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10 plants in the woods.

Hey y'all I live near some woods by a river and I planted 10 seedlings. I've got them in the dirt as you can see.

Some of them got a few bites out of them by some little buggies but they should be doing good. It's raining right now and that'll help their little roots grow hopefully. I will update weekly.

I'm gonna start giving them some guano tea a little later in the summer.




Hope that river dont swell,rot is bad..
Update thats really good getting lots of water!!
Should get HUGE given enuff sun.......
down to 7 plants after a big rain. will update with pics once they get a little bigger. Going to be planting more to increase chances of success.


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
nice. Wish I was doing the outdoor thing this year. Too much going on, and I may be looking at a move within a month. I've got the money, but the lawyer is controlling it. Should be a matter of days....


i was thinking the same as jackal. looks a little clayish. you should really think about digging holes and filling with good soil or mending the soil with potting soil. from my early experience way back, they will grow but not very much. just trying to help, -bluebuds


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Actually, it looks the opposite of clay to me, it looks silty/sandy to me, which would make since cuz he said he was near a river.


10...to 7.....dude plant more!!! haha, do you have any more seeds????? I would say plant a shitload out there in the woods, all different areas. Your going to lose a lot more than that, especially since it's only been a short time and you've already lost 3!

No worries, but more plants = more buds. You will also have to kill the males when you find them later on down the road ya know? So you will lose many.

I hope you don't take that as negative I just want you to get a good haul! Well great luck see ya! PEACE

Going to be planting more to increase chances of success

sorry man I totally spaced, hope to see lots!!!! PEACE :laughing:
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Lou, thanks man! They're not that close to the river so I don't think that'll be a big deal. They're in some muddy shit unfortunately. Seriously though you're my idol, I one day aspire to be in the ballpark of what you do but I'm sure it's going to take me a long time.

Thanks backcountry, jackel, facelift, bluebuds. Your'e right the soil is muddy, fortunately I've got more seeds cracking and I'm going to be digging some holes for some nice pro-mix soil or something.

They're doing OK a little ragged, starting to form the second set of leaves. Will update with more pics when they get a little sexier.


GorillaGreenz said:
Lou, thanks man! They're not that close to the river so I don't think that'll be a big deal. They're in some muddy shit unfortunately. Seriously though you're my idol, I one day aspire to be in the ballpark of what you do but I'm sure it's going to take me a long time.

Got that right,TIME you must live and absorb what plants need in time..
Looks like i nice soil to start with,mix in amendmants and plant i bit higher!
They will get plenty water from what i see and with better lighter soil.......
BOOOOOOOOM in no time at all..
yeah ,your on your way..

when growing out doors you really need to take in to consideration the things that are going to want your plants ..like bunnys ,bugs , slugs oh and people..so ya may want to put some stuff out to keep those things from wiping ya out and figuring these things are everywere in the woods ..you want to up your chances of sucess by planting alot more seeds. and try a bunch of diffrent places ..i grow in the swamps and can relate to the water and soil troubles that go with growing in these areas..you for sure will be doing your self and your babys a favor by amending that soil first..and with planting out side you want to keep any extra nutes away from them till they are a little bigger..try a soil with out any nutes in it..maybe a little wormcastings would be alright ..but nothing hot like mircle grow..

you keep reading these guys post on here, you'll be an old token growing mo fo before to long..hehe

i would bet theres a couple hundred thousnd yrs worth of growing no how on these boards..so listen to the old timers ..they've already been threw anything that can go wrong ...

stay safe and stay green..

good luck and keep us posted..

i love watching grows ..

herb weedmen


Active member
Post on ammending clay.
Hope this helps...
silverback said:
...The cheapest and easiest way in my view is sand, perlite, small chip gravel, just a little peat, and most likely, some lime. Oranic compost, manure or other additives of that nature loosen the soil, but it also retains moisture and clay soils often already have drainage problems. I have found loosening clay soil with non feeding/non moisture retaining materials is more effective. Clay soil is the only location where I don't believe organic material is helpful. Every other grow application, I say the more the merrier. I would also mulch to keep the soil from packing so badly during the grow season.
Thanks that chart was confusing but I got it. I think I'm not quite at the level where ammending is 100% needed but I'm going to anyway.


hey glad to hear your taking the constructive critism well and understanding that were just trying to help. ive learned the hard way and have learned alot along the way. also i dont know were you are located but any were near a river may look open now but remember when the trees srart to leave, it blocks alot of light in the woods. good luck and glad to hear you have plenty of seeds!, bluebuds
if your only growing a few small plots for your self just go buy some good soil..if your putting a garden in ammend the soil..
lets think this out a little bit ..you dont want to be out there for hrs on end working soil and ameending it with a bunch of sand and stuff you have to hike in..one trip with a good bag of soil ...if you are growing on a hill side you may want to look to see were the run offs are so your not getting wiped out if a hard rain comes..

make your holes big and as deep as a foot or more..fill with good soil..plant your plants and get the hell out of there..

if ya want to watch a gorilla grower in a large grow ..go to youtube and watch the brwndirt warriors videos..i think theres 11 of them and they are about 8min long each..that guys brings his own soil even to a large grow..dudes a god..

good luck and stay green..

herb weedmen
I've ammended the soil for one of the plants (unfortunately miracle gro potting soil), picked up some superthrive and I'm going to plant the other one. Pics coming soon.

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