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Hi ho here we go
If you want to get gold, you will have to pay.

If you want to get gold, you will have to pay.

420somewhere. Would it not largely be down to alot of luck in if you leased a good dredging area or a bad one??

It would be luck if you are a newbie. Otherwise how you would know someone or everyone who knows the good claims and the bad.

Why would it cost 100k dollars investment to dredge for the year? they could live in those log cabins fairly cheaply, or setup camp(ervan) very cheaply. they already own a dredging machine or two

I think you were talking about Ocean Dredging. Although Ocean Leases are done by lottery, most of the good ones are already taken. So you have to lease from the guy who won the lottery (leased for 5 years).

So where is that 100k going?

Lease on Ocean - $20-50K

Shipping stuff up - $20-30k

Equipment - A regular dredge won't do. How about $20-40k for a custom one.

living quarters - $20 - You ship it up

And would the police really turn up in the middle of nowhere in shitty weather patrolling the coast for dredgers? i doubt it.

The hills have eyes. Dredging in the Ocean is highly controlled. They will know where you are, who you are, and they will check on you.

I would love to try it some day,

Anyone here want to group together and put say 3.5k each into the $33 000 dredging machine on keener.org, or we could make one, and go out poacher dredging (without a lease)

Keene does not have any Ocean Dredges for sale, yet. They have plans and are putting one together to this season. It would be about $50,000 without shipping. That would be a 10 inch, running big motors, big compressors, a pilot house, water heaters and a couple 225hp Mercs to get around. I am sure they will have it up on their website when it gets closer to completion.

and with the profits of season 1 we could buy (or make) more dredging machines until there was 1 between 2 people (guy on dredger diver in the sea dredging)

I would be up for this is anyone else was

Not on a bet.

If you want to go up to Alaska and dredge in the Ocean, you would have to hook up with someone who has or is planning an operation. You will need to be a Certified Diver and have all of your own equipment. Then be ready to work 14-16 hours a day for 2 months, and live in a hut. I've been invited.

Mining is not for the weak at heart. :ying:

It's mostly for Hung Studs, you know, Arms-like-Legs, knuckles dragging on the ground. :dance013:


Hi ho here we go
but you said the experienced miners could pull over a hundred oz a week,

Experienced miners, on an Ocean Lease in Nome, with BIG Dredges.

these guys were using pretty flimsy dredging equipment too, with not huge hoses, very similar to kleeneeng.org

The Keene Dredges (the 4 inch and 8 inch) and I have a couple, are good for River Claims but not suitable for Ocean Dredging. If you could get a couple of ounces a week using a Keene type dredge you could survive.

An ounce a day or a couple of ounces a day is not uncommon.

An ounce a week, almost pays for expenses. :woohoo:


Can you tell the guy who invited you I'm young fit willing to learn will work hard. and I want to use your invite, what would he say?


Hi ho here we go
Have you ever been gold mining?

Have you ever been gold mining?

Can you tell the guy who invited you I'm young fit willing to learn will work hard. and I want to use your invite, what would he say?

Have you ever been gold mining? Suction Dredging?

Do have a Scuba Certification?

Can you pay your way up and back?

Ever work a Number 2 shovel?

Are you in California?


Have you ever been gold mining? Suction Dredging?
Do have a Scuba Certification?
no, but I am willing to get one ASAP
Can you pay your way up and back?
Ever work a Number 2 shovel?
whats a number 2 shovel? is that a big spade?
Are you in California?
no but its only around 8 hours to fly there

rick shaw

F1auto call the Alaska Gold producers,you could replace Dorcy.lol
Seriously,I have worked in Alaska in the fishing industry.Average work week was over 100 hours of hard work. Think your man enough. Don't wait to get invited,it's not the prom. Here is a link looking for MEN to work gold mines.


Well-known member
not bad

@ 1500$ an oz that's 267.85$ for 5 grams
much better than I thought you yielded by looking at the pictures.
good deal

For sure,
Tha Gold that is on the surface is real spotty,but visible. The specimen has gold all through the quartz rocks.

Most younger miners up in the Mother Load are growing weed. :)


Well-known member
sign of the times, plenty of willing workers for very tough jobs
i saw this article somewhere from an old Alaskan guide back during some bad economic times in America
quite a number went north for their shot at the gold fields
he remembered finding a dead body every mile or so during the spring thaw that year


Hi ho here we go
Well put, nice link !

Well put, nice link !

F1auto call the Alaska Gold producers,you could replace Dorcy.lol
Seriously,I have worked in Alaska in the fishing industry.Average work week was over 100 hours of hard work. Think your man enough. Don't wait to get invited,it's not the prom. Here is a link looking for MEN to work gold mines.

Rick, you got it right.

You have to MAN UP.


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Just do it has a hobby.You'll stay a lot happier and alot higher LOL

The guys on that show, Did not have a plan to even get started with.
They will fail, you cant just dig a hole and expect gold to be there

You got to chase that gold.


Active member
no but its only around 8 hours to fly there

why are you going to get scuba certified for something you have never even done? how do you know you will even like mining gold? shouldn't you at least do it on a smaller scale first before you go and get all these certifications? every been up to Alaska? Life ain't easy.
ever worked 100+ hours a week?
its not easy money nor is it glamorous.


Well-known member
i'm watching it now, it's just sad, some of us have been way down, this is where this guys are
we'll know the end soon, can't imagine they'll make money, maybe they'll hold onto their shirts


Active member
What blows my mind and if anyone can clue me in is how the old 49ers and miners of the eearly century had the knowledge and knowhow of geology, blasting. building vertical shaft HEAD frames, Seperating precious metals, chemicals used. How to properly timber. Why timbering is important, how to build tracks , ore carts, ore mills, hoppers. hauling equipment thousands of feet up to vertical rockfaces and building facade entrances to those holes.

How did these everyday people make the transformation into the "manned up" miner who lived through snows in cabins in the mountains through freezing winters in desolation.

All the dangers they encountered.I wish to death i knew an experienced caver/ spelunker. the mojave mine SAR from utah are soo cool. They helped search for april pitzers dead body in hundreds of mines in san bernardino. they even took her mother into the vertical shafts in search for her. Their fotos of exploration of the old mines are unbelievable, I would love to do what they do. How does one get this experience? Are there any groups like this to hook up with in california? Makes me wonder how people learn such dangerous things, climbing mountains, exploring abandoned mines etc.

I fucking hate the saying "stay out stay alive" the most anti american thing is gating off mines. Gate off everest, so many more fucking idiots are willing to kill themselves on that pointless mountain but its still fine to do even though. Yet we cant explore a hole in the wall here. Put up a sign that says enter at your own risk. people die in the ocean everyday, driving cars everyday, being huge fatass americans EVERYDAY!


Active member
watchin' the final 2 episodes right now, lets see if this 'glory hole'...is worth a shit


Well-known member
it looks like they got their shit together(relatively) at the very end, it's crazy
impressive looking pit/hole, i'm no heavy equipment operator, but the old guy seems to work that shovel pretty well

EDIT: the show's dream has been accomplished - another season
Last edited:


it looks like they got their shit together(relatively) at the very end, it's crazy
impressive looking pit/hole, i'm no heavy equipment operator, but the old guy seems to work that shovel pretty well

EDIT: the show's dream has been accomplished - another season

so another season but you have to wonder how much is going to get destroyed and filled in once the river floods from the coming melt.

oh well it looks like there will be another season of these guys.
I'm wondering when the other mining shows will pop up.
Gold mining and Gun smithing is discovery's most popular shows until crab fishing comes back.

They should of from the start just went for Bedrock and that was there main problem.. but i guess its better to practice on shitty dirt then gold rich... 275k for 20k of gold and then some how get more money to come back for another season..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'd shoot myself if I had to listen to that old fucks voice all day long, I watched about 10 minutes each of the first 3 episodes before I realized I was watching some sort of hand job for gold dreamers.......

expect exactly more of the same bs from season 2 because if they started by mining BIG the suspense would be over, I for one will not be sitting glued to the screen waiting for the 'glory hole' to produce shit while having to listen to men whining like bitches as they run substandard equipment into the ground.

but hey!!! being a realist that's just my .02
