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GET MO's Perpetual COCO Grow...


Lookin good GetMo!

Just my 2 cents, but if you're going to make a jerry-rigged light with CFL's, before you do, consider buying a 250w HPS ballast/batwing reflector from HTG Supply and a CMH bulb from advanced lighting. I think the ballast/reflector combo is about $100, and the bulb is about $60. Under $200 and you could have some serious light in there. I've seen some seriously nice grows with CFL's, but the cost of building a decent CFL light setup (with say, 8 42w CFLs and stuff to plug em into) is close enough to $200 that it's worth considering.


New member
Hey Mo, What is the humidity in there? You should try to keep it at least above 60%. I was just skimming through and thought I'd ask.

I hope you get some dank nugs!!!!!

Keep on growing.



Registered Med User
Humidity has been too low, my damn central airconditioning has been trippin like it got a mind of its own so the house been gettin up in the high 80's and even sometimes hittin 90... dont know wut ima do yet, maybe invest in a water cooler or a small airconditionner for my room. Its been like 100 degrees outside lately, not handlin...


Registered Med User
Clowntown- yea good lookin I just started waterrin in the bathtub and lettin um drain for a minute lately. When I get some time I was gonna flip over the plastic water catchers and sit them on top of um. as far as the ph, I raised it to 5.6 last time, might go a little higher if they seem to like it like this(which it looks like they do).

mole: Thanks for the info man, Ima look into those bulbs a little more, sounds like a good investment...

Ill have some more pics and an update in a minute. Thanks yall for the input and help with my grows, one.


Active member
hey Get Mo, good luck with the perpetual grow.
It's a lot of work, but the only way I can keep from running out of smoke.
It's all about the vegging. always keeping plants ready to flip, when you chop, takes a lot of work and thought.
have fun.


Registered Med User
:rasta: Wuts up Hazy, thanks for the input yo!

I got a little humidifier to deal with the low humidity, need to quit bein lazy and switch up the fans, I think I gotta get some mor ducting first though, and a flange or somethin for the wall where the squirell cage was in the flower room.

I watterred with plain water today ph'd at 5.9.
Im kinda worried about the Goo clone cuz it hasnt made any branches, its like the 3 leaves got as big and vibrant as they could and now they jus startin to dry up a lil...

The strawberry cough is startin to re-veg already! :muahaha:


if anybody got a good way ta make branches start poppin out Let Me Know!

Seems like I cant get these plants right for shit....
Whats up with the purple stems?
I waitted 2 days between waterring instead of every other day cuz I been hearin they look over waterred. the tent has been open in a room 79 degrees with the fan lightly blowin on um, so heat hasnt been an issue lately. I been feeding every other day (now every 2 days) with 1.5ml canna coco, ph'd at 5.6.
heres some pics of the grapefruit diesel, can you clone a purple stemmed plant?


How long can I go between waterrings in coco (canna coco)?

Thanks yall... :rasta:
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the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Hey man, I don't know, for me purple stems meant that phosphorus was being locked out by cold temps. Since most people's coco is always wet, I think it's easier for them to get too cold with lots of airflow. This is even when the therm will show a good temp... There's a thread on here by VT that I think says reddish petioles can be a sign of nute or cal/mag OD... I'm not sure which one it was but I don't think that's your case. It could be genetic too unless they were greenish before they purpled up. Are you using bathtub water to water them? It could be the water is too cold too, who knows?

If I were you, I'd start watering only enough to get minimal run off. This may require a double pour... Water and wait a minute or two to see if it starts dripping. If it doesn't, water a little again, and you'll pretty much be guaranteed enough run off. Since you're in what it looks like to be 4 gallon pots you could probably easily get away with feeding every other day or every 2 days until they start perking back up. I had overwatering symptoms too so I started giving them only enough to get about 5-10% runoff. There was one day that I had to skip a feeding and the first leaves perked back up the next day but I'm in six inch squares compared to your 4 gallon or so pots... I think that using a metal halide instead of fluoros also helped with drying out/getting the root temps to acceptable levels... I've been feeding everyday since that day and I have no signs of overwatering. I just slowly progressed into more run off and now I can just pour and walkaway. You're just going to have to try one of these until you can see signs of them getting better and continue it for awhile.

I'm not a coco pro so maybe what I say shouldn't be taken too seriously but I was in the same boat as you when it comes to overwatering and trying to figure out how to fix it without letting it dry out. It just takes some experimentation to get it right. I think you'll nail it man. Peace.

Btw, I'd try shutting the fan off while you're trying to figure it all out. It can definitely make a difference if it's blowing around cool air.
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Registered Med User
Thanks fvk,
Those are actually 1 gallon pots. I plan on switching to a metal halide when I get the ends, I been cuttin back on waterring but it dont seem ta do nothin, I guess it just takes time, maybe they need a little dark time too, as I been on 24 hour light...


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Damn dude, I guess it was just how the picture was taken that lead me to misjudge the size of the pots. In the picture they look a lot bigger than my round 1.6's.

But yeah if you've seen my PH drift thread, you might know I got my shit worked out. I was experiencing REALLY SLOW growth and blatant P deficiency... As soon as they got under the metal halide they were showing improvement the very next day and they're still doing great. It wasn't my PH adjuster or the input PH and they surely weren't being underfed because as soon as they started recovering they caught a little N toxicity from what I had been feeding them all along. I don't know if I mentioned this or if saying this is going to contradict my previous post but I didn't start giving less until I got them under the MH. I don't think it will make a difference until you can start to warm the roots up...

This is what I'm figuring for my situation and maybe yours too... Fluoro's only penetrate so far, even close to the plants, and it's not enough to keep the roots warm enough if you have a decent ventilation system fighting to keep the temps down, even if the temp is a stable 80. Try touching your pots and see if they feel cool to the touch compared to the air in your environment. Mine always did until I threw them under the MH. Heat from fluorescents are very easily dispersed and since the depth penetration is weak it gets sucked away as quickly as it's thrown off... I think that once you get them under an HID, they'll start to recover quickly and explode with growth. I don't know if you'd feel comfortable rigging your own ballast but it's a cheap and easy solution compared to having to save up to get a house brand or brand name ballast. I mean, it's just veg right?

Anyways, just keep them going until you can get them under a metal halide. Take it easy.

And btw I went from 20/4 to 18/6 the day I put my metal halide in and so far I'm really digging 18/6. I'd keep it at 24 until you make the switch.


Registered Med User
Right on
I think I might be under feeding them.... 1.5ml of canna coco every other day is low by comparison to others and especially if you look at the feeding schedule canna has.

mister c

what up G MO,

I just read an article in maximum yeild or one of those mags about coco myths. Real good shit. It said that coco has hella good buffering properties. Basically saying that once the desired ph/ec is achieved, that it hovers real close to the buffer level that coco naturally has. Without any salt build up. Which is why coco is the shizzy!!

And if you water with plain water, it ruins the whole buffer process, and it has to start all over again getting nutrients back to correct levels. So, if your runoff is coming out higher than you would want, don't flush with water. Just use a real low ppm of nutrients to lower your ec. That way you don't leach out the whole buffer thing that you worked so damn hard to build up.

So that might be what is making you think you are under feeding them. Because it is getting flushed out, instead of buffered.

Hope this helps with any purple stems, defs, or burns.



Get Mo- I just wanted to let you know I'm pulling for you dude. I want to see that bubbler full of healthy clones.
I think now that you have your pH/ppm testers along with your humidifier things are gonna start picking up for you. I have to be honest though, after reading how many problems you've had with the mothers, I'm starting to lean towards keeping my mother plants in a good soil mix and using my coco for my clones.
I'm sure you'll get it sorted out though.

Oh yeah, your S-Berry Cough is looking good.


fatal1 said:
I have to be honest though, after reading how many problems you've had with the mothers, I'm starting to lean towards keeping my mother plants in a good soil mix and using my coco for my clones.

I always keep my best cuts in soil. That is to say, I keep the backup in soil as I only go to her if the others break down, since speed of growth isn't an issue when trying to keep genetics alive.


New member
I dont think the goo clone with the three leaves is going to grow any branches, it looks like there are no nodes or new growth ( maybe they were cut off? ) looks like only leaves to me from them pics.


Registered Med User
Mista C- wuts up man, good lookin out on the coco info :rasta:
Fatal 1 n Even steven- Thanks for the posative vibes yo, I was thinkin about that too as far as the mother plants go.. we'll see though, Ima keep fuckin with these ones till I get um right but in the meantime I might just get some more clones and put um in some soil to be madres.
YayArea- your screen name Go! I think u right though, when I put it in the cloner I chopped off an early flower, the leaves got bigger and more vibrant but it never made any branches, Its a leaf with roots... might havta re-vegg that Goo cuz she lookin too good to loose...

Ima update with some more pics in a minute, thanks yall for checkin me out.
-Get Mo- :rasta: :smoweed:


Hang in there MO you will get in dialed in in due time. Probably dont matter now but another good idea for cfls's is to use those 4-5 lamp bathroom vanity light fixtures and wire them the same way you would the fan.

I might have missed it but are you using straight coco? If you are i would try using a little chunky perlite cause your mix looks very dense or maybe its just me. Either way keep up the good work and hows the buzz with that hashberry?


Registered Med User
wut up super, yea strait coco, It dont seem to dense though when I water. I just tried the hashberry last night and it was cool, kindof a creeper but it helped with my back and I had a good night sleep. It was more of a relaxing high, not too strong. Not really for heavy smokers though, not to much kick.

Heres some pics, they lookin a lil better since I upped the food dosage..

Here go the strawberry, this is my first re-veg and its goin pretty smoov!

I put the ph up to 5.9 and fed with 2ml a and b, and 10 ml cannazyme, I think they diggin the humidifier too.
In a minute... :rasta:

edit: I dont know if this mighta been part of the differance but since the last water my water has been bubblin:

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the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Hey Get Mo, they do look better for sure. Glad to see it man. What's your current ingoing EC like? Peace.


Registered Med User
good lookin fvk, I didnt check the ec this time but Im guessing about 1.2 or around there cuz When I measured without the cannazyme last time it was about 1.0-1.1, no tellin though if bubblin the water changed it, Ill test it tomarrow when I water again...


Registered Med User
The three leafer had ta go. :badday:
It wadnt doin nuthin but bronzin and dryin out dien, too much a risk for disease, and I found a few thrips on it so I sprayed everything down and put the lil goo ta sleep :violin: . Im just gonna make sure to re-veg the one I got it from...
Check out the root system on the three leafer though, This baby was thriving underneath the soil! Anyone know if them bumps on the beginnin of the roots are healthy?


Shit she was tryin.... :nono: .... oh well.

I just waterred the rest, ph 5.8, ppm 260(might haveta recaliberate, dont sound right) 2.5ml a+b 6ml cannazyme.

This is why Ima re-veg the plant I got the three leaf clone from:



So Ima do all I can ta keep this one alive...