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Girl Scout Cookies

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Day fitty.

Day fitty.

50 and the flush has begun.



BTW I finished working this morning and noticed a very distinct smell...do you guys know those rootbeer jelly candies, well I'm noticing a very similar smell to that. Hashy and sweet combined with kush. It's like that taste that you just want to keep eating, while just trying to continue to decipher the flavor is.

Also from an aggressive leaf pluck session I sat down just now and realized my arm hair is straight dreaded! Caked with thc, real irie, now who wants some hair dabbs?



Registered Med User
Haha! I just thought of somethin. My boy gave me a cut from harbor side he was stoked on..... SUPER PLATINUM GRANDADDY OG. I busted up... 'so whats the lineage?', "shit I dont know, I guess, probbly super grandaddy n platinum OG...".... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
I been to harborside numerous times over the years, thats why I say FUCK harborside.

Anyway lookin kill over there Unknown!


So who's gonna be the first to do a side by side by side by side by side by side?

At this rate It's looking like its gonna be adamantium,plutonium, unobtainium, OGKB, the mag cut, thin mint cut and who knows WTF else will pop up next?

DAMN! I have no clue where I'm gonna keep all those mothers!

On the real though it's hilarious how badly people want to run this cut and then be the one to whore her out LOL. "OMG I'm giving it out for FREE!!! To EVERYBODY!!! Especially when those peoples cuts are unverified. And especially when you get these cuts from the worst possible place (harborside) with no sort of credibility.

Crazy. I don't even think the OG was EVER this hyped. It cracks me up how many people want to come on here and claim they have this or that yet show NO PICTURES. I could care less who has the cut and who doesn't but come on man get it together. Let's see some documentation.

I'm especially curious about the ones who claim to have the OGKB. I'd like to see some more documentation on that cut as I know no one else that has it. Not saying it's an impossinbility but let's get some more pix of her if you have them people! I'm especially curious how she does in different environments and what kinda yields people are getting off her.

Even I never claimed my cut was GSC until I posted my results and all was said and done. It's funny how the people with the actual cut are the ones making no money off it. Yet everyone who CLAIMS to have the cut are the ones trying to make a million off her......


Haha! I just thought of somethin. My boy gave me a cut from harbor side he was stoked on..... SUPER PLATINUM GRANDADDY OG. I busted up... 'so whats the lineage?', "shit I dont know, I guess, probbly super grandaddy n platinum OG...".... HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
I been to harborside numerous times over the years, thats why I say FUCK harborside.

Anyway lookin kill over there Unknown!

LOL knowing harborside it's prob the blackwater from Cali connection.....


The revolution will not be televised.....
So you gotta post pics to have any knowledge or legitimacy on the subject?

Yeah it might be bigger but if you dont show us pics its prolly a fake!!


I find it humorous that you're trying to come at me with an intelligent passive aggressive tone, while obviously missing the ignorance in your dunning-kruger esque statements. You said my argument lacks merit, but then you go on to name the weed walmart as your source of cuts. And to date, 0 yes ZERO, have come forward and said I got the real cut from *** but MANY have said they bought over priced fakes.

I didn't state that Harborside was my source of cuts, I said a friend in my circle picked some up from there.

UnknownProphet said:
BTW FACTS are verified bits of information provided by experimentation, you my friend are going off hope and LABELS, not fact. And your observation is of a vegging plant so how are you going to claim it as such and such, without ever growing it to the end?

That's not entirely correct. You're description of "facts" has more to do with the Scientific Method and proving/disproving things, but that is not entirely a definition of what a FACT is.

Example: If I see a crazy homeless guy screaming on a streetcorner that he's the Governor of California, doesn't make him so. Jerry Brown is in fact the Gov, and therefore the homeless guy's statement is NOT a fact. However, if I were to witness that & then come and say "I saw a homeless guy on the corner, screaming he was the Governor of California" - then THAT is a fact.

Therefore IT IS FACT that HS was selling cuts LABELED as Platinum GSC, however, as you call can agree - that does not make the cut Platinum GSC just because the sticker on the tray said so.

I never said there was a Platinum that was different. I said HS sold something labeled Platinum, and upon visual inspection it appears similar to "GSC" - likely what's referred to here as the ogkb cut.

UnknownProphet said:
And what happened to your Animal? Love how that somehow just failed to be mentioned even though it's the only one I'd care about. To this point it's kinda like you're like a kid at show and tell failing to show, so put up and I will happily retract everything and everyone can point and laugh.

No show & tell, I didn't come to show off. I just offered a tidbit of info of what was being vended at HS - that's all! I have no dog in this fight.

However, there are slick & sly little comments that appear to be addressed to me, yet nobody is specifically calling me out by name. (Abja Roots - your post is what I'm referring to here, but you're not the only one).

Look, I get it. This is an online forum, I'm the new guy, no rep, no pics, nobody here that knows me. I didn't mean to cause confusion or e-guments, just offered up a tidbit of info.

Sorry to get everyone riled up.


Girl scout cookies are good , great .Im going to drive 1/2 way up the cali coast , & spend $40 , or $50 for a cut .But id rather have fire og or chem dog .
Girl scout cookies are damn good but not holy grail , not even in the kush catagory.


The platnum cut that I smoked looked , & smoked about the same , but the platnum cut was a little lighter in colour , & stronger in effect.

Could have been the same cut grown better , but as a buyer I prefer the platnum.The club in san ysidro that sold me the platnum that I bought told me that the platnum was girl scout cookies crossede back to the cherry pie ..............Who knowes , i,ve never known co-ops to be verry knoladgable or correct about there facts (ever)


Active member
I just got off the phone with my boy and he has a ton of pollen from some nice elite strains. Some reversed but mostly males. Sounds like I might be making some GSC crosses with my outdoor. Time to research how to do this without getting a fully seeded crop.....

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
I said HS sold something labeled Platinum, and upon visual inspection it appears similar to "GSC" - likely what's referred to here as the ogkb cut.

However, there are slick & sly little comments that appear to be addressed to me, yet nobody is specifically calling me out by name. (Abja Roots - your post is what I'm referring to here, but you're not the only one).

That's exactly what I was talking about. What makes you think it's the OGKB cut? What makes you think they have any of the cuts? How are you making that leap? We know the person who has that cut. They have not spread it at all. The forum cut got spread. Not the OGKB cut. Stop spreading misinformation and conjectures.

To all the TOYS: I'm not being slick or sly. I just don't argue with children. If you mention harborside as your source...you're a toy. If you talk about Platinum and Thin Mint....you're a toy. If you mention having a cut that's not even out of our circle....you're a toy. Probably best to just read, learn, and ask questions. One day you might have something to share.


I know for a fact now after growing the GSC cut that prop has that platinum cookies is just well done cookies...And the platinum cookies i'm reffering to is from green door.


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
My outdoor GSC (sorry I am not a professional photographer), I will refrain from saying where I got this cut, needless to say THAT person is dah shit and a totally cool person and I have no reason not to believe him/her. Enjoy....I am probably not trimming or topping it correctly but looking forward to seeing the end result.

It is in a 45 gallon Smartpot in my backyard ..lol with about 60 other plants!

BTW- this cut was given to me for free also!

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