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Great mexican weed - post your mexican "middies" experiences


bythetracks said:
at best, you're mind's eye and imagination blur a little if you let your mind wonder.

Yeah that's pretty much exactly what it is. I only got the OEVs if I stared at something for a while, but it was easy to shake out of.


New member
another thing about the pcp laced stuff. this does happen in certain areas, but you will know for sure. PCP is a dissociative. it has some very specific effects that are different from LSD type hallucinagens. basically, if you smoke too much dust, you won't be able to move. your limbs will feel numb/distorted. you'll drool on yourself and may feel hot or cold. spaces feel bigger or smaller than they are (you fell like your shrinking/the room is really big or you feel the walls are closing in on you). your muscles will tighten, you move with tense, jerky motions and may settle into an unusual body position, like someone with parkison's disease, if you've ever seen that and smoked dust, you will know what i mean. one of the common early signs that you smoked dust is that you can't really feel your feet when you walk, so it's almost like you're floating.

people want to believe that they smoked dust by accident when they were young or whatever, but in reality, that was just the first time they got really high.


Well I'm picking up a half-ounce of the average middies tomorrow for 60 bucks (might be more than a half, I don't know this dealer's price-break policy), and I'll upload pics so you guys can get an idea about the kind of stuff we get here in central va. If it's high mids it'll be like 10-12 grams.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
mang what a bunch of lightweights sayn they got all trippn off mexi brick weed. or just shows thier age ive been smoken canibis 34yrs and never tripped off weed let alone mexi brick. i live in a triangle between phenox vegas and LA, over the yrs ive seen tons of mexi brick even in the 70's when columbain,rainbow columbain red columbain columbain gold alcupolco gold ty stick blue hawian kona gold maui waui go head name it never tripped lmao. hollywood platinum kush made my 18 yr old higher then i got lol

oh and Lemon :cuss: right on thx for the bad rep for nothing looser thats what 3 maybe 4 red squares since ive been here what a troll didnt even post in this thread just given away red squares. must be a gang member FU mang shistrick <--- spell check its germen :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:
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New member
being close to Mexico i have come across some GREAT Mexican herb. One in particular was from Guadalajara. It was not compressed at all, it looked like some one simply cut it, hung it to dry and shipped it in a bag. Stems about 18 inches long with 3 or 4 bud sites each about and inch and a half in diameter, gold/yellow in color and very fluffy. I can honestly say it was the some of the best herb i've had.


Maj.PotHead said:
mang what a bunch of lightweights sayn they got all trippn off mexi brick weed. or just shows thier age ive been smoken canibis 34yrs and never tripped off weed let alone mexi brick. i live in a triangle between phenox vegas and LA, over the yrs ive seen tons of mexi brick even in the 70's when columbain,rainbow columbain red columbain columbain gold alcupolco gold ty stick blue hawian kona gold maui waui go head name it never tripped lmao. hollywood platinum kush made my 18 yr old higher then i got lol

oh and Dr.D :cuss: right on thx for the bad rep for nothing looser thats what 3 maybe 4 red squares since ive been here what a troll didnt even post in this thread just given away red squares. must be a gang member FU mang shistrick <--- spell check its germen :muahaha: :muahaha: :muahaha:

lol.. dude ive been doing all kinds of drugs ( too many) for over 10 years, and smoking weed for much longer. i know when im hallucinating. im sorry for u that you cant experience hallucinations or psychedelic effects from weed, but to say that everyone that can is lightweights is pretty narrow minded.
Well, I haven't smoked mids in forever. I remember smoking them back a few years ago. Never had any trips off weed, yet alone off lsd or mushrooms. But now in the present day I have had some trippy times off weed. And I'm not a lightweight, thats probably why I have had them. And I must say it's fun but scary, then really funny that it was scary. Nothing like lsd or shrooms. Just fast fun scary feeling time. And if you stare at things a little far a way they will start to shift a little, like the early visuals in a trip. But it usually take a day of smoking top grade herb, and ending the night strong. Then going and being alone. It gets fun.


Old School Cottonmouth
yeah really major. maybe you're another guy thats pretty arrogant and people don't like you and sell you shitty schwag. There is alot better chance of that than me, british hempire, ganico, and herbalistic and tons of other smokers all being lightweights.
I think the word "trip" is what is causing the confusion. Some Mexi-Weed will mess with your peripheral vision and will cause you to hear things and make colors/movement more vivid. It is nothing at all like a full on acid trip or good mushies. Good Mexi will give you trip like qualities. I love the good Mexican coming over the last few years. It can't be touched as far as value goes. Some of the tastiest weed i've ever had has came out of mexico and was semi bricked......more like bundled. Awesome product.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
duders i live in the sw desert ive experinced from dirt brown schwag 250$ lb to light green pretendo @ 600 1/2 lb never have i tripped from smoking canibis. ive tripped from 4way acid 3 d green pyrimid orange sunshine them boys knew how to make that and various other paper acid. i done some acid in germany made me trip the hardest and best of my life was called white angle back in late 80-early 81 in the army, ive tripped on schrooms i've done mescaline several times in my life i do know what a trip is. i'm 44 started smokeing canibis in 1973 when sweets ball room blitz was in the top 10 in the music charts !!!

and i'll contest this fact i've never tripped from canibis like i said my 18 yr old son what last yr we smoked some platinum SFV kush made me nice and high but made my 18 yr old uneasy almost panic attack all i could do was laugh at him and call him a lightweight cant hang with the ole man.

oh big apologize to dr.d my above statement was directed towards

Lemon Yeah, all minorities are in a gang. Ass

geee that isnt what i said i know alot who arent in gangs on 1 hand on my other larger hand. i've been taking care of a big member of a inglewood gang's daughter since she was 15. so on 1 hand i know ppl in gangs from white to asain and on other hand i know minorities who arent in gangs. all i said was this place is for growing why continue to support mexican maffia and us gangs by buying thier product

guess lemmon is a gang member stands to loose his fortune because of my call not to support gangs looser


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
motaco said:
yeah really major. maybe you're another guy thats pretty arrogant and people don't like you and sell you shitty schwag. There is alot better chance of that than me, british hempire, ganico, and herbalistic and tons of other smokers all being lightweights.
dont even bother buying shitty schwag hell only person ive bought from in the last 2 yrs for myself was from my nephew i think currently he has bubbleberry in his sale stock. i grow for myself and a selected very few friends Gee never been called arrogant before thx made my sunday hey scrappy did i come off arrogant when we met in early july this yr ??? motaco i'm 1 of the most down to earth honest ppl you'll ever run across in this or any life time. ya know ive delt with ppl involved in the mexican maffia all duder wated to do is drop pounds off to me and come back next wk to get what money i had and give me more product if i wanted. my nephew Sirsmokealot has seen alot of that canibis it wasnt brick it was light green great smelling little to no seed and 600 1/2 lb. i supplied a small towns retired 65+ yr old stoners for 3 yrs untill this fn dyke snitched me off. she wanted the customer base this town is 1.5 hrs from me into the so cali desert


I agree with Johnny Rotten. what exactly are we referring to when we say "trip"? I've tripped once and that's when i made a half ounce godfather (blunt) and burned the whole thing solo. at the same time, i can't compare that to shrooms because i've never had shrooms. the way people describe a shroom experience, i know for sure it was nothing that intense. my trip session included me laying on my back in my dark bedroom and noticing pink flashes of light. i was on the phone for a lil while too, i hope lol. all i knew was that i was incapable of getting up lol.

so what kind of trip are we talkin about? and how much did you guys actually smoke to get to that tripping state?


Old School Cottonmouth
well when someone comes into a thread telling everyone if you trip you are a lightweight, don't bother buying that stuff that makes you trip its no good even though its cheap, you've smoked all the weed since the 70's etc etc when everyone else is telling contradictory stories... well yeah the word arrogant comes to mind. didn't mean to offend you but if I was going to pick a descriptive term for that its what comes to mind.

I also don't care how old you are, how much acid you've done or pot you've sold. this is ic mag you think people don't have stories to tell?

Numerous people here are telling you there is weed that makes you trip out. Rather than thinking everyone is a lightweight maybe you should take it as your own loss? Yeah I've smoked all the pot in the world there is too smoke too. highland oaxaca gold, haze, acapulco, thais, colombians, africans, old school pakalolo, all the dutch and canadian genes. etc. and I guess I smoked a few more than you because some make you trip out. don't know what to tell ya. If you don't believe me look through the galleries of the people here. Do we look like lightweights? We're telling you it exists. To come say we didn't experience it or that we are lightweights is arrogant. yes. I mean I don't have a problem with you, you seem like you are a cool dude from other postings, but from this particular one I did find it arrogant.

@poppin fresh. how much to get to that state? of jack herer about 1.5 g back to back bong bowls. off some of the mexi brick. maybe 4-5g. its hard to guess with the amount of leaf and seed etc. ya know. Varies by the weed. I definitely find bongs the right tool to get a trippy experience from sativa.

the right deep chunk can be a lil trippy too if you bong up enough of it. but nowhere near as much as a highland mexican or haze.


word, motaco. I gotta say, i find it easy to believe. When I was 16, I spent the summer in central mexico and I bought a quarter from a dude on the street who said "mota" as I passed by, cost about $8 and it looked like crap, seeds and stems a plenty. But that was the strongest weed i have ever smoked. And I felt like i was tripping (i was already experienced with LSD and shrooms), like a sheet of patterns filled my vision so much that i couldn't really see reality. It was f'ing amazing. One girl I smoked it passed out completely after one hit. I was hanging out with some seriously poor mexicans in the barrio, and we had been smoking other shit, but when i busted that out everyone was blown away. Those guys knew how to roll a J with one hand, no gum. I couldn't understand how they did it, but they were tons of fun to get high with--weed is great for knocking down class barriers, everyone comes together for the smoke. But there is plenty of incredible pot in mexico, and the best sativas down there certainly make me trip.


Mexico is a big ass country full of stoners and growers, actually they were into it way before it was popular here. So yeh o fcourse some of the erb is good.
i've had some trippy experiences from weed. not full out hallucinations, but closed eye visuals and visual patternings i've experienced. i've also done alot of shrooms, so that might have something to do with it. some weed is most definatley hallucinogenic though. i believe you, as i've had some very potent mids before that are as good as most beasters, which isn't that great really - but better than most mids. drugs effect everyone differently.


Well it ended up being some shit weed. The dealer got fooled, bought it in Richmond and told it was "fire" (very high mids to most people). It does look pretty good, it has noticeable trichomes, is light green, compressed but fewer seeds than those high mids I bought last time, and very sticky.

And it ended up being some damn shwag.

First of all, the buds are very leafy and loose. Also it appears a good amount of the "stickiness" is just dampness. He weighed it out in front of me, and it was the right amount, I questioned it because it looked a little skimpy and he proved the scale wasn't calibrated weird by weighing a penny, which is the normal process here. Anyway it tastes like shit, smells like wet hay, dark black charry ash, doesn't burn right, and has a weak "relaxed" high with the sort of burnout where you're lying on the couch with one eye closed and the over half-open too lazy to focus your eyes.

Not fun. But whatever, you can't always get the good mexi I guess. I trust this person, been buying from him/her (they work together) for a good while and they haven't ripped me off, prices are way better than average 99% of the time.

Luckily they only bought like a QP, and they'll have enough customers dumb or, like me, desperate enough to buy it up within the week.

I'm almost wondering if what I bought last week was Colombian. I know it's rare now, but it had that sweet/perfumy smell, same for the taste with tones of earthiness, and the high was trippy but it had a little body to it especially after the first 45-60 minutes, which is exactly how I've heard Colombian described.
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And in response to all the flaming: well let's face it everybody gets high different ways. I'm one of the few people who always has fairly intense experiences, while some of my friends just feel chilled. I wouldn't spend so much money on pot if it wasn't for the occasional intense trip. But I understand that most people don't feel like this from simple cannabis, and who knows maybe when I start smoking more dank after my grow I won't be able to get this stoned from brick. Better enjoy it while it lasts I guess.

So yeah, you don't get high in a psychedelic way very often, that's fine I respect that. But don't flame those of us that do as lightweights, especially when you're talking about very highly respected members like Motaco and British Hempire.

I ended up with like five joints left, so I'll probably smoke three tonight and save the other two for tomorrow. So far I've only been smoking one joint at a time, so two or three should give me a better idea of the true nature of the smoke, as the weak high was likely related to the fact that I only smoked a little bit for this quality.


Man this is intense if you smoke enough of it. Trippy, not week at all. Two joints to myself, most I've smoked today, and they were better rolled than the tohers.

I'm not gonna go into a long diatribe that'll get me flamed but yeah, trippy stuff. Very airy, maybe it'll be done by late october though. I have a sneaking suspicion this was harvested early.

Edit: Also there was a really long, really stringy leaves on more than a few of the buds, pointing again to sativa, maybe even on the pure or near-pure side =)
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New member
PoppinFresh said:
I agree with Johnny Rotten. what exactly are we referring to when we say "trip"? I've tripped once and that's when i made a half ounce godfather (blunt) and burned the whole thing solo. at the same time, i can't compare that to shrooms because i've never had shrooms. the way people describe a shroom experience, i know for sure it was nothing that intense. my trip session included me laying on my back in my dark bedroom and noticing pink flashes of light. i was on the phone for a lil while too, i hope lol. all i knew was that i was incapable of getting up lol.

so what kind of trip are we talkin about? and how much did you guys actually smoke to get to that tripping state?
pf, a very low doses of shrooms are a lot like being high to me. but at higher doses, psychedelic drugs feel really different than canabis. it's hard to put this stuff into words. they feel more "spacy" to me. like the effects aren't really happening, i can't believe what im seeing sort of thing. but the effects are much weirder. there's this surrealness to the expericence that marijuana never has.

all those drugs act on the same serotonin receptors in the brain, so they feel very similar, the molecules are all similarly structured to serotonin btw. marijuana works by a totally different neuro-chemical pathway. all the psychological effects of marijuana to me are like milder versions of LSD type drugs. it's like you can get close to it, but except on rare occaisions, never really cross some invisible line in your mind with cannabis. and even when you do, it's just by a little. with more powerful hallucinogens, the crazy stuff just keeps on coming endlessly. Cannanbis is like a creek and LSD is like a tsunami in your mind.

ive gotten some mild hallucinations from smoking a bowl or two or a even just few hits off a blunt of really potent weed(when i was younger and had no tolerance). for example, the first time i really got high, i looked up at the night sky and saw the branches of the big oak trees(i live in the NE US) with the pink/orange lighting of the street lights/houses reflecting off of them. i imagined that i was looking at small ripples in the water of a lake, like on the cover of the 1st Sabbath album. it was a very real seeming day dream. but then i snapped out of it and realized that i was laying in my friends driveway.

maybe the strongest effect i ever got from recent, indoor hybrid marijuana was listening to music alone in a dark room with head phones on, and i visualized the music in my mind. i saw colored shapes moving with the music in my minds eyes, very intense. you can take a low dose of LSD or mushrooms and not get that high.

i used to have experiences smoking sativa import years ago, where i felt like i was watching a movie of what i was doing rather actually doing it. time would become somewhat fractured too. once, i had some eloborate delusion that i was sitting in a dark movie theater, what was playing on the screen was my sensory perception, and people in the seats behind me talking were my out of control inner monologue. this was while i was walking around doing stuff, i wasn't on my couch! another time, i was watching tv, and the faces of the people started to look like they were made of polygons, like in a computer game, they also seemed to loose their "humanness." to me, like they were just objects, like a chair, without any more emotional significance. once, i closed my eyes while really high and a little drunk, and felt like i was being sucked into a swirling vortex to some other world. years later, my first acid trip was like that. all those experiences are crossing over into the psychedelic world actually. that was all from compressed seeded pure sative import.

when you take a HIGH dose of LSD(not one or two tabs of what's out there now), peyote, DOM/B/I type drugs, or dmt, psylocibin etc. you go on a journey through space and time and your own darkest subconcious. you lose contact with your psysical body and all the laws of the universe break down. anything can happen at that point. that's a real trip. you go somewhere outside of your normal reality. it's more than just "colors were brighter." if you took LSD and "colors were brighter," is something about the experience that stands out, you really need to take more next time!

it's very much like dying and being reborn. the visual hallucinations can be stunning, elaborate and seem very real. ie, you can't "snap out of it" by concentrating. the drug overwhelms your mind, your ego defense disintergrate. you will also get sick and probably puke and at times will feel extremely uncomfortable. to me that's what a trip is. other may have different opinions. a LARGE does of LSD blows away any other drug experience.

i've heard some first hand accounts from people who claim to have had those kind of trips from eating large amounts of cannabutter in food. but most people i know who did that just got naseau for hours, so i'm holding off on that one. i'm willing to suffer that for a guaranteed trip, but not a possible one.

why i like strong sative type pot is that it can be reminiscent of an LSD trip in some ways, but i'm able to control it and doesnt last 20 hours. i also don't loose my appetite and my ability to fall asleep and can do things while i'm high. i wouldn't want marijuana to be just like LSD. i like to eat and have sex when im high, two things that i lose interest in when im tripping. i also want to be able to follow the plot of a movie or have a conversation above the level of a small child! That shit is fun like once or twice or year though.

disclaimer: i believe that some people have more or less intense hallucinogenic experiences with marijuana than i do.
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