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Grafting to create the perfect Bonsai Mom


Active member
grafting is an art that takes time to learn I use a small pot with a small laddle to pour liquid wax, keeps hands clan but can stress out the graft.


Great idea bro, i have wanted to try this for a while but havnt had the down time to try. It should work, and you got the right attitude so best of luck


haha i've been doing research on this recently, funny to see this thread pop up. It's definitely possible. This can be a great strategy in medical states with plant limits...surprised more people aren't doing it.


Active member
Quick update,
most graft attempts have failed.
2 aren't dead yet.
The moms are all fine.
Just tried 2 more. This time with honey and graft-wax.

I kin friggin do this....



Active member


Just got some pics.
Starting with Master Kush ++. The center graft is today. The left one is looking like toast but the right has a hint of new growth, or at least not bad.

The third is et1 with a new center sprig from MK.

used honey this time with the wax.

Thinking I did better this time??



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I haven't grafted mj or anything of relation but I have grafted cactus and adding powder between the scion and stock would cause a rejecting, the tissues and saps need to be in perfect contact with portions of both rings in contact for continued growth. Seems the rooting powder might get in the way of that. I don't know about non cactus grafting though.



to me it looks like there is way to much leaf on the scions which may cause to much transpiration water loss. But I hope it works out for you. Check the cleft graft/tomato vid I left for you. Watch carefully as to cleanliness and where she trims. just my opinion though.

good luck.

Budley Doright

Active member
I have an interest in this stuff and actually have done quite a bit of grafting....and watched others do all sorts of grafting as well....

I gave this some consideration and feel for the average grower its probably going to be too difficult to get right....

I did like that gals use of the tubing as a clip to hold the scion and rootstock though....
Ill have to try that...

However I think there is a much better solution, I think, to creating a multimom....
and its something almost anyone could do....

thats by cloning them together....

Sort of like this....

1. start a bunch of clones of your 3 varieties....

2. begin cloning process....

3. when the clones first begin to root(one or two roots) attach 3 clones together above where they are rooting.... use a piece of tubing to hold the stems together and they dont break the first couple roots on the clones, turn the clones as needed....

4. You will have 3 stems coming from the soil but who would be able to tell you thats 3 plants.....

5. In veg it would be quite difficult most times to know there are different plants in a multimom....

Budley Doright

Active member
Ive been thinking about my post....

Especially about the 3 stems.....

It would in fact be possible once all 3 plants were rooted to graft them together using whats called an 'approach graft'

An approach graph is where 2 stems cross.... a notch is made in both stems then the two plants are tied in the x until the wound heals.... then one of the plants could be severed from it roots.....

The reason why this would be easier than normal grafting is that the graft is done while its still on its own roots.....

To me however just rooting 3 type together beats the difficulties involved with grafting.....

Grafting is almost always done with dormant plants.....

With a live graft this is very much more difficult.....especially without a misting chamber.....

One of the best grafts you can do for this live grafting would be an approach graft...

Like this except both plant tops would be retained....


Google approach graft for visuals.....


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Dreams not dead yet

Dreams not dead yet

Just a quick update. the two center grafts are toast. One of the possible outer ones is toast as well.


Its not wilting,

It might actually be .....

Gonna give those two to three more days and watch.....
More pics then.


I think I can......................



Active member
Just a quick update. the two center grafts are toast. One of the possible outer ones is toast as well.


Its not wilting,

It might actually be .....

Gonna give those two to three more days and watch.....
More pics then.


I think I can......................


you may want to try a smaller graft and maybe even keep the mother in a humidity dome .
methias: AWESOME project - keep at it - I can't wait to see results!

I've been researching some nutty grafting experiments, myself. The shape of your incision seems that it'll be important for surface contact (like descivii said), but what's the rooting powder for?

The rooting powder/cotton reminds me more of the technique for air layering (developing roots on a branch), which is super cool, but probably not what you want to do for your graft.

I'm working on building a chloroform chamber to anaesthetize plants before violating the will of nature (Bose discovered in the early 20th century that a tree could be transplanted without shock if it were first anaesthetized with chloroform, and can be revived by clearing the air).

Keep us posted!


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Cautiously optimistic

Cautiously optimistic

OK we're down to two grafts on my main mom that are not dead yet.

Thank you, Yes I made a cage of 3 wires in an inverted U shape spaced and a plastic veggie bag from the local store just pulled down and instant greenhouse.

Yes the powder was, in hindsight, not my brightest moment. Throw it on the gauze pile.

The graft wax seems to be a good thing.
The donor branches had single fans with a sprout (branch) starting. It was cut into a wedge (underwater with razor) and the recipient mom had a V cut into the graft branch.

The fans (small) withered but did not quickly dry out.
Today I look and the budding sprouts are looking happy :jump:

I think the shorter and thicker donor sticks with just H2O and graft wax might be the way.

Peace all
It's just wait and see

Pics tomorrow. Gonna try macro shots.


Active member
Still Cautiously optimistic

Still Cautiously optimistic

Ok as promised here are the pics of mom Master Kush with a berry smelling bag seed grafted on
First I have her normal life in the humidity canopy.:hotbounce
Next a shot of her with the canopy removed. Once all is confirmed alive the canopy comes off.
Now I have two possible grafts that look promising. The little one seems stalled but not dead yet. I mist daily.
The bigger one went from about where the little one is now and seems to be thriving. The wax is all holding them together and I dare not touch them. So here you all go enjoy the pics and let me know what you think of my little experiment.



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