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Got Busted.. Here's My Story. What Can I Do?


From the looks of the language that BurmeseDragon previously posted...
It looks like you can complete an "acceptable" drug program and still qualify for federal aid...

You need to immediatly find out what qualifies as an acceptable drug program under federal aid standards. Then find out about enrolling and completing it succesfully to protect your rights to continue to recieve the federal aid...

When you speak to your atty bring this up and she should be able to get the info about what you need to do... how long is the program... how much does it cost, if anything.... If your atty is unable to give you the low down you should be able to contact your federal aid administator at your school and inquire about what qualifies as an acceptable drug program get the names and locations of the programs if they are available...


you should have left the state,the cop didn't have you sign anything?an agreement to appear?if not they have no basis in law to have you show up,and at this point you would have been guilty of f.t.o misd
not convicted of drug crime.if you did agree to show up to court then you would have misd bench warrent for f.t.o. 4 7years dunno your circumsatance but,your atty just wants you to pleea and be over it especially if it's a public pretender.demand a jury trial and ask who the victim is?u? where was there probable cause in pulling you over?all is it takes is one person to believe you on a jury,and people hate drug laws in the context of .01 gram of kief b.s.
were all human and compassion is the basis for humanity jury nullification being 2nd,dance around the subject of jury nullification,and whose the victim if their was a crime? watch prosecuter squirm? put him on the stand and c/e
him ever prosecute a person suffering from a serious medical issue?you might have the judge levy a contmpt charge.but you have hopefully won the jury over.the danger for the state is everyone did this.


You honestly should know more about what you're carrying ... why were the hydrocodone in a baggie? Do you have a prescription for said narcotics? I've never heard of being prescribed percocet, or vicodin for the flu unless it was contained in a cough syrup ... Get a lawyer ... from someone who can't get Federal Help for their education because of a weed possession charge (just weed mind you) ... You Might Have Fucked Yourself

god save expungement ;-)

remember folks, if its been a several years and you've not gotten in any more trouble, some states are quite nice about this...


Active member
Thought I'd update you guys on my situation.. I was offered a year of drug court to clear my record and signed the papers to join it on may 7.. Drug court is a living hell: I signed to give up my right to a speedy trial, agreed to warrantless search of my person, car, or home at any point, have weekly and random drug testing, 9pm curfew for a year, drug counceling every week, gotta be at drug court every Tuesday. It just sucks. ........... Well today was my first day of drug court and I haven't smoked in alMost a week and drank water but tested positive for thc.. I got
Sanctioned to 3 Weeks in ducking county jail. The judge said I can finish my last 2 college exams tommorow and Thursday than straight to jail til June 3rd.. I'm so pissed and scared I know it's only county jail but I never been to jail before and I was really ready to relax after college.. Not to mention my birthday lands right in the middle of my jail time. Was suppose to have dinner with my grandma had to tell her I just made plans to go on a vacation haha.. And I'm prolly missing a semester of college because class registration lands in my time to.. This just sucks I'm freaking out


ah dude that really sounds like hellish torture, but be glad your not me cuz then you'd be somewhere in the jungle escaping the clutches of evil. But im not gonna give you any bad advice, just hang in there and a year will be over before you know it.
I had the uniformed officer at my door questioning me and the other officer at my passenger window shining a flashlight right in my face the whole time to see if I was high.. I couldn't see the officer when he had the big flashlight in my face, but I stared right into the light confidently because I knew what he was doing.

no no no. you do not stare into the light. that is what the deer crossing the street does right before the semitruck plows over it. any innocent, "normal" person would squint/look away and politely ask the officer to stop shining a light in my eyes.
man, man, man. I just got done reading all this and let me say you are truly wet behind the ears. The cops are fucking with you because someone has already snitched on you. Maybe the guy you dropped off at DMV, I dunno. If you watch DEA on Spike TV you will see that all the big busts start with a little bug bust like you... or even less. The wrong kid caught with a gram of marijuana would throw his own grandma in jail to avoid having to go to jail themselves.

As far as snitching goes, I think you were considering it, but you will be labeled as an "informant" by the court. This info can be obtained by the public. I do not condone or recommend snitching, but if you're gonna do it, make sure you snitch on a real dirt ass mofo that sells meth to preschoolers or something. If you know someone who likes to rape girls or beat people up in their basement, SNITCH. If you just smoke with fellow students who try to do all of their homework DONT SNITCH.

You dont realize it, but you are closely connected to someone who is making LOTS of money off of illegal business. I dunno what business that is. Maybe stealing cars or breaking into pharmacy or homes to get money/drugs. Task force is only assigned to handle certain taks, they don't waste their time going "fishing". The plain clothes officer may have been working undercover waiting for a buy in that lot, or just made abuy down the street. That is the only other thing I could imagine... that maybe the cops thought you blew their cover on some other shit and then randomly bumped you.... but I got a strong feeling someone snitched you out. They know you're a dumbass and have no experience and they figured you probably wouldn't try to kill them if you found out who they were. Best of luck to you. That drug court is a total set up designed to fuck you into the system for life. You better wisen up.


Active member
I was going to add that drug court is a complete set up for failure and I'll never get out of the system.. I'm so fuckin scared about going to jail tommorow for 3 weeks I don't know what to do :(
Jail isn't that bad if you can pick up the ropes. Don't cry. Don't complain. Don't ask for anything no one else is asking for. Don't share blankets. Don't share beds. Don't let anyone use your sink thats not your cell mate. Tell fools with your eyes, not your mouth. Don't brush your teeth more than twice a week. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Wash your hands. Don't make any friends. Don't tell anybody what you did. Don't tell anybody how long you're gonna be in there. If anyone asks, say "I dunno". If you do get beat up, don't tell the guards... that will only make it worse. Basically, three weeks is gonna be a real eye opener. You're gonna see what jails really look like. What kind of people they really like to lock up. You may even appreciate the experience. I know the last time I got out was a very spiritual experience. I hadn't seen the sun for five days.
Oh yea, and don't share your food with anybody who asks. Only give it to someone if you can't eat it and they already asked someone else. If anybody asks YOU for food, make sure you eat EVERYTHING. That food can be real crap. That's the worst thing about jail longer than a week. You have to eat. No options to starve yourself til you get out. You will have the worst stomach and bubbly guts when you do get out. Try to be cool in there, you don't need them tacking on extra time because of bad behavior. You can still break the law in jail.

You have to remember that this is going to be the longest three weeks of your life. The first 48 hrs is going to be all processing. Going here to get clothes, going here to file your name, going here to process this paperwork, going here to process that. In between they are gonna make you wait and wait. You'll want to bang your head against the wall. DONT. I don't suggest you pretend to be sick, crazy, retarded, gay, or anything you are not in there. They will make you wear special clothes to designate your mental status. Don't be fooled by the girls in the light blue jump suits. Those are NOT girls.
Oh man, I just had an epiphany. If you follow these directions closely, your first few days should be a piece of cake.

You don't have much time. If you can scrounge up $77 and go to the strip club by YOURSELF. When you're there, get the money in all singles. Sit close enough to the stage to enjoy the show. When the finest breezy does her dance, get up, get close. Throw about $25 in the air like you just busted a nut sky high and make it rain (well, sprinkle) and then use the remaining $52 for a lap dance and a drink. Make sure she knows you're about to go away to jail for a looooooooooong time before you get your lap dance (but after you make it rain). Don't drink any alcohol. Don't smoke. Eat a good meal... just read a story about a cocaine dealer in texas who took the cops on a high speed chase which ended at taco bell... he knew he was gonna be gone a long while and wanted one last burrito. Hopefully you can do better than that.

The image of making it rain, the lap dance, the sobriety, the good food should all carry you well into your second or third day without too much mental trauma. If anyone tries to talk to you tell them you're trying to remember that last bitch from the strip club. If they keep bugging you, tell them about her, but make sure at the end of the story you're still not friends and you still want them to leave you alone so they dont spoil your memories. Remember, no one knows how long you're in there unless you tell them. They got assholes that pick fights with short stays just to fuck them up. Don't be no punk. Remember the pink!


Yea 3weeks is cake but I feel your pain about your birthday. I missed my 17th and 18th birthday because I was in jail. Also missed every holiday for those 2 years ha. Gookluck. Maybe after a few years and if you get permission you may want to leave the country and start over somewhere else..


What an awful experience. Amazing this is still going on in 2009 but I imagine it will continue for many more yeasts to come. Best of luck with your 3 week stay. Such a waste of tax payer time and resources.


Get together a hundo for peanut butter n crackers.

Do you see how the scare tactics from point A ("What's in the car/bag, We know you're a dealer, etc...") to point B ("Court, your shitty lawyer, the time you are doing instead of probation/community service, etc...) fukked you? It's a scam, bro.

Rule #1 - Don't get caught.

Rule #2
you should have left the state,the cop didn't have you sign anything?an agreement to appear?if not they have no basis in law to have you show up,and at this point you would have been guilty of f.t.o misd
not convicted of drug crime.if you did agree to show up to court then you would have misd bench warrent for f.t.o. 4 7years dunno your circumsatance but,your atty just wants you to pleea and be over it especially if it's a public pretender.demand a jury trial and ask who the victim is?u? where was there probable cause in pulling you over?all is it takes is one person to believe you on a jury,and people hate drug laws in the context of .01 gram of kief b.s.
were all human and compassion is the basis for humanity jury nullification being 2nd,dance around the subject of jury nullification,and whose the victim if their was a crime? watch prosecuter squirm? put him on the stand and c/e
him ever prosecute a person suffering from a serious medical issue?you might have the judge levy a contmpt charge.but you have hopefully won the jury over.the danger for the state is everyone did this.

Deny, Deny, Deny, Clam up. Never admit to ANYTHING.

What do you do now? DON'T FUKK UP!!! If you fukk up this probation, you are GUILTY. Oh, your right to a trial? You signed that away for the privilege of a few wks in county, and a year of searches and piss tests. Don't fukk this up, and don't get caught again.

If you were sellin pills, FUKK YOU. If not, good luck with school, and don't fukk with pills.
Now I feel bad. Guess dude really have to go turn himself in. Let us know how your stay went?

I forgot to tell you how to make dice with toilet paper and toothpaste... and chess or checkers out of any magazines laying around. You got to use the soap they give you to draw the board...like you would with some chalk - but make sure its cool with the guards cuz they could fine your or slap extra time for defacing prison property.

Its also a good idea to be very friendly to the guard and trustees who bring you your food. You can chop it up with them and make small talk about who is winning in the playoffs an such. That kind of info is very valuable when fools is locked down
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Must be almost done Marcellas ... 2 more days.

Just wondering why you didn't quit smoking when you got arrested? You should have been able to pass that first piss test.

I know when I got busted (a long time ago, I was young) I quit right there and voluntarily went to "rehab" ...

I had that bullshit probation for 2 years ... passed all of that crap. 100% awful, but now it is not on my record and I am not in prison.

Hope you make it out ok, it is probably a lot worse psychologically than it actually is.

Let us know how you are doing ...
