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going to be a great 2008



alright bro.now after you turn your friends out on ur killer act like you can get a couple of them some smoke from somewhere and boom botta bing go get urself an e-z cloner set it and forget it.i swear bro it was the bes money i spent last year, viva la e-z clone lol.peace


haha will see i kno some of my BB is already sold to a couple hommies of mine i feel like in the show weeds xcp not a hott mamma selling it lol had to give out a few little testers to people and the calls started flying in i think if i dont stop themn the whole plant will be gone before its even all harvested lol..



exactly,soon it'll be hard to hold some for urself till next harvest.cause if ur like me i SMOKE THE HELL OUT!!! shi# im smokin now.this is still from last crop 2 jars and about a third left.with a lil over a 2 1/2month cure.choker as hell.this is the very first time i ever had enough smoke to let some cure properly.i put a qp of choice nugs aside and boy oh boy."its everything they said it would be"hehehe peace holmz


Blueberry Harvest pics.........

Blueberry Harvest pics.........

hey fellow icmagers well i harvested the big Blueberry this evening and well here are the pics. she yeilded well for this grow and i gave her a big shot of N and threw her back under 24/0 lighting to get her to grow again and do another harvest and hopefully get some clones of her.
here she is after all is said and done. i hope i left enough on the plant for her to grow some more...

and here is the untrimmed pile :jump:

the whole lot minus what ive already harvest and i have drying

and lastly a pretty shitty shot but it was the choice branch if there was one :rasta:

hope you enjoyed the show, hashberry is 3 days on 12/12 so i can find the sex and possible make some seeds sometime soon.. what do ya think?


not bad bro and you already took off all the tops the other day-not bad at all what do you think is there?bout a half oz?man the pic of the untrimmed pile...what the hell is that in the top right corner?it looks like a ....man that shi# looks crazy yo.lol.peace


not bad at all Mr.P.
a nice personal sack.

Blueberry is in fact my number 1 most tasty joint ive EVER smoked.
sadly, yeild is not her strong point. taste and high is! i know you got some good stuff there man!



ty all I i flowered under a 400 mh and she went for a little over 50 days. Y that thing you see in the pic was my fiances leg in my PJ's lol


ty to all the people that have stopped by and gave me some props along the way Exal, Ywouldnt, NZ, Iinhale, 250w you guys are great and rep has already been handded out.. ty again and i guess this thread is dead and not to many comments on all the pics and the harvest im kinda dissapointed in the people on the site thought i would get more comments then i did.. gues no one liked it... other then your guys mentioned above.........



enjoyed the show! ive been hiding in the shadows and not posting enough, but yeah bro, nice grow. Gotta love those BB. Those fluffy buds need be paired with a blunt, if you see where i'm going.... muahaha. yum! When's the next round starting? Stay up, gangsta.



i already have the next batch in the flower chamber now i have 3 Hasberrys and 2 earlygirls atm.

hashberrys the only thing i dont like about the hashberry is that there streching more then i want them too

I am revegging the bluberry casue the misses loves the smoke so much i could kill it. i did get a half zip of personal smoke of the blueberry so i cant complane..



hows the Blueberry taste P?...

man i love that shit too! Mrs must have good taste! :)


ohh does she ever and just a couple ofpics from the last grow and i mean look at these and how crystaly they are
orange crush

supper fruit


whatcha think



alright pot fans here is a little update on how the garden in 08 is going.. Blueberry was a great succses and i have to say that it was one of the best smokes ive ever had... so good infact that after harvest i thought why the fuck do i want to kill this.. so i think one of my wiser moments in history i threw her back under 24/0 light to see if i could get her to grow again. so on 2-10-08 i gave her the first big dose on N and we were off and running again..

and while i was in the garden today i took her out to get a look at the roots only to find that she was getting strangled by them so i though well i have red enough about bonsi and cutting the roots back, so i figured why the hell not. so here she is back into her old home with a whole lot of fresh soil for her to spread her wings out and fly again.
2-21-08 with my runt of a hashberry

here is a shot of the flower chamber where 3 hasberrys and 1 earlygirl still remain. earlygirl is the monster on the top lft

and lastly the Earlygirl male that i am keeping for my breeding projects. and while i was sitting here typeing this all out to you guys hopeing someone will read and respond why not when the time comes to bread the earlygirl with not only the Hashberry (berrygirl) why not go and do a blueberryXearlyg as well (earlyberry) well that all for now folks tell me what you think.....


thanks for the kind words, my friend... :wave:

your thread looks great! some nice looking sativa buds there piston. i agree with your comment on my thread, fluros would be a great option for you right now, at least in veg. a 200 watt floro or even a set of cool T5's would have your veggies exploding with green, and if you can let them get to 5 weeks before the flip, stretch is reduced to a minimum (about 30% instead of 200% i'm not a mathmatician so please no one bust my balls if that isn't exact lol). stretch is the result of a plant racing to reach maturity before putting out flowers. if they reach maturity before flowering, you get the picture. anyway, a floro can keep all your canopy even and fat, then you can bloom with more evenness and less moving the light.

sorry about the "look what i know" display haha, just wanted to give you some ideas based on my experience! :muahaha:

take care, hope all is well

outstanding job on the reveg... i can't wait to see how it goes the second time around. :canabis:


hey K ty for stopping by and i am deff considering some new lighing for my ladies i just cant belive that i have tis much new growth and i am so excited to see how much more now since i cut the root mass WAYYYY back.. im gunna be gone for the weekend but ill post pics of the garden when i return have fun and be safe peeps



safe travels my dude,be extra sure too vacum seal ur stash,that way you dont smell like a skunk! :cool:. peace-Y-

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