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Got Busted.. Here's My Story. What Can I Do?


Active member
The end when they get banned is always the most fun to read. You guys always get the last word. Kinda like my wife. lol...

Sorry to hear about the bust man... I can only offer advice on how to be batshit crazy paranoid. It's kept me safe so far.


Active member
I feel comfort in my own paranoia, i hate it when people say im too cautious or too paranoid, its like mother fucker, do you remember that what we do is ILLEGAL??


I completely agree with JJ. I would bet that most active people on this web site have been in this kids position before( probably multiple times like me)and if you havent then your lucky and you know people who have been in his position.

Just like this kid I was being very stupid for a long period of time, with many people telling me to chill out, be smarter, your not invincible. I, like many, did not listen and really really wish that I did listen. So when you see people busting your balls it's more along the lines of them being pissed at themselves for not listening and being more careful. But busting your balls is where it should end!!
It's about growing up and accepting your responsibilities. Everyone is different. Some people, like me, were lucky growing up and grew up with there best friends dad being the lawyer in the back of hightimes to call and mom local judge. Some people learn there lessons from other peoples mistakes. Some people never learn there lessons and die ignorant. Most people are somewhere in between taking an arrest or two to get it.
So in conclusion don't make fun of this dude, if him posting this makes one person know there rights a little bit better HELL YEA. Next time you and your freinds smoke turn on cops and run threw what you would do in the persons situation on tv. Do it enough your rights become second nature.


Active member
very well said yes4 and john, i deffinatly learned a lot from this and wont make the same mistakes again.. and i will stay paranoid, in a good way at least


I completely agree with JJ. I would bet that most active people on this web site have been in this kids position before( probably multiple times like me)and if you havent then your lucky and you know people who have been in his position.

Just like this kid I was being very stupid for a long period of time, with many people telling me to chill out, be smarter, your not invincible. I, like many, did not listen and really really wish that I did listen. So when you see people busting your balls it's more along the lines of them being pissed at themselves for not listening and being more careful. But busting your balls is where it should end!!
It's about growing up and accepting your responsibilities. Everyone is different. Some people, like me, were lucky growing up and grew up with there best friends dad being the lawyer in the back of hightimes to call and mom local judge. Some people learn there lessons from other peoples mistakes. Some people never learn there lessons and die ignorant. Most people are somewhere in between taking an arrest or two to get it.
So in conclusion don't make fun of this dude, if him posting this makes one person know there rights a little bit better HELL YEA. Next time you and your freinds smoke turn on cops and run threw what you would do in the persons situation on tv. Do it enough your rights become second nature.

:respect: truth
and i forgot to mention, the possesion of hydrocodone charge was filed as a Class A Misdameanor on me. Ontop of the unlawful possesion of marijuana charge

it isn't over yet . they can still bump up the charges. if they think theres more to it they will u will know when u go to court. hydro is a felony..hmmmm
and that much without a script is selling and trafficing...hmmmm i might be wrong but...strange looks like ya might luck out


Marcellas.. Listen to what everybody has to say. This thing of ours... It's got to be taken with a grain of salt. I've got friends and family doing time in jails from Providence down to Miami. At some point you have to make a descision on what road your gonna take. They all lead to the same place in the end but you have to make a decision none the less. I hope at the very least you learned something with this expierence. Good luck with everything..
As far as I can tell, you are very lucky; in other states you would probably still be in jail waiting for the bond to go down on the pills.

I am very surprised that is just a top level misdemeanor, most states have those as a felony; and if they tacked on sale, well that is no small sentence.

You will most likely get probation and probably a little time for the pills, since you haven't served anything.........or even (and the most likely) a drug treatment and maybe time on top of that with probation. But if your lawyer is good and I mean a smooth talker with a clean prior record, you might just do the drug treatment while on probation. The prosecutor will more than likely seek some time, probably a month to six; maybe even up to a year but I highly doubt that since your not a repeat offender (usually pretty easy on the new guys).........but do not mess up probation.

Read up on your states laws regarding first time drug offenders (non felony), see what you are looking at for yourself. Most states offer treatment for first time misdemeanors and first time lower felonies.

Good luck and honestly in your case I don't think saying anything did any harm, you were screwed the minute they decided to pull you over. They just love scared people that get all twitchy, gives them a power kick.

Mostly though, you are just amazingly lucky that those pills are not a felony and your still not in jail...........very very lucky, it's so much harder to have a clue what is going on sitting in jail (and a real hard place to find a lawyer worth a penny).


Active member
somebody i know had their house raided for trafficing marijuana from the house. they found a quarter ounce of chronic, a scale, a huge pile of stems and shit, and 25 10mg hydrocodones and he was pinned with felony charges but got off on probation and even smoked weed on probation.. he went to jail til court though, but wasnt sentenced with jail time and i think he mightv got trafficing charges plus possesion of weed possesion of a controlled substance and a few other charges. i will get the name of his lawyer. he also said that he knows a lawyer in the area who got 2 people off on huge assault and drug charges for only $750 each and was a great lawyer in court, ill be getting the name of that lawyer too.. my current lawyer is estimating at least $1500 or more and i have a meeting with her in 2 days on tuesday, ill let you know how that goes.. but im lucky to get off on a class A misdamenor for 17 hydrocodones and unlawful possesion of marijuana, hopefully thats all it will be. i really hope i dont get pinned with trafficing charges. i cant go to jail, ill fail the semester and owe my school $10000 and be fucked.


Active member
the retainer for my lawyer is only $1000. $750 due up front before court, and some might even be paid back if the court costs are less. she told me shes going to try to get my class A misdamenor dropped to a Class B for the hydros, meaning a maximum of 1 year probation instead of 3. she said ill get nothing but a $100 fine for the possesion of marijuana. im hoping for the best, trying to get off on fines and acd. ill tell you how it goes


Look into a conditional discharge... Then you can get the charges expunged later depending on how you do with probation. For 1st time misdomeaners it's usually golden, but check with your lawyer 1st. I had a friend get multiple assults on police officers dropped to misdomeanors and ultimately got a condissional discharge. He didn't do any tiime and had all felony assults on police officers. He was wacked on shrooms tho so I think this came into play in court. He also paid 15k for his lawyer. Goodluck.
How long is the charge going to mess with you Federal aid? A year?

Wells things sound good, you won't lose the aid you have; but you won't get aid again thanks to Clinton for a year or maybe two?


I’ve been convicted of a drug offense. Does this mean I won’t get any aid?

The question on the FAFSA regarding drug offenses asks about convictions for possessing or selling illegal drugs (not including alcohol and tobacco) if the offense occurred during a period of enrollment for which you were receiving federal student aid (grants, loans, and/or work-study). When answering this question, do not count convictions that have been removed from your record. Also, do not count convictions that occurred before you turned 18, unless you were tried as an adult.

Drug Conviction Worksheet

* To determine whether a drug offense affects your eligibility click here to go to the Drug Conviction Worksheet.

After you fill out the Drug Conviction Worksheet, your responses will result in one of these answers:
Answer Means
1, No Eligible. Your eligibility for federal student aid is not affected.
2, Yes (partially during the year) Partially eligible. You will become eligible for federal aid during the school year. You can become eligible earlier in the school year if you complete an acceptable drug rehabilitation program.
3, Yes/Don't Know Ineligible / don't know. You are not eligible for federal aid for this school year unless you complete an acceptable drug rehabilitation program. You may still be eligible for state and school aid.

Even if you are not eligible for federal aid, you may be eligible for state aid or aid from your school financial aid office. If you become eligible for federal financial aid (for example, if your eligibility date arrives or if you complete an acceptable drug rehabilitation program), notify the financial aid administrator at your school. If you are convicted of possessing or selling drugs after you submit your FAFSA, you must notify your financial aid administrator immediately. You will lose your eligibility and be required to pay back all aid you received after your conviction.

If you have further questions, refer to the Customer Service page.

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What is an acceptable drug rehabilitation program?

An acceptable drug rehabilitation program must include two unannounced drug tests. It must also:

* Be qualified to receive funds from federal, state, or local government, or a state-licensed insurance company.


* Be administered or recognized by a federal, state, or local government agency or court, or a state-licensed hospital, health clinic, or medical doctor.

If you have further questions, refer to the Customer Service page.


Active member
i really hope i dont lose any of my financial aid or im fucked and ill have to drop out of school and owe them $20000


then you had better win in court...tell your lawyer that .. 20k is alot of cake and If you want an education you fight for it

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