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Girl Scout Cookies

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ICMag Donor

Tower we got roots and new growth ready to take off on runway 215!



OP don't let the trolls get to you, your pics and info have been most helpful in avoiding a major clusterfuck for myself and others.

Stay safe


Have still yet to try some Cookies. Eventually. Some friends are growing it and am sure I'll get a sample sooner rather than later. Was traveling and had to take this pic. For all the Cookie lovers out there! Even Cookie cupcakes go for more than 'regular' cupcakes lol.



Anybody know any clubs that are selling cookies in the bay area?

usually bpcc on telegraph has some, purple elephant delivery is supposed to have a great batch now and then.

check out weedmap$.com ( i replaced the s with the $), lets you search a lot of clubs


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This thread is one of my favorite and least favorite places to stop by. I'm medical in Oregon, but clubs are still sketchy up here and no one has ever heard of the GSC at all. Would kill for a bag of this stuff at any cost, but probably wont see any for a couple years if ever. :( guess Ive got a case of serious nug envy lol


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Here is a GSC that has given up a couple cuts already and is giving up a few more Sunday. Then another week of veg and I am flipping her.

GS Cookies are alive and well in the boondocks of the northeast U.S.A.


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This is a great thread,the spread of the cookies around the nation is epic.They seem to be everywhere.:)I love good California pot, always have, always will.


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How to validate that you have the real cut?


I had a couple question I think you would have good insights on. It refers to the mutant 3's and 4's fan leaf structure found on some of the fan leaves of the cut OGKushBreath has.

Supposedly this is the real cut, that a lot of lesser quality S1/hermied seed version originated from - Is this true, at least that it is the real original cut that he has? Is this a good way to distinguish if someone has the real cut based on some of the fan leaves having 3 or 4 leaves, while others are full?

I'll use a pic by OGKushBreath to illustrate it:


You can see his 3/4 fan leafers here. The 1st one is on the middle far right (with a pink hue on the stem a 3 leaf), and the other is juxtaposed on the other side (a 4 leaf - 3 + 1 tiny small side blade).

That is the same exact leaf structure I got in early veg, and when I started flowering early. My mom has gotten rid of most of them, and is generally putting out full five leafers at this point - with the occasional 3/4.

A pic of Ickis's
Vegging GSC Cut that shows the same 3/4 leaf mutations:


On the sidebranch at the bottom right area you can clearly see his cut has the same leaf structure I'm talking about, With the 3 leaf structure - and on the left there are some 4 leaf structures (3 + 1 small side blade), Where its missing the second small fan blade.

What can you say about this trait in relation to the real GSC cut?

Thanks so much in advance..

Dank Regards,



Active member
Hey there Biohazzard. I can't identify different clones 100% even after I have grown them a couple years. LOL! I can basically tell some things. Like I can pick out The White from a bunch of different chems. However, I can't tell early in veg with 100% certainty which is Chem D, Chem 4 or whatever. I can but wouldn't bet on it. I am a very careful labeler. I label everything or I am screwed. I marvel at the people who can identify stuff. There are some people who are just good at it and some better than others.

I do know certain things to look for that can tell me what cuts are what. The question you ask is one of those things. However, it has more to do with being an OG Kush or having OG Kush in the make-up.

Three finger leaves are a common characteristic of some OG's. They usually have 3 or 4 fingers leaves early in veg and then as they get older they start the 5 finger leaves and usually stay around 5 but they can get 7.

When you see cuts that were just rooted and somebody started to veg them you can see some 5 finger leaves and the very bottom and then all 3-4 finger leaves until 6-7 internodes where 5 finger leaves dominate.

The reason you see 5 finger leaves at the bottom is because these were top cuts when they were taken and had 5 finger leaves. Now they are vegging and growing 3 finger leaves.

I do the best I can sourcing stuff from reliable people then I just post the pics. You find out soon enough if you got the real deal.

You can't go by one thing really. You have to look at several things. leaf shape and color can change a lot from environment to environment and fertilizers to different fertilizers. You have to kinda go through a strain specific flow chart.

Like red leaf stems vs green leaf stems

Indica leaf vs mixed leaf vs sativa leaf

3 finger leaves 5 finger leaves 7 finger leaves

I think the one you need to have to know you have a chance at having GSC is red stem leaves

Then if you have red stem leaves and have 3-4 finger leaves you have more of a chance

The buds might be the final answer though.

Plus somebody will be able to tell.
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