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going to be a great 2008


ty Y and wayward i wont cut them i have been trying to tuck them down and around and i guess i will keep trying that. hey Y are you jeliouse hehe no they help so much last time and i havent asked them for help but they stopped by and checked up on me... almost forgot about my seed it has been 72hrs and 5/5 hashberry poped and 1/3 early girl so i am waiting on 2 early girl seeds.
on lft hashberry on right Earlygirl

alll clear hash red EG

bb this morning

Enjoy Mr.P


Y dont get jealouse bro thats what haters do!lol-glad ur beans popped for ya bro i got some i need to pop too whats thwe best place to put them when in the papoer towel?and when they pop and i put them in cups then what floros?thanks peace,nice pics.


hey Y im juss playing hommie and yes I use a tupper ware with a lid and papter towls. I use 2 for the bottom of the tupper ware and one folded nicly on top and I just keep it moist. it seem to work everytime...why the hell do you want to pop beans having so many plants already?



Registered Cannabis User
hey man, stopped in to see how it was goin...congrats on the new babies bro!!


hey bud nice grow i really want sum blueberry definately a future grow but like u was taken by hash berry n speed queen from Mandela so there my next grow 4 sure at the mo i got an unknown an a cheese ive been told its not the real cheese tho lol but im not really worried as long as it smokes nice :)
green thumbs temp


i wanna pop'em because i got some killer strains i could be addin to my arsenal;)
check'em out

if i can get me a female out of a couple of those ill be happy cause you know me ill clone the shi# outta her i figure with lst and topping and whatever else i can learn on this bomb a$$ web site i can keep a few mamas relatively small with plenty of sites to take cuttings from long enough to stock up on whatever strains im lucky enough to get females from.peace ur homie -Y-


hey everyone well my last seeds arived today :joint: and now how to sneek more seeds without the misses noticing??? lol na just playing they have to wait till the Hashberry are done. here is a pic of all the strains i have to grow this year..

ebjoy and a BIG THANX YOU Matt from Crazy X seeds for the great seeds he sent me and i cant wait to plant them...



Hey MrP:wave:

Been lurking for a while, thought I add some input, Great looking plants so far.

Good luck with 2008 bro.




hey phantom whats going on? hows the garden? glad to see you stopping by my thread. the Blueberry lady is huge!!!! when will the strech stop? lol i post pics of it tomarow.. till then



hey everyone just an update 7/8 have poped out of the soil i am expecting the 8th to be in the next 48 hrs and when that happens i will post a pic.
here is the Blueberry she still wont stop streching. I have started on a lower N fert so hopefully soon she will stop. Yoou can see the what im talking about in the pic by the lower really drak green leave and then the shoots are a lighter green...

Any tips or ideas welcome my NPK is 2-17-24 with some open sesemi, and for veg it was 10-4-10 with seaweed. ty for stopping by



Hey folks here is the update I told you id give once they all poped out of the ground. Things are going great in the garden at this point. All 8 poped and are now off and running. 5 Hashberrys and 3 Earlygirl from a SB dispencery (some of the best sativa crosses ive ever had).... :joint:. but enough info on to the pics right... the five little clear cups are the Hashberry and the 2 red pots and the one black one is Earlygirl

Hey I want peoples opinion on something here is my Blueberry plant on day 18 flower and she seems to be a slow starter and streched like a bitch :bashhead: is the normal for this strain?

any help or tips would be helpfull



Mr. P! the P should stand for prolific my friend!

looks great, and boy oh boy, what a tasty menu!!

08 IS looking great indeed!
GL man!


Registered Pothead
What a year it is gonna be for a lot of us. We all have some fun genetics to grow out this year. I will be sticking around for this grow show.


NZ-hey ty for the complement.
Chubby-i am noticing that as well people are going to be growing great things this year and once the summ comes around i have a whole differnt garden waitin to be planted...



Registered Pothead
You got a lil backyard action going on too? I am starting some seeds now to throw outside in april. There are gonna be some great threads in the outdoor section this year thats for sure.


I personaly dont have an outside space but a god friend of mine does so i am thining about planting my Thia haze X skunk#1 outside and see how big she gets hehe


Registered Pothead
Awesome deal dude. I was gonna throw those same beans out too LOL. I was thinking i might not have space inside to grow these monsters. I wanted to induce flowering early indoors though for about a month and throw them out when flowering starts outside.


haha great minds think alike... if i were to grow them indoors i would only be able to grow 2 at a time lol i dont have much space at all


im too scurred to grow outside i had one last year that just started growin so i took care of it and let it finish out,talk about p noid man i was on some nervouse shit 4-real i got over 2lbs off one plant though you can kinda see one of my homeboys in the pic and look how much taller it is than the privacy fence and it got much bigger it was super wide.made me wish i had a spot and balls like lou grew

look at that stalk.how you love that?peace -Y-
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siiigggghhhhh i have like i said the t hazeXskunk cross i want to throw outdoors casue it will be like that one but i have no real chill place to do it... well i might its just really far away..... we will see what happens. that fucking plant is huge. i kno this one is going to sound to good to be true. My boss one year grew a single plant in a 7 foot circle yat yielded over 10 lbs. he had it pinned all down and stelth and when it came time to chop he was all shit.....He did good that summer lol ill post pics tonight.

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