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>>>Got Cookies???<<<

&gt;&gt;&gt;Got Cookies???&lt;&lt;&lt;

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Sprry for thta last post man,I jsuty hate hype.Do you thing bro,hope it works out for you!Ill be pollen chucking soon,so sorry for the stupid comment bro.Were all brothers in this,are you working on any other projects?..where can you get seds?


How is your parental stocks lookin homie?? Is they all seeded up wit babehs? Peacin nanners !



Registered Med User
Haha! Its hella funny seein everybody mad about this, they prolly be the first ones to cop some beens and do a 'closet' run. Y get mad at a hype strain? if u dont like it dont buy it, prolly a lot of people hella greatful that someones doin this as they cant get GSC (or even og kush someplaces) and this will give them an oppurtunity to search through some beens and find a keeper. Might be some hermis, might be some bullshit, but gauranteed there will be some strait dope in them seeds as well, and one dope plant is all u need to make a mother then u got it for life.

and whats wrong with taking advantage of an oppurtunity? Isnt that what America was founded upon?
Bottom Line: If you dont like it dont buy um, but Jealousy Hatred and Envy dont belong on this site.


I cant speak for anybody..but MY issue with this whole "girl scout cookies" hype and cute little trend,comes from the fact,that why are humans so eager to be part of the "in" crowd?Why should we try to one-up each other,or judge each other by what they have or dont have.You either have the best tv,or your lame,you either have the newest electronics,or your lame..cars,clothes,etcetc....and now weve reosrted to using a scared and wonderful herb,as just another stupid status symbol.

Now,it seems you gotta have this new MIRACLE GSC,otherwise your old news..BlueDream??! hah!! thats last years weed bro!!

I certainly dont have "envy" or jealousy..I just REALLY dislike humanity's nature to willingly be a media-pawn..to be less than a sheep.Like I said,if I was GIFTED a cut,Id throw it away,in protest.

I could care less who pollenchucks,hey its a free world..but go pollen chuck your own creations..why add to the hype bon-fire even further.So that a bunch of selfish,rich,old ex-hippies can make a shitload of money,and hoarding it,while you do THEIR job of promoting it??!!

Id rather support genuine old school breeders,who still have other things in their hearts,besides dollar signs...


Registered Med User
I dont think everyone looks at it how u think they do man, I heard about gsc, sounded good, so I wanted to try it. Got some from the club and I thought it was a real unique taste, so I wanted to grow it. Now I got it growing. simple as that. A strain doesnt get hyped for no reason, its because its some good shit. Then you gotta look at suply and demand, not many had the cut, but it was some good shit they wanted, demand went up with a limited suply, in turn raising prices. Its just market principles, works with anything, if u live in alaska and oranges are limited cuz they dont grow out there, guaranteed the price of oranges would be sky high. When blue dream first came on the market it was a cash croppers dream, everybody wanted it cuz it was some decent herb that yielded well, and clubs would pay top dollar to get cuts to sell or grow. once everyone got a hold of it it lost its value and now you couldnt give cuts to some clubs. The same will happen with GSC. I was gifted a cut and have since gifted it to bout 6-7 people I know, n it keeps spreading.

Why add to the hype and pollen chuck with the GSC? simple - DEMAND. People want it, would it be better to deny everyone these beans? I already see people in this thread that want to try it, why should these people be denied the right?

If you'd rather support other breeders then go for it, shit I support all types of breeders, I like to do a little pollen chucking myself too. Im bout to take Ace's golden tiger and a malawi and throw some pollen on gsc, louie the 13th, fireXtahoe og, and some other shit. I would not sell those beans as they are aces genetics, unless i worked the line and got ace's blessing, but when dealing with Elite clone onlys with unknown origins as Aligee is doing its fair game for anyone.


cant re Member
not another gsc thread.. wether its nice or not it looks like it yields very low. id throw it in the bin just on that basis.


not another gsc thread.. wether its nice or not it looks like it yields very low. id throw it in the bin just on that basis.

It looks mediocre,at best,seems yields are way below average,in this day and age,with the risks involved,you just cant grow such a low yielding strain.No matter how "fire and tasty" it is.

One can easily order 10+ strains,that are JUST as resinous,potent and yield ALOT more.Why the hype??Simple,because people want to be cool and "hip" and be in the scene,.GSC is the "next big thing"...if your a bad ass,then you have atleast smoked it!!Come on,we all wanna be bad ass!!

My issue is NOT pollen chucking,theres some VERY good stuff that can come from pollenchucking,my deal is the HYPE.

Its another reminder how shitty and self absorbed this world is..I havnet seen a thread here with 300000+ views..let alone for a strain.Thats called hype.I say fuck hype.Give me a $100 bucks,I can get a strain 100 times better than this cookie crap.:tumbleweed:


Breed what you want, but' there's too much of this elitist SoCal attitude that anyone not in Calif doesn't "get it" or that we're not in the know because we don't have access to a bazillion clone-only cuts.

Might I suggest that this should be in strains and hybrids and not the breeding lab unless you're planning to work this line? I'd like to see more actual work going down in this subforum, and less pollen chucking. Anyone can chuck pollen; it's where you go from those F1s that the work begins.


Yay another winner I hate elitists..in all forms and fashions.Weed eletisits piss me off though


Weed elitists are missing the point of weed. They need to kill their egos and stop caring about social status and impressing others with their smoking habits.


Mr.Sterling,Im beggining to like you more and more my friend.I guess great minds DO think alike huh?

I defintely think we should start an anti-hype/snobbery group here on IcMag,perhaps if we stick together,we can purge this pathetic,highschool jock clique of GSC and OgKush fanboys haha.Check out the official GSC hype/fanboy thread lol.


GSC/OG hype thread? Which one? :laughing:

There's the bag seed social group. I'd like to think they're pretty humble. Regardless of opinion, no reason for us to derail this thread just because we disagree. I'd like to see deeper breeding, but wish OP luck in his endeavor. One never knows what cross could produce unexpected greatness.


Deeper breeding when the parental stock (one of which is shrouded in secrecy) is in half-full styrofoam cups and the 'breeder' acts like a twelve year old? I wouldn't be holding your breathe on that one. I'd love to see a return to proper breeding practices as well, but seems like that train left the station long ago, except for a few true breeders.



My gripe isn't with GSC. Hell, I run the cut myself. My issue is with this joke of a 'breeder'. I've seen him on multiple sites and have been severely unimpressed with him. People looking to buy GSC beans and crosses would be better served to go with one of the established companies that actually have an inkling into breeding practices.

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Well-known member
My gripe isn't with GSC. Hell, I run the cut myself. My issue is with this joke of a 'breeder'. I've seen him on multiple sites and have been severely unimpressed with him. People looking to buy GSC beans and crosses would be better served to go with one of the established companies that actually have an inkling into breeding practices.


Call it what you want your def entitled to your opinion but its not welcome here :) Have a nice day !!!


You made a thread in a public forum. Unwelcome me all you'd like, but a differing opinion doesn't entitle you to lord over when/where I post.


roll it large

the name says it all lol aligeee the wannabe

$$$$$$$$$$$ that's all you see

do some real breeding ffs

keep ya cookies al have a brownie instead


cant re Member
My gripe isn't with GSC. Hell, I run the cut myself. My issue is with this joke of a 'breeder'. I've seen him on multiple sites and have been severely unimpressed with him. People looking to buy GSC beans and crosses would be better served to go with one of the established companies that actually have an inkling into breeding practices.


breeding practices?

im not here for an argument but i will add my last 2 cents to this thread.

firstly this guy has just jumped on the same band wagon with the gsc as everybody else has (or the elitists specifically)

second, you have bigger names dropping here and there lines are completely untested but still go out.
you have hundreds of seed companies now popping up everywhere. breeding practices have gone out the window.

it used to be that if you had an interest in the weed and you had some skill and you had something special to offer, then you would release your stock (tested) at a cost. now you can just get an elite, any male and make some beans, wack them in a bag, with a lable you designed on your laptop and make some cash.
fucking fantastic lol
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