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Sour D IBL


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ICMag Donor
damn frosty nugs bro! I have to make time for sumpin by rez sometime soon!
how humid did it get in your room? i lost some blubonic(more than you lost) due to humidity and denseness of nugs.


fark! looks supreme, well done cali!
Hopefully ya wont get the mold issue next run and can let her go a few more days


Thanks for the replies everyone!

dirtdog-She's some of my favorite to smoke, and I smoke a bunch of weed

REZDOG-Woah woah the man himself ;) Thanks for checking it out rez, too bad you can't blaze a bowl with of this shit...Oh wait never mind haha

Highlighter-Yes dude, she is damaging, damaging to my lungs cuz I can't stop smoking her! If any strain makes you addicted and not wanna put the pipe down until your stoned and drop, it's this sour D!

subrob-Yo rob hows it been??? If you want sour it's yours man, just let me know. My humidity levels were shooting over 60% last grow I did, but I had many nugs in the room....This time only my sour D in there pretty much and I even have new night time fans. My humidity is probably reaching 60% or higher now still. I have planned on getting a dehumidifier for the whole room that my box is in, it's a small room so the box will love it and no more humidity problems at night hopefully. These nugs could have gotten a lot bigger I bet

stickynickyz-That's tight, I was lucky enough to have been gifted these bomb genetics. Thanks killa ;)

JeffSpicoli-Thanks spicoli, when are we gonna see your awesome shit??? I have some shit rooting right now, a few of these sour D ibl's as well ;)


right on Cali, for sure get that dehumidifier for next run, youll be stoked!
I actually finally bought some batteries for my camera, so i suppose i should get back in the mood of taken pics....
Ill have to wait until i take cuts before i flower any of my ladies, but some are alot further ahead then others... I got a couple little scraggly girls in flower right now, ill take a couple pics of those :)

so how much did you pull down total?
You just had that one tree?

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