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going to college for mathematics and dealing with all the "stoner haters"

Well, I have a slighly different veiwpoint. I have a mechanical engineering degree and am licensed in my state. When I went to engineering school oh 10 years ago now, I had to do one thing to be successful (math/science is NOT easy of me) I had to quit smoking pot until I was done. My short term memory was to affected by herb so I had to stop. Then last year when I had to prepard for the PE exam again I had to stop. I actually had to take the test twice to pass. The first time while I did study hard I didn't stop smoking pot until about a week before the test...failed. Second time I quit for the entire 9 months to prepare and passed. So really you need to judge how much smoking is affecting you, if it isn't that much don't worry. If you feel like it is quit and start up again when your done!
i made the same mistake as thread poster

dont try to meet stones in math class or computer class

take a ceramics class, it will let you get your hands into something different and you'll meet that type of crowd there

:dance013: college cannot be all about the hum drum classes, thats what I did and that's why I left college. balance with fun classes or you will burn out period!..you wont meet stones in the hum drum classess

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Any art, cooking, or pottery class should have your desired level of stoners in them.

Stay the hell away from the horticulture department.



Active member
depends where u go to school i guess... i went to ucla and all my good home boys were in engineering/math applied science type stuff... we all blazed kush like it was going outa style too... and yes, i graduated and i personally credit discovering weed with getting me through college

but yeah; you're going to be surrounded by those types in the future; jealous coworkers telling ur boss in anon emails to piss test u; probably will become born again christians down the line

if your college student union has an arcade go when most people will be studying; or hitup local burger joints at 2am and look for the redeye jedis.... campus shows too can help... anything hip hop/reggae etc...


Active member
Hi everyone ....And if anyone could point me towards a strain that I could smoke and still be able to do this differential equations homework that would be great :D
hey man hows it gowin;) i dont have much to chime in on but Satori is a strain without the "strain" and would work for you i would think, mo. doin just about anything was easy on that pot


New member
Thanks for the replies, Im really feeling a lot better about all of this after hearing so many positive stories from people who have found themselves in a similar situation:)

What type of engineering are you studying?

Im studying Civil/Environmental engineering :tiphat:


Active member
Some of the most accomplished growers (and smokers) I've ever met were either mechanical/electrical engineers or microbiologists. That said, everybody else already got ya on the right track -- school is school, save the herb for after your real life is done. :tiphat:
....And if anyone could point me towards a strain that I could smoke and still be able to do this differential equations homework that would be great :D

I smoked C99xA11 before multivariable calculus every fucking class... got an A in that one too!

Seriously though within every strata of society there are smokers and drug users of all sorts. Its the kind of thing that cuts through all stereotypes. You just need to become keen to sensing these people. Government polls show 50% of Americans admit to at least trying marijuana,and that is just those who admit it.

But yes, as others state, your work life is separate from leisure time. Do whatever the fuck you want on your time.

BTW just like high school, college is just a first step to the "real world". Your world will change and you can also decide where you work. By the time you graduate and become an established engineer (i.e. after internships and whatnot) you could probably go work for a marijuana production facility designing nutrient solution delivery systems.

Basically just trying to say that the environment you are in now is not the environment you will always be in.


Don't worry about the future.
Just get high.
I went to ASU
received both my Anth and Botany BS 1998
double major

If you really want to meet like minded scholar stoners like yourself...
go to your local Grateful Dead cover bands local bar where they play weekly
There's Family in every major city, teaching in every school, and collage.
It will all work out for you.
Class is for learning, not stoning.
stay away from classmates, get your studies on.
and hang out at the local Dead scene for your needs.

math is fucking a breeze
you do need it.


I'm doing a double major in Biology and Economics... always knew I wanted to do bio straight out of high school and recently I figured out I'm on track in terms of credits and with a little finagling I could squeeze in Econ and still graduate on time.

You need to find a new set of friends. Most of my friends are not in my classes. That's just the way it is. I didn't find my crew until the very end of freshmen year.

The thing is though... most of my friends and the people in our classes, you wouldn't expect them to be heavy drinkers... unless of course, you saw them on the weekend. The point is... it's insanely difficult to judge peoples habits based on sitting next to them in class. Most kids don't wear it on their sleeve. The ones who do... failed out freshmen year (for the most part). Work hard, party harder.

I'm glad you've come to terms with cutting down your weed consumption. You're entirely correct. What most people don't understand is that it is impractical to smoke daily with a heavy heavy workload. You just can't do it. You're day doesn't end after your last class.. that's when it's only half over.


Dude, I got my EE degree a long time ago and have been working in the military and consumer electronics fields for over 20 years. I can count on one hand the guys I met thru work whom are true friends, and cool. The rest are just guys I work with and have nothing to do with socially. I am also a musician, and I have far more cool true friends from that vocation, I can tell you. This day and age its best to keep your professional and social lives separate.

I wouldn't say all engineering/math types are not cool, in fact, except for the foreign guys (whom have no lives and no social skills as far as I can tell and are REALLY introverted nerds, especially the indians), I find engineers as a whole far more intelligent, more informed, and generally interesting to have conversations with than your typical blue-collar Joe six-pack types. I supect far more than I know of are 420 friendly but they keep to themselves at work, as I do. Gotta play your cards close to the vest professionally. Keep it on the down low...

Go for it best of luck and screw the neaderthals and squares - all you have to do is work with them - you don't have to be friends.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yeah I'd have to agree, your social life and work life should never mix. It's a cut throat world more then ever and people will stab you in the back to advance themselves in a heartbeat. Even ignoring that, one puts extra stress and expectations on the other that shouldn't be there. Either the social relationship causes you to expect the person to treat you a certain way even if it conflicts with job performance or the demands of the job relationship affect how well the social relationship goes.


Yeah I'd have to agee, your social life and work life should never mix. It's a cut throat world more then ever and people will stab you in the back to advance themselves in a heartbeat.

Another vote for HempKat's advice. Keep the social and work lives separate. I'm an engineer in a technology field, and trust me there are other stoners out there, but socializing with some of them can be detrimental to your career.

Remember: if YOU found out they were a fellow stoner through a third-party or even by their own admission, then chances are management (and possibly higher up) knows they are a stoner, too. If you're in a larger corporation, that can mean a glass-ceiling you can't get past because it's a negative reputation at best... or a random, inconvenient UA that leaves you without a job at worst.

I took a 15-year T-break to develop my career (the last time around when the economy was coming out of a downturn), and came back to MJ when she was ready for me.

But I keep my mouth shut about it now, because I saw tech companies grow from a smaller corp to a larger behemoths... and all the "cool" people who I figured out smoked over the years aren't in charge anymore and have left or hit the "grass" ceiling. The larger the company, the less risk-adverse they will be to letting a perceived "stoner" get to senior positions as long as weed is illegal. It's corporate common-sense from a strictly liability and "ethical" perception perspective.

Only one person at work knows I smoke (and ironically he doesn't), and I've known him for quite a number of years before I told him. He's been the only stand-up guy on some shit that's gone down in the past, and we're personal friends as well.

Don't make the mistake of thinking everyone at work is your friend, even if you share a love of good bud. Conversely they're not all your enemy either, but unless you are a damn fine judge of character don't be telling them about your hobbies outside of work no matter how hard you want to go smoke a doob with them after work - it's a competitive world out there, and not everyone looks beyond their own interests and takes "do unto others" seriously.

You'll make friends, and even engineering-type friends, outside of work that do smoke. Even if you take a self-imposed T-break for a job, you'll find weed outside of work or school again eventually [although damn it gets harder once your past 40].

Get your degree, get your job. It's the best thing you can do. If you can manage to keep smoking while doing all of that, great. If you can't, do what you need to do to get the job.


Active member
Hi everyone this is my first thread despite the fact that ive been lurking for years. I suppose ill start out with a rant ;)

I know before going to college smoking was such a "normal" part of my life. I smoked almost daily and it never caused me very many problems and brought a lot of goodness my life was lacking.
Now though, I am going to college double majoring in engineering and mathematics. School full time and smoking daily dont mix anymore :(. Another thing that Ive noticed is how the vast majority of my fellow classmates are the "straight edge" nerdy type who think cannabis makes you retarded and ruins life. Being around them and having a good time or making friends with any of them is nearly impossible :(.
This got me to thinking, when i graduate from college im probably going to be around these type of people all the time as an engineer. In my current (part time) job, I am friends with the majority of people I work with and even if they don't smoke they don't judge me for doing so. I couldn't imagine having a career where all my co-workers are close minded "stoner haters".
I am very interested in mathematics/engineering and theres really nothing else im good at (besides growing :p) that I could make a career out of. So im kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place :(.

The intention of this thread is to hopefully get some input from fellow ICmag'ers on going to college and getting a "professional" career while coping with being "different".

....And if anyone could point me towards a strain that I could smoke and still be able to do this differential equations homework that would be great :D

Sour Bubble is a great strain. Very stony, but not mind retarding.
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Active member
Dude as a student for life I can tell you, there out there. I have not had a semester yet that I have not ended up smoking with a fellow classmate. I'm that guy thats at the front of the class and talking with profs after class, I smoke. I have smoked with a few professors before, humanities profs mind you but profs. The point of university is to be exposed to new ideas, take a few classes that seem fun there out there.
Most importantly your in engineering, look around, the average engineer is a social outcast. They do nothing but study, and go to school.


Active member
dont worry about what anyone thinks. i went back to school years ago for a few certifications and was labeled the older stoner guy. after awhile everyone was trying to copy my tests cheating.i taught all the young punks a thing or 2.

Darth Fader

Some great advice here.

As far as having to work with/around ignorant and intolerant dweebs, you just have to learn how to talk to them in a way that reveals their ignorance without being overly disagreeable. For instance re: System of a down & Pink Floyd - you could reply that the vast majority of the greatest rock musicians are, and were, "pot-smoking hippies". - The list is virtually endless." or that "No one will remember System of a down in 20 years but they'll be wearing Pink Floyd t-shirts for another 100." Or, assuming SOaD is not anti-MJ, "And you think SOaD doesn't smoke pot?". Really, all this guy is doing is revealing that he has poor taste in music IMO, no offense to the SOaD fans.