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Gorilla Glue #4

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Active member
going back to the cloning practices... i agree that one shouldn't pass clones that aren't from well established moms (or from plants that are not acclimatized to their environment and not taken from healthy plants, if you clone from your plants going into flower.. you know what i mean...) that said (and luckily im not in a situation where this applies to me) if someone is hassling you for a cut of something, which is fuct to begin with, and say you owe them a favor id say give them a cut with a disclaimer saying that they were taken from plants that were in shock and may be "duds" and susceptible to disease and infestations and they would be better off waiting for healthy cuts. that way its all on the person who wants the cut and is being impatient.

as stated above you can nurse a sick plant back to good health but do you really want to spend all that time saving a cut that you could have got a healthy one in about the same amount of time i will have taken you to nurse your sick plant. patience is a hard lesson to learn but it really pays off especially when dealing with cannabis. good things come to those who wait right? i waited a vey long time for my GG#4 and it paid off. i got very healthy glue with minimal shock (it was no longer in shock from the cloning process as i got my cut from a great grower who had transplanted them for me and by the time i got my hands on them they were ready to be transplanted again) my glue was and is disease and pest free and pretty much ready to roll, . i probably could have taken cuts and thrown into a flower room but im veggin her out for a while so she acclimates to my room and style of growing before i take cuts to flower. because i got such healthy glue im even more stoked and super thankful to the people who hooked me up. you know who you are and thanks again! really did a good job on all that stuff!

so yeah its def better to wait for a healthy specimen rather than getting your hands on something that may jeopardize every other plant you have. just something to think about.


I read all the post and now I have shit for a come back cause DAN STOLE MY WORDS :nanana:
I'm never on time. I'll be there when I get there :D
^^^^^ yeah that fuck ya both^^^
I always know what time it is plus or minus 10 mins......
It's just the days I have trouble with.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
what year is it lmao... All this talk of dudded plants how many of you are seeing this??? is it just 1 person ???


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
This acclimation talk...........sounds wack to me kinda. Ive never gotten a cut or anything that performed this way. I have a simple and well tuned flowering set up. Its dialed and it has been. Ive tried running lack luster cuts a few times and they always needed to be culled. On the other hand anything ive stocked and kept turned out great from the first time running them. First time i ran fire og it was amazing. First time i ran my amnesia and my cheese, they were amazing......not as amazing as they are now because i wasnt as good at growing but there was never an acclimation that made them better it was my growing style that changed and improved the meds. Now im not saying plants dont change and perform according to their environment but i will say that if you take a plant and flower it, it should peform well if your environment is at all suitable for growing. I have a hard time believeing my gg pants are going to "get accustomed" to my veg and flower rooms and just decide to stop dudding because now they feel more comfortable. The dudding isnt because they are sad in their new home. Its something else, something pest related or systemic virus related.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
anytime you enter a new strain into your room its not dialed that's what there talking about. I have to run new strains 1-2x before I have her dialed in. Most of the time I don't have any issues but there are strains that did not like what the other plants did so some had to be fed different....

The pic you showed doesn't look like gg#4.. but we know they can look different. The crinkle leaf is not a good way to ID gg#4, there are many strains that do that I have 3. the only option I see is to get a new cut from a different person???


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I dunno. Im gonna try to flip a few more and see if they dud this time. If they do im culling all my stock.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
if its just the gg that is acting weird you don't need to do the whole stock. If all your other strains are performing like they should leave them alone. The fastest way to see if you got a mislabeled cut or there is a issue with that cut of gg is to get a new gg cut from another source and flower it.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
if its just the gg that is acting weird you don't need to do the whole stock. If all your other strains are performing like they should leave them alone.[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] The fastest way to see if you got a mislabeled cut or there is a issue with that cut of gg is to get a new gg cut from another source and flower it. [/FONT]
Agreed , but getting a different cut might not be as easy as all that frosty . just sayin :)

no duds in mine either Joe , but we kinda had it before all this shit started .


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
it's everywhere now so it shouldn't be to hard to get if you really try. I don't see any other option for him. he will have to do it anyway if they do it again might as well start looking now.

No dudders here as well.. I just harvested 2,there the same as the last 50 lol..

More duded pictures please, whole plant and branch shots .


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ill post them asap. The plant is short but it was the smallest one in the tray. I was eager to try it so of the 4 cuts i was given i made 3 moms that are bushy as hell. Lateral branching like crazy. I have 8 plants that have vegged 4+ weeks now im about to flip that came from my moms. I treated them all for mites and fungus. I didnt have either to begin i felt but still. Im also popping the 6 s1 gg beans i have that i believe krust made. Hopefully there is a good example in there if my ggs are all wack. Im supposed to get healthy stock from the same source who has been made well aware of the situation. I could find another source but i trust mine fully. If a mistake was made it will be corrected. I have faith.


ICMag Donor
fwiw Crooked - I'm not saying the issue is in your room - I'm saying the issue is from prior to it ever getting to you. In the one post I made, I'd consider you being the C, D, E end of the chain, thus why you are experiencing the issues you are...

I could be wrong...I don't know your source...and I'm not trying to put anyone down or single anyone out either - I can only speak on what I KNOW happens with plants, and people can take it into consideration or dismiss it...



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor

Its not hard to figure out ...

If you have access to the plants you got your cuts from and there performing as they should that doesn't leave much room for anything else but a issue on your end. Simple if you can go look at his and there fine or if he tells you they are since you fully trust him.. What else could it be if his are fine and yours are not?


Active member
c8 you are right for the most part, if you get good cuts one can usually put them into your room without skipping a beat. at least its usually not perceivable but in all actuality all plants do suffer shock from being moved around or transplanted let alone driven somewhere or mailed so they do need to get back on track and used to your environment and growing style. unless your environment and growing methods are identical to those of who you got the cut from the plant does need to adjust to the new setting. like i said, most the time, if you have gotten healthy cuts, they will bounce back quickly and the shock is usually imperceivable to us. you probably wont even notice any thing. like i was saying about the glue i got, it was super healthy and i could have probably flowered it right away or taken cuts from it within the same week as i got it. but...just to be sure its all the way back on track, used to my growing techniques and up to its fullest potential im vegging it for a while first. this just ensures healthy cuts from it as well as the actual plant itself being healthy. supplements like liquid kelp, fulvic and humic acids, carbohydrates such as mollasses, and bio active tea all help reducing shock. i use the bio bizz line (as well as other organic supplements) and find bio heaven is great for this along with beneficial microbial tea such as humtea.

that said in the past i have gotten gifted plants that were healthy enough to take clones from and then put them into 12/12 right away (if they were big enough). as the years have gone by and my growing technique has improved and im more aware and concious of potential hazards as well as cannabis botany and more specifically the science behind plant growth and health, im now more cautious and quarentine new plants for at least a month before putting them in with the rest of my plants. i also try not to deal with unhealthy plants or cuttings from the get go. its just not worth it to me to potentially harm the rest of my plants or loose a crop because i was too impatient to make sure new cuts were pest and disease free. as the saying goes an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. in this case a little prevention is worth multple pounds of "cure" :biggrin:

as far as duds go i think it was just one person that had a problem (maybe two) but the glue has got that hybrid vigor from what i have seen of her so far and although i havent taken cuts yet, everyone says it roots very easily, and the glue i have already has plenty of healthy potential cuttings. again this is a wonderful plant and i cant wait to flower it out. i want everything to be working in my favor so i get the best flowers and yeild possible: thanks again for bringing this great plant to life josey! tiphat:


Active member

Its not hard to figure out ...

If you have access to the plants you got your cuts from and there performing as they should that doesn't leave much room for anything else but a issue on your end. Simple if you can go look at his and there fine or if he tells you they are since you fully trust him.. What else could it be if his are fine and yours are not?

very good point. if their plants are doing fine then its easy to figure out where the problem lies, but, if his or hers are being weird or "dudding" too, as PF said earlier, if you can get another cut of glue from a different source id try that or start looking for another source. all glue cuts should be healthy and strong unless taken from an unhealthy plant which again should be rare unless growing conditions are poor and the plant is contaminated. its still a fairly new hybrid and it definitely has that hybrid vigor which makes it less susceptible to disease and/ or pests. i know my glue cut outshines most, if not all of the rest of my genetics. it is just a really healthy beautiful plant that grows really well. and its pretty smelly for a plant in veg.


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
my first 6 went into veg on 6/6/13 & i musta had her for a month before that . so i have had her 10 months .....:thinking:
Cool !!! :biggrin:
i haven't used her to collect a gaggle of bikes & gear :bigeye:..... but shes getting pretty popular here quite fast :biggrin:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
well clearly we are in the ultra super duper mega awesome way cool group and everyone else is just low rent johnny come lately types! you know,the true glue-lievers...we didnt need no stinkin cup to know is was a good one!
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