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Got that knock on the door

so on one hand you say the police are not your friend and on the other you say that letting them in was OK?

um yer logic is flawed:noway:

No the police are not your friend..

Mickey got screwed by either the mail man or the ups/fedex guys

.....these guys and fed ex must have some STORIES about packages to grow houses

now how much pot do ya think those cops turned in?
and how much did they sell to their Detroit heads

or ya got set up by this med class ya go to

either way yer out of it now .i bet next time you will say no :wallbash:

They dont have to be my freind to be let in.They turned it all in I bet they where the jar head types.Not out of it they told me not to grow again till I got my card.Thats my point.They left all my stuff when they could have took it.I still have my card and can still grow 12 plants .The only charge they can have on me is over limit on # of plants.


wow. this thread took quite a turn.

listen man. i'm all about flexing my rights, and in my situation if the cops are at the door i'm lookin for a warrant before i even unlock the door (but i'm sure if they have a warrant they'll probably just kick the door in). but in your situation, i think you did everything right. i mean it did turn out pretty fuckin good for you i'd say. sure it sucks you lost your plants but not everyone has enough dough to go out and buy a new setup.

not to mention being over plant count and your MM license being at risk. cooperation was probably key

so i agree with just about everyone here. you gotta use your rights. that's what they're there for. but in this instance i think you could've handled things a lot worse.

now lets all go smoke a bong, lol


Active member
i seriously cant believe the feds are still wasting their time over this bullshit, are american cops really that fucking bored?? are there not enough roving hoodlums to arrest? not enough meth labs? cocaine smugglers? rapists?

naw screw all that, lets go bust some grows!

fucking dirty worthless cops.

and trust me, ive probably been let go and beat more charges than most on here, and i will say that Yes there are decent cops, mostly street patrol who have to deal with the grime, but the DEA, drug task forces, and the guys who bully MMJ growers and patients all deserve to be waterboarded and have their fingernails ripped off slowly one by one.

whenever i watch that show DEA i get so angry i just want to start shooting at my TV screen


I'd have done the same thing bro.
I'm in the same St. , under the same circumstances as yourself .
Been waiting 2.5 weeks now for my card = WTF . They claimed 14 day turn around .
I couldn't run around , ditch plants , equipment etc... as I' m just not physically able either = wheelchair confined w/ very limited use of what's left of my hands .

Pissing them off by making them wait to secure a warrant is just digging the hole deeper , and making myself look even more criminal in my eyes . Maybe theirs too ?

Were you in 1 of the 5 mmj forgiving cities to begin with ? Ann Arbor , Detroit , Traverse City , Flint , or Ferndale ? Not that it matters if it's the State themselves knocking and not the locals . What news caster got popd ? I never saw that .

Peace bro.
Crispi :joint:


ICMag Donor
When you are approved for a med card do you sign over any rights as to search by decree , meaning can they search at discretion for plant count ?

The reason they did not take your equipment is because , under law , they couldn't . Your card may be in the mail but your still in the system . I wonder if you had made them get a warrant after talking to them at the door , cause on said warrant would be odor ? Considering your op was in a detached building . Hmm.

Good Luck ,hope you dont see them again .


Thanx for the links bro.
Your way W of me , but I could very well see that shit happening here too .
Peace n stay safe man .


I dont get it, your power bill was 3x your neighbors, but you only were a few plants over the limit? I have a personal grow going, with 600 watts in flower and 400 in veg, 5 plants in flower, and probably 25 in veg right now (mostly seedlings), aswell as a tray of halfrooted clones (about 10?), few clones in veg are older...

My power bill is maybe.... MAYBE 30% more than my neighbors, and I highly doubt that. I live in an very expensive power rate.... i wana say its like 18cents/kw with all the fees. My power bill is still under $200. I guarantee my neighbors with central A/C is way more. Or with Electric Heat.

How do u have 5k in equipment for a small medical grow? I'm not trying to be an ass, and I'll preach first hand how equipment is expensive as hell. But 5 grand? I have a friend that recently got 4, 1k lights, ballast, hoods for 1300. Granted he shopped around online, but this is what u said u did too right?


Not that it's for me to judge but I think that mickey did the right thing. When I got popped one cop was here waiting for me while the other cops went and got the warrant but I was very polite and respectful to all the officers and it went a long way in helpong me. In the end I was only summoned to court for misdemeanor possesion, continued without a finding for a year and then it was dismissed. If I had been some confrontational asshole when I was being busted the charges would have been worse. Being respectful doesn't mean you have to roll over, it just means that, be calm and non confrontational. Some cops might be assholes but most of them are just doing their jobs and in most cases their jobs don't have much to do with pot most of the time. It's up to you, make them your enemy and they will surely be your enemy.


Patient Grower
How much less confrontational can you be than not opening the door?

I wonder where this idea that one has to be some kind of asshole to exercise one's rights came from. One can most certainly decline to provide self incriminating evidence in a polite, non-confrontational manner. One of my favorite expressions when I run into someone I have a low opinion of is 'with all due respect'. For some reason that phrase allows me to say things to people that without it they'd go ballistic. I like it because I can say it to anyone. After all, if they're due absolutely no respect or the respect reserved for Mother Theresa or anything in between it works.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
Not that it's for me to judge but I think that mickey did the right thing. When I got popped one cop was here waiting for me while the other cops went and got the warrant but I was very polite and respectful to all the officers and it went a long way in helpong me. In the end I was only summoned to court for misdemeanor possesion, continued without a finding for a year and then it was dismissed. If I had been some confrontational asshole when I was being busted the charges would have been worse. Being respectful doesn't mean you have to roll over, it just means that, be calm and non confrontational. Some cops might be assholes but most of them are just doing their jobs and in most cases their jobs don't have much to do with pot most of the time. It's up to you, make them your enemy and they will surely be your enemy.
they are the Enemy any person thinks cops are your friend is in for a rude awakening. cops love to make you feel and believe you have no rights once thier on scene time and time again they cops must be reminded we the people have rights.

just because cops knockn on your door and your still inside and they havent kicked your door in they have no warrant. dosent mean you have to by law answer door open and let them in, let them asshats knock and destroy your garden during the process !!!

FN cops knockn on my door and has no warrant F that asshat can stand there knockn while his partner gets the search warrant. whilst his partner is abtaining the search warrant i'll be eating my garden and or destroying it. by the time he gets back i'll let them in as he's walkn up the sidewalk with warrant in hand and all evidence of garden destroyed. just an empty closet with legal to own equipment the lights arent illeagle to own F them

every one loves firemen
every one loves paramedics
no one loves cops including most cops well unless you own a FN dounut shop

once ya open door and conciede to a search with out warrant all your rights are gone ya have none.

ya have the right to remain silient, if you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

in otherwords shut the F___ up keep your mouth shut dont talk to any one except a lawyer !!!!

anything you say isnt gonna help ya but be used against you

COPS arent our friends we grow cannibis which is against the law people :joint:

so now we the american people now know, Customs seized my beans http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=119735 most likely led to mickeymouses bust, just something to think about green tape in the past just ment they have your order and you dont ha ha ha. now it seams thier following up on where the oders being shiped to something to think about people


Active member
hearing what 1 person says and/or examing your power usage shouldn't be enough to obtain a warrant. or maybe it isn't enouh.. i'm not sure; but they make it seem like that's all it takes.

If that's true then this has got to stop.


First off, just because they didnt charge and arrest you at the time doesnt mean it still wont happen. 20 years ago I stupidly sold some weed to a cop that was 'dying of cancer' and it took them 6 months before any charges were filed. They wanted me to roll on people to, I told them to go F themselves and that they were the true criminals, not me. During sentencing the judge actually thought that statement was funny and gave me 6 months probation when he could have gave me 3 years in prison.

Secondly, you are acting like cops are judge and jury and/or God. They do not charge you, the DA does. If you're basing your judgement on the legal system from watching COPS then you are hopeless. Funny thing about that show, I cannot remember one time where a search didnt turn up drugs, yet the fact is only 2 out of 10 searches turns up anything.

Furthermore, you keep repeating that 'the cops were cool'. How naive are you? Do you think they wanted to be friends with you? A cops job is to put you in jail, period. If they were being nice to you its because they had something to gain from it and my guess is given your cooperative attitude you gave them info about other people which is why they let you keep your equipment and was not charged. No cop that goes around putting people in a cage over a plant is cool in my book, I dont care if he's Mother Theresa when he's off duty.
I ratted out no one.Dont know anyone never buy or sell.When I said they where cool I ment.They didnt cuff me and arrest me or tear up my house.I know how thing work.You might want to read what I said and not everyone else.


What if the cops are called to come to your door for a completely unrelated issue. Say your neighbor calls the cops for noise complaint, the cops get there and your obviously inside partying with your buddies...whatever. Can you still just ignore them? Or would that noise complaint give them what they need to come in?

Also, I realize it would be a dumbass move to throw a big party in a grow house...
Idk how it is where you are, but usually at house parties or parties at apartments, the pigsters just stand and wait outside and get you to kick out the majority of the people and once things settle down they just take off... unless someone gets aggressive / or they see probable cause to come in like drug usage.
They would have got a warrent and came in if I was home or not and probadly got pissed and took everthing.They were really cool about everything just doing there job.There was a guy that got busted a couple day after me in a town 50 miles away.He got arrested and had to post bond.

Simplest thing, who answers the door when there is a cop there anyway? Let them knock until their fist falls off. And do not let them in unless they have a warrant. If they are going to take your babies, you gotta make them work for it mannn, just like you worked on your babies.