bags of schwag. One that looks like complete crap and you have one that is fresh and visible trichs and they have the same potency. Chances are the weed that looks like crap is better genetics than the one that looks better. The question you have to ask yourself is "what would this look like done proper?" If the weed is fresh and not bricked bad and only produces an average high. Its no good. Don't bother. The stuff you grow from it will not be of much higher quality. But if you come across super stong brickweed and it looks like something you'd really rather not smoke chances are its decent genes.

However on some brickweed. It'll be old and crushed and nasty and harvested early. But you can see the calyxs are covered in little tiny hairs. These are stalks. places where trichs used to be before they were destroyed. When you find one that has as many stalks as homegrown would, and is cut early and full of seeds grown somewhere in mexico, you can bet with attention it'll produce something much nicer. Unfortunately alot of the nicer mexican genes comes from much further south or rural areas and gets rough handled quite a bit more.

I remember back in 99 or so when we started to see "pretendo" which is mexican grown (often domestic) fresh bricked weed. And it sucked. Since it was fresh it commanded a higher price and was thought of as "mid grade". I mean what weed doesn't get you stoned right? Even crappy genetics (which pretendo usually is, more indica'y mexican) when fresh and grown till harvest pack a punch. All my country friends were saying "ooh I'm savin beans of this" and the plants they grew weren't much better. That year I grew plants from schwag of a similiar potency but looked like hell and had much better results when I harvested.

Well yes and no. Not for everyone. Some people just live places where unfortunately they'll never see a good bag of brickweed. It's just commercial mexican genes which are nothing to speak of. But if you are one of the blessed few below the mason dixon line who get lucky enough to come across the better specimens the mexicans send over its quite possible. There is two ways to find it.

1) be lucky. just happen to get the right bag
2) live in or around an urban hell hole where there are a buncha drug dealers and you get to see alot of different bags of brickweed whenever you want. They'll usually try to sell the better bags at a higher price. just because they know they can. Even though they usually come in at the same price.

So the bottom line is unless you are lucky on a bag that looked really bad and happened to be good genes; you really want to start out with some brickweed that knocked your socks off. Some people never experience this and thus don't even believe it exists. But there is mexican brickweed every year of a superior quality. Color enhancement, audial distortion, extreme paranoia (if you're into that),feeling "floaty" and giggle fits are sure fire signs of superior mexican brickweed.

Next thing is that you need to choose the seeds out of specific buds that got you high. Don't just take them out of the bottom of the bag. Those seeds could've been from runts, lower potency buds, etc. All the bud from hundreds of plants gets bricked up together. You never know where one plant ends and the other begins. So pick seeds out of buds you chose for quality.

Now that you have well chosen seeds you need LOTS of them. luckily schwag is full of it and with a friend or two and a dealers help you can easily end up with a few hundred. Like any weed but the reason more important with brickweed you want to pick from a large selection to take your mom from. Ten seeds of brickweed don't mean shit. They weren't worked by shantibaba you need alot of them to find the true superior quality specimen. Grow them and cull them for any and every reason. Keep only those of superior growth (both rate of growth and pheno expression) and smell. With any luck you will have turned brick into something unique that will straighten your dick.

A certain satisfaction of having quality genes seedbanks don't sell.


i'll agree that i have found some mex stuff to be "trippy" i mean some racy sativas get your brain going so fast you get so visual distortions and such, but i would enver even begin to compare it to mushrooms, i mean no matter how much i have smoked i have never looked up at the night sky and watched the moon melt in slow motion when i was just smoking weed.


Old School Cottonmouth

until I eat enough mushrooms it doesn't feel that different from weed to me.


New member
ArcticBlast said:
well, the pcp comments i think ARE warranted!

Some of the first weed i ever smoked, i DEFINATLY hallucinated, but that wasn't because it was "just" good ol' brick weed. It was laced so that they could charge more for completely shitty weed.

i smoke weed to relax and laugh and to make tv more interesting. i dont know if i'm all about smoking stuff that makes me trip on a regular basis (but definatly wouldnt mind it sometimes!). there's a time and a place for that! and its called college! haha


have you ever smoked pcp? and yes there are many black growers remember the 70's free love baby in my area black growers and white share strains and some even do grows togather nobody is gonna spray pcp on weed it would shoot the price of shitty weed up to that of headstash just a small dip on the end of a moor cig cost 25 bucks :bashhead:


doses of shrooms are a little different from what I've noticed. Around 1.75-2 grams of psilocybe cubenisis seem to be the minimum for a threashold starting trip. I've gone up to as high as 6-7 grams, but things became really intense! So I know what a "trip" means vs. "brighter colors". Especially when combined with St. Johns Wort or an SSRI.

Mushrooms have always felt different from weed for me. I've gone into paranoia from a few puffs of weed, whereas I've tripped on mushrooms with more of a calm feeling. But everyone is different. Some say that mushrooms have a body buzz. I don't feel that much of a body buzz from them, but have felt more body buzz from cannabis.


New member
for the record, the really good sativa import i used to smoke was jamaican. i grew up in a heavily jamaican/caribbean area. people i knew/know used to smuggle it. if you're going to strap shit to your body and get on a plane, you're only going to take the best. some of it was mailed too.

i also got thai, from a friend who had relavtives there. im not sure how that was smuggled exactly. that was some years ago though. the thai was really excellant too. i got a lightly seeded oz. one time only deal.


we use to get alot of brick weed here back in the day, we called it canister weed because it came off the ships in coffee cans, most of it came from central america though and not really mexico.
Some brick weed is actually really nice smoke, if you are lucky and get soem seeds that were not crushed and grew it out you would actually be impressed how good the weed actually is.

I had a few trippy experiences from weed over the years, like one time during my early years of University in the very early 90s, i had a class mate from jamaicia who had diplomatic immunity, and his family in jamiacia would send him parcels that had this red wax stamp on it so customs never touched his packages, anyways he opened one these such packages in my living room and in it was a lb of this really dank weed in a vacume sealed bag. he said his family grew it and my friend rolled this huge spliff, half way thru the joint the entire room around me turned into this huge cartoon, the walls, the Tv and couch I was sittin on even my friend turned into a cartoon. I was so wrecked I wanted to come, so i thought maybe if I ate something it would kill the buzz, but 6 peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches I was still stuck in the cartoon world for 4 long hours. i m not sure of the strain his family grew but it was some bomb ass weed! It was probally a Lambsbread cross.


Ive had "some" experiences where i smoked some mids, when i closed my eyes i would see geometric patterns and sometimes ill look at the wall and see the same things. Very weird.... But i liked it all the most very much!


all praises are due to the Most High
motaco said:
um, maybe you should take the word from people that smoke it all the time. lol

and its not low tolerance. My friends call me "ol iron lungs (from old iron sides) because I'll down a bowl in one hit on accident without passing it.

so first off why would they put 80 dollar a gram drugs on 80 dollar an ounce weed?

they do that shit all the time here with "primo" at 20 dollars a gram with cocaine in it. but nobody is mixing in hallucinogens into 80 dollar an ounce weed to make a dollar. give me a break. what are they pissin this pcp into the bags? they are barely makin any money selling schwag must less puttin free hard drugs in it. this is new orleans you will have no problem selling hard drugs to be mixing it in with herb.

ANYWAY I think its funny that rather than say "well maybe I don't smoke good enough weed" you'd think "all these growers don't know weed from pcp" lol. I mean you seriously think we don't know what we're talkin about?

smoke better weed thats all I can tell ya. u need new hookups because the black guys in your neighborhood must not like you. lol.

First off I reccomend buying two packs of jack herer and making your own f2's. search for sativa phenos until the walls start breathing. because it'll happen. if you don't think you can trip off weed you need to step up your grow game. Some of my strongest hallucinations came from med club jack herer in the late 90s

we eat field shrooms out here like nothing. And they vary in potency from field to field and night to night. But I've had numerous weed trips that were much more "hallucinogenic" than many of the weaker field shroom trips.

word is bond motaco,

lets smoke colombian punto rojo in brick pressed form :D if them people do not feel it, well, maria is not speaking to them.

pcp :biglaugh: yeah right... some people, seriously... r u cops?

Didn't you know that once it's compressed it completely ruins every last bit of THC as turns the taste into ditch weed?? I mean, look at the stuff....it all squished so it must be ruined. Don't only poor people and minorities smoke brick?? You guys need to get the 600 dollar an ounce Kush so i don't loose my Hyabusa.
A friend of mine had a guy we would buy mids from, but they were better than the average. They were nice and strong, thick and dense, smelled good and looked good, charging 45 for 1/4 oz. The usual stuff goes for about 35 or 40 for a 1/4 oz and it is always real dry and compact, just a dull green with some scattered red faded pistils or hairs. it all gets you high but that stuff for 45 well that was some good mids, worth every penny. wish he was still around, oh well.


i like the mexicans,however,i go every time back to the mexican haze.
its a5 haze x mexican sativa.
good yield,verry sativa



the last one is a own cross with mexican influence
i hope one day,i can smoke a mex that is different than mine .
great thread by the way


all praises are due to the Most High
Johnny Rotten said:
Didn't you know that once it's compressed it completely ruins every last bit of THC as turns the taste into ditch weed?? I mean, look at the stuff....it all squished so it must be ruined. Don't only poor people and minorities smoke brick?? You guys need to get the 600 dollar an ounce Kush so i don't loose my Hyabusa.

where are you gettings your science from to support your claims regarding complete lost of thc once marijuana is pressed? let us see it.

on the other hand, according to Schultes (plants of the gods), the process of drying and curing of marijuana implies a slight fermentation process, and compressing the buds in some cases actually aids in such fermentation.
