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GET MO's Perpetual COCO Grow...

I agree that 5.8-6/0 ph is more efficient for coco.

I find if you do not feed early with coco the plants will become deficient.

since coco is inert (zero nutrients) you need to satisfy the CEC of the coco. That way the nutrients are not leeched from the plant. (mainly cal/mg)

I was always concerned about overfeeding young plants in coco. Turns out I was underfeeding.

Goo is some excellent smoke.

good luck to you~!!


Registered Med User
wutup yukino? Man.... this coco drivin me crazy :bashhead: , I dont know what the trip is but Im finna figure it out. I waterred today and soon as I poored the water the leaves did a lil curl and looked pissed. Maybe next water Ill use some Cal-Mag if things dont start lookin better, see if that helps...
I got some new clones today, Purple lavendar, Grape, and Good God. My folks got the good god and Ima take a clone of his when it gets a lil bigger. No tellin the lineage here, but they already smell dank...

Purple Lavendar:

I put them in soil to mother out then Ill put the clones in the coco.
The strawberry cough re-veggin hella fast:

Here go the room, wish I could figure out the problem with these biotches.. :wallbash:

Sup MO. Keep with it you'll get it figured out.

As far as adding calmg might be a good idea.

I use r/o water that removes the cal/mg so I add it back in. Or mix 50% tap with 50% r/o (my tap water is shit)

do you use r/o water or tap?

If tap, what is the ppm of your tap water?

How far are them lights?

CFLS can be pretty close.

In the above pic plants do not look "lit up".





GET MO said:
I waterred today and soon as I poored the water the leaves did a lil curl and looked pissed.

That means the roots aren't getting proper amounts of oxygen. I'm using extremely chunky coir, and I can't water the plants everyday, or even every other day without sag. I have one plant that is lots bigger than the others and it gets dry before the others do; I could do it every day if only a little bit.
Maybe if you treat it like soil for a minute, you'll get what you're looking for.

mister c

Your roots get more oxygen in the fine coco such as 100% Canna. Versus the chunky coco.

It may seem like it, but if you look at coco fiber alittle closer, they will show you that they have millions of micro pores. Therefore the thinner the mix, the more "air pockets". Pure fine coco....lol....is like a sponge just sucking up the oxygen for your root zone. The more you water, the more air your "sponging" in. Thats real.

yukino is on the right track asking about your water....

Tap or RO?

If tap, don't worry about calmag. That is if your tap reads less than 100ppm. If it is over 100, don't even use that shit.

If RO, a light dose or two every now then and they should straighten up. They need micro nutes for sheezy.


mister c said:
Your roots get more oxygen in the fine coco such as 100% Canna. Versus the chunky coco.

It may seem like it, but if you look at coco fiber alittle closer, they will show you that they have millions of micro pores. Therefore the thinner the mix, the more "air pockets". Pure fine coco....lol....is like a sponge just sucking up the oxygen for your root zone. The more you water, the more air your "sponging" in. Thats real.

yukino is on the right track asking about your water....

Tap or RO?

If tap, don't worry about calmag. That is if your tap reads less than 100ppm. If it is over 100, don't even use that shit.

If RO, a light dose or two every now then and they should straighten up. They need micro nutes for sheezy.

Noone in their right mind could believe what you say to be true. There is no way "millions of micro pores" are going to oxygenate the rootball more than large gaps of air between chunks of coir.


Registered Med User
Wut up yall?
The lights are 1 inch away at the most.
Im usin the Canna coco, real fine and soft.
The water is tap, I bubble it from feeding to feeding to remove chlorine, 100 ppm before bubble, 80ppm after, so about .1-.3 ec, no more than that..

Think I might start clonin in a few days here...

Goo 1:

Goo 2:

Grapefruit diesel(GD):

Grapefruit kush(GK):


Purple lavender(PL):

Strawberry Cough(SC):

Just went and checked on my outdo... :D :D :canabis: :headbange :rasta: :jump: :D :muahaha: ....wish I could show yall.... maybe in the future.


Hell yeah! Things are starting to look good in there. Have your temps shot up or humidity dove lately? A couple plants look to be having some leaf issues. I'm sure it'll work it's self out.
Your new clones look nice. I think it'll be easier to keep those moms in a soil mix. They might grow slower, but will require less watering and maintenance.

Dude, I almost forgot. The whole reason I posted this is to tell you that your strawberry cough plant looks like it's growing dreadlocks! Almost like I'm watching a transformation or a child being born..
I must be fucked up. What I meant to say is I like that plant. I would name it Solomon, better yet the Lion of Judah,


mister c

Even Steven,

Do you think that I would waste my time typing in some bullshit to look like I know something?

Just take a look at eveyone here that either has a grip of posts, or hella experience....They all use fine coco.....hmmmm......I wonder why? Fine coco has waaaay more surface area than chunky. More surface area = more root/air ratio. If you are not half retarded, then you can understand this.

The roots have to be in a medium to be able to take up oxygen. If what your saying is correct, then why don't you just have the roots hanging in the air like aeroponics??? That way you would have 100% air. If you didn't know, when roots hit open airspace, they dry up and die. SO your little air pockets aren't helping dude. Just think of your clones poppin out of a rapid rooter or jiffy pot. WHen the roots hit air, they go brown. Brown is not good.

THis is at about every coco coir website, so I must be out of my mind. Just type in coco coir air to water ratio on google and you will find a grip of crazies talking about what i'm talking about.


You should really read up before you talk shit dude.

Get MO,

WHat up dude. It is looking better. Good luck on your cloning venture!!!

DOn't want to troll up the thread so thats the last you will here from me about fine vs. chunky.

Peace and all that shit


mister c said:
The roots have to be in a medium to be able to take up oxygen. If what your saying is correct, then why don't you just have the roots hanging in the air like aeroponics???
I see what you're sayin, but coco doesn't hold more oxygen than the atmosphere. Just ask any scientist, he'll tell you that blah blah blah.


Registered Med User
Thanks yall, that strawberry cough is a trip huh? :rasta:
Here it go one mo time:




Notice the differance?



Hell yeah man; that Strawberry Cough is coming along nicely. So does it taste like strawberries? It looks like one of the deformed DJ Short strains.


Registered Med User
Wut up Even? It got maybe a hint of strawberry but really its more of a dank smell/taste. The shit smell through a bag real strong. It just look like that from re-veggin, no deformities otherwise, lots of single fingerred leaves though..


Registered Med User
Can anybody else not read doughboys post or is it just me? wuts the dealy yo?
GET MO said:
Can anybody else not read doughboys post or is it just me? wuts the dealy yo?

I dont see any posts from doughboy. lay down the bong!! Just kidding~!~!

Hope them plants are shaping up for ya.

I find you gotta water multple times daily with coco crutons.

Plenty of air in the fine coco, look how many people use it with excellent results.



Sweet man lets see them bitches flowering! You take clones yet?? PEACE


Registered Med User
Yukino- Yeah man I coulda swore it said the last post was by that fool then I clikked the link and no post... (???) maybe Im trippin...
Cali- Wut up yo, Ima put three in flower in 2 weeks, then 3 more every 2 weeks forEVER :muahaha:

Here go some pics, Ill update again when the clones is rooted:



Here go my flower room right now, it got 2 Goos(left), 2 Purple Bubba Kushes(middle), and too Legends RGDs(right).



THERE WE GO!!! That's what I wanted to see! And hear ;)! Dude it's hard maintaining perpetuals like us, much props bro! Get those clones rooted and select the best, always think about topping them early before they switch into flower, I usually do just to get them branching out more. Ya know what my problem is, what do I do with all the clones I don't need!!!??? I hate killing them, so this time I put 4 Green Ice girls outdoors along with two more clones I didn't need. That'll put them to good use! PEACE Keep it up!

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