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gh 3 part nutes???


just switched to botanicare about 2 weeks ago from GH Flora Nova and am considering switching back right now, too much complication for my bones.


Active member
I dont know if i agree with pirate on the ec meter(beleive me I wish I had one ) but you can wing it .The other thing i have read here a cheap meter can get you in trouble as well.The other thing i dont agree with is the luck part I"m personally on day 40 of flower with a 6 thunk scrog going in an 18 gallon res.and they are loving it.Lucas formula can be done with no meter read his thread.You may be going to the infimary but not to post check out mynamestichs guide every thing youll need to know about defs. is there.I would almost bet your biggest enemy is going to be the 5 gallon buckets the ph is going to be tough to control.The biggest key to no meter in IMO is res changes .I use an 18 gallon tub at 0-3-6 and change it out every 10 days.Yeah I know I probably use more nutes than the average grower but my ph ranges fron 5.5 -6.3 they gotta have a swing.watch your girls they will tell you what they need.
Somewere in lucas's thread he gives a list of supplys 1 being a tub versus a bucket.i personally think this is the key to his formula when no meter is used .To bad my cameras down or I could post a pic of pure luck.
I do agree a meter is an important tool get one when the funds allow it (but theres no luck involved without one as long as you watch whats going on) .
Read the threads by lucas
read stiches guide to sick plants
freezerboys diarys (very entertaing and usefull)
Use the KISS method
Get a tub
Just my 2 cents


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I dont know if i agree with pirate on the ec meter(beleive me I wish II do agree a meter is an important tool get one when the funds allow it

I remember being a starving student. No money is no money. I also think a careful eye could see you through. However, without my Truncheon, you're using nutes 2-3 times faster than I am (0-8-16 vs 0-3-6). Next two times you buy nutes, remember I'm still using my first bottle. Multiply that savings by 20-30-40 years and a meter starts to look pretty cheap.
cutting down on the recurring expenses, especially nutrients, not only benefits our environment but our pocketbooks as well.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
How long do they last on the shelf? Years if stored right. The Micro can fall out of solution. Never seen the Bloom do that. I buy Bloom in twice the amount as Micro because that's how it gets used.

How long do they last in the res till you need to flush and replace? Some never do. My Thunk was dialed in. Most often I topped the res with plain tap water. After say 13 weeks, I started seeing deficiencies. I drained and started a new batch that lasted till the end of the grow.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
I dont know if i agree with pirate on the ec meter(beleive me I wish I had one ) but you can wing it .The other thing i have read here a cheap meter can get you in trouble as well.The other thing i dont agree with is the luck part I"m personally on day 40 of flower with a 6 thunk scrog going in an 18 gallon res.and they are loving it.Lucas formula can be done with no meter read his thread.You may be going to the infimary but not to post check out mynamestichs guide every thing youll need to know about defs. is there.I would almost bet your biggest enemy is going to be the 5 gallon buckets the ph is going to be tough to control.The biggest key to no meter in IMO is res changes .I use an 18 gallon tub at 0-3-6 and change it out every 10 days.Yeah I know I probably use more nutes than the average grower but my ph ranges fron 5.5 -6.3 they gotta have a swing.watch your girls they will tell you what they need.
Somewere in lucas's thread he gives a list of supplys 1 being a tub versus a bucket.i personally think this is the key to his formula when no meter is used .To bad my cameras down or I could post a pic of pure luck.
I do agree a meter is an important tool get one when the funds allow it (but theres no luck involved without one as long as you watch whats going on) .
Read the threads by lucas
read stiches guide to sick plants
freezerboys diarys (very entertaing and usefull)
Use the KISS method
Get a tub
Just my 2 cents
I do agree with JM420 to a point. I am sure there are those that can wing it and manage a crop. However, MOST will not be able to visually diagnose PPM levels, PH fluctuations, Rez temperatures, ETC based on a plant reactions alone. It would seem FAR more complicated and time consuming to refer to many "Threads, guides,diaries, etc" just to manage ones reservoir when a simple dip of the meter will confirm or deny the suspected problem as far as the rez goes.

If your new to growing (or not).............Get a meter and save yourself a ton of headache. Knowing where your rez is at all times will allow you to move on to the MANY other issues that will arise from growing. When someone comes to ICMAG for advice on an issue whats the first questions everyone wants to ask? Whats your PH? Whats your PPMs / EC?

Although Lucas would say you could "GET BY" without a meter, I would bet my life he would say its an important tool to the grower.

Your gonna spend a shit load of money to maintain your grow room. A meter is small insurance and piece of mind in the overall picture.

I agree that there are those that can swing by without the PROPER tools. But I believe it is bad advice for most. (no disrespect meant to JM420) :smile:


Active member
I'm not trying to say do it with no meter just that it can be done.It is definitely the most important tool you can have.I think some of us jump into the hydro without enough research and by the time you realize a meter is needed your budgets blown.Thats my case anyhow


Strain Whore Extraordinaire!
well yeah it can be done im doing it now,so far... I'm sure it could very well be A different story with blooming.
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Active member
We know it can be done Im in bloom and things are going good .I do agree a meters a must have .Thates aslo a couple others lurking around that dont own or use a ec meter and claim they have been doing it for years.But I'll gurantee they have some kind of test kit for ph and monitor temps .If I was using 0-8-16 to 0-3-6 I was definately using double the nutes but I was having probs.Thats when I stumbled on Freezerboys thread (Thanks to lil wayne).It worked in my case.Yes it takes time to figure out problems but I personaly don't mind reading and searching ,to me its part of the high.Btw freezerboy what did you pay for the bluelab ?I hear thats the best bang for your buck.Also I saw on another thread you werent sure of the terms. and I think the terms you were looking for were macronutreints,and micro,See reading is fundamental ..I'm not trying to be a ballbuster.but I look at it this way If you want to build a house you need a hammer(but a rock might do),If you cut a peice of wood a saw woks best (but a drill and a file can do the same).If you Succeed in the long run and the results are good ,No probs .If the house falls down buy a hammer and sawzall LOL.If you dont have the funds to get a meter keep on keeping on.BTW you can call your town they will tell you ec,tds etc...then you know a base point in my case it means no cal-mag.
Green Thumb!!! Go to the products web site....They usually have a guide for beginner and novice use of their products..

I know this because I use the expert program for re-circulating from the site


Active member
BTW any threads out the on a ec meter debate?Even better a study on wich worked better I'm sure the meter would win out .but I'll read it any way


Active member
S.C. GH wont recognize the Lucas formula Its basically known to us growers.As well as the fact they want you to buy the grow.


So far I like what Pirates had to say the most .
There's so much N in Micro = Grows just about useless .

I liked 3 part so much I bought the 6 gal. jugs of Micro and Bloom . If stored in a cool dark place It lasts a good 6 years .

I even use it in my soil grows , but at 1/2 strength every other watering , and jack the PH up a lil .

I only use a cheap PPM pen and PH pen that I do calibtate often , I've never owned an EC meter ? Aren't EC and PPM kinda the same thing ?

DON'T go by Gen. Hyds. calculator, like previously mentioned !!!! It only = hurry back and buy more , and lotsa burnt / dead plants :mad:



Active member
well x welcome to the debate and I do think prate among others have more exp than me.I only used the calc. cuz someone mentioned it .Its not a bad thing though.... everyone needs a baseline in the begining and then to grow as that person acclumates to there situation,I already put out the is it TDS = Ec or is it ppm that = ec or is it the same?Once again I watch my girls and they tell me .A plant doesn't know how to lie,I also mentioned that these company's want$,I personally will go by eye before buying a cheap meter>3 meters at 30 $ = 1 grow .Btw I live 3 miles from the Hannah plant in woonsocket RI you should see the garbage they throw out mostly the pens that have been returned.
I think thats why Lucas formula works DON"T GO BY THE BOTTLES SPECS it = corporate greed BTW dont forget everyones grow and style is diffrent.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Btw freezerboy what did you pay for the bluelab ?I hear thats the best bang for your buck.Also I saw on another thread you werent sure of the terms. and I think the terms you were looking for were macronutreints,and micro

The EC Truncheon was about $130 delivered. 5 year warranty, no calibration required, 100% waterproof (floats), makes a great stir stick. DO NOT confuse it with the Bluelab pH Truncheon, universally despised as useless.

I think the term confusion you refer to was in an RO/distilled context. Trying to explain the importance of nutes other than NPK. Those needed in tiny quantities but essential none the less (molybdenum, manganese ...) There's a word for these: micro nutes, secondary elements, trace elements? I knew in my Salt Water days but that was in the 70s.

I only use a cheap PPM pen and PH pen that I do calibtate often , I've never owned an EC meter ? Aren't EC and PPM kinda the same thing ?

Vaguely. There is no such thing as a PPM meter. There are EC meters that display EC and there are EC meters that lie to you by withholding EC in favor of babel like PPM or TDS. Your garden is illiterate and doesn't care but, EC will allow you to be understood in conversation in a way PPM or TDS can't.