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Getting bullied= Commiting S*icide?


Trying to have a good day
in the privacy of your own home be how you choose, outside of your personal domain you have societal obligations

that other can have the same privilege, freedom to enjoy their relative reality without you trying to bias it or influence it with unwelcoming energies

no its called passing the apathetic buck, and the weak would try to fashion human society to that of barnyard fowl, the upright do something else

understand what?

that you can try to justify injecting unwanted negative energy into another's negligently and justify it because it has happened to you

thats how child molesting is perpetuated through generations

you seek the lowest common denominator because you can only think to lower yourself to the actions of others

so you are now a judge of what makes humanity valuable?

I embrace equality and diversity, it holds no threat to my being, as your comments speak volumes about yours

so because you are status quo you have accepted the world around you must maintain the status quo.

what does this have with the cause and effect of abuse?

the point is that physical abuse is not necessary to destroy a life, and that an uninvited and illegal action from others (like taping someones experimental gay sex) is no different a violation in the end

its no different than a rape victim. is a rape victim weak if they take their own life in shame?


but that is the effective reaction due to another's action, so which should be judged?
You can't get "mommy", the government, or anyone else to artificially elevate your social position. Position is earned...not given...barring a very fortuitous birth.

only if you paint every person in society as a pathetic miscreant

fortunately there is much good and right in the world that it keeps a balance, because if it were as stark as you claim it to be the world would be far darker place

there are many people who have enough good in their live that they feel it proper to share

obviously you have not experienced this yet, but trust me this does exist

? i have no idea what point you are trying to relay

I am here because pot is the medicine I rely on to keep my emotions from overtaking my thoughts, I do this because as a life long manic depression

due to my disease I have catharsis to those with similar emotional experience

i have been on both sides of the coin, and I would a mortgage I can dish it and take it far better than 99.99% of the world

just because I can be good at being bad doesn't mean I need to do so

my point about pot is that because we have found something to stabilize us doesn't mean that others have or should even have to

it means you should be grateful for your own fortune and perhaps share it if you can, but by no means share the discord you experience unless you want it to continue to perpetuate, because that is what our actions do

perpetuate the energies in the world

and those who truly posses strength don't need to prey on the weak

even in prison there is some measure of honor

if they caught you preying on the weak and defenseless (kids), they prey on you

even the criminal understand the basic precepts of right and wrong in this regard

in your world, people are better or worse.

in mine all things are relative

its not a new concept

"dont judge a man till you walk a mile in his moccasins"

not prey on them like a conscienceless animal for one

if your confident in your capacity to meet your own needs you might be able to afford them some compassion

the opposite of compassion is indifference

i allow you to direct it to me and i will tell you why

i was you, and now i have grown past the passing the buck to the personal empowerment that comes with not conforming to the mainstream

the thing that put pot heads in prison and unites us, that is our refusing to conform to what society deems is wrong is no different than breaking away from the incumbent american mantra

pass the buck, who the fuck cares, as long as i get mine

same defective programming that exists in lemmings

but really dont get offended by my observations, be empowered by them

we dont have to accept the the mainstream

pot thrives today because we refused to allow it to not be a part of our lives

this being said, why do should I pledge allegiance to indifference when I have the choice to stand for what I believe in?

and if standing for what you believe in has made many things today possible why should I be faithless that it would cease to continue to make a difference i regards to apathy?

like you said we have to educate and teach and we all experience the unfolding experience of life

so what is it that you want to teach

life is meaningless and hopeless or the converse?

i think the case for each is determined by how we desire to see the world

the operative word being desire

but like i said dont get bent its not a judgement of your value just an observation of the cause and effect involved

i think this whole mindset is a necessary part of changing how we think and feel by embracing cannabis use as a long term therapy

first we abandon the mainstream (or babylon as I like to refer to it) for our relationship with cannabis

then the layers of the onion start to peel and the truth continues to be revealed

at least thats my take on it[/quote]

I dont agree with everything you said,but you do have some good ideas.I think maybe society needs to try to come up with some new ideas instead of patching the ones we know dont work.........
Personally, I think this trend says more about the current "If it bleeds, it leads" news media.

Kids were bullied every bit as much 20 years ago, but you never saw news stories about people killing themselves over it. Surely, it probably happened, but (I know this sounds insensitive) I don't care if someone jumped off the George Washington bridge or ate a whole bottle of pills because they were "bullied."

Also, there's a bit of a "blame" game going on in American culture.

If someone commits suicide and they were bullied, then it's the bully's fault not the guy that committed the act of suicide.
If someone is shot in a bank robbery, then guns are the problem not crime.
If the American public is becoming increasingly overweight, then the problem is transfats or sugary food not the relative low cost of food in America or the people that overindulge.
Likewise if some people abuse drugs, then the problem is the drugs (and therefore they should be made illegal) and not the individuals that choose to abuse those drugs.

I could go on and on...
Rule 1 in American society today: The individual is not responsible for his/her own actions if something else can be blamed.


I love my life

That is an observation of American culture I too hold. However we should always stop in shock and disgust when they kick in the doors of our brothers and sisters.

This bears repeating:Rule 1 in American society today: The individual is not responsible for his/her own actions if something else can be blamed.

The other thing that bears repeating is the comment about how the Statue of Liberty should read "Everyone is special here."

This is the problem. We lie to our children. Learning should be like a video game. it shouldn't require work or effort. If you don't put in work and effort, it's ok, you should still magically get an A. If you don't get an A, it's not b/c you didn't work and study, it's b/c the teacher is bad. You can be anything. And it is going to be easy. You'll be a dr. even though you don't ever read for fun (ie PRACTICE READING so you get better at it), and you don't ever STUDY, so you never practice memorizing. And you don't pay attention in school or do homework, but you'll still get all A's and then the best college will take you, and you'll magically have fun in college and won't have to work at it, and then you'll magically get into med school and have the most fun and easy time in med school and then magically you'll be a dr.

We tell our children the worst lies possible under the guise of giving them self esteem and freedom to choose their future. Then they learn the following lies and we support them in pursuing these lies. And when ANYONE tries to tell them or us otherwise, we blame them b/c our children are super smart and perfect and never lie or do anything bad. Here are the lies.

1. Life is fun all the time.
2. Everything in life is easy.
3. Everything in life is free.
4. I can do whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want.
5. There are no consequences, b/c everyone gets unlimited chances at everything.
6. I can be whatever I want, no matter what kind of gifts I have or don't have, and without doing any work.
7. Working hard is giving in to the man.
8. Learning is giving in to the man.
9. I'll just magically be able to take care of myself without studying or working hard in school.
10. I'll be the 1 in 100,000,000 who gets to be a rap, rock, or sports star. I don't need to work.

We tell children all of this by doing the following:

1. Telling them that learning is fun. It's not, it's work.
2. Telling them that they don't have to work hard, b/c the teacher will just make you learn and it will be like a video game.
3. Telling them that it's ok to constantly break the rules.
4. Telling them that it's ok to make the same mistakes over and over.
5. Telling them that education is a waste of time.
6. Telling them that they don't have to study or do their school work.
7. Believing every word that comes out of their lying little mouths. THEY KNOW they are lying, and they know they can get away with it, b/c their parents are TOO BUSY to even want to know what's going on with them. They HOPE they get busted b/c at least that shows that SOMEONE is paying attention. God help them. They just want an adult to demonstrate that they are paying attention and thus that the adult cares.
8. Accepting any and all excuses for any and all behavior at any time.
9. Telling them they can be anything. I'm sorry, but some people do NOT have the intellect for certain jobs in life. Maybe if they are willing to work 3 times as hard, they can do it, but we lie and say everything is easy. Instead of a reasonable life plan, they have some pipe dream and no life plan and then they are working at McDonald's, living paycheck to paycheck and living in government housing.
10. Telling them that working hard is giving in to the man. No, working hard and getting an education is the way to STICK it to the man.

So yeah, I think "the man" has control of parents, the government, society, and the media and is raising generations of stupid, ill-bred, poorly educated drones that think they are sticking it to the man by not getting an education. And the educators are left holding the bag and trying to deal with a society full of parents and children who think everything in life is free and fun and have no concept that true self-esteem is derived from ACCOMPLISHING something and doing it well in a given period of time.

God help us, b/c I don't see a lot of hope for us.

As for the bullying thing, the bullies and the victims are all part of this and the parents are to blame. Parents aren't paying enough attention to their children. Children make it obvious what is going on if you look at their faces. They are open books. You can easily see if they are upset. How about taking 5 minutes to ASK THEM? How about asking them about their lives? You start doing this and you learn quickly what's normal and not normal for a child their age. Yes, I do this, and yes, I have told some parents in my life "Yo, your kid said thus and so and it's not normally what I hear when I ask these types of questions." It's fairly easy to find out what's bothering them and they LOVE YOU for taking some time just to be with them. It's sickening that people have children and then don't give a rats ass what they are thinking and feeling, and this is why we have bullying. The bullies, studies show, as suffering AT LEAST as much as the victims, if not more. They are desperate to feel better about themselves, and probably for someone to stop them and say "that's wrong, I'm going to show you how to act better and get more out of life." When children are denied attention that is given in love, they do WHATEVER IT TAKES to provoke the adult into paying attention. They are not hardened criminals yet, give them some love and see what happens.


lives on planet 4:20
Personally, I think this trend says more about the current "If it bleeds, it leads" news media.

Kids were bullied every bit as much 20 years ago, but you never saw news stories about people killing themselves over it. Surely, it probably happened, but (I know this sounds insensitive) I don't care if someone jumped off the George Washington bridge or ate a whole bottle of pills because they were "bullied."

Also, there's a bit of a "blame" game going on in American culture.

If someone commits suicide and they were bullied, then it's the bully's fault not the guy that committed the act of suicide.
If someone is shot in a bank robbery, then guns are the problem not crime.
If the American public is becoming increasingly overweight, then the problem is transfats or sugary food not the relative low cost of food in America or the people that overindulge.
Likewise if some people abuse drugs, then the problem is the drugs (and therefore they should be made illegal) and not the individuals that choose to abuse those drugs.

I could go on and on...
Rule 1 in American society today: The individual is not responsible for his/her own actions if something else can be blamed.

Well it can't be any other way. How else are you going to sell
billions of dollars of processed food, and then turn around and
sell billions of dollars of fat loss pills? And I'm sure many of these
companies are run by the same people...lol

They make a killing twice, first on the "fake food" and then another
time on the "fat loss pills."

And how about the 50 billion USD the doctors get paid for the
surgeries that help people lose this "excess fat?"

I mean, if the government stood up and said "folks this is your
responsibility to stop eating ten times the amount of this shitty food
that your body can realistically burned" they wouldn't get the taxes
that they can spend on weapons, and their $100,000 per year
salaries, and all the other useless shit they spend it on.

At the foundation, it is all lies, the blind leading the blind, and in the
land of the blind, the one-eye fool is king. Now who is the one-eye
fool, well, it is anyone who sees this BS...and takes action, and
does what is uncomfortable, instead of just following the "herd"
to a McDonalds and buying three "Big Tasties" with three "Large
Fries" and with Three Ice Creams, and then driving somewhere
to park their car and eating it all at once...

...while they have a 50% body fat percentage, and after this pop
a few "fat loss pills" and consider they have fooled someone!


lives on planet 4:20
This bears repeating:Rule 1 in American society today: The individual is not responsible for his/her own actions if something else can be blamed.

The other thing that bears repeating is the comment about how the Statue of Liberty should read "Everyone is special here."

This is the problem. We lie to our children. Learning should be like a video game. it shouldn't require work or effort. If you don't put in work and effort, it's ok, you should still magically get an A. If you don't get an A, it's not b/c you didn't work and study, it's b/c the teacher is bad. You can be anything. And it is going to be easy. You'll be a dr. even though you don't ever read for fun (ie PRACTICE READING so you get better at it), and you don't ever STUDY, so you never practice memorizing. And you don't pay attention in school or do homework, but you'll still get all A's and then the best college will take you, and you'll magically have fun in college and won't have to work at it, and then you'll magically get into med school and have the most fun and easy time in med school and then magically you'll be a dr.

We tell our children the worst lies possible under the guise of giving them self esteem and freedom to choose their future. Then they learn the following lies and we support them in pursuing these lies. And when ANYONE tries to tell them or us otherwise, we blame them b/c our children are super smart and perfect and never lie or do anything bad. Here are the lies.

1. Life is fun all the time.
2. Everything in life is easy.
3. Everything in life is free.
4. I can do whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want.
5. There are no consequences, b/c everyone gets unlimited chances at everything.
6. I can be whatever I want, no matter what kind of gifts I have or don't have, and without doing any work.
7. Working hard is giving in to the man.
8. Learning is giving in to the man.
9. I'll just magically be able to take care of myself without studying or working hard in school.
10. I'll be the 1 in 100,000,000 who gets to be a rap, rock, or sports star. I don't need to work.

We tell children all of this by doing the following:

1. Telling them that learning is fun. It's not, it's work.
2. Telling them that they don't have to work hard, b/c the teacher will just make you learn and it will be like a video game.
3. Telling them that it's ok to constantly break the rules.
4. Telling them that it's ok to make the same mistakes over and over.
5. Telling them that education is a waste of time.
6. Telling them that they don't have to study or do their school work.
7. Believing every word that comes out of their lying little mouths. THEY KNOW they are lying, and they know they can get away with it, b/c their parents are TOO BUSY to even want to know what's going on with them. They HOPE they get busted b/c at least that shows that SOMEONE is paying attention. God help them. They just want an adult to demonstrate that they are paying attention and thus that the adult cares.
8. Accepting any and all excuses for any and all behavior at any time.
9. Telling them they can be anything. I'm sorry, but some people do NOT have the intellect for certain jobs in life. Maybe if they are willing to work 3 times as hard, they can do it, but we lie and say everything is easy. Instead of a reasonable life plan, they have some pipe dream and no life plan and then they are working at McDonald's, living paycheck to paycheck and living in government housing.
10. Telling them that working hard is giving in to the man. No, working hard and getting an education is the way to STICK it to the man.

So yeah, I think "the man" has control of parents, the government, society, and the media and is raising generations of stupid, ill-bred, poorly educated drones that think they are sticking it to the man by not getting an education. And the educators are left holding the bag and trying to deal with a society full of parents and children who think everything in life is free and fun and have no concept that true self-esteem is derived from ACCOMPLISHING something and doing it well in a given period of time.

God help us, b/c I don't see a lot of hope for us.

As for the bullying thing, the bullies and the victims are all part of this and the parents are to blame. Parents aren't paying enough attention to their children. Children make it obvious what is going on if you look at their faces. They are open books. You can easily see if they are upset. How about taking 5 minutes to ASK THEM? How about asking them about their lives? You start doing this and you learn quickly what's normal and not normal for a child their age. Yes, I do this, and yes, I have told some parents in my life "Yo, your kid said thus and so and it's not normally what I hear when I ask these types of questions." It's fairly easy to find out what's bothering them and they LOVE YOU for taking some time just to be with them. It's sickening that people have children and then don't give a rats ass what they are thinking and feeling, and this is why we have bullying. The bullies, studies show, as suffering AT LEAST as much as the victims, if not more. They are desperate to feel better about themselves, and probably for someone to stop them and say "that's wrong, I'm going to show you how to act better and get more out of life." When children are denied attention that is given in love, they do WHATEVER IT TAKES to provoke the adult into paying attention. They are not hardened criminals yet, give them some love and see what happens.

good post...and I though I wrote a lot sometimes...lol


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
To a kid that has been raised with positive self esteem, and made to feel confident about who they are, and their own self worth, bullying is like water off a duck.


Around my house we say "Like shooting bullets at Superman"



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well as I see it part of the problem has to be the tendency of people to see everything in stereotypes. Suddenly everyone here is saying this is how it is in America. People think this, they are taught this, etc. Well I don't know where any of the people making these sweeping judgements are from but it must be outer mongolia for all your understanding of how life is in America. I hear people talking about how Americans are mindless drones that buy into all the media hype they're exposed to. Well I'm an American and 90% of what's being said about how it is in America or how Americans think is just repetition of media bullshit. All the stereotypes being flashed around are all based on the things that have popped up in the media the last few years and apparently all you non American's are lapping it up. Well guess what then, that makes you as much of a mindless media drone as you think all Americans are. Yes there are alot of fat people, yes alot of people are easily influenced by the media, yes many parents don't pay enough attention to thier kids but no this is not the way all Americans are or even the majority. It's just how it appears in the media because those are the kind of shocking stories that catch people's interest. It's not interesting to show stories of well adjust children with positive self images and strong self esteem, that's how it's supposed to be so that's not newsworthy.

The bottomline of suicide is people reach a point of feeling totally out of control and totally helpless. Whether they percieve things correctly is irrelevent because to them, at the time they commit suicide, they believe they see the world with crystal fucking clear certainty. Suicide is a last ditch desperate attempt to take back control and possibly pay back those they blame, with guilt. The control is that they say fuck the world, I'm not going to be forced to accept this hopelessness, I'll kill myself and make it all end and those responsible for my misery will suffer with guilt and shame.

It's no wonder suicide is on the rise because hopelessness seems to be on the rise too. Stoners stereotypically are thought of as laidback, easy going types that see the world in a mostly optimistic way. Yet when I log onto stoner web sites and look at the general discussion areas I see a shitload of stoners who all think the world is going to end soon and that it's going to end badly. Not only that but few if any believe there is a way to change that future. So if we are unable to envision a likely positive future for the world then how the fuck can we ever expect someone on the verge of suicide to just man up and deal with their problems? Why should we expect people to see a positive future for themselves if people in general can't see a positive future for mankind?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I guess people just aren't smoking the Hopium any longer. Reality is a bitch. Especially, these days. No need to kill yourself though.

I have to disagree about the American stereotypes HK. Collectively, this is a nanny state zombie nation. I agree much more with OMountain. Everyone is raised to think they can be a winner and not do anything. We have serious entitlement issues in this country. Everyone thinks they can get everything for free. That's not reality. That's a lie sold to you by the system. Nothing is ever free. It can be for a while, but you will pay for it one way or the other in the end. Individual responsibility is all but dead in this country so we are all going to pay for it together.

I'm an American. I was in the service. I signed up to die for the Constitution. I feel I've earned my right to talk shit about my own country.


A foot without a sock...
This bears repeating:Rule 1 in American society today: The individual is not responsible for his/her own actions if something else can be blamed.

The other thing that bears repeating is the comment about how the Statue of Liberty should read "Everyone is special here."

This is the problem. We lie to our children. Learning should be like a video game. it shouldn't require work or effort. If you don't put in work and effort, it's ok, you should still magically get an A. If you don't get an A, it's not b/c you didn't work and study, it's b/c the teacher is bad. You can be anything. And it is going to be easy. You'll be a dr. even though you don't ever read for fun (ie PRACTICE READING so you get better at it), and you don't ever STUDY, so you never practice memorizing. And you don't pay attention in school or do homework, but you'll still get all A's and then the best college will take you, and you'll magically have fun in college and won't have to work at it, and then you'll magically get into med school and have the most fun and easy time in med school and then magically you'll be a dr.

We tell our children the worst lies possible under the guise of giving them self esteem and freedom to choose their future. Then they learn the following lies and we support them in pursuing these lies. And when ANYONE tries to tell them or us otherwise, we blame them b/c our children are super smart and perfect and never lie or do anything bad. Here are the lies.

1. Life is fun all the time.
2. Everything in life is easy.
3. Everything in life is free.
4. I can do whatever I want, wherever I want, whenever I want.
5. There are no consequences, b/c everyone gets unlimited chances at everything.
6. I can be whatever I want, no matter what kind of gifts I have or don't have, and without doing any work.
7. Working hard is giving in to the man.
8. Learning is giving in to the man.
9. I'll just magically be able to take care of myself without studying or working hard in school.
10. I'll be the 1 in 100,000,000 who gets to be a rap, rock, or sports star. I don't need to work.

We tell children all of this by doing the following:

1. Telling them that learning is fun. It's not, it's work.
2. Telling them that they don't have to work hard, b/c the teacher will just make you learn and it will be like a video game.
3. Telling them that it's ok to constantly break the rules.
4. Telling them that it's ok to make the same mistakes over and over.
5. Telling them that education is a waste of time.
6. Telling them that they don't have to study or do their school work.
7. Believing every word that comes out of their lying little mouths. THEY KNOW they are lying, and they know they can get away with it, b/c their parents are TOO BUSY to even want to know what's going on with them. They HOPE they get busted b/c at least that shows that SOMEONE is paying attention. God help them. They just want an adult to demonstrate that they are paying attention and thus that the adult cares.
8. Accepting any and all excuses for any and all behavior at any time.
9. Telling them they can be anything. I'm sorry, but some people do NOT have the intellect for certain jobs in life. Maybe if they are willing to work 3 times as hard, they can do it, but we lie and say everything is easy. Instead of a reasonable life plan, they have some pipe dream and no life plan and then they are working at McDonald's, living paycheck to paycheck and living in government housing.
10. Telling them that working hard is giving in to the man. No, working hard and getting an education is the way to STICK it to the man.

So yeah, I think "the man" has control of parents, the government, society, and the media and is raising generations of stupid, ill-bred, poorly educated drones that think they are sticking it to the man by not getting an education. And the educators are left holding the bag and trying to deal with a society full of parents and children who think everything in life is free and fun and have no concept that true self-esteem is derived from ACCOMPLISHING something and doing it well in a given period of time.

God help us, b/c I don't see a lot of hope for us.

As for the bullying thing, the bullies and the victims are all part of this and the parents are to blame. Parents aren't paying enough attention to their children. Children make it obvious what is going on if you look at their faces. They are open books. You can easily see if they are upset. How about taking 5 minutes to ASK THEM? How about asking them about their lives? You start doing this and you learn quickly what's normal and not normal for a child their age. Yes, I do this, and yes, I have told some parents in my life "Yo, your kid said thus and so and it's not normally what I hear when I ask these types of questions." It's fairly easy to find out what's bothering them and they LOVE YOU for taking some time just to be with them. It's sickening that people have children and then don't give a rats ass what they are thinking and feeling, and this is why we have bullying. The bullies, studies show, as suffering AT LEAST as much as the victims, if not more. They are desperate to feel better about themselves, and probably for someone to stop them and say "that's wrong, I'm going to show you how to act better and get more out of life." When children are denied attention that is given in love, they do WHATEVER IT TAKES to provoke the adult into paying attention. They are not hardened criminals yet, give them some love and see what happens.


Pretty much :wave:


lives on planet 4:20
I guess people just aren't smoking the Hopium any longer. Reality is a bitch. Especially, these days. No need to kill yourself though.

I have to disagree about the American stereotypes HK. Collectively, this is a nanny state zombie nation. I agree much more with OMountain. Everyone is raised to think they can be a winner and not do anything. We have serious entitlement issues in this country. Everyone thinks they can get everything for free. That's not reality. That's a lie sold to you by the system. Nothing is ever free. It can be for a while, but you will pay for it one way or the other in the end. Individual responsibility is all but dead in this country so we are all going to pay for it together.

I'm an American. I was in the service. I signed up to die for the Constitution. I feel I've earned my right to talk shit about my own country.

lol...I'm not an American, was born in USSR, I was in the American
service, also signed up to die for the Constitution, even though
I wasn't even an American citizen...lol...and also earned to talk shit
about it, even though it was never my country!

When my parents immigrated from USSR in 1980, I was only 10 y.o.
and it was like going from hell to heaven. We moved to Miami Beach
and I can't even describe what it was like to live in a place like this,
especially taking into account a few months before I was living in
a place where there was no food in the stores, and the KGB could
take anyone from the street, and do whatever they want with you.

America is the only country where you will see such a spectrum of
social status, from the poorest people in the world, to the wealthiest,
and the only reason I left was because I felt like a fake person living
there. Maybe if I was born there I wouldn't see it, but since I was
not born there, a part of me couldn't hide the BS that is always
somehow constantly moving under the surface.

The place I live now, used to be a part of the Soviet Union, and
even though it is a newly accepted country in the European Union,
it is like Uganda, when compared to USA.

I loved living in the USA, if it wasn't for this feeling that I had inside.
Somehow I lived with it for many years, and smoking weed helped
to ignore it, but after the service, I decided that I will go back and
live where I was born. Maybe it was because I was stationed in
Nurenberg, Germany, and being away from Florida, that it hit me
that I didn't have that feeling while I was there, I don't know.

The fact is that this "positive attitude" that is part of America, is
at the root of the problem...imo. It's like no matter how bad it gets
you have to try to stay positive, and continue to smile and when
asked "How are you?" you have to say "Fine, and How Are You?"
and the obvious answer will be "Fine, Thanks For Asking."...lol

Where I currently live, no one walks around saying "Hi" to strangers
like I used to while living in America, and no one tries to look happy,
especially if they are not.

So, there is something with this "ideal" view of yourself, that when
it shatters, and you can't deny that you are not what you thought
you were, or that someone found out that you were not the "ideal
person" that you were pretending to be...that's when many decide to
kill themselves...IMO...because of the pain...that the EGO feels.

This pain is simply unbearable for most people. And the only way
something is going to change is if each person starts to be more
honest with himself and the people around him...period...until this
happens...nothing will change.


Active member
I can't say why kids today are the way they are... But I think it has to do with the way kids grow up nowadays. Everything is instant gratification, they don't feel that they have to work for anything; they think they are just entitled to anything and everything.

To be honest, I feel for kids these days. Like someone else posted, their bullying continues on over myspace, facebook, YouTube, etc forever. It's not like back before the Internet when if you were bullied, you were bullied and it was over. People couldn't watch a video of you being bullied over and over, then continue posting harmful remarks.

I grew up right when the Internet was being established. By the time I graduated high school, the closest thing to "social networking" were chat rooms and instant messaging. There was no YouTube, myspace, facebook, or kids walking around with video cameras in their pockets 24/7 like there are now with iPhones and whatnot.
The only after-bullying comments I would hear were rumors being passed around the hallways, which were forgotten by the end of the week...

I've been overweight all my life. Turns out I have a thyroid problem, it produces absolutely no thyroid hormone, leading to a very slow metabolism. Now I can control that but back when I was a kid/teenager, my parents didn't rush me to the doctor for every little thing like most parents do now. Everyone just thought I ate too much shitty food and didnt get enough exercise, but I actually was eating healthy and I was a very active person.

By the end of my freshman year, I had been bullied so much everyday for all the time I attended school that I just broke. I had a huge crush on this girl and everyone knew it, so one day a group of kids got her to ask me out on a date to a movie... Well of course I said yes and was very excited. I was dropped off at the movie theater and waited for what seemed like forever for her. Well, turns out that she and a group of friends stole one of their parents cars and drove to the movie theater, then pelted me with eggs, waterballons filled with shaving cream, they even shot me with a few BB guns. The kicker was the girl I had a crush on yelled "you really thought I would go out with a fat ass loser like you? You're a fucking ugly fatass!!" after me yelling at her "why did you do this?".
I was crushed. I walked all the way home which was at least about 7-8 miles. By the time I got home it was around 1AM. I was so sad and upset (later in life I was diagnosed as Manic Depressive) so I went into my dads gun collection and grabbed his .25 snub nose and loaded it with one bullet. I actually did try to kill myself; I'm still ashamed of it to this day. I cocked the gun, put it to my right temple and pulled the trigger. The gun jammed.
I took it as a sign from god that I wasn't meant to die that night.

Anyways... If I had to go through middle/high school all over again these days, I would be a fucking emotional wreck. I really feel sorry for kids nowadays. I talk to my little cousin alot, she's 15 and a sophomore in high school; she's overweight and gets picked on alot. Recently someone posted a video on facebook and YouTube of 2 kids at her school stealing her clothes during P.E class and writing "fat fuck" and other harmful things on her shirt.
I'm glad I stood up for her and went to the school and showed the video to the principal. The 2 students had to write my cousin apology letters and were forced to do 5 Saturday detentions at their high school, which consist of cleaning the campus fro
7AM to 1PM and if they don't show up or are late, another detention is added.

I can't believe how mean kids can be. The ironic part about the incident was that one of the girls is at least 100 pounds overweight. She's huge; much larger than my cousin...


lives on planet 4:20
I can't say why kids today are the way they are... But I think it has to do with the way kids grow up nowadays. Everything is instant gratification, they don't feel that they have to work for anything; they think they are just entitled to anything and everything.

To be honest, I feel for kids these days. Like someone else posted, their bullying continues on over myspace, facebook, YouTube, etc forever. It's not like back before the Internet when if you were bullied, you were bullied and it was over. People couldn't watch a video of you being bullied over and over, then continue posting harmful remarks.

I grew up right when the Internet was being established. By the time I graduated high school, the closest thing to "social networking" were chat rooms and instant messaging. There was no YouTube, myspace, facebook, or kids walking around with video cameras in their pockets 24/7 like there are now with iPhones and whatnot.
The only after-bullying comments I would hear were rumors being passed around the hallways, which were forgotten by the end of the week...

I've been overweight all my life. Turns out I have a thyroid problem, it produces absolutely no thyroid hormone, leading to a very slow metabolism. Now I can control that but back when I was a kid/teenager, my parents didn't rush me to the doctor for every little thing like most parents do now. Everyone just thought I ate too much shitty food and didnt get enough exercise, but I actually was eating healthy and I was a very active person.

By the end of my freshman year, I had been bullied so much everyday for all the time I attended school that I just broke. I had a huge crush on this girl and everyone knew it, so one day a group of kids got her to ask me out on a date to a movie... Well of course I said yes and was very excited. I was dropped off at the movie theater and waited for what seemed like forever for her. Well, turns out that she and a group of friends stole one of their parents cars and drove to the movie theater, then pelted me with eggs, waterballons filled with shaving cream, they even shot me with a few BB guns. The kicker was the girl I had a crush on yelled "you really thought I would go out with a fat ass loser like you? You're a fucking ugly fatass!!" after me yelling at her "why did you do this?".
I was crushed. I walked all the way home which was at least about 7-8 miles. By the time I got home it was around 1AM. I was so sad and upset (later in life I was diagnosed as Manic Depressive) so I went into my dads gun collection and grabbed his .25 snub nose and loaded it with one bullet. I actually did try to kill myself; I'm still ashamed of it to this day. I cocked the gun, put it to my right temple and pulled the trigger. The gun jammed.
I took it as a sign from god that I wasn't meant to die that night.

Anyways... If I had to go through middle/high school all over again these days, I would be a fucking emotional wreck. I really feel sorry for kids nowadays. I talk to my little cousin alot, she's 15 and a sophomore in high school; she's overweight and gets picked on alot. Recently someone posted a video on facebook and YouTube of 2 kids at her school stealing her clothes during P.E class and writing "fat fuck" and other harmful things on her shirt.
I'm glad I stood up for her and went to the school and showed the video to the principal. The 2 students had to write my cousin apology letters and were forced to do 5 Saturday detentions at their high school, which consist of cleaning the campus fro
7AM to 1PM and if they don't show up or are late, another detention is added.

I can't believe how mean kids can be. The ironic part about the incident was that one of the girls is at least 100 pounds overweight. She's huge; much larger than my cousin...

...f*cked up shit, I guess if I put myself in that position, I could see
how so many commit suicide after this. I wouldn't kill myself, of course,
but I would have probably smoked at least three times the weed that
I smoked when I was in school if something like that happened.

Somehow for me suicide just was never an option, and I don't really
know why. In the Tipping Point, Gladwell writes about suicide and
he points out that many people are just waiting for signs and are
ready to kill themselves when these signs show up. Obviously, this
is not conscious, but for example if someone famous commits
suicide, many people see this as a sign it's okay to kill themselves.

Every person is unique, and we all have different associations that
get created in our brains. Considering there are a trillion brain cells,
and everyone has different experiences and different content stored
in those brain cells, there is no way to find primary reason why
this all happens.

But it is always about shitty, painful FEELINGS that people can't live
with, and for kids it is much harder to cope with these feelings!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I guess people just aren't smoking the Hopium any longer. Reality is a bitch. Especially, these days. No need to kill yourself though.

I have to disagree about the American stereotypes HK. Collectively, this is a nanny state zombie nation. I agree much more with OMountain. Everyone is raised to think they can be a winner and not do anything. We have serious entitlement issues in this country. Everyone thinks they can get everything for free. That's not reality. That's a lie sold to you by the system. Nothing is ever free. It can be for a while, but you will pay for it one way or the other in the end. Individual responsibility is all but dead in this country so we are all going to pay for it together.

I'm an American. I was in the service. I signed up to die for the Constitution. I feel I've earned my right to talk shit about my own country.

But that's just it, you are talking shit because not everyone is raised to think they can be a winner. Everyone I know was raised to believe that if you put in enough hard work and effort you can be a winner but it's not guarenteed. Everyone does not think they can get everything for free. Nobody I know thinks that way. The only person I ever heard even suggest that was a guy I worked with who was a legal alien from Guatemala. He told me he hated to go home because everyone there thinks he should share whatever he has because they believe that in America, if you hold out your hand, someone will put money into it. On the other end of the spectrum I know this girl working her way thru college by working at the local Walmart. Last year during a snow storm she twisted her ankle trying to get her car dug out to go to work. She was unable to get the car out in time so she just decided to walk the three miles to work, in the snow with a hurt ankle. When I acted surprised she didn't just call out sick because of the ankle she said it wasn't that bad and she didn't want to waste her sick time on something that wasn't serious. She then thru in the statement at the end that she was just grateful to have a job. This certainly doesn't fit in with the notion that there is no personal responsibility and that all young people think they're entitled to everything.

Now I'm not saying that nobody thinks the way you're suggesting, I mean stereotypes develope because there are people that fit them. The problem I have is with anyone suggesting that all American's are that way. Also clearly your statement is flawed. You say everyone is this way and that you're an American. Obviously you don't think everything is free or that you can be a winner without putting in any effort. So right there you disprove your own point.
Hemp, the attitude you're talking about that your friend had is very rare. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience when I say what I said in my post earlier. There ARE a few who still care, who still work hard, and want to learn, and get ahead, but they are rare. And every day, they fight against a pretty much overwhelming tide of apathy, ignorance, and sloppiness. Many are bullied, teased, or picked on (however you want to call it), b/c it is NOT COOL to be good at school, it is NOT COOL to be intellectually curious, it is NOT COOL to work hard.

Ask some kids what their plans are for their future. Most have none. Out of the ones that do, most have some ridiculously unrealistic idea and NO PLAN or goals to get there.

Then you get the few that decide they are going to a top university when they are in elementary school and already have been working hard and making sure they paid attention in class and got good grades for years before they ever hit middle or high school.

The problem is that there is massive peer pressure to be lazy and sloppy and no peer pressure or admiration for a job well done.

Ask the children in your life, you'll see what I mean.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
We give kids cell phones and Halo and computers with porn and we wonder what has happened to kids these dayz? LOL LOL.. They are all grown up lol in our fucked up waring world lol.. Looking for escapism in whatever way they can find it wouldn't YOU? lol peace out Headband707