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HydroHut Syndrome?


Active member
yes they have acknowledged problems, and told me to take mine back....

how is your ventilation.... please elaborate in full detail how you exhaust/vent... thanks pedro48. by the way your plants look stellar!!!


Berry_Coughin' said:
yes they have acknowledged problems, and told me to take mine back....

how is your ventilation.... please elaborate in full detail how you exhaust/vent... thanks pedro48. by the way your plants look stellar!!!

Hi Berry:

I'm mystified by this issue. I woyuld think HH made all their huts from the same stock. But maybe not

Here is my setup:

My hut sits againnst the back bedroom/computer room wall there. I sit hours every day right where I was sitting to take this picture. 5-6 feet away. The room is a 9x11 room with a walk in closet. Temps never been an issue except in summer...and I used fans, pulled air off the floor, right on floor for supply.

On the left side I have a 95CFM Squirrel cage fan sold as a bathroom exhaust fan as a fresh air supply fan...to augment passive intake. It runs 24/7. It pulls in room air down low(cooler air) off that chair and blows it in the left, front side port.

My exhaust blower is a Dayton 465 and it sits just as you see it on that chair...and exhausts into the bedroom just like you see it. It runs 24/7 as well. My temps never go much above 80 and thats in the tent top by filter. Could temperatures be an issue here? People running big lights and heating up plastic, etc? I have a 400Watter. Heat will almost certainly make outgassing worse..if it is occuring.

This my carbon filter, on its 3rd grow. I need to change carbon out after this one. it leave that top right port on the huts back wall.

I hope this helps y'all

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Dr. Doolittle
Pedro, You had to of gotten ones that has still stocked up, because the people who have had theres for the past 6 months or a little more and bought it within that time frame has had the problems, so somewhere along the line they changed something, the manufacturer they get there stuff from has done something like not heating it up enough to help it off gas, or chemical changed something. You had to have one that was stocked up and made before this mess.


New member
my huts...

my huts...

i bought a hh mini in september from my local hydro store, put my vegged plants in it and they started yellowing within 3 days. i was using only a box fan inside circulating the air. temp was a bit above 80 i got a new hut wth white poles and an exhaust fan running 24/7, sucking out, not blowing in. temp never more that 80. since then i have wiped down the inside with postassium carbonate to react with any chlorine that might be leeching out of the vinyl. next step is washing down the old hut with soap and water and putting that around the new frame since its had 2 months to air out.. will keep u guys n gardeners posted.... hopefully i can clear all this bs up. peace n pot

Devan Delrey

New member
Hi. Bought my HH a yr ago, I'm using a 4" vortex fan pulling air through my light and exhausting into my high ceiling walk in closet. I keep a window open also. It's up high and pretty much pulls air out, fan runs 24 hrs as does the smaller fan I use for interior air movement. I have all the vents taped down with two left partially open for ventilation. I do not have any light problems as my night cycle is at night. I am also using a 4 inch duct in one of the supplied holes for venting also. Temperatures run in the 70's during the day and upper 60's at night. My closet is not climate controlled I am at the mercy of what nature has to offer me. My light is 600 watts. I'm in organic soil, organic nutes.
I wrote in the other post that I had returned my galvanized pole hut and got a painted pole hut. This did not fix the issue. My already dying plants have completely dropped their leaves and the smaller leaves are dying back from the tips inward. I felt I was over watering in the beginning, thought I was lacking phosphorus, cal or mag problems, ph . etc. Like alot of the others that have posted, I thought it was me. Three days ago I put in some healthy sage and sours. It's amazing how fast they declined. They began turning lime green the next day, the day after some of the leaves began yellowing and on the thrid day they were pretty much on the way to death or what I had seen happen before that leads to death. I took them out, put them back in to the veg chamber and today they are already looking better. Beats me. I know I've only been growing for a short time and that there can be so many other variables that could be effecting things. I've done my best to learn about those variables and have tried to correct any issues that had to do with soil drainage, watering and ph. I'll try one more time if this fails I'm done with my hut. I will be building a new one myself. Prolly should have done that first. Peace
Hi I bought my Hut around Aug 2007. I am using a 465CFM Vortex 6" blower throttled down to about half speed. My problems have occurred when I use my 1000W HPS in the hut, keeping the temps around 82-84F.

I had a 1.5 month period where i only used a 400W MH inside (temps around 72F) the hut and did NOT have problems during this time. However, as soon as I switched back on the 1000W HPS I immediately began having the yellowing leaves that die from the tip, very similar to several pics in these posts.

I will also state for the record that I had initial problems with the HUT, but built a separate room and have been using only the metal poles and the watertight floor, and have NOT been using the outer vinyl cover, yet have still had the problems just as severe as when I used the whole hut. I have been using the "barebones" hut for approx 2 months now.

So either the waterproof vinyl floor cover (that came with the HUT) puts off enough "off-gas" on it's own, or the poles are the culprit.

I have no other information to go on except personal experience and what I have read. Again I have NOT used the outer cover of the hut, only the poles and the vinyl floor cover and I am still having a severe reaction in my grow. Last night I removed ALL hut parts from my grow and I will see if it improves, however I am on day 51 on flower so there's not a lot of time to see!
1st Grow:Kali Mist

2nd Grow:LovePotion#1 (watermelon pheno)

3rd Grow:Orange Krush

4th Grow: Soma's New York City Diesel

5th Grow: Hogsbreath

6th Grow: KaliMist

Type of Hut: Mini and Deluxe

Type of lighting: Mini: 650w (250hps+400mh) Deluxe: (2000hps+600mh)

Ventilation Type: 2x450cfms pull air from the mini to the deluxe where it is vented out through an attic vent

Environmentals: Mini constant 73-77 (24/7). Deluxe Day: 73-77 Night 64-68

Humidity in both rooms 30-40%

How long have you had the hut? Summer 2005.

How many Grows? 6

Personally, I have hailed the HH since they debuted. I have yet to see one problem and have been amazed with the strength of construction. These are completly waterproof. I had left for the afternoon to come back to find my drain pump had died letting the system continue to pump and pump until it flooeded the system and I came back to find a 4" pool of water. If it were not for this system it would have flooded the whole house.

I have yet to see any of these problems mentioned. I have had these units for close to 3 years and now they look so rusted im suprised it still stands.

Are your plants showing deficiancies or are they entirely dying?

irie meditations,
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I just want to update this thread....I have had my plants in the Hydro Hut for about 3wks now and I dont see anything like the others...I do have some Nute issues going on but I believe that is self inflicted.

3 1/2 wks flowering now...


Active member
Makes me want to cry reading this.... was looking forward to getting my hut!!
Got the money burning a hole in my pocket! I called the hydro store that sells
the Hut's.. and ask about the problem... he said that he would not recommend
getting one now...although.. he said.... customers are having luck with a quick wash
down ... and three weeks of airing out the hut!

Damn... i should have ask about a discount :chin:


New member
Vinyl floor

Vinyl floor

I doubt it's the poles, but it could well be the vinyl floor. I have a tent with mylar lining, but a white vinyl floor, and I've had the same problems with plants yellowing and dying. On reading all this I have taken the floor out, and am testing the tent with a few plants at the moment - so far so good.

iLLperception said:
Hi I bought my Hut around Aug 2007. I am using a 465CFM Vortex 6" blower throttled down to about half speed. My problems have occurred when I use my 1000W HPS in the hut, keeping the temps around 82-84F.

I had a 1.5 month period where i only used a 400W MH inside (temps around 72F) the hut and did NOT have problems during this time. However, as soon as I switched back on the 1000W HPS I immediately began having the yellowing leaves that die from the tip, very similar to several pics in these posts.

I will also state for the record that I had initial problems with the HUT, but built a separate room and have been using only the metal poles and the watertight floor, and have NOT been using the outer vinyl cover, yet have still had the problems just as severe as when I used the whole hut. I have been using the "barebones" hut for approx 2 months now.

So either the waterproof vinyl floor cover (that came with the HUT) puts off enough "off-gas" on it's own, or the poles are the culprit.

I have no other information to go on except personal experience and what I have read. Again I have NOT used the outer cover of the hut, only the poles and the vinyl floor cover and I am still having a severe reaction in my grow. Last night I removed ALL hut parts from my grow and I will see if it improves, however I am on day 51 on flower so there's not a lot of time to see!


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
I had a hydro hut last spring that killed 20+ plants. Traded it in for a Jardin and have never looked back with zero problems.

I was just helping out a guy with a hut in another thread the last few days. He's got a Homebox killing his plants.

Its still an issue and I would suggest that everybody stop buying these huts to force the manufactures to FIX THE PROBLEM. :cuss:
