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Becoming an ICMAGAZINE (online) Subscriber....Your Chance To Help....

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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
thanks for posting that sammet
my envelope was on its way to seed bay ,ill change the addy
the "special privaledges" will be cool
Listen to em' whine about something thats volunteer and rant on in paragraphs

Gypsy I think you should keep the "Elite Seed Section" separate and charge $500 for membership. My buddy who orders our seeds will be joining.


Guess I better start saving up for the yearly subscription. I'm a little bit jobless at the moment so it may be a while but it will definitely be sent out when I get it, Gypsy. Give it some time to catch on and a little time for people to allocate funds and I think this could be successful.


Active member

We can back this whole freakin' site onto DVD once a year....but I'd suggest a 1x/year compilation....two DVDs,nine gigs of "The Best of IC Mag.Com 2007-2008"
It certainly bitch-slaps ANY magazine in the world,print or digital,content-wise,that I'm aware of....
When I get the money I'll be a lifetime member.

I've learned too much from this site not to pay it back.

Does seem pretty damn steep, however.
If it were around 100 or so, I think that far more people would help out.
REZDOG said:

We can back this whole freakin' site onto DVD once a year....but I'd suggest a 1x/year compilation....two DVDs,nine gigs of "The Best of IC Mag.Com 2007-2008"
It certainly bitch-slaps ANY magazine in the world,print or digital,content-wise,that I'm aware of....


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Listen to me jerky
Just gonna toss this out there for the us site users. Why don't we all take 250 (or any amount) from that 600+ dollar check we are going to get when we get our tax return. You know that economic stimulus package check we are going to be getting? Let scraps the government is throwing to us do some good. Not to mention it would piss them off to know that money meant for the us economy is going to help fund an over seas site that helps people grow. I'm not rich but I'm not that poor either. It may take a month or two but I'm gonna get some money together somehow. I know it's not possible for everyone, but there should be plenty of people on this site that can afford it.

Thank you to Gypsy and all the other people that make this place possible.

PS I'd buy that dvd in a heart beat. It's a great idea.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
those checks arent going out til may, you probably wont see it till june, and i already did my taxes and it went to bills. Ill be sending in some seed and when i get some extra scratch ill be sending in my 250$, small price to pay for access to the most powerful cannabis site on the planet.


I'll support you IC as soon as I can. Maybe the knowledge it helped me get will help me pay you guys back! Won't be soon, but I'll send some money and seeds one day!


every lifetime subscriber should get a nice pack of rez seeds :p just to make it worth our while a little more. The system sounds great though and i am sure there is still some smoothing out to do.

Although if you offered a pack of rez seeds with every lifetime membership that i am sure there would be many robberies by members in order to get 250 to get a membership lol. you would make mad cash everyone would want to become a member

The Iceman

Active member
First off I like this site...alot of old friends migrated over here after the big overgrow breakup which is the main reason I like to come here. Also this site has the most traffic then most any other pot forum so when you ask a question or start a thread you usually get some replies(though alot of kiddies like OG had). Saying that I also goto about 6-7 other forums aswell as some have helpdesks of breeders that others dont or offer something unique in thier own right. HG*420, UK*420, breed-bay, grasscity, everyonedoesit, cannabis-world, ect... I wouldnt feel right donating to just one and not the others when I use them aswell for whatever reasons. I think Gypsy needs to look into advertisments as that would cover most bills. Look at sites like google, yahoo, myspace, ect... do they charge? No, because they get so much traffic that advertisers are lining up to get an ad on there pages. I realise ICMAG is lightyears smaller but it also does have enough traffic to get some solid ads itself....maybe ROOR or another bong company, or bubblebags, seed breeders, hushmail, ect...thats just a small example of a few.. I also think the us vs. them mentality alot of people in the scene is BS. We should all be united as we all share the same love be it smoker or grower.
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I think maybe more people would be inclined to donate if it were 100 for the life time and maybe 50 for the 6 month and 30 or so for the 3 month. Just my opinion. I would like to donate but i'd want the life time and right now 250 is just too much. I can for sure do 100 though. It's understandable that the site needs money and we the users benefit a tone from the site. One day you'll receive a donation from Oaktree, just not till i get myself a little more established or life time goes to 100. If life time goes to 100 my moneys in the mail tomorrow haha.



bounty29 said:
GN - One thing you might think about doing is compiling DIY threads, or Grow Guide threads, ya know, useful stuff like that, onto a DVD and selling that for $20 or $25 bucks, whatever price seems reasonable. Mycotopia does that and from what I've seen it looks like it's pretty successful. It allows people with dial up or no internet connection to take advantage of all the great info from the forums. I'm not sure when I'm gonna have an extra $250, but when I do I know where it's going.

I'm with bounty and Rez on this one. Sounds like the most thought out and opportunistic idea...

UNLESS of course, every yearly or lifetime membership comes with a free pack of seeds and a gram of bubblehash.... :joint: :joint: :rasta: :rasta: :jump:


Pull my finger
next harvest im in.

next harvest im in.

i missed how to send the funds but i will re read the instuctions when i have the envelope in my hand...

Guest 16149

Gypsy Nirvana said:
....and yes.....any member could make a donation if they wish to help however small if they are making an order thru SBoo or Sbay......and then they can forward it to me...for the ICM fund....

Quick question for you Gypsy, if I wanted to become a paying member could I send in a extra Money Order with a Seedbay order and make it to IC MAG fund and get their membership, would really save on postage :)
Thanks in advance


eyes that shine...
ICMag Donor
to paraphrase GN from page 9 here's your answer

Gypsy Nirvana said:
Yes ThirdEye......I have just had a word with the Seedbay cats and they said that it would be OK if you did send any donation along with your order......and that they would forward it for the ICM fund.....

La Resistance said:
......gypsy: have you considered having a massive cleanup of the site? there's a lot of old threads around with good info in them, but many others with nothing important in them and there must be thousands of abandoned accounts without anyone using them. no use in paying for it all.
If I owned this place I would definitely be cleaning it up although that is understandably very time consuming.In the tokers den for instance I went back to the start of the site,all 411 pages and there were at least 20 pointless threads just from pages 406-411 saying "OG CW down".I went in and looked at most of them and they contribute nothing to this place that needs to be saved for posterity.OG and CW inevitably came back up the next day after maintenance and the thread fizzled out in one page.But so many of them.It would take a lot of work


I think that sending in a premium membership payment with a seed order is a good idea.....just remember to indicate what it is for in order to properly receive credit.

I also think that "premium" members should be etitled to be automatically entered into a weekly raffle for items such as tee shirts, a premium seed strain, stash box or any number of stoner desirabes.....grinders, pipes, etc.

Maybe there could be a semi annual grand drawing for something like:

a) a several day fun filled tour of london, paris or amsterdam escorted by Gypsy or a reliable staff member who is up to it an knows how to have an unforgettable time. member would probably pay for travel to and from London.


b) a prize package consisting of five premium seed packs of their choice and a stash box


I think something similiar would draw a lot of interest.

Have fun...still considering listing some options that might draw more interest.

Maybe a guided tour of related interest...history, music, entertainment, or little known secrets of England, Belgium, France and Netherland, Germany, etc.

Take care all...........
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