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Getting bullied= Commiting S*icide?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
HZ...are you for real, or pulling my leg? Are you afraid of death? And
what are your thoughts about what happens after you die? I'm asking
because I'm not afraid of death, and for many, many years (~20)
I have been living with death-awareness. This vid is a good
explanation of what it means, in a condenced form.


Death is not something to avoidor deny, it is something to face and
be-friend, because it is truly what makes one appreciate life, and to
put a real value on it. Currently, common sense says that this life
is the only one we have, and once that moment comes...it's over
for good. This fear is why people make up all kinds of religions and
concepts about heaven, after-life, reincarnation, but this is BS,
the only thing that we can observe is that once we are gone, we
are gone for good.

I am only half kidding. I am not really worried about deaqth, because I wont know either way after it happens. no matter what it will all be just fine. the universe goes on. However I am not kidding at all about wanting to live as long as possible and see everything. I will take advantage of what ever life prolonging medical tech that I can. If meant a robot body then by god make me darth fucking vader for all care. as long as I can stay in this realm and chill. I love life, even bad days are good when you have your health.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
If I ever have a kid that gets bullied for his lunch, I'm putting in weed cookies, shrooms and a Sigmund Freud book. :D

Green lung

Active member
Timmy called me a turd on facebook waaaaaaaaaaa.

Lets set up a commision on bullying, make some more laws, put more americans in jail!.....woohooo America fuck yeah!


Active member
To a kid that has been raised with positive self esteem, and made to feel confident about who they are, and their own self worth, bullying is like water off a duck.


New member
A-Fucking-MEN Brother! Could not have said it better myself.

My message to the "depressed" regarding their BULLSHIT.

Kids, and Adults just need to Buck the fuck up, and get over themselves.

The next paragraph is what I say to myself when I get depressed at all. then I get to work at life and I feel better. Dwelling makes you more depressed. action and activity give you purpose. even if all you do is work at micky d's and own 40 cats at least you do something.

"Buck up HZ! dont be a vag. If you think you are having a bad day just think about kids in starving to death in Ethiopia, they have no meat on their bones, but there bellies are swollen because they are filled with gasses off put by their dissolving insides. Then think about being an eight year old kid sold into sex slavery in Thailand, think about the details. oh or think about living in a concentration camp in WWII.

then think about how bad your day actually is. did you fucking eat today. are you sleeping in a bed. no one cut off your limbs or shot at you today? do you have fucking electricity. if you answered yes to half of these then you need to shut the fuck up and stop complaining before I start calling you yummybud."

Cancer patients, and people that live with day to day physical pain can be depressed as much as they want though.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Don't get hung up on the little things in life..
because they are ALL little things...

Yeah I'll stick with this one short and sweet and to the point... but hey thanks... LOL...
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Active member
Timmy called me a turd on facebook waaaaaaaaaaa.

Lets set up a commision on bullying, make some more laws, put more americans in jail!.....woohooo America fuck yeah!

We need to change the inscription at the Statue of Liberty to read: Send us your weakling pussies...everyone's special here...


lives on planet 4:20
Don't get hung up on the little things in life...because they are ALL little things...

...maybe we should turn this into a thread with quotes for the folks
that are sitting on the "suicide" fence that would help them to
reconsider this decision and continue to strugle with the rest of us.

...quotes like "shit happens" and "life's a bitch, and the you die" are
not the most useful kind, so it's probably better to stick to something
like...the ones below, these are just examples of course:

1. “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein
2. “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” – Abraham Lincoln
3. “When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one which has opened for us.” – Alexander Graham Bell
4. “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition, they somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs
5. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience” – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
6. “We must not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time.” – T. S. Eliot
7. “There’s no next time. It’s now or never.”
8. “For every effect there is a root cause. Find and address the root cause rather than try to fix the effect, as there is no end to the latter.”
9. “When you don’t get what you want, you suffer. If you get it, you suffer too since you can’t hold on to it forever.” – Peaceful Warrior, on the fallacy of attachment
10. “There are no ordinary moments. There is always something going on.” – Peaceful Warrior
11. “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
12. Every moment you get is a gift. Spend it on things that matter. Don’t spend it by dwelling on unhappy things.
13. Everything around us is made up of energy. To attract positive things in your life, start by giving off positive energy.
14. Don’t put off living to next week, next month, next year or next decade. The only time you’re ever living is in this moment.
15. Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. – Mark Twain
16. Life is a gift. Never forget to enjoy and bask in every moment you are in.
17. The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced – Art Van Der Leeuw
18. “My life is my message.” – Gandhi
19. “If wrinkles must be written upon our brow, let them not be written upon the heart. The spirit should not grow old.” – James A. Garfield
20. “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.”
21. “In the beginning you will fall into the gaps in between thoughts – after practicing for years, you become the gap.” – J.Kleykamp (Regarding meditation)

...the source
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...maybe we should turn this into a thread with quotes for the folks
that are sitting on the "suicide" fence that would help them to
reconsider this decision and continu to strugle with the rest of us.

...quotes like "shit happens" and "life's a bitch, and the you die" are
not the most useful kind, so it's probably better to stick to something
like...the ones below, these are just examples of course:

...the source

nice post


A.) Depression is a true illness. It is true that they say most people don't understand depression because they have never truly gone through it and usually link "being down" or "having the blues" with depression...and there's a BIG fuckin' difference. Hash Zep, you are right...most of the situations in life require people to man up, quit bitchin and do better. There are some though who truly suffer from depression and it's not that easy.

I myself have depression bouts, there are triggers to it and some of them are within my control, and some aren't. I will admit some of it is truly my fault for just ignoring the signs (IE hibernating, smoking and hibernating, etc.) Loneliness fosters depression.

B.) No matter your situation in life, there really is no call for suicide. There are people who lose their entire families in a tragedy, lose their homes...lose everything...and they still don't commit suicide. This dude got embarrassed over an internet video and offed himself...STUPID. He decided he wanted to engage in gay sex and paid the price as society still, no matter what the 'progressives' will have you believe, looks down at homosexuality (I am a firm believer in sex being only between a man and a woman, not a woman and a woman or a man and a man...this is another debate though)


3rd-Eye Jedi
anyone here who thinks that how they perceive is how everyone must see the world lacks the basic understanding human biology, psychology

and I truly hope that anyone who thinks they should be able offend without consequence doesn't fucking bitch when indifference comes and undermines the quality of their lives


3rd-Eye Jedi
maybe less flowery language will educate the masses

i truly believe you are belligerent and apathetic if you think your view of the world was meant to define humanity

and yes i think you are a low life piece of shit if you interfere in another's life without consent and that is what cyber bulling is

internet pussies who dont have the balls to spew the same hate in real life

and all you holy than though pot heads that think you got your lives together talking like authorities of the life of others like you have found all the answers

LOL most of you cant live without pot so how fucking strong are your minds really?

or have you simply found a "medicine" that gets you through your day and thus have forgotten what it is to think and feel

sounds like a bunch of iconoclast hypocrites who have sold themselves on their own righteousness

id love to know how intact your personal lives and the interactions with ones you have known and loved have come to play out over the years

im sure its relative to your capacity for compassion

you reap what you sow so dont cry the fucking blues when it comes back to you


Active member
anyone here who thinks that how they perceive is how everyone must see the world lacks the basic understanding human biology, psychology

and I truly hope that anyone who thinks they should be able offend without consequence doesn't fucking bitch when indifference comes and undermines the quality of their lives

So I'm supposed to worry what YOU think? Why? Why should I care about you? I have my life to live and you may/may not ever be a part of it. I'm NOT talking about bullying here...more in general about your statement.

I perceive reality as I see it...how else is there?

I've been picked on, and I've picked on others. It's HOW society works. Chickens do it, it's called the pecking order.

I "understand" all too well "how it works"...you apparently don't. You think we should bow down to those who are "inferior"...so they can feel good about themselves? I'm a strong personality...always have been. Unfortunately, my size didn't fit. Not Napoleon, but not the Governator either. If you don't like getting fucked with...you HAVE to either move away...or stand up. You can't get "mommy", the government, or anyone else to artificially elevate your social position. Position is earned...not given...barring a very fortuitous birth.

Don't be so thin skinned...and or...fuck right back at them. If you're a kid in HS...and you're weak...you just have to tough it out. Get an education, and become their boss.

But I doubt that's you...you wouldn't be here talking to us stoners...which means you're probably NOT one of the kids that get's picked on.

Some people are just weaker than others..it happens.

Unfortunately, "friendship" seems to always go "up hill". What I mean is we always try to befriend people we think are cool...cooler (better) than ourselves. They however don't care about us...because they're trying to befriend someone cooler than themselves. It's always someone "lesser" than ourselves who want to be with us all the time.

Some people are at the bottom...it's life. What can you do?

Social politics and how to survive socially needs to be a continuing subject with age appropriate skills taught along the way. I mean seriously...did anyone teach you how to get along? It was trial and error for me. Make it a part of health education. Along with "why is my penis getting hard when I think about Mary Jane?" We need to start being HONEST with ourselves and our kids. But then, how would they be able to manipulate and control us?

just my opinion...not directed to you personally...


3rd-Eye Jedi
So I'm supposed to worry what YOU think? Why? Why should I care about you? I have my life to live and you may/may not ever be a part of it. I'm NOT talking about bullying here...more in general about your statement.

in the privacy of your own home be how you choose, outside of your personal domain you have societal obligations

I perceive reality as I see it...how else is there?

that other can have the same privilege, freedom to enjoy their relative reality without you trying to bias it or influence it with unwelcoming energies

I've been picked on, and I've picked on others. It's HOW society works. Chickens do it, it's called the pecking order.

no its called passing the apathetic buck, and the weak would try to fashion human society to that of barnyard fowl, the upright do something else

I "understand" all too well "how it works"...you apparently don't.

understand what?

that you can try to justify injecting unwanted negative energy into another's negligently and justify it because it has happened to you

thats how child molesting is perpetuated through generations

you seek the lowest common denominator because you can only think to lower yourself to the actions of others

You think we should bow down to those who are "inferior"...so they can feel good about themselves?

so you are now a judge of what makes humanity valuable?

I embrace equality and diversity, it holds no threat to my being, as your comments speak volumes about yours

I'm a strong personality...always have been. Unfortunately, my size didn't fit. Not Napoleon, but not the Governator either.

so because you are status quo you have accepted the world around you must maintain the status quo.

If you don't like getting fucked with...you HAVE to either move away...or stand up.

what does this have with the cause and effect of abuse?

the point is that physical abuse is not necessary to destroy a life, and that an uninvited and illegal action from others (like taping someones experimental gay sex) is no different a violation in the end

its no different than a rape victim. is a rape victim weak if they take their own life in shame?


but that is the effective reaction due to another's action, so which should be judged?

[/quote] You can't get "mommy", the government, or anyone else to artificially elevate your social position. Position is earned...not given...barring a very fortuitous birth.

only if you paint every person in society as a pathetic miscreant

fortunately there is much good and right in the world that it keeps a balance, because if it were as stark as you claim it to be the world would be far darker place

there are many people who have enough good in their live that they feel it proper to share

obviously you have not experienced this yet, but trust me this does exist

Don't be so thin skinned...and or...fuck right back at them. If you're a kid in HS...and you're weak...you just have to tough it out. Get an education, and become their boss.

But I doubt that's you...you wouldn't be here talking to us stoners...which means you're probably NOT one of the kids that get's picked on.

? i have no idea what point you are trying to relay

I am here because pot is the medicine I rely on to keep my emotions from overtaking my thoughts, I do this because as a life long manic depression

due to my disease I have catharsis to those with similar emotional experience

i have been on both sides of the coin, and I would a mortgage I can dish it and take it far better than 99.99% of the world

just because I can be good at being bad doesn't mean I need to do so

my point about pot is that because we have found something to stabilize us doesn't mean that others have or should even have to

it means you should be grateful for your own fortune and perhaps share it if you can, but by no means share the discord you experience unless you want it to continue to perpetuate, because that is what our actions do

perpetuate the energies in the world

Some people are just weaker than others..it happens.

and those who truly posses strength don't need to prey on the weak

even in prison there is some measure of honor

if they caught you preying on the weak and defenseless (kids), they prey on you

even the criminal understand the basic precepts of right and wrong in this regard

Unfortunately, "friendship" seems to always go "up hill". What I mean is we always try to befriend people we think are cool...cooler (better) than ourselves. They however don't care about us...because they're trying to befriend someone cooler than themselves. It's always someone "lesser" than ourselves who want to be with us all the time.

in your world, people are better or worse.

in mine all things are relative

its not a new concept

"dont judge a man till you walk a mile in his moccasins"

Some people are at the bottom...it's life. What can you do?

not prey on them like a conscienceless animal for one

if your confident in your capacity to meet your own needs you might be able to afford them some compassion

the opposite of compassion is indifference

Social politics and how to survive socially needs to be a continuing subject with age appropriate skills taught along the way. I mean seriously...did anyone teach you how to get along? It was trial and error for me. Make it a part of health education. Along with "why is my penis getting hard when I think about Mary Jane?" We need to start being HONEST with ourselves and our kids. But then, how would they be able to manipulate and control us?

just my opinion...not directed to you personally...

i allow you to direct it to me and i will tell you why

i was you, and now i have grown past the passing the buck to the personal empowerment that comes with not conforming to the mainstream

the thing that put pot heads in prison and unites us, that is our refusing to conform to what society deems is wrong is no different than breaking away from the incumbent american mantra

pass the buck, who the fuck cares, as long as i get mine

same defective programming that exists in lemmings

but really dont get offended by my observations, be empowered by them

we dont have to accept the the mainstream

pot thrives today because we refused to allow it to not be a part of our lives

this being said, why do should I pledge allegiance to indifference when I have the choice to stand for what I believe in?

and if standing for what you believe in has made many things today possible why should I be faithless that it would cease to continue to make a difference i regards to apathy?

like you said we have to educate and teach and we all experience the unfolding experience of life

so what is it that you want to teach

life is meaningless and hopeless or the converse?

i think the case for each is determined by how we desire to see the world

the operative word being desire

but like i said dont get bent its not a judgement of your value just an observation of the cause and effect involved

i think this whole mindset is a necessary part of changing how we think and feel by embracing cannabis use as a long term therapy

first we abandon the mainstream (or babylon as I like to refer to it) for our relationship with cannabis

then the layers of the onion start to peel and the truth continues to be revealed

at least thats my take on it