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Red Dwarf (1st Ever Grow)


Nice grow log you got going here. Looking healthy so far and Im sure they will love the new light when you get it for them.

I have 3 WHITE Dwarf Fems going right now under 150w HPS two at day 35 from seed and one at day 30. Already getting super fat and crystally, buds are the best looking and densest I have grown yet. Last grow was with a 400w MH all the way through flowering and the buds were big but airy and super lightweight. I was disappointed...

Anyways, good luck and Ill be checking back every so often to see how they are doing!

Hey cheers for dropping by, im looking into setting up a 200wHPS for my next grow, these dwarfs even tho they are small they kick off some amount of funky smelling skunk odour. man its getting me all revved up cant wait for my first big harvest lol :p


Right heres a lil update, still been skint so not had a chance to buy my new cfl bulb for the flowering stage yet but its asap on my todo list lol.

Im at 32 days from seed right now and looking healthy (i think)

So here they are together, the smaller one has started bushing out quite a bit today so im expecting a thick plant off her but not much in height but its all good lol :p

Also as its ready start flowering i thought id take some pics of the budsites and they are throwing up hairs big time man

Comments and advice please guys????

P.S. lamp got a bit too close to the leaves at one part of the plant, i think i caught it in time what do you guys reckon??

Cheers for checkin in folks



New member
looking good mate not long now mate then buzzzzzzzzzz lol would not worry about that on the leaves mate its all good .. what seeds were they and did ya get them online ??


Just noticing some slight yellowing on a couple of the tips closest to the light, thought it might be a N def but its only on one side of the plant so...?

what do you reckon my yield will be from the pics so far bro?


Ive learned soo much in this grow i already cant wait to get my hands stuck into the next one, getting a bit ahead of myself i know lol


Thanks for the compliment nbk29. No theres a headshop near me that sells them as "souvenirs" lol. got 5 feminized red dwarf seeds from buddah seeds for 30 gbp ( around $42 us)

germed 3 and kept 2 aside to play with after i got my initial grow under my belt. :)


New member
i am new to the autoflower scene as well...but from the reading i have done so far, i have found out that u should start and finish ur autos in the pot they will grow from beggining and the pot size should be average 5-7litres. The taller the pots the better for the roots of the autos as they tend to go as deep as they can and then start growing.
big healthy roots = bigger better plant


They have been quite good to me to start off with, im liking them alot, also ive heard that for possible outdoor grows in scotland autos would work best, im thinking of maybe setting up a lil stealth outdoor grow and see if i can compete with my indoor grow to see what variables make for a better high


New member
nice... you are lucky for having that shop near you.... :)
I can only fidn something like that on the net....and i dont know who to trust.
There is a thread in IC called autoflower buyers guide.
very helpfull!!!


Well actually there are 3 shops near me, they all sell bongs and grinders etc but they have a small but varied selections of seeds available too. I cant wait to experiment with different varieties


New member
Sun is always the best!!!
all the other are substitutes imo...
though the place have to have consistent sun for as many hours as possible....
i reckon ur outdoor will do better.... :)
cant wait to see the results allready!!


haha dont get ahead of me, im waiting till i finish this grow so that'll be about another month, then im gonna start to look into it but i cant wait to try man :p


its a 400w red spectrum cfl with a built in ballast bro. should be sweet for flowering those buds up biiiig


yeah i know, im worried about the yellowing at the tips, now starting to appear on the lower leaves at different parts of the plant, a yellow tip at the edge of the serrated leaves.

Any thoughts on how to remedy this??


Ok guys im seeing some serious yellowing now on the tips of most of the lower half of the larger plant, everything i have read suggests this is a Nitrogen deficiency.

Cash is pretty tight at the minute, is there a low budget (verry low) solution to this?? Please need some help with this.

one thing you said your getting a 400w cfl where did you find this at because last i seen you can only get 250w cfl's...i hope your not judging it on equivalency ratings because thats totaly wrong you judge it on how much power the light draws not its equivalency....good luck though dont want you to be like im using 400w and getting shit yeild when your really only using 85w