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Gorilla Glue #4...

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Active member
You could go through 10,000 bagseeds and only find a few plants worthy of GG4, and then
you would have to make sure you cloned the right bagseeds.
yes, maybe. i say maybe because i've never tried GG#4, cept from looks it could be wack compared to the weed i've smoked before. but i never claimed all bagseed was stellar, i just said it was as good as any other seed and it all comes down to what pheno pops out. same as any other strain. :cough:blueberry:cough: how many threads are there saying how shitty it is? but we know it's got gold in its blood correct?


Active member
DB- I gotcha I think my space is just to small at the moment problem is I don't own the place just renting while looking for a house (co is fricken outrageous $$) the fan doesn't have a good spot to ventilate just pulling air over the light not really disposing of the heat... cut a hole in the roof ventilate to the attick, patch when done? whatya think?
any windows up there? get a piece of wood cut to fit inside the window, doesn't need to be the size of the whole pane, as long as it's wide enough to form a seal. cut a hole in the wood, attach a ventilation hose and a fan. shouldn't be shooting out a cloud of steam unless your grow room is just sweltering. you could add something in the end of the hose to kill any moisture, maybe pack it with carbon, 2 birds one stone. and of course you're going to decorate the outside facing side of the wood and window so it doesn't look out of place.


Active member
just replace seeds with people if i'm not making myself clear enough. you wouldn't claim all people are shit unless they're from a royal family with a crest would you?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Unc- how much would the temp go up if I replaced my 600w HPS with a 1000w HPS? 4x4 tent. I'm only @ 37.5w/ft^2...
i was gonna say dunno,depends on a number of factors,but i see dan answered you...

cuz there's at least 2 in there now and if you search all threads started by me you will see aside from the few test grows in my sig, all my grows have been bagseed.
do you have any input on gorilla glue#4 or photos of it? please note we are in the bud picture sub forum of the mag,im sure your theories on bag seed would be more appropriate in one of the breeding sub-forums.

4 x 750 now.
interesting...are they overdriven 6's or turned down thousand watt?

just replace seeds with people if i'm not making myself clear enough. you wouldn't claim all people are shit unless they're from a royal family with a crest would you?
interesting analogy,disturbing,but interesting...what exactly does this have to do with gorilla glue #4?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
just replace seeds with people if i'm not making myself clear enough. you wouldn't claim all people are shit unless they're from a royal family with a crest would you?

I would not agree with your analogy. People are not plant lol... If you grow bag seed from schwag your going to get 99% the same. the time it would take to find those 1% of seeds that would be just OK is not acceptable to most.. It would take you a long time to find anything worth keeping from bag seed that is not any good. Now if you grow bag seed from a solid line the odds of you getting a plant worth keeping go up dramatically..

Jbomber79 comment" depends on what was in the bag" Is 100% correct..

My soil mix is nothing odd. I mix FFOF/FFHF/COCO. I only use 25% coco to the mix. I dont have the same slow growth with other strains cant explain why?
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Active member
it is a little unexpected to say the least hammer, usally those plants would be pushin 3 ft or taller by now.

stihgnobvoli i dont belive anyone here is above popping a few bag beans, its like i and hammer and jbomb said though , we just dont plant any seed, your right in saying a lot of todays elites and keepers came from bag seeds but breeders have taken these elites and have worked with them. they will provide us with plants that are close to them as possible, this resulting in saving us time and money . as unc said though you are getting the thread off subject, so on with the show, MORE PIC'S PLEASE


Active member
JW- :tiphat:

More GGporn plze!

Hamm is it the environment that's the difference in the veg on these? not sure about the rest but I know for sure Unc viro is f-in dry as a bone.. I made a comment earlier in the thread GreySkull's looked a bit different as mentioned by some folks who have personal relationship with the GG sounds like even the smell is diff.? anywho just an idea.. it's all about the finish anyways and if it's indoor probably not a factor...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I dont toss the ladys into flower when there 12" there usually 2x that size 18" would be the smallest. My enviro is controlled in the flower room. Temps are what they should be Humidity is good. Like I mentioned I have other strains that grew past the GG in veg. Im just adding my observations on how she is growing for me. We shall see how she does when she blooms.


Active member
^^Yep I might get a little heat for this but I have seen plants that look better than the pics of the gg4 in veg but do not have the same frost/potency that she has that's for damn sure! can't wait to see of she comes off Hammer.


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
hammer just get one through flower,any doubts you may have about it will evaporate into a cloud of luscious tasting smoke as soon as you smoke some.i bet as soon as you have a generation or two of clones that you made they will start to veg better for you,i know my cookies just sucked at rooting and in veg until i had a round made in my rooms...keep in mind you're about 2-3000 feet lower in elevation and in a different climate area entirely than jw and i are in...when i think back on it my first round wasnt any where near as vigorous as the next generation...


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
Mine have started growing faster now that she's under a bigger light . i know thats not the case with yours hammer , i'm just sayin ..... mine was slow at first & now is takin off !!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I just put this one in flower. Since 12" is ok and I need to get some ladys throught flower....



Active member
Still waiting for GS to get back on the smoke report, curious to see how it came off and what you thought about it?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i bet we wont hear from greyskull untill its well cured....

in the meantime....went looking under the leaves to see if the trichs have started to crawl onto the leaf bottoms....

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