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going to be a great 2008



Crazy shit! YwouldntI, that is a Beatiful sized TREE! i love it.

funny stuff though, i too have some Thai Haze x Skunk #1, that i plan on throwing outside when the time comes.
i was lucky to get them free, with a pack of G13 i won in the Halloween pic contest here.

i wanna try and throw maybe 4 outside, 3 out of the way and in hiding, but 1 of them im throwing right in the middle of my vegetable garden.
food and medicine, growing as one. :joint:

thinking about throwing one of my urkles outside too, just for the hell of it.

ive never had any Haze before, so im looking forward to getting that growing.

GL ya'll


i havent had a pest probelm. i always keep a clean room for the most part. ty for the compliment as well spy pics will be uploaded tomarow im to tired to do so tonight.



heyeveryone here are the pics i was talking about yeasterday. sry for the delay but school is starting up again and i have been bussier then a 2 peckered billy goat.... on to the pics.
the blueberry @ 2 1/2 weeks flowering.

a closer-up of one of the top colas starting to bud up.

the seedlings are doing great.

what do you guys/gals think?



looks good bro starting to flower up,i gotta get these seeds popped man what type of envirnment do you put them in?i have a rapid rooter do i just popem put them in there and keep it under flouros?or does it need to be warmer or what?


hey YwouldntI, i just popped 3 seeds... in a room that was less that perfect, but i had a DOME.

i threw my seeds straight into Rapid rooters, soaked the rapid rooter with plain water, and gave it a few squeezes (to make sure the seed got nice and moist)

2 days time i could see the seeds had cracked, and seedlings were on the way.
my light was about 2 days late getting here, but as soon as they were coming out of the Rapid rooter, i hit them with light.

i recommend you use flouros here, as you can get them REAL close to your seedlings, without burning them, and the closer the light to the seedlings, the better.
if your light is too far away, your seedlings will stretch...

GL man!

Mr Piston: dude, they look great. you certainly got things organised.
ill be watching :)


NW- i dont know whos blueberry i am growing i got it in a half oz like 5m ago....
Y- i do all my seeds the old fashoned way. i get a tupperware container and take 2 papertowls and fold them nice and neat. get them good and wet and then lay out my seeds, then i get one more towl and get it wet then fold it and place it on top ogf them and then throw the lid on it and put it on top of a warm darker place. for me its on top of my fridge. and then put them in cups and i have them under 2X100w CFL's. that is where i trian them.
NZ- thanx for the props it hasnt been easy gettin to this point.




Unidentified blueberry sounds good by me. I just got 8 seeds out of a bag of purple buds. Based on the smoke I'm confident it is not blueberry, but it definitely gets you really high. 2 sprouted already and 6 more are germing :)

Your plants are looking great!

Its back to school for me too and I know it can make finding gardening time challenging. Keep at it. A little work here and there generously pays off over time.

FYI i use the same method you do for germinating seeds with one exception. I soak the seeds 12 hrs in a glass in a dark place before they go to the paper towels. The soak got me to 100% germination. If you got 100% now, stick with what works.

Keep growin!



thanks nzjay just what i needed to know/flouros 24/7?till i sex them ?



About that summer crop... I have outdoor space. For planning purposes, when would I want to pre-flower indoors? How many weeks indoor flowering? How many weeks outdoor flowering? (Sativa/Indica hybrid 10-12 weeks needed). THanks!

- N.W.


you can sex them indoor but once you kno there fems then you want to get them out and let them bask in the mid day sun. they will strech and strech and before you kno it there trees... gl with the outdoor and ill be watching your progress.. Y i go 24-0 till i has the second set of leaves growing and then i flip to roughly 18/6 and do the trianing before sexxing.


yea its just strarting to get a little smell about her. this is the first real sativa i have grown and i have to say that as far as strians go i like indicas more dure the nature of the plants. there very easy to control. here are a couple of pics of her now she is finaly i think down witht he big strech.
10 days on 12/12 :joint:

here is 19 days 12/12 and not much development of bud yet :badday:

day 23 12/12 just starting to get some development :spank:

and day 26 and i think that she s going to be a long flowerer........ :asskick:
same cola 3 days later

and another bud shot of the center of the plant. depending on how this one is going to take i may have to find a new home for her...

and lastly i transplanted 5/8 plants yesterday into there gomes untill sex. will post pics when there all done. I kno for sure one is going to a good new home due to space reasons. keep on keeping on



hey well here are the pics I said I would post. My seedlings are doing wonderful. 8 days above ground and already root bound so they needed a transplant.. Jebus :jawdrop: HB stands for HAshberry and there are 3 Earlygirl's. Anyone ever heard or have grown EG can you hit me up?. ok well on to the pics. :woohoo:

one of the hashberry's look at that baby grow...

and sadly I have one runt. :spank: I think its going to go and get a new home elseware...... :puppydoge

tell me what you all think.



lookin good yo.dont give up on that runt just yet sometimes they suprise you and get real aggresive growin,if i was you i would get one of those pots like you put the other ones in and turn it upside down and put that little container w/ ur plant in it on top of that and get it up closer to that light like those other ones,what did u mean the big one goin to a new home?you buildin a new space homie?peace-Y-


nope it might be going outside to finish becasue its gettin to large....well if it keeps streching. and im giving it almost no N what so ever.



was cleaning the room yesterday and took the plant out and found it was a good oppritunity to snap some better shots.
talk about a large plant for indoors...biggest ive ever grown.

never seen a stem to think
and more center bud shots.




i guess my grow isnt that interesting due to lack of attendance... :fsu:
:badday: well anyways all the plants are doing great and one of my hashberrys found a new home yesterday. till next time



we are pic hungry bro,lol-u know how it goes bud porn keeps the crowd full,my cam is dead so my crowd is getting restless too im still watchin bro peace


hahah, YwoudlntI is right.

my thread is also off to a slow start, but thats coz of the pics.

everyone wants pics.. and lets face it.. its one thing to say "oh man, im growing this killer shiz in my room"...

its another thing to show ppl that killer shiz :)