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Got that knock on the door

I don't think the seeds are what tipped them off. Too much fraternizing with other patients... a friend who got busted, maybe? Or did you make a lot of trips to hydro shops?
It wasnt the seeds.Im pretty sure it was ordering from the hydro store.I dont think im going to jail I know 3 other people that got busted and they got probation.Like I said dont think they want to take care of me.Im disabled cant care for myself.Wife had to quit her job.I have no money or property.I need alot of medical care and medication.
It wasnt the seeds.Im pretty sure it was ordering from the hydro store.I dont think im going to jail I know 3 other people that got busted and they got probation.Like I said dont think they want to take care of me.Im disabled cant care for myself.Wife had to quit her job.I have no money or property.I need alot of medical care and medication.

They porbably felt like total assholes once they saw your condition. That's why they didn't take it all.
Don't be surprised if the cops are going to the med card meetings pretending to be disabled so they can suck information.....

I would be surprised if they are NOT doing just that, good call.

Chicago cops infiltrated the anti-war organizations as they were planning the anti-war demonstrations that took place a few years ago. They were in the planning meetings and actually participating with the groups. The Autonomous Zone was one place I remember that was on the list of groups that the Chicago police were "keeping their eye on", but they went after all the anti-war groups in Chicago.

And of course they are doing the same things with the medical marijuana "radicals" in Chicago and everywhere else. Be careful out there. The justice system seems to be a crap shoot, so I wish you the very best of luck. A disabled vet in Illinois, with NO mmj laws, was just acquitted by a jury for marijuana cultivation so about anything can happen. Educate yourself and be prepared to battle with a good lawyer. Prepare for the worst, and you can expect a better outcome.


did they leave any paperwork? i just think it's wierd that they left all your equipment and seeds and stuff. i've never been busted before myself (knock on wood) but the first thing that popped into my head when i read your original post was maybe you just got robbed? you said somethin about going to a med user meeting or somethin? maybe rippers followed you home and dressed up like these "FANG" dudes? far fetched but who knows... maybe its just the weed talking lol


hey mickeymouse did you order from an online hydro shop or did you go to one and buy stuff? Sorry for all the questions but I just always think it's important to learn from other peoples experiences. How come you don't think it was the seeds if that is what they asked you about (saw your other thread on you getting the green tape from customs a couple weeks ago) seems like this def was about the seeds. Is Fang a local leo group or is it federal? Really hope things turn out alright for you man, that is my worst nightmare what happened to you.

Googled Fang, so it is a state law enforcement group, so if it was the beans then customs would have notified them. That is troublesome.
Yea they left paper work.There were 5 of them with guns and badges.Fang is state police.They ask where I got my seeds from,they didnt know.They even looked at the labeled packes and didnt know.They didnt take my equipment and seeds because I had my card in the mail.They were going to take it then changed there mind.Iv been to the hydro store but I made about 10 or so online purcheses.Im pretty sure that was it but cant be sure.There was someone in the paper that got busted and it said it was from buying online.


There's no law that states you must answer the door. Get a peephole, and any time someone knocks on your door, and you don't know them, ignore it. If they ever had a right to be in your house, they wouldn't knock.
There's no law that states you must answer the door. Get a peephole, and any time someone knocks on your door, and you don't know them, ignore it. If they ever had a right to be in your house, they wouldn't knock.

They would have got a warrent and came in if I was home or not and probadly got pissed and took everthing.They were really cool about everything just doing there job.There was a guy that got busted a couple day after me in a town 50 miles away.He got arrested and had to post bond.


They would have got a warrent and came in if I was home or not and probadly got pissed and took everthing.They were really cool about everything just doing there job.There was a guy that got busted a couple day after me in a town 50 miles away.He got arrested and had to post bond.

Would have got a warrant based on what evidence? They don't just "go get a warrant" because someone isn't home or didn't answer the door.


..what if a neighbour had rec'd the envelope. ..brought it to leo?
I once received seeds so well packed that I couldn't locate them at first.
Would have got a warrant based on what evidence? They don't just "go get a warrant" because someone isn't home or didn't answer the door.

They do if they have evidance.They can get a warrant pretty much on suspision.Could have checked my power bill.There is lots of ways.They did there homework.Knew everyone that lived here.Ask about on old address and who lives there.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
They would have got a warrent and came in if I was home or not and probadly got pissed and took everthing.They were really cool about everything just doing there job.There was a guy that got busted a couple day after me in a town 50 miles away.He got arrested and had to post bond.

[There's no law that states you must answer the door. Get a peephole, and any time someone knocks on your door, and you don't know them, ignore it. If they ever had a right to be in your house, they wouldn't knock. ]
what H said is soo true cops some time dont knock but do announce thier entry when the door is being ramed off the hinges. other times they'll knock and BAM door gets rammed off hinges, but if thier outside my door just a knockn and not Bamn my door in. my ass is tearn down my grow fast fast, never answer your door just because a cops knockn let them retrieve the seach warrent. your still inside correctomungo currently i could eat what i just placed into flower in less then 3 mins except my big girl she would take 5-8 mins. cuts in the bubbler i chomp 2 small mums few min's when they do get the warrent and return so what i have a green toung lol. and prolly a good buzz going

srry to hear this happened to ya being dissabeled an all hopefully the courts will be leinant with you. your state dose have MMJ maybe your regerstration with the state prompted them to come main reason why i dont register in my state now state and feds know ya an where to find ya.

you'll see cops being cool my meaning would be them not tazn or beatn ya up then yea thier being cool. but because they didnt take everything being cool srry dont really think so. now your a part of the system and being a part will invole out of pocket expense if your judge is leinant the probation is what you'll get. Probation costs every month hopefully your judge will just throw it out maybe fine for being over your allowed limit

my state has MMJ if this happened to me i would personally look into every bust and prosocution cases in my state payn special attention to cases involving ammounts i would be hemmed up with. knows the time to arm yourself with as much knowledge as possible g/l


Well, in the EU (some countries) the cops even if they have a warrant, they cant destroy your door to get in, they usually "pick" your lock. And they have to get a few witnesses (neighbours) to do it. So you have between 10 and 20 minutes to get rid of any evidence from the moment you see the flashing lights. So you can eat your buds, cut everything and flush it in the toilet, and so on. I ve heard of a guy that had a corn grinder connected to the toilet tubes...
and moreover, when they show you your warrant you have the right to call your lawyer and he can supervise their work. So you just have to be prepared and ready to run up an down at 4 a.m. :D


Active member
Wow what country is that Kiree? In the uk the filth kick your door in and don't even need a search warrant these days :(


Didn't read the whole thread.....maybe you should clean up beforte applying for a med card? Keep growin to yourself that way if someone tells on you it's only you telling yourself....that's what I do:D


Well, in the end its up to you. I personally would make them get a warrant if they can. Letting the police in your house, and then showing them the evidence so they wont be "mad at you" is below my standard of what freedom is.


Iv been to the hydro store but I made about 10 or so online purcheses.Im pretty sure that was it but cant be sure.

Ten or more purchases? Yikes! Folks it might be best to save up your cash and make one big purchase online. Did you happen to buy from a hydro store that advertises in High Times?


Well, in the EU (some countries) the cops even if they have a warrant, they cant destroy your door to get in, they usually "pick" your lock. And they have to get a few witnesses (neighbours) to do it. So you have between 10 and 20 minutes to get rid of any evidence from the moment you see the flashing lights. So you can eat your buds, cut everything and flush it in the toilet, and so on. I ve heard of a guy that had a corn grinder connected to the toilet tubes...
and moreover, when they show you your warrant you have the right to call your lawyer and he can supervise their work. So you just have to be prepared and ready to run up an down at 4 a.m. :D

don't kno were ur at but in the us if they got a warrant and its about drugs ur door is getting the rodney king treatment lol