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going to college for mathematics and dealing with all the "stoner haters"


New member
Hi everyone this is my first thread despite the fact that ive been lurking for years. I suppose ill start out with a rant ;)

I know before going to college smoking was such a "normal" part of my life. I smoked almost daily and it never caused me very many problems and brought a lot of goodness my life was lacking.
Now though, I am going to college double majoring in engineering and mathematics. School full time and smoking daily dont mix anymore :(. Another thing that Ive noticed is how the vast majority of my fellow classmates are the "straight edge" nerdy type who think cannabis makes you retarded and ruins life. Being around them and having a good time or making friends with any of them is nearly impossible :(.
This got me to thinking, when i graduate from college im probably going to be around these type of people all the time as an engineer. In my current (part time) job, I am friends with the majority of people I work with and even if they don't smoke they don't judge me for doing so. I couldn't imagine having a career where all my co-workers are close minded "stoner haters".
I am very interested in mathematics/engineering and theres really nothing else im good at (besides growing :p) that I could make a career out of. So im kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place :(.

The intention of this thread is to hopefully get some input from fellow ICmag'ers on going to college and getting a "professional" career while coping with being "different".

....And if anyone could point me towards a strain that I could smoke and still be able to do this differential equations homework that would be great :D
math...fuck man....shit is sooo hard.....

but dont worry about the kids in ur classes....dont even bring up maryjane in class...pretty irrelevant....ive noticed a lot of them are nerdy as well....so dont bother trying to go out of your way to be friends with these people when it sounds like you have drastically diff personalities....the few people who you would get along with will show and youll make better friends with them....just dont sweat the friends situation.....

and yes... if u become an engineer the field will be full of nonsmoking nerds....i dont see why your worried about this....your smoking habits shouldnt even be mentioned amoung them....i would assume ud be too busy "working"......if you really become an engineer in the future i dont think youll be daily smoking either btw.....soooo yea part of "growing up"

IMO, it sounds like your either a really smart kid who doesnt fit in with the majority college nerdy straight edgey crowd at your school....OR....your a stoner loser who "thinks" hes going to become a engineer, who will end up dropping out because getting high was more important to him.....im leaning towards the 1st but i dont even know you...but i no what you mean on many points of your post....so i can relate bro

if u dont want to be "judged" dont openly admit you smoke and then they have nothing to judge u on based on what youve admitted to them.....u see what im saying???


New member
Thanks for the reply buddin :) Like i said, I was a big smoker before I started going to college. but now adays I smoke once a week if im lucky (and have a 3.3 GPA). And its not that im someone who goes into class reeking of weed wearing a bob marley shirt or even talking about MJ, Ill just try to start a conversation and talk about about music or something and if the conversation ever gets into anything thats remotely related to weed the conversation pretty much ends. For example, the other day me and one of my lab partners was talking about music and and he was saying how much he likes system of a down, and I told him my favorite band was Pink Floyd and he responded by saying those guys are a bunch of pot smoking hippies who get fucked up and think making random noises with musical instruments sounds good...hes totally not someone I would like to associate with anymore than normal lol.


Active member
let it be ,lol

let it be ,lol

I am engineer and a gunsmith ,i realised best to only smoke after 9 pm and sundays a long time back.
Regarding the attitudes of the straights ,theres none so blind as they that cannot see .
I wouldnt worry about them the world is full of blind tax paying sheep .Imo there opinions are worthless.
I would recomend ssh for smoking and still getting ahead with your studys i find myself actually enhanced mentaly equasion wise on ssh.
I did a chem degree at the age of 39 whilst running 6 kw grow room
So i understand the nerd prob lol .
Those doing a philosophy degree were the opposite rofl theyd smoke until they couldnt see .A


ICMag Donor
Once you get out of school, and get job in your field.You'll meet all kinds of people.Everybody has their thing,that they do.Im pretty sure youll meet like minded people.Some of the brightest people,with the most complex jobs ..smoke


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I told him my favorite band was Pink Floyd and he responded by saying those guys are a bunch of pot smoking hippies who get fucked up and think making random noises with musical instruments sounds good...hes totally not someone I would like to associate with anymore than normal lol.

That is sooooo wrong!

Everyone knows they were a bunch of acid dropping, heroin shooting hippies. :D

Seriously though, if this guy has that little respect for Floyd then he's a moron, I don't care if he has a 4.0 GPA.


That's just how it is dude welcome to the world of lonesomeness. It takes a certain type of individual to smoke daily and function with numbers like calculus or whatever while "maintaining." You'll probably end up quitting because of it but don't blame yourself it's a hell of lot more important to have that degree than a degree in bongology. Maybe once it's legal it won't be so bad then start up again. O yea and system of downers are wayyy soo sophisticated doesn't everyone know that(pinky in air).

Stoned Coder

I'd stick with the nerdy kids. They are going to graduate. Seriously.

I went to college the first time at 18 right after high school. Met all kinds of like minded kids and all we did was party. And we were doing a lot more than just smoking herb. I dropped out within a year.

So by 23 I cleaned up my act a lot and went back to school. Avoided the party scene as much as possible, still smoked weed though! and graduated. Almost done with my Masters now.

So after passing drug tests, now I'm an engineer for a huge global company working with all kinds of cool technology and life is grand. But I would never in a million years think of outing myself as a smoker to a co-worker. That's a good way to get fired. I couldn't even imagine a situation where herb would even come up. Work is work ... leave the herb at home!


You'll be able to carve your own niche after you graduate. The contacts you make in college are often of more value than the stuff you learn. There are usually a number of independent thinkers around a campus--just branch out to find them.

Invent a ceramic plasma LED or sumthin'!
I'm also an engineering student, and know exactly the type of people you are talking about. All I can really say is you aren't going to be friends with everyone, so fuck the haters. It's as simple as that. As far as getting stuff done and being a stoner, you just gotta smoke some nice sativas and not too much of it. I find that when I take just a toke or two and start studying math I really get into it and find it incredibly easy to learn. I'm considering minoring in math, seeing as I only need two more classes to earn it.

What type of engineering are you studying?


shut the fuck up Donny
I'd stick with the nerdy kids. They are going to graduate. Seriously.

I went to college the first time at 18 right after high school. Met all kinds of like minded kids and all we did was party. And we were doing a lot more than just smoking herb. I dropped out within a year.

So by 23 I cleaned up my act a lot and went back to school. Avoided the party scene as much as possible, still smoked weed though! and graduated. Almost done with my Masters now.

So after passing drug tests, now I'm an engineer for a huge global company working with all kinds of cool technology and life is grand. But I would never in a million years think of outing myself as a smoker to a co-worker. That's a good way to get fired. I couldn't even imagine a situation where herb would even come up. Work is work ... leave the herb at home!


You are going to school for something that will guarantee you a job in one of the worst economic times in the history of the US. By graduating (with good marks) with a double major that you are in, you are guaranteeing that you will get a good job and be paid well for it.

Keep it separate. When you graduate and are settled down and have a baller job, you can have your regular, non work friends, on the side.

Your doing the right thing, keep it up.

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
You'll meet people that are down, but I would just keep it to myself. If you do, chances are you will be able to find stable work with decent pay. Then you can grow and puff at your leisure. Just keep your business and personal separated. Work is their time and home is your time. A friend of mine had a good job with an engineering firm. He was hanging out with his boss one day, at the office, and mentioned something about smoking when he was 15-16. Well over 10 years ago. The next day he got randomly selected for a drug test. He lost his job, but lucky for him found a cooler and better paying job.

There was a Kali Mist x ? Hawaiian strain that was amazing. Only ever saw it from one person in San Diego, but I swear I felt more clear headed and on point after vaping this, than before vaping it. Loved it.


Active member
I donno dude, going to college and smoking bud goes hand in hand for me man.

I did my BA while toking every day, and i did my masters while toking all the time, and often right outside the school entrance - we had a little garden over there, off the path, but with some plants and trees and overlooking the campus, i used to smoke there all the time

As for straight folk, what can you do, just think - its them who are in the loss - for they are missing out on such a incerdable expereince. If i didnt get to smoke kind bud in school, i dont know where id be... probably some dodgy mid class job in a financial org. with coke abuse problems, spending all my money on coke then having therapy to get rid of this addiction, cheeting on my wife and having sexual problems and shit load of other negative stuff which Lady Cheeba cured and transmuted them for me...... and ppl with such lifestyle look DOWN on us hippies!!! :moon:


I wouldnt worry about them the world is full of blind tax paying sheep .Imo there opinions are worthless.



Active member
Anyway, this is a tight thread, reminds me that hard work in school + weed = good fun future

Good vibes and K to u all ( and sorry for doble post - it wont let me edit it for some reason)


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ICMag Donor
My nephew has an engineering degree, he was working with a company that designed the sewer going into housing developments. He was close to the top of his class in engineering and math. But as the housing economy crumbled so did his company, and now he can't get a job in that field so he's a salesman.

Don't judge the non smokers, to each his own. The only people I have not liked at jobs I have worked are those who refuse to work, which is why college is great, if you don't work hard you get bad grades.

My sons both have high tech jobs, in computer and mobile phones. Get to know the people you go to school with, they will be the ones to help you get a job when you graduate.

Weedrow Call

I'd avoid any temptation to ever mix your professional life with your personal life. Sometimes you may find yourself getting close enough to fellow students or coworkers to consider opening up about being a toker, but it's a huge risk. Industry doesn't take kindly to tokers, and they'll throw you over the side of the boat in a heartbeat.


Once you get out of school, and get job in your field.You'll meet all kinds of people.Everybody has their thing,that they do.Im pretty sure youll meet like minded people.Some of the brightest people,with the most complex jobs ..smoke
I've been working closely with engineers for most of the last 20 years, from calibration and certification labs, digital equipment manufacturing, meteorology and atmospheric research, and universities. Just like any other profession, there is a wide variety of people involved, and you'd be surprised how many I've smoked with, and how many I haven't smoked with but who I know do smoke on occasion.

Even in my own profession (software development), I've met quite a number of people over the years who partake at least occasionally, and several that do so regularly.

You can't judge a person solely by his choice of career :)


Active member
smoke everyday - more than anyone else i know, and still take 5 classes per semester and make straight A's. My teachers love me, and all the classmates hate me cause they know im high and do better than them....

master shake

Active member
^^^ Like this guy says, try hard and out "shine" your classmates, then reveal the secret and rub it in their hatting faces! Who knows, you make stoners out of some of them! I got an ENGR degree getting stoned almost everyday. Didn't get straight A's but never failed a class and was always in the top half performance-wise.

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