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Girlfriend passed out from weed


Active member
are the shower pics available? id like to verify the color of her lips just to make sure...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
In no time at all she had all of her color back and was all great again.

Could she possibly be diabetic, and had low blood sugar? Did the bud just lower her blood pressure alot, so she passed out??

later in the night she smoked another vape bowl and was loving it..
Any help is great :joint:
that was a blood sugar issue and the increase in heart rate due to smoking helped cause the fainting, jmo but I'm diabetic & been toking for 40+ yrs so I've got some experience here.

btw smellthefunk where ya been bro? ltns.......


ICMag Donor
Next time,, please use a little common sense! EAT first before smoking!!!

It might seem like fun,, but when she falls down and splits her head open on the floor it won't be a laughing matter :no:

There is a BIG difference between cannabis use and cannabis misuse!

Hope your g-f is up, smiling, and eating again :D

Peace n love


I donated plasma one time and smoked 30 mins-1hr afterwards. Was in line to get something to eat at Subway and hit the floor right when I was picking my veggies. When I came to I heard everyone talking about an ambulance, so I said "thanks for the help" and bolted.

Girlfriend passed out at a Dave Matthews concert a few years back right after smoking.


Cannabis lowers your BP anyway and when You don't eat and get ripped it all combines to make you Hypotensive, and then you blackout. The best thing to do when you or someone you know starts feeling like their head is spinning and they can't breathe is to laydown and raise your feet above your chest and this will keep you from blackingout and help get back to normal.

The same thing happens when an inexperienced smoker has too much of a potent strain or when you've taken a break from smoking and lowered your tolerance and then go and smoke like you normally would.

Many years ago I went to a grateful Dead concert at the medowlands and it was hot day, I hadn't eaten or drank anything allday, I hadn't smoked for months but wanted to get high ,I bought a joint from the guy next to us in the parking lot and fired it up, none of my friends wanted any and I ended up smoking the whole joint, about 10 min later my head starts spinning and I don't feel so good so I sit down for a minute and I think it passed so I stand up to go walking around with my friends the next thing I know I wake up and I'm looking at tires and everybody is standing over me asking if I'm okay. Knocked me out for the rest of the day. The poor guy who sold me the joint kept saying "It was only reefer, man. I swear" I told don't worry it was my fault.

So even veteran smokers have to be careful.


Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
I've seen at least three people pass out after smoking my weed.
The first time was a friend's girlfriend who, after tasting how deceptively smooth the smoke was to inhale, got way too gung-ho and toked way too much Sharon Widow. We warned her to slow down, but she said she was fine. Her eyes began rolling back into her head, she was passing out, it was crazy.

The second time was a friend of mine who I never expected to pass out. This guy was an experienced smoker. His downfall was that he'd been detoxing for a few weeks before smoking. He was sitting next to me at my desk as I typed. He ripped a few tokes of ECSD from the bong and got quiet. I didn't think anything of his getting quiet, I just kept typing. Next thing I know, he stands up, says a few unintelligible words, takes a step and collapses on my couch. His eyes were open, but we couldn't communicate with him. Scary, but he was okay after a minute or three.

The last time was at a recent party at my house. We were in a room with only one door. The one door situation plays an important role in this story. Well, a neighbor lady took a few rips of my herb and fainted right across the entrance of the one door out of the room. We were all freaked out of course. Well, right after the lady passed out in front of the door, another lady in the back of the room puked all over herself (drinking a little too much). So imagine this scene, we're all having fun at this party, nothing in the world seems wrong, then one girl is passed out at the door, and a just a second or two later another lady barfs at the back of the room. The barfer couldn't get out the door because she didn't want to step over a passed out girl to go puke! hahaha What a night that was.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger

My brother-in-law got brave with my bong and luckly i grab the bong
has he hit the chair. Was funny has hell



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have seen allot of people do this from standing up to fast after they take a hit. I did this but I was also doing Coke at the time. I got hot and sweaty so I got up from the chair to get some water I made it to the sink and hit the floor It only lasted for 1min or less. The funniest one(if there is one)was this guy took a big bong hit and those small bedroom garbage cans that we keep in our rooms he feel face first into the garbage can and it was stuck on his face we where all pretty blazed but that was so funny.


Active member
Back in college we had "Fred". Fred was a 5 foot x 3" one hit bong filled with Ice cubes we commissioned at the Ann Arbor Plastic Factory.. Your first breath filled the column with smoke, then the hit bowl was removed as a friend blew into the bowl tube and the smoker inhaled a second time and received an ungodly volume of smoke. Back in those days it was columbian gold or panama Red.

Seen lots of guys (all football players for the university of michigan) pass out there and then. Always woke up and made practice though. No harm no foul. The question is though, did you take advantage of the fact that your GF was passed out?


Well-known member
This has happened to me before. There were a lot of factors that could've provoked the blackout. In my situation, I took a nice break from weed to ease my tolerance, and after a few weeks of not smoking, I took huge ass constant blunt chiefs, trying to get real high, underestimating the power the mere break from weed did me... it's safe to say one or 2 hits would've had me blasted. Well anyway, I was in a dark room with a surplus of candles lit, jacked off (stellar nut btw) and then when I cleaned up from my jackage and turned the lights on, my shit went into a perspective vortex. My vision started getting really pixely, like a lo-fidelity youtube video, and I was feeling nausea... I took a seat hoping I'd feel better but that didn't work, so I started to venture towards the nearest bed, shit started getting real fuzzy, everything in front of me started to fade to black and there I go on the floor.

I'd say the weed-break/lowered tolerance, the masturbation ceremony, the switch from dark to light, and even the candle fumes and the resulting lack of oxygen all brewed into one blackout soup. Your girl not eating and the potency of your bud is probably what offed her. Always be careful with new strains you're not familiar with yet.

LMFAO. Awesome story.
I assume the candles were for seduction purposes.


Non Conformist
LMFAO. Awesome story.
I assume the candles were for seduction purposes.
No, that's what the mirrors were for. lol j/k ........... I've seen alot of people pass out over the years. Seems there are some more prone ta do it more often than others though.........If it doesn't happen often it might be a good idea ta go have an A.1C. test done at the doctor's office. This will tell ya how her blood sugar has been fer the last 3 months. Better safe than sorry. Good luck.... BC


Active member

rest assured, if a female passes out here, pics will be posted. clothes will be loosened to ease breathing while unconsious. clear the airway. naked heimlich maneuver. whatever


I've seen at least three people pass out after smoking my weed.

The first time was a friend's girlfriend who, after tasting how deceptively smooth the smoke was to inhale, got way too gung-ho and toked way too much Sharon Widow. We warned her to slow down, but she said she was fine. Her eyes began rolling back into her head, she was passing out, it was crazy.

Big up Lonestar .. and TRC Sharon Widow


New member
Originally Posted by CannaExists
This has happened to me before. ...Well anyway, I was in a dark room with a surplus of candles lit, jacked off (stellar nut btw) and then when I cleaned up from my jackage and turned the lights on, my shit went into a perspective vortex....

Too much information there.....
Sometimes ya just really shouldn't type everything that's in your head

LOL -- thats niiiiiiiiiice haha

h^2 O

it is called VASOVAGAL SYNCOPE - it's hypoxia from less than 16% O^2.
It drops your heart rate, your blood pressure, reducing blood flow to the brain, and you lose consciousness. You don't have control over it - you just feel the dizzy or hot, light-headed, and next thing you know you're waking up after being unconscious for a few seconds. It's a really interesting process...something about the neocortex orchestrating this all...this mechanism also works to make some people faint from blood, spiders, etc. Except in those people they're not having problems with oxygen. It's weird. I have passed out like this 3 times - two times from smoking and once from being sucker punched in the chest.


OK, I can't help but share again..
When I was young, and before I found other fun things like MJ, we would pass ourselves out for fun. I'm sure you all know the trick, head between your knees, heavy breathing, then have a friend press on your chest, while you hold your breath. I'd always wake up on the ground, giggling, and light headed. Later in life, while I was locked up in a "private school/prison" in Provo, I used a sock wrapped around my throat. We had to pass out quietly, or else staff would catch us, and put us in the hole. (the things we do for fun just amazes me sometimes)

Other than a few alcohol-related blackouts, most weed-related blackouts involved smoking too much, not eating, and standing up too fast.

Had a buddy with a 5 gal. bucket and milk jug (bucket rips) ghetto-bong- watched him take a huge rip, then stand up. He passed out, and fell straight back on the concrete, head first. Other than a goose-egg, he was fine. No brain damage, lucky for him, there wasn't much up there to begin with ;)


Active member
This has happened to me before when i was really high one day working on some kind of pc case. While i was unscrewing something or trying to rip something out, my hand slipped and it took a big chunk of skin off my wrist and i went to go bandage it and i passed out and fell backwards very hard. I think it has to do with standing up to fast, the weed, because i was really baked and paranoid and also for me just the sight of my skin being ripped off.


The Hopeful Protagonist
I remember this happening to me twice in my youth....

First time it happened I was on a school bus first thing in the morning on a hot summer's day, I hadn't eaten (ding!ding!ding!) and just about everyone on the bus was lighting up.
Oh yeah, I was also standing because there were no seats......trippy shit....Boom,Boom....out went the lights.

Second time I was about 20 or so, hanging out at a buddy's house doing bong rips at the dining room table......next thing I remember I was getting up off the floor and rubbing my head, apparently I had hit the radiator on the way down.
Have the knot on my noggin to this day.....it had to have been the weed that time.

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