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Government Study Proves THC from Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells


Active member

Medicinal marijuana oil made from cannabis buds, when ingested thrice daily, for two months, will destroy leukemia and cancer cells.

The government study was done by Jia W, Hegde VL, Singh NP, Sisco D, Grant S, Nagarkatti M,Nagarkatti PS at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Virginia Campus, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA.

To quote: ”Cannabinoids including THC, induce apoptosis in leukemic cells” PMID: 16908594


ICMag Donor
The irony of ironies..that which they've shunned all these years will be the very thing that could have saved them.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Nothing new, first time this was reported was back in the 70s in the Nixon study. Reportedly, after being given a summary, he threw it the trash without a glance.

I've always thought that edibles were the way to go for cancer treatment, smoking and vaporizing just don't get a high enough concentration in the blood. My thoughts were a canna focused cancer center that constantly focuses on increasing THC levels and comfort. All foods and food prep infused, as are topical treatments, like massage oils.

Basically just marinate patients in a nice THC glaze, and keep them in a nice THC haze :D

Keep that THC level spiked as high as we can get it for a coupla weeks or months, see how those tumors look ;)

It's too bad that would be so horribly expensive and complicated in today's reality.


Active member
yup^^^ they have known for a while and still refuse to accept the facts. sign me up for the thc glaze and thc haze


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Now I don't have any tumors..but I sure wouldn't mind being marinated hehehe


New member
yeah the pharmaceutical companies would lose billions maybe trillions if marijuana took the place of all painkillers, relaxants, depression treatment, anti anxiety, and cancer treatment. Because people could grow their medicines in their back yards.


True science at it's best, but I guess our government leaders won't let science get in the way of their stupidity & greed!:plant grow:


Active member
Nothing new, first time this was reported was back in the 70s in the Nixon study. Reportedly, after being given a summary, he threw it the trash without a glance.

I've always thought that edibles were the way to go for cancer treatment, smoking and vaporizing just don't get a high enough concentration in the blood. My thoughts were a canna focused cancer center that constantly focuses on increasing THC levels and comfort. All foods and food prep infused, as are topical treatments, like massage oils.

Basically just marinate patients in a nice THC glaze, and keep them in a nice THC haze :D

Keep that THC level spiked as high as we can get it for a coupla weeks or months, see how those tumors look ;)

It's too bad that would be so horribly expensive and complicated in today's reality.

I get wasted/stupid from a few hits of smoke.
Can't imagine how paralyzed I would be if I ate concentrates.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
It's a much different buzz from eating them and you build an effects tolerance fast. I have spent a week stoned on brownies before you eventually learn to function pretty normal on it but things are a bit like Alice in Wonderland around you for awhile. You really feel the difference once you stop eating Cannabis and you realize how shitty you feel without it. :canabis:


A 5 year old study on an in-vitro cell line.

Sorry to be realistic, but how does it translate to a living human being?

If I had leukemia, I would be pounding the THC, no doubt, but studies like these don't really tell us very much about real life situations...


weed fiend
Hell, they should take a few lab rats running around with tumors the size of a house. Glaze those bad boys with enough oil (to kill a rat:)) and see if it kills the tumors.


Active member
you're not being realistic enough imho, there's tons of studies showing that canabis not only doesn't cause cancer as the govt tries to tell everyone, but actually seems to prevent it. just google... it is your friend. and im talking about real studies on real people who smoke weed and don't get cancer vs the rates of people who smoke cigs, cigs%&weed, and people who don't smoke at all. studies with rats, and mice and all kinds of cancer. the govt wants to pretend these studies don't exist, you can join em, but i can see through the bullshit. the FDA itself even has a patent out on canabinoids.
no medical value my ass, its all about the $$$ is all. free medicine doesnt sound as nice as expensive pills that don't really do anything but create more profits through other pills to control the side effects to the investors.

your body has receptors for canabinoids all down the spinal cord from brain to crotch... hmm resembles the tree of life / chakras, how odd. a plant that grows naturally all over the place, makes you happy, and is engineered to fit into your body like a key, somehow doesn't have any use to the human body? cmon son, fuck outta here with that bullshit.


and im talking about real studies on real people who smoke weed and don't get cancer vs the rates of people who smoke cigs, cigs%&weed, and people who don't smoke at all.

I'd love to see the studies that show that smoking weed cures, or even prevents, specific cancers in humans.
Doesn't cause cancer, fine, that's pretty easy...


Registered User
I'd love to see the studies that show that smoking weed cures, or even prevents, specific cancers in humans.
Doesn't cause cancer, fine, that's pretty easy...

i'm actually banking on it's healing effects... years around all the nutes & chems... under the halides & hps's... almost feels like something is growing in me... lol ;-)

seriously though... i do have moles & abnormal skin growth on my neck & face, where i don't see em elsewhere. and when i wasn't using gloves on a regular basis... had horrible skin.

dunno, but i'm going to cannabinoid dose again, jic.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
I'd love to see the studies that show that smoking weed cures, or even prevents, specific cancers in humans.
Doesn't cause cancer, fine, that's pretty easy...

One study that says both work for you?

Nat Rev Cancer. 2003 Oct;3(10):745-55.

Cannabinoids: potential anticancer agents.

Guzmán M. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense University, 28040 Madrid, Spain. [email protected]

Abstract Cannabinoids -the active components of Cannabis sativa and their derivatives -exert palliative effects in cancer patients by preventing nausea, vomiting and pain and by stimulating appetite. In addition, these compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signalling pathways. Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies.

Got to read past the summary to see how the preventative effect works. Basically, in cancer cells have stopped listening to the bodies commands to quit growing and die naturally. Cannabinoids repair that pathway. So, if cannabis is making sure communications are working all the time, then healthy ones don't stop listening.

If you want more, lemme know. I happen to have a 157 page index of studies handy for the lobbying I'm doing in our state.

The list of studies about THC and cancer, is long, distinguished, and is unanimously ignored.


"In addition, these compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signalling pathways."

got anything about human beings smoking cannabis?


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
"In addition, these compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signalling pathways."

got anything about human beings smoking cannabis?

Ah, you're wanting large scale human trials. Those may be tough to come by, seeing that the FDA and the DEA both have to okay them, and both swear to God that Cannabis is the Devil's Weed.

And you'll never see one about smoking it as an administration method. That, as I stated earlier, is a poor method for aggressive cancer treatments. That's why were talking edibles, and why the op was about edibles.

So, we can't get the studies you want, because the DEA still wants to believe the earth is flat and kill the heretics.

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