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Government Study Proves THC from Cannabis Destroys Cancer Cells


the shit spoon
I do believe cannabis sativa is the tree of life metaphorically referred to in some ancient writings.

But Literally, in a Religious sense, I dunno but I am curious.

If one day cannabinoids are used to kill tumors... and its super successful... omg I will have to convert to coptic christian or something... something like that might very well give me faith.


yeah the pharmaceutical companies would lose billions maybe trillions if marijuana took the place of all painkillers, relaxants, depression treatment, anti anxiety, and cancer treatment. Because people could grow their medicines in their back yards.

Bingo:laughing: The whole cure of cancer and cure of diseases is counter productive of a capitalist society. They feed the people with the dream of a cure to keep Government grants and donations rolling in. You don't make money on cures. You make it on research and band aids.


Active member

A study conducted in 2005 by Dr. Donald Tashkin at the UCLA School of Medicine demonstrated that people who smoke marijuana are at less risk of developing lung cancer than tobacco smokers.

...Data in Dr. Tashkin's study suggest that people who smoke marijuana are less likely to develop lung cancer than people who do not smoke anything at all. Since marijuana smoke contains the same cancer-causing agents as tobacco and the only difference between the nonsmokers and the marijuana smokers was their use of cannabis, then it is not an unreasonable hypothesis that marijuana can prevent the development of cancer...

there's lots of studies and evidence out there, just because people choose to ignore and dismiss it doesn't make it any less so.

omg I will have to convert to coptic christian or something... something like that might very well give me faith.

god != religion (not equal)

be sure to check this one out too.

see everyone else does studies on cannabis and actual research and comes to the conclusion that weed is not harmful and is in fact probably the best medicine on earth. america (us govt) looks at this evidence, and then dismisses it because it is not american enough... lol lets be realistic, its because fact's won't help phizer and merck crack 1 trillion this year.


ICMag Donor
yeah the pharmaceutical companies would lose billions maybe trillions if marijuana took the place of all painkillers, relaxants, depression treatment, anti anxiety, and cancer treatment. Because people could grow their medicines in their back yards.

Exactly! It's been that way for me :) I was able to kick a serious pain killer addiction with weed. Today I take one over the counter stomach med for gird, and that's it.

I think it was Dennis Peron who said "All marijuana use is medicinal", and I totally agree. IMO regular cannabis use protects the body as well as the mind.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
An interesting study I read was from a group of researchers investigating the link between Cannabis smoking and lung cancer (I found interesting they started the study assuming a link). Not only did they not find any increased risk, they didn't find any risk at all. To try to explain this, they hypothesized that perhaps the anti-oxidents found cannabis smoke were neutralizing cancer causing compounds on creation.

The researchers conclusion was that there was no link between Cannabis and cancer, and a different study should look at why those cancerous chemicals didn't cause cancer.

To my knowledge, that study has not been performed.

What's funny is that even the DEA has removed cancer as a potential danger of cannabis use, going so far as to state that no study has found a link. So they're not even pretending its dangerous anymore, they're just blatantly saying its illegal because they want it to be illegal, and thats that.


Active member
"Medical cannabis and its impact on human health" - A video with Dr. Donald Tashkin specifically speaking about the anticancer properties such as being an antimitogenic causing cancer cells to be unable to replicate. Quite a few takes from many doctors including why they must study it looking for harmful effects...47 minutes of key education for any wanting to debate the medical benefits of this miraculous plant.


Alright guys, spread it around


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
As mentioned, edibles have a quite...profound... effect. So let me say my idea was for a RESIDENTIAL facility. :biglaugh:


Lammen Gorthaur
yeah the pharmaceutical companies would lose billions maybe trillions if marijuana took the place of all painkillers, relaxants, depression treatment, anti anxiety, and cancer treatment. Because people could grow their medicines in their back yards.

Add voter apathy to the list and you have the perfect fuck up.


I think this is wonderful information but not just for cannabis , for plants and herbs as a whole because the same information can be said of turmeric and other plants. Just taking it itself I doubt will ultimately stop ANY form of cancer because unless you take it in a way that can get to every part of the body efficiently it won't stop them. This is why a healthy lifestyle is key and not just one thing and taking a lot of it. This may actually be counter productive due to down regulation and the cannabinoids not attaching to receptor sites anymore.

See when you exercise with resistance you build more receptor sites and when you do aerobics right after you build more by products of oxidation which is a good thing so even if you don't take in concentrations you will utilize what you have taken in more than if you just ingested it and did nothing physical.

Food also plays a part because if you just eat brownies the cannabinoids won't be as effective as if you ate the cannabis with whole foods such as nuts,seeds, and legumes along with leafy vegetables. Basically a part of your meal. When you eat nuts/seeds it does three things. The monounsaturated fat allows the cannabinoids to go into the lymphatic system which is the immune system and build it up along with helping it kill toxic or weak cells and the nuts have protein in them which helps the building process. They also have polyunsaturated fat which help the muscle and organs hold onto oxygen and metabolize substances so the process can keep going on even when you are just sitting down. Finally, for the brain it helps keep the blood brain barrier fluid and allow nutrients in so the brain can stay healthy.

Legumes(preferably dried, then soaked overnight) hold onto the cannabis from the high amount of soluble fiber so it can be slowly digested, but more importantly, go to the gut where intestinal bacteria can break it down even further and make their own special compounds that aid the body in health and one of them is a break down from cannabis. Leafy vegetables help the body maintain enzymes and get them active by providing the minerals they want so they can make the byproduct we need to stay healthy as well as being high in antioxidants to prevent free radical damage, all the foods have these antioxidants but in different degrees.

Spices & herbs round everything off by being potent in oils that may be small in number but are potent in activity and get the body going and staying healthy they just do it in different ways which is why mixing herbs is a good way to ensure total body health.

Timing is also important because if you take your cannabis in the day it will still help heal you but a lot of it along with it's metabolites would be used up during the active daylight due to higher sympathetic nerve activity. If health is the goal taking it at night along with a low protein, high carbohydrate meal will be best as this helps the body go into a deep sleep which will activate the parasympathetic nerves to the fullest and allow for a proper healing effect. It's best to eat whole low protein foods like rice, corn, oatmeal(I like it fried) bananas or plantain, potatoes,etc, along with a nice side of some green leafy vegetable that has been cooked in coconut oil or clarified butter(ghee) to allow a lot of the iron and other nutrients to be absorbed by the body because saturated fat are high in these oils and this type of fat is what releases iron. This is why beef fat is known to allow iron to get to the body while spinach and other leafy vegetables are known to not be available. It's because most don't eat these vegetables with a good amount of saturated fat. Even olive oil has saturated fat in it but it's 2 grams for every tablespoon and most just drizzle it on their greens which isn't a lot and it doesn't bind to the leaf fast like cooking does, (avocados are an exception due to their high fat & fiber content which holds everything together) but the ghee and coconut oil are high in this saturated fat PLUS it's the kind that doesn't clog our arteries like animal fat does that comes from the skin or muscle.

I can't find the study that showed the cannabis metabolite that was made from bacteria that was very potent but its' somewhere on the net.


Exactly! It's been that way for me :) I was able to kick a serious pain killer addiction with weed. Today I take one over the counter stomach med for gird, and that's it.

I think it was Dennis Peron who said "All marijuana use is medicinal", and I totally agree. IMO regular cannabis use protects the body as well as the mind.

You can take ginger & turmeric for your gerd. Just take it with some psylium husk so that it can stick to the intestinal wall and be more effective. Aloe Vera juice will help the effects last long but you need the fillet juice and not the whole leaf juice. When using ginger, the more spicy the better as this is a sign it is high quality unless it has been adulterated but this is rare.

Make sure you get the powdered ginger and psyllium husk and mix well. I find mixing in a glass for 10-20 seconds mixes everything good while a plastic cup for some reason doesn't do it the same. Also add just a teaspoon and drink it right after mixing because if you don't it will get too thick to drink, this is the case if you add more than necessary.

GNC sells a good quality brand that is well ground but get one with no flavor so you will have more psyllium husk and not other added ingredients. I don't mind the taste but you can use orange juice or apple juice if that's a problem for you.

Take the drink after your meal so some of the fat from the meal can help with absorption.

Natural Brand Psyllium hsuk


Active member
yes, now we just need alot of government people and rich bastards to get cancer and tumors :)

and the beautiful part is, they are bound to get some. they have terrible lifestyles.

let us all wish and pray for cancer and tumor for these "people"

its not only fair, its just

and not really that bad of a thing, we got a cure now and if enough money gets cancer, well, they sure are gonna hurry it up :)