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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
This is funny...I bet it really upsets you that rappers created gsc. One thing i know for sure is they have access to better cuts and more resources than you. Stop being a hater and ignorant...its only herb. Rappers grow herb too, plus they get show money. They do it far bigger than 99.9% on this board...plain and simple. Lmao

Holy Fuck....

If THAT isn't the MOST ignorant post in this thread.....


ICMag Donor
bad example huh?

kinda like saying, "We have seen, time and time again - an S1 of a poly-hybrid DOES NOT result in a plant that is any more true to the mother than if you had taken a choice male to it. It does NOT breed a true offspring...period."

without taking the time to discern....lol

I won't get into it with you - Next time you quote ME - make sure you include my name in said quote....

AND YES - I AM CORRECT - A POLY-HYBRID will NOT yield TRUE offspring. Perhaps you need to understand the terms and how they relate to biology.

Perhaps you need to sit down and study the Punnet Square...

Perhaps you need to learn the difference between dominant, recessive, and PREPOTENT.

Perhaps you need to learn the difference between visible expression and how that relates to an allele being present within a chromosome...

Perhaps you just need to learn something - ANYTHING AT ALL - before you make statements that are COMPLETELY unfounded.

I KNOW exactly what I said - and what I said is correct.

Go educate yourself....



Just Say Grow
Rapping and growing could be a great mix. Studies have shown music helps plants grow.
I've heard about music that has high amounts of bass(hip-hop) are capable of fooling a plant into thinking that there is thunder/a storm on it's way therefore prematurely closing stomata....could be total bs, I have no source for it just something I remember hearing/reading and thought it made some sense....but my ladies love to bump...i think lol


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have had excellent results with Peyote Purple S1. I have grown allot of this line. it's very stable and grows like a IBL. All of the plants I have grown from this line are so identical you would think they where clones.. This is why I used it in my crosses. The CBG guys did a excellent job working this line... I will try s1 seeds of certain strains to work with..

I found a male S1 and used it to make pp s2 this is a later project..

I took my PP s1 mom hit her with my Querkle stud. I ditched the original pp mom. I found here offspring to be better. Now I have a normal M/F line to work with...


Active member
OrganicBuds & whadeezlrg,

There were studies on certain sounds and plant growth. It had to do with specific frequencies around 5000 Hz.
Here is the Peer Reviewed Primary Article explaining it in detail:

Full Article @ Effect of sound stimulation on cell cycle of chrysanthemum
@ http://musique-pour-soigner-les-pla...timulation_on_cell_cycle_of_chrysanthemum.pdf

There is a product called the Biowave, which is supposed to replicate those frequencies. However most of the posts I've read of people using it with cannabis said it Hermied their plants... lol, so be careful with testing that out.

BioWave (How It Works): http://www.biowaveindustries.com/science.htm
Sonic Bloom: http://www.originalsonicbloom.com/
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Talking to or singing to your plants does one thing and one thing only...produces co2 for them. When working in smaller rooms that are sealed to some extent you will notice the co2 levels will rise a few hundred ppm just from working in the room for a while. I find it much easier to provide co2 by using a propane burner than talking to them though ;)


Active member
increasing Co2 obviously helps, but these products are basically speakers that play computerized sounds around the 5000 Hz range - which stimulates cell growth in plants and many people say turns cannabis plants into hermies (not 100% confirmed - would be nice to see more people test it out, but hopefully on smaller grows - don't risk ruining your whole setup).

Totally different than singing to your plants, I dunno if you would be able to hit the 5000 Hz range with vocal tones, they are subsonic =P

They found Intense Metal Music worked better than classical when trying different genres of music - however the most effective way is to use computer generated Frequency Tones that give the plants the exact tones they need for increased cell growth. I was interested in this a while back, but all the hermi stories with cannabis turned me off.

Here is one of the products:
BioWave (How It Works): http://www.biowaveindustries.com/science.htm
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ICMag Donor
Sound waves are vibrations - these vibrations "stir / shake" the plant. Much the same way a slight breeze will rustle the stems and strengthen them a bit...

The sound waves, when at the right frequency to cause vibrations in the air - stimulate a plant in much the same manner as a slight breeze...

So yes, a single tone / frequency can be used for this purpose - micro vibrations.

Many folks into sub woofers or bass / car audio - download TONE GENERATORS - and they are free - to help get an audio system dialed in to optimum performance.


I used to use this program to bang out 110 db out of a two Polk Momo 12" - used to drive the boys with the 15's just crazy.... ;)

Out of curiosity dank.frank, do you know if there is a certain type of music that is better for the plants? I have been to a few peoples rooms and some have rap,some classical and some none at all. Thanks in advanced


ICMag Donor
Music has nothing to do with it at all - it has to do with specific frequencies which cause harmonic vibrations and resonance... fwiw.

And that frequency is actually different under given atmospheric pressures...

The key for car audio - was to take a a cup of water and play a single frequency - and gauge the ripple effect in the water to a point where the ripples actually "jump" back to center causing an effect similar to a water spout.

The real point though, was to fine tune your crossovers to each set of speakers to ensure you had proper balance.

Completely side tracking here....lol....

It doesn't seem as if that NCH program is free anymore - not too sure - so sorry if I just posted a sales link - that wasn't the intent...

But you can literally FEEL the sound waves kinda scramble your insides when you have the right frequency(s) - it can be quite uncomfortable. Sounds can be played by the right speakers that our ears can't detect, but that our bodies can feel - and that is an even odder experience.



that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
But about the selling of the medications-> Im totally flabbergasted at the number of choices. Is there any doubt that GSC is the thing to have or is it just on Icanna?


Is it really one of the growers that is hyping the strain, or a friend...

or is it a very influential smoker who knows the heads who know the heads who likes the strain and makes the grower?

To me that stuff looks amazing... when will it get to a Big Cup???????????


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There are many strains that are just as good as GSC.. I pop seeds this is the only way to find the next generation of keepers.. The more hype the more money they make before the next one is hyped....


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I tried some Lemon Pledge the other month... that stuff was like Blue Dream on mushrooms.

Yeah, like isn't it dangerous it keep breeding those elites with other elites? Aren't you risky sending the legend parent into obscurity?


Active member
dank.frank is right on.

There are ones for people, that will increase your mental bandwidth and focus (Works so well with good cannabis - It's like that on-point introspective high)
Been using them since college.

Have you ever used binaural beats like Hemi Sync or Brain Sync? They are absolutely incredible... I listen to em every night - truly life changing...

You listen to it with headphones, and it creates full bilateral communication between both sides of your brain (Connects both hemispheres instantly) using which ever brain wave state you want (alpha, beta, delta, gamma etc).

Basically if splits the signal/sound in half and puts half through your left ear and the other half through your right ear. As a result your brain has to connect both hemispheres to hear the tone as a whole, and the difference in Hz between the left vs right ear creates the mental state (so if it was 60 hz (left) and 70 Hz (Right) you would get a 10Hz binaural Beat which would be in the Delta range. It's like auditory focus and clarity that you just sleep through and wake up in the best state. Or put them on while getting tasks done.

Here is one for people to check out if they are interested (Improve Your Brain Power) - Using High-Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta Frequencies:

Brain Sync (Brain Power - Binaural Meditation Part 1 of 3)
Brain Sync (Brain Power - Binaural Meditation Part 2 of 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyyihnlMaDs&feature=plcp
Brain Sync (Brain Power - Binaural Meditation Part 3 of 3) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX52QRMJ6AU&feature=plcp
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The sound waves, when at the right frequency to cause vibrations in the air - stimulate a plant in much the same manner as a slight breeze...

So yes, a single tone / frequency can be used for this purpose - micro vibrations.


I think I'll pick up an oscillating fan and leave the stereo on the shelf. LoL


Active member
All sounds produce vibrations in the air.
That is what sound is!
Just thought it was a worthwhile clarification. ..
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